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Kylia Quilor

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Invitations sent. Congratulations to @DarkNetwerkand @Blanket_Thunder for getting in. Commiserations to everyone else. There were quite a few really good apps, and it was hard winnowing everything down. I tried not to get Eilistraeean drow for both slots, or at least, I should say I tried my best to not let my own fondness for Eilistraee decide for me, and I think I did, but in the end - though it was very difficult to narrow things down to two, and a bunch of apps made it past several rounds of elimination.

I really wish I could have said yes to three or four players, instead of two. I was really wowed by a lot, and while it's not that the final cut came down to pure random chance, it is true that I can imagine that things as simple as my own headspace at the time of selection could color my choices. So it was razor thin by the end.

Now, to those who didn't get in, there is a chance you could make it into the game later - this is the 'weave, and attrition is a thing, as is the prospect of just realizing I can handle more players, so don't count on being reached out to, but the possibility does exist. Two of the three players in the existing party were recruitments in the face of attrition, after all, so it does happen.

Thank you very much everyone who applied, and best of luck to everyone. I hope to game with you soon.

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