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Generic Out of Character Discussion

Black Wyvern

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16 hours ago, SCARY WIZARD said:

When I roll for Saving Throws, attacks, or to split ten-foot poles into segments, the Dice screw me without wine or dinner. When I roll to heal someone, or roll for Starting Finances in a 3d6-in-Order? Flawless. Hah!

At least you are flawless sometimes! :)

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sorry about creating a party treasure thread. I did not know we could not make threads if it is in the rules somewhere I missed.

that thread is crazy where did all the extra stuff come from ( they were in other threads)

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Posted (edited)

X I thought I was merging it into your character thread. Instead it merged your character thread into it. I tried to rename it back you your character thread but I can't rename it. Maybe you have to, because you created it.

Anyway, as far as creating threads all over, I am pretty picky about communal areas, especially IC and OOC threads. If everyone starts creating threads whenever they think they need one it become impossible to find things after a while. If you want to track items do it in your Character thread please.

As far as burying, you will have to go back to the bottom of the falls to find a place that isn't solid rock.

Edited by Black Wyvern (see edit history)
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Just so you all have a fair shake at finding things, this is how I handle searching:
"I search the room": I roll a die and no matter what it rolls nothing hidden is found.
"I am going to search the beds": I roll a dice and you have a 1 in 6 chance of finding something hidden in the beds.
"I am removing the bedding and shaking it, cutting open the mattresses and dumping the padding on the floor, then I am looking over the frame and to see if anything looks out of place or if there is a hidden compartment. Then I tap the butt of my spear on the area under the bed to see if there are any hidden hiding places": I don't roll a dice and you automatically find anything hidden in the beds.

Can I say in character that he is searching the room then in OOC tell you what he is searching?

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I prefer anything having to do with direct character actions be IC. I used to have a longer description in the rules but i think it got clipped at some point. So I wanted to share it so we are all on the same page.

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