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Interlude 3: Winter 2947 T.A. - Spring 2948 T.A.


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Music: Happy Yule Festival - LOTR: Rise to War

Bree - Yuletide, 2947 T.A.


Winter and the Yuletide Festival is fast approaching! In preparation, the folk of Bree have begun wearing thick fur cloaks, heavy leather boots, and warming their bellies with cooked food and plenty of ale. The Prancing Pony is as busy as ever, and merriment is in the air. Though this is a joyous season, the ending to the Heatherton's misadventure has put a bit of a sour note on things, especially concerning the Company. Still, they are welcomed in town, and are being recognized as local heroes for their deeds. The ballad of Hayward's Chicken-Thief are sung by the patrons of the Pony with a surprising level of accuracy. It seems their inquisitive nature leads to long memories!

A number of Rangers have even taken to spending time in town, and they look on with weary but amused eyes at the relative ignorance of the very folk they protect. Among them is Dancer, the woman met by the Company during the troll-hunt in the autumn, as well as Eraniel, the young Ranger who the Company helped slay a barrow-wight. Her term of service to Robin Hayward will be coming to an end in the spring, though she seems humbled and wizened by the experience.

Among the local worthies who make their way to the Pony for the festivities are Harry Talltree, the Royal Forester of Archet, who was aided by the Company in driving out a camp of brigands from the Chetwood. He is joined by several of his hunters, including young Tom Appledore, the Bree-lad the Company saved from the brigands' blackmail.

The Company finds that, despite the threat of Gorlanc in the background, very little seems to trouble the Bree-land over the next several months. Perhaps a small wolf pack wanders too close to some livestock, or some stockpiled firewood has turned out to be rotten, but all of these issues are things the Big and Little Folk of Bree have well in hand. Most of Grór's ruffians were either caught by Hallas' Rangers or the Bree-Wardens, and have been imprisoned by each. The Reeve, an elderly man named Twyc Greenleaf, is reluctant to deal out justice until after the festival. This comes as a surprise to some, for as the judge of Bree, he is infamously stern when it comes to the perpetrators of violence or cruelty, despite being lethargic on most other matters. Still, he assures the Company (if any should come see him) that Grór and his gang will get what's coming to them, and until then they shall simply be held in jail.


OOC: Alright folks, the Fellowship Phase has begun! This is a Yule / End of Year Fellowship Phase, meaning certain opportunities you didn't have before are now available.

  • Each hero may choose 1 Undertaking, as normal
  • Additionally, the Company as a whole may collectively choose another Undertaking, if it is listed as "free" in the description and you qualify for it
  • Add 1 to your current age (also, please do so retroactively if you haven't updated your age from the first Fellowship Phase)
  • For marginally interfering with the return of the Shadow, everyone may remove 1 Shadow point for free

You all have roughly 5 months of free time for your characters. This will take us from early winter to late spring. That's plenty of time for your characters to journey to your respective homelands and back again, or wherever you would care to spend the next two seasons.

If anyone would like additional information about wherever your characters wish to spend the Yule Fellowship Phase, feel free to ask. You might just uncover some new NPCs or plot hooks along the way.

At this point, the narrative is now in your hands, so take it away!

@codexgigas @grimlock @Papa Bear @BobtheWizard


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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

With the snow settling in, Galian decides that Bree is as good a place as any to spend this winter. Soon, the roads become impassable and everyone settles into their temporary life of seclusion.

She stays the winter at the Prancing Pony, exchanging some of her new treasure for a small room and food. Although Butterbur knows that his real payment will come in the spring, when Galian will be able to find herbs for healing poultices that she can provide him.

She spends the next few nights with her new friends, vowing to meet up again in the spring to work on solving the problem of Gorlanc that we seem to have created. If any of them want to stay in Bree, she is happy to share a room with them.

She visits often with Harry Talltree, getting a better lay of the surrounding land, but spends much of the winter with Dancer and Eraniel, bonding over their shared love of the forest and knowledge of the surrounding areas. They work on archery together and she is able to combine some of the elven techniques with those of the rangers. She tells the Rangers of the events with Gror and the new enemy Gorlanc, and listens attentively over the winter as they talk of other troubles in the land.




Undertaking: Training for Deadly Archery

Free Undertaking: Gather Rumors (I'm not sure if this would count as the 1 extra above. If so, then I just offer this to the group as an option).


Main Hand: Bow

Off Hand: none

Action: none
Bonus Action: none
Move: none
Manipulate: none



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Amdiran, Son of Amdirgir Dunédain Warden (Counselor) 4

AC: 15/17 | HP: 27/27 | HD: 4/4d8 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Warden's Gift: 3/3 | Discourse 1/1 | Foresight: 1/1
Shadow Points: 3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1

Amdiran finds himself reluctant to petition Twyc Greenleaf to parole Grór to the custody of the Rangers once he realizes the mood in Bree. He is used to hearing whispers whenever he enters the Prancing Pony, but the dark mood around Bree Hill means that there are now open statements about shiftless sorts. The statements remain only that, since it is undeniable that at least one Ranger has done a good turn for the Heathertons.

He enjoys many a pint of the Pony's finest with the other Rangers who pass through, although he never drinks half as much as Orn. He is on cordial terms with Harry Talltree, and he makes a point of congratulating Tom Appledore on his service as one of Harry's hunters.

After a few days, Amdiran looks at his friends. He lights his pipe, enjoying the occasion to enjoy pipeweed in peace. "I think I am not much longer for Bree," he says. "My people are working to establish a refuge near the Shire, and they need aid to do so. It's a comfortable enough place to pass the winter. The weather is mild near the Shire, most days. I would vouch for you, if any would care to join me."

"I will return in the spring," he promises. "We are not rid of this Gorlanc. I fear we have only begun to discover the evil he intends."

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@codexgigas We are now moving on to Stage 2 in the Girdley Island refuge-building. Here, you are "Opening trails allowing for the secret transportation of materials from the Bree-land to the river", which requires a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check. If someone spends their Undertaking to join you, you gain Advantage. I'll even allow you to use one of your Warden's Gifts on yourself, but in doing so you will start the Adventuring Phase without one use of it. Same goes for your Inspiration, since you'd normally regain it for the beginning of the Adventuring Phase.

Additionally, remember that you can call on your Distinctive Trait / Specialty / Hope / Despair to grant yourself additional d4s to add to your roll, assuming they are relevant to what you are doing. It seems like your Despair would work the best for this, as you're intentionally working on a secret project to avoid the Shadow.

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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Amdiran, Son of Amdirgir Dunédain Warden (Counselor) 4

AC: 15/17 | HP: 27/27 | HD: 4/4d8 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Warden's Gift: 2/3 | Discourse 1/1 | Foresight: 1/1
Shadow Points: 3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1

The next morning, Amdiran departs for Girdley Island, thankfully with Galian for company. After he reaches the hidden enclave, he has an easy time vouching for the elf. The Dunedain of the North maintain friendly relationships with the elves of Lindon and Rivendell, and easily accept one of their kin from Mirkwood. Hallas explains the work which needs to be done to allow the flow of supplies to the fledgling settlement. Amdiran begins the slow process of scouting for ways that will escape the Shadow's watchful eyes. His long wanderings serve him well here. Since he avenged his father's death, he knows that the Shadow has marked him out as a foe. He knows how to go to ground and disguise his tracks to escape pursuing enemies. Even still, it is a close thing at times, and even the stalwart Ranger feels his hope begin to flag. It is then that he draws on the inner reserves he is used to encouraging others to tap into. If Beren did not falter in Nan Gungortheb or in the Ered Gorgoroth, then Amdiran, son of Amdirgir, would not falter here.The process takes weeks, much longer than he expected it would. Luckily, with Galian's assistance, the process is more tedious than strenuous.

Unfortunately, soon after his report, he falls ill with another fever. This is a passing sickness, more annoyance than anything else, so unlike the dreadful fever which sapped his strength as a child. But it brings back the old nightmares of flames and burning. This time, he sees Girdley Island painted red with fire. Through the smoke, his dreams repeatedly show the figure of a raven. He awakens again and again in cold sweat. Even when the fever passes, the dreams remain. He finds himself worried, as the old nightmares had not returned since he met his companions. He had hoped they were gone for good.

While he recuperates, Amdiran asks for news of Hiraval, son of Hirgeleb. Girdley Island's needs seem more pressing this season, but Amdiran is troubled by his failure to make more effort to return the bracer to its owner. How the Old Troll came by it, he does not know, but he imagines that it was through some fell mischief. He wishes he had already set the mischief to rights.


Edited by codexgigas (see edit history)
8; 2
1d20+4; 1d4 [4]; [4,2]
Warden's Gift
1d6 6
Survival (advantage)
1d20+4 11
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image.jpeg.73940120db5f4a4029590082d07a0a45.jpegOrn, Son of Thain


#3 HP: 32 / 32          AC: 20 (16)           Second Wind: Yes          Action Surge: Yes    Shadow: 2       Character Sheet

Orn wants to be helpful but what he really does is spends a lot of money in the Pony and around town. He's not a stupid dwarf, but he's also not all that interested in undertakings that don't involve the risk of violence... at least not at this time. He's felt betrayed by Gror, though, even he has to admit that there was no reason he should have trusted the dwarf before and only because the dwarf had approached him when Orn was in his cups. A part of Orn wanted to clobber the salty dwarf but knew it was probably much worse for Gror knowing his master was coming for him. It seemed a fitting punishment for the slime-ball.

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Léofwyn (Rohirrim Knight level 3)

AC: 17/18* | HP: 29/29 (-) | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 15 | Insight: 11 | Speed: 30 ft
Inspiration: 1Shadow: 4 |Action Surge: 1 | Second Wind: 1 | Mark of Honor: 1/1 | Sworn Defender: -

Broad Sword | Spear | Short Bow | Dagger 

Aelfric (Horse, Large) | AC: 12 | HP: 29/29 Speed: 60ft | Passive Perception: 10 Hooves Trained Mount


Léofwyn was quite happy to be back in Bree. The bitter cold of the wilds was melted away by the hearty ale and warm hearth at the Prancing Pony. She spent the first few evenings enjoying the company of her companions and catching up on with old acquaintances. It was good to be back in civilization, yet she felt that her heart yearned to return to her homeland. She decided that she would travel back with next caravan of traders and merchants. They would be making a last-minute return before the deepest of winter set in.

However, she needed to make some preparations before departing. She visited many of the other Rohrirrim in town, gathering news and packages to bring back to Rohan. She also organized a small party of caravan guards to accompany them. Her enthusiasm for a return to Rohan was briefly interrupted by a chance run-in with Bregil.

The handsome man of Dol-Amroth greeted her warmly and she flushed with embarrassment. The last time they had spent together was before the journey to the Black Barrow and she felt guilty for not seeking him out upon her return to Bree. Bregil was naturally intrigued by the tales and rumors floating about the town however he knew that was not the whole truth. Wishing for a bit of privacy they spent the evening with a meal at one of the smaller, lesser-known establishments in Bree. She took the better part of the time retelling the journey from the Forsaken Inn to the Seeing Chair then the Black Barrow and Gror's treachery. He listened intently while taking quick notes and asking further questions, most of which she could not answer. Léofwyn also produced the small ring she had found in the barrow, Bregil took great interest in the object and studied it intently. Sensing his excitement, Léofwyn offered to let him keep it for study until her return. She still found him charming despite his rather bureaucratic approach to the whole thing.

The following morning Léofwyn paid a visit Flòri, a dwarf craftsman she had met at the Pony. He had been traveling west to the Blue Mountains and decided to spend the winter in Bree. She asked the dwarf if she could commission a sword before his return from Baraz-dûm. He readily agreed and she gave him a sizeable sum of coin as a downpayment.

With her business in Bree concluded, Léofwyn rode east to Rohan.


Léofwyn is looking to purchase a Dwarven made broadsword from Flòri. She will give him 4 gold as a down payment and pay the remaining balance upon her return in the spring. (I marked the total cost on her sheet already)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Music: Happy Yule Festival - LOTR: Rise to War

Breeland - Yuletide, 2947 T.A.


Amdiran and Galian found winter in the north fields of Breeland to be a calm and cool experience. Snow gently blankets the rolling plains and scattered trees, and while finding secret paths between Bree and Girdley Island was no easy feat, the land was relatively peaceful. In the late evenings, while they sat huddled around a fire or rested in their tents, the occasional snowfall, gentle breezes, and curious wildlife were all that ever truly troubled them. Gorlanc may be a threat, but the land of the Free Peoples was still beautiful to behold.

rFKRZAUcpQdDd36r91rh--1--9hutb.webp.64bcba89344f3acd9d74076d5bac518f.webpAs winter passed into spring, and with it Amdiran's fever, both he and Galian met several well-traveled Rangers at Girdley Island to speak with. Among them was Mallor, also known as Tarry-Mack in Bree. He was the foul-faced man the Company met in the Forsaken Inn some weeks ago. Though not the most pleasant sort to speak with, he did share that Hiraval, son of Hirgeleb, had traveled east to the Angle, south of the Trollshaws, for Yule. Whether he intended to return westward in the following seasons remained to be seen, but considering his interest in the Arnorian ruins dotting the Weather Hills, the chances are decent. However, he also disclosed something most peculiar with the two companions, swayed by Amdiran's kind words.

"Rarely do I place my trust in dreams," he began, "but the night before last, I saw something that I cannot forget. I stood upon the crown of Weathertop, gazing across the Lone-Lands, when my eye was drawn eastward. Down the road approached a strange herd. Among them was a restless bear, an aged crow, a romping elk, four weary boars, a black wolf, and a gray wolfhound. Seven shining stars were hidden by the herd. Over them hung a dark cloud, and within that cloud was a shrieking wind.

"Now, I've no sense of what this dream is, or what it could mean, but I say to you: the dread I felt upon awakening made me think I had one foot in the grave. Call me mad if you must, but I intend to venture east of the Forsaken Inn until I learn its meeting. I will send word if I uncover anything of interest."

There are other rumors to be heard as well, though whether any are useful depends on what specifically the companions are looking for.



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Galian Elethor (Mirkwood Elf Wanderer 3) sheet appspacer.png

AC: 16 | HP: 28/28 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 14 (16 in wilderness) | Features

Galian enjoys the calm of winter, but longs for spring so she can gather more herbs and plants. By the end of winter, she feels a little claustrophobic in Bree and longs to spend more time outdoors without freezing. During her short trips into the snow with Amdiran, she tries to find if any of the Rangers have information on our new enemy, Gorlanc.




Undertaking: Help Amdiran

Free Undertaking: Gather Rumors


Main Hand: Bow

Off Hand: none

Action: none
Bonus Action: none
Move: none
Manipulate: none



Gorlanc, shadow chasing Gror.

Mallor, also known as Tarry-Mack in Bree, dream "a restless bear, an aged crow, a romping elk, four weary boars, a black wolf, and a gray wolfhound. Seven shining stars were hidden by the herd. Over them hung a dark cloud, and within that cloud was a shrieking wind."

As Galian seeks for further rumors about Gorlanc, she learns something concerning: there has been a marked rise in banditry across Bree-Land. The Chetwood has once again become a safe haven for them, but they are acting with a surprising amount of coordination. Bree-Wardens who try pursing them are swiftly deterred by hidden archers, while Rangers who prowl the woodlands often notice patrols. Even Harry Talltree, renowned bandit-hunter, has been put to the test with driving them away from Archet. Fortunately, the Rangers do know of a few points of interest that may be worth investigating.

The first is the Thieves' Glen, a little coppice of woods near the southern entrance to the Combe valley. It's known as an ideal spot for ambushing travelers on the road to Bree, and has from time to time also been a place to hide or stash stolen goods. While no bandit attacks have been reported so close to Bree in years, it's possible that Gorlanc's men have grown so bold as to use it once more. It would be wise to seek out Oswald Breeker, a miserably reclusive yet remarkably wealthy man, for information and assistance.

Another point of interest is the Wood-castle, a spot between Archet and the East Road where a knoll of rough stone rises suddenly out of the forest. The folk of Bree recognize it as a naturally defensible place, where an archer could command the forest as far south as the Road, and three warriors could hold the heights against a thousand. While the folk of Archet have kept a close watch, it is possible that a particularly talented sneak may have set up camp there to observe the comings and goings around Bree. For help with investigation, Harry Talltree should be sought for first.

The last point of interest is the High House, the old ruins of a small castle near the end of Combe valley, about halfway between Combe and Archet. While mostly used by shepherds to protect their sheep during winter or heavy rainstorms, it has been used by brigands in the past as a makeshift stronghold. If Gorlanc's men were to visit there, they could use it as a staging ground for their highway robbery, or worse, a potential raid of the villages. The Bree-Wardens are used to handling the occasional gang of ruffians that trespass there, though none have been nearly as active in recent years as Tad Tillfield. He should be visited before the Company investigates, as he may prove the most useful for insight and support.




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Amdiran, Son of Amdirgir Dunédain Warden (Counselor) 4

AC: 15/17 | HP: 27/27 | HD: 4/4d8 | Initiative: +4 | Passive Perception: 17 | Warden's Gift: 3/3 | Discourse 1/1 | Foresight: 1/1
Shadow Points: 3 | DM Inspiration: 1/1

Amdiran's recuperation takes longer than expected, but he mends in the relatively safety of Girdley Island. When Mallor shares his strange dream, the other Ranger frowns. What could this dream mean? he wonders. "What a strange dream," he says aloud. "I mislike the feeling you awoke with after. I fear what this shrieking wind might portend. What do you remember of the stars? The fact that there were seven makes me think of Elendil. There is the old rhyme which says, Tall ships and tall kings, Three times three, What brought they from the foundered land over the flowing sea? Seven stars and seven stones and one white tree. Elendil's banner bore seven stars upon it. Do you think they are connected?"

After his conversation with Mallor, Amdiran seeks the counsel of his kindred gathered in Girdley Island. The dream troubles him, and he wishes to learn all he can about what it might mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Music: Happy Yule Festival - LOTR: Rise to War

Breeland - Yuletide, 2947 T.A.

rFKRZAUcpQdDd36r91rh--1--9hutb.webp.64bcba89344f3acd9d74076d5bac518f.webp"I think not. I only suspect that the stars, whatever they be, were being hidden," Tarry-Mack replied to Fletcher. "The herd did not want them to be found, though not all of the beasts seemed to even know the stars were among them. If ye wish to ponder the meaning of such things, have at it. For me, it is enough to know something fell comes hither from the East."

Fletcher's additional counsel concerning the dream is inconclusive. Some agree that it is the stars of Elendil, meaning that Elendil's heir shall come forth from the East. But Arathorn died years ago, and while it is known he had a son with Gilraen, it's unknown where the child is, or whether he still lives. Gilraen herself has mostly dwelt in Rivendell, but in the wake of her husband's death, she has been the de facto leader of the Rangers. She never speaks of her son with anyone, even those who would be considered close to her.

But others discern different meanings. A bear being among the herd may mean one of Beorn's kin will travel from Wilderland. A crow, of course, is a black bird that matches Gorlanc's signature, so maybe he is traveling in disguise? A romping elk may either mean just a young person, or someone associated with elks, like an Elf of Mirkwood. The boars could be anything, but since there's four of them, they're likely all bound to be of the same ilk. A wolf and a wolfhound traveling together is most unusual, but perhaps it could mean two alike things are, in truth, different beneath the surface. Thoughts of a wolfhound also brings to mind Fletcher's former traveling companion, Fallfyre. What roads does she wonder now?

Of course, all of this is just speculation. The truth of the matter will likely be revealed in time, once Tarry-Mack sends word.

While Fletcher ponders this, he is approached at one point by Hallas, who asks, "Fletcher, do you still have that strange tablet from the barrow? What have you learned of it? Have you visited the Schoolmistress about these matters?"

As Galian seeks for further rumors about Gorlanc, she learns something concerning: there has been a marked rise in banditry across Bree-Land. The Chetwood has once again become a safe haven for them, but they are acting with a surprising amount of coordination. Bree-Wardens who try pursing them are swiftly deterred by hidden archers, while Rangers who prowl the woodlands often notice patrols. Even Harry Talltree, renowned bandit-hunter, has been put to the test with driving them away from Archet. Fortunately, the Rangers do know of a few points of interest that may be worth investigating.

The first is the Thieves' Glen, a little coppice of woods near the southern entrance to the Combe valley. It's known as an ideal spot for ambushing travelers on the road to Bree, and has from time to time also been a place to hide or stash stolen goods. While no bandit attacks have been reported so close to Bree in years, it's possible that Gorlanc's men have grown so bold as to use it once more. It would be wise to seek out Oswald Breeker, a miserably reclusive yet remarkably wealthy man, for information and assistance.

Another point of interest is the Wood-castle, a spot between Archet and the East Road where a knoll of rough stone rises suddenly out of the forest. The folk of Bree recognize it as a naturally defensible place, where an archer could command the forest as far south as the Road, and three warriors could hold the heights against a thousand. While the folk of Archet have kept a close watch, it is possible that a particularly talented sneak may have set up camp there to observe the comings and goings around Bree. For help with investigation, Harry Talltree should be sought for first.

The last point of interest is the High House, the old ruins of a small castle near the end of Combe valley, about halfway between Combe and Archet. While mostly used by shepherds to protect their sheep during winter or heavy rainstorms, it has been used by brigands in the past as a makeshift stronghold. If Gorlanc's men were to visit there, they could use it as a staging ground for their highway robbery, or worse, a potential raid of the villages. The Bree-Wardens are used to handling the occasional gang of ruffians that trespass there, though none have been nearly as active in recent years as Tad Tillfield. He should be visited before the Company investigates, as he may prove the most useful for insight and support.


OOC: A lot of information here! I did my best to highlight all the important things, as these will serve as your clues for the next Adventuring phase, which will be more open-ended / sandbox.

@codexgigas @BobtheWizard


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Music: Happy Yule Festival - LOTR: Rise to War

Bree-land - Yuletide, 2947 T.A.

e81f1c74c43a7a480030cbf6c418648a-3936536441.jpg.a892394205746dd4075c218a066eb6fd.jpgAs friends depart and celebrations dwindle, Orn remained in town, enjoying time among the folk he fought to protect. Several of the Bree-Men he drank with had placed wagers for whether he would actually manage to empty old Butterbur's inventory of ale before he could finish brewing more. While the Heathertons were scarcely seen, Orn was keenly aware that no longer was Tomas' name spoken with suspicion. Now, his was a name that traveled with pity.

While he deeply pondered such things, the dwarf to the Pony opened once more. In walked a group of heavy footsteps, belonging to a company of five snow-coated dwarves. They removed the long hoods from their heads one after the other, revealing russet-haired travelers. To any other patron, they were just that, traveling dwarves. But to Orn, he recognized them immediately as Firebeards, one of the three clans of his kin who dwelt in the Blue Mountains.

At their head is someone who Orn would recognize from his last visit with his relatives: Svior, chief commander of Baraz-dum's warriors. His sister Sigrún is the ruler of Baraz-dum, making him second-in-command. His reputation is well known among Durin's Folk, for he was a close friend of Thorin Oakenshield when he and the Longbeards lived in the Blue Mountains. He nearly joined Thorin's Company, but was forbidden from doing so by command of his sister. Thus, he elected three volunteers to travel in recompense: Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur.

"Ahhh, free from the cold at last!" he declared, shaking his beard free of snow. The glint of a battleaxe shone beneath his long brown cloak. "Warm fire, malt beer, and, if Butterbur's as true as always, red meat on the bone." With a hearty laugh, he padded his belly with two stocky hands before stepping towards an open table.

As the other dwarves entered and removed their hoods, one among them also caught Orn's eye: Thorum, his uncle! While none of the dwarves seemed to notice their kinsman initially, as fate would have it, one empty seat was left at their table.


OOC: Apologies for the delay, friend! In case it wasn't made clear, Svior is your potential patron.

@Papa Bear


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image.jpeg.73940120db5f4a4029590082d07a0a45.jpegOrn, Son of Thain


#3 HP: 32 / 32          AC: 20 (16)           Second Wind: Yes          Action Surge: Yes    Shadow: 2       Character Sheet

Orn is overjoyed to see the Firebeards. It is not often that he gets to see his kinfolk out in the rest of the world ('Rest of the world' being places that were not Khazâd ruled) and certainly not one that he recognized. Gror was kinfolk, but Gror turned out to be a bad apple that nearly gotten him killed. Orn would have been tempted to mistrust the dwarves, at least a little except that he did indeed recognize Svior and, well, he was already half drunk... which made him quite a bit more gregarious.

"Svior, unless my eyes deceive me!" Orn calls out, standing up from his chair (which did little to alter his height from the tall chairs of the bree-folk). "I am Orn, son of Thain of Erabor. Come, let me buy weary travelers a cup of warmth to mead yer bellies." Orn spoke in the common tongue, as was the Khazâd way around anyone else. Their language was a closely guarded secret, after all. Very few outside of the race of dwarves knew even one word despite most having seen at least one Khazdul rune at some point in their life.

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Music: Happy Yule Festival - LOTR: Rise to War

Bree-land - Yuletide, 2947 T.A.

e81f1c74c43a7a480030cbf6c418648a-3936536441.jpg.a892394205746dd4075c218a066eb6fd.jpgA warm smile crossed Svior's face as Orn made his offer. "Well met, Orn son of Thain! Your generosity is most welcome. Come, join us!"

Indeed, even as Orn paid Barnabas for the drinks, another of Svior's company waved him over. "Orn, my lad! It's been too long." Rising from the table, the older dwarf approached him with a mirthful laugh and broad smile. It was his uncle, Thorum, from the Blue Mountains! Then, in traditional Dwarvish fashion, he clasped him on the shoulders and butted heads with him! Catching the already tipsy adventurer, Thorum lead Orn back to their table and sat him down in the seat next to his own. The other dwarves present, each seasoned warriors in their own right, hailed him in turn. Based on the quality of their armor, these seemed to be Svior's personal guard.

"Captain, this is Orn, my brother's son. He's proven himself a most fearsome warrior, if the tales he brought last he visited are to be believed. Tell me, is it true you faced down the Dead that walk again, in this very land no less?"


OOC: -

@Papa Bear


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image.jpeg.73940120db5f4a4029590082d07a0a45.jpegOrn, Son of Thain


#3 HP: 32 / 32          AC: 20 (16)           Second Wind: Yes          Action Surge: Yes    Shadow: 2       Character Sheet

Orn hugs his uncle fiercely. "Uncle, it is good to see you again." With his uncle on his arm, he is led to where Svior awaits. Orn grins widely at the flattering introduction. "Aye, I did. But not alone. The others called it a Wight. But I did not know what that was and mistook them for calling it by the color that sounds the same." Orn says, sheepishly, hoping for a chuckle. "I did not believe such things existed 'afore that."

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