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Iphigenia Ines, aspiring captain


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Name: Iphigenia Ines; Race: Human; Class: Expert 3; Alignment: Neutral Good; Background: Sailor


STR: 7 (-1); DEX: 12; CON: 10; INT: 14 (+1); WIS: 9; CHA: 11


Atk: +1; AC: 12; HP: 11; Wounds: NA; HD: 3; XP: 21; Movement 30

Saving Throws

Physical: 13; Evasion: 12; Mental: 13; Luck: 13


Convince 1; Exert 1; Know 1; Lead 0; Notice 0; Sail 1; Stab 0


Specialist 2 (Convince); Well Met 1


Gentry Wayfarer equipment package; Maliente crossbow & bolts; Maliente armor (same as padded I think)


She is well-mannered and well-spoken, both indicative of an educated upbringing. Though she is kind at heart, she has also learnt to be wary, and does not wear it on her sleeve. She typically adopts the mannerisms and attitudes of those about her, to avoid unwanted attention, and only confides in trusted friends.

The politics of Southland have not suceeded in making her entirely cynical about people, though she often maintains a healthy dose of skepticism with respect to the dealings of the powerful. When it comes to her own naval rank, such as it is, she does not make much of it: she freely mingles with the other sailors, and goes about her tasks as they do theirs, and tries to derive what authority she has on the vessel from a sense of carmaraderie first and foremost.


Iphigenia is a scion of the Ines clan, a noble house with significant holdings and power in Southland. That ancestry alone should be sufficient claim to fame. Unfortunately, the family patriarch is a harsh and tight-fisted man with many offspring, some legitimate and many not. Sibling rivalry is ruthless competition in their tradition, though it is more prominent amongst the male progenies. Regardless of gender, all heirs are viewed as useful but expendable assets by their elders. After all, trimming the family tree is desired when there are so many branches.

She has her house to thank for a privileged childhood and a good education, but that is all. Content to fade to a less prominent role, she was a quiet child, but not an idle one. Above all, she watched the schemes and struggles of her house, and she quickly grew both cynical and discontent. When she came of age, she eagerly volunteered to join the nation's ever-hungry fleet, handily convincing her elders to allow this. Amused, they permitted it, thinking that she would quickly regret it and return. Yet that never happened.

That was not long ago, and she still holds the lowly rank of midshipman, which is just about the lowest one of her lineage can expect. Still, she is at peace on the sea, and content to start from the bottom. The Philadelphia is a beautiful vessel, and the furthest she can be from the long reach of her clan and its schemes, whether petty or grand, the better...


She is still young and presentable, and tries to keep up such appearances: after all, a clean and well-ironed coat can be a sign of discipline and authority. But she does not go out of her way to maintain it: appearances matter, yes, but other things, such as keeping a ship in good shape, are more important.

Her manner of speech can differ depending on whom she addresses: she moves in two words, and can imitate the mannerisms of both lowly sailors and pompous nobility, and is comfortable with speaking either language.


Book Keeping

Skills at level 1:

Sail: 0 (Background)

Exert: 1 (growth 1/learning rolls)

Know: 0 (growth 2 roll)

Extra skill: Notice 0

Lead 0 (from Authority 1)

Skill upgrades:

8 Skill points from level 3 expert:

Convince 0 (1 pt);

Stab 0 (1 pt);

Lead 0 -> 1 (2 pts);

Sail 0 -> 1 (2 pts);

Know 0 -> 1 (2 pts)

Art credit: embermarke

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  • 5 months later...

Re-adjusting Iphigenia's mechanics after Book 2, Chapter 4 (Homeward Bound):


Skills at level 1:

Sail: 0 (Background)

Exert: 1 (growth 1/learning rolls)

Know: 0 (growth 2 roll)

Extra skill: Notice 0

Lead 0 (from Authority 1)

Convince 0 (From Specialist 1 (Convince)

Skill upgrades:

8 Skill points from level 3 expert:

Convince Lead 0 (1 pt);

Stab 0 (1 pt);

Lead Convince 0 -> 1 (2 pts);

Sail 0 -> 1 (2 pts);

Know 0 -> 1 (2 pts)


Specialist 2 (Convince), Well met (1)

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