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Dazia of The One Tribe


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Dazia of The One Tribe
Jinnborn, Sorceress
Gender: Female
Race: Jinnborn, Speaker, Aquan
Alignment: Chaotic good
Class: Sorceress 1
Background: Bohemian (custom) 
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 9
Passive Insight: 12
Hit Points: 8
Hit Dice: 1d6
AC: 12 (15 with mage armor)
Initiative: +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet


"I want to see the world as it is, not as I have been told."



Proficiency Bonus: +2














Save +0 Save +2 Save +4 Save -1 Save +2 Save +4

Animal Handling +4

Insight +4

Survival +4

Deception +4

Gossip +4

Persuasion +4

Performance +4

(E) denotes expertise. / Bold denotes proficiency.



Flute, Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light crossbows


Common (racial), Aquan (racial), Auran (from Windspeaker), Ignan (from Windspeaker), Terran (from Bohemian)



  • Power from the spirits of wind, stone, flame, and sea
  • Can sense the direction and distance to the nearest nature spirit within 5 miles and starting attitude improves by one step

Elemental Devotion

When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you can immediately use a bonus action to enter a devotion or change your current devotion.

A devotion lasts for 1 minute or until you choose to end it.

  • Air. While you are in devotion to Air, your walking speed increases by 10 feet and you can Disengage as a bonus action. When a creature you can see moves adjacent to you, you can use your reaction and end your devotion to make a melee spell attack against it. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 thunder damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you.
  • Earth. While you are in devotion to Earth, your AC can’t be less than 17, and you have advantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. When you take damage, you can use your reaction and end your devotion to gain 1d6 temporary hit points.
  • Fire. While you are in devotion to Fire, once per turn when you deal damage, you can deal an additional 1d6 fire damage to one creature that you damaged on this turn. When you take damage, you can use your reaction and end your devotion to deal fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier to creatures of your choice within 5 feet.
  • Water. While you are in devotion to Water, you can Dodge as a bonus action, and attempts to grapple or shove you have disadvantage. When a creature misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to end your devotion and force the triggering creature to make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone


  • Constitution +2
  • Darkvision
    • Dim light within 60 feet as though it were bright light, darkness as if it were dim light
    • Can’t discern color in darkness
  • Desert dependent
    • Once each year, must spend 8 hours meditating in a desert (or other warm, arid environment)
  • Persuasion skill
  • Siraati: Aquan (predominant with touches of others)
  • Speaker subrace:
    • Wisdom +1
    • Favor of the Jinn: Can call upon your jinn patron to...
      • gain advantage on a saving throw or ability check or disadvantage on an attack roll against you
      • must decide to use this ability before the d20 roll
      • use the number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier
      • will regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest
    • Walker: Advantage on...
      • saving throws against being stunned
      • effects of extreme environments
      • ability checks made to navigate the wilderness




Stabbing knife +2 1d4+2  



Spell Slots: 2/2 (1st)

Spell Save DC: 12 Spell Attack Mod: +4 Spells Known: 2


fire bolt


poison spray

ray of frost


expeditious retreat (B, C)

mage armor


(C) Denotes concentration. / (R) Denotes reaction spell. / (B) Denotes bonus action spell / (Ri) Denotes can cast ritually



Copper: 0 Silver: 10 Gold: 38 Obsidian: 0 Platinum: 0

(48 Coins * .02 lbs. =  0.96 lbs. Total Weight)


Encumbrance, heaviness, load, mass, sinker, stowage, weight icon - Download  on IconfinderENCUMBRANCE

Weight: 32 lbs. / 150 lbs. max. (15 x STR Score)
Status: Unencumbered
Penalty: None



Equipped Items:

Equipped items can be retrieved with a manipulate item interaction.

ARMOR (4 lbs.) WEAPONS (1 lbs.) READIED ITEMS (1 lb)

Traveler's Clothes (2gp) - 4 lbs.

  • As depicted with large hooded sand coloured cloak



Stabbing knife - 1 lb

Arcane focus (crystal - opal, wrapped with leather strip hanging from her belt but can be tucked into pocket) - 1 lb.



education_icons_IF-06-512.pngEQUIPMENT STORED

Stored Items: (25 lbs.)

Stored items can be retrieved with an action.

IN BACKPACK (9 lbs.) STRAPPED TO BACKPACK (16 lbs.) AT HOME (0 lbs.)

Backpack - 5 lbs.

Mess kit - 1 lb.

Tinderbox - 1 lb.

Torches (5) - ?

Rations (10) - 2 lbs.



A fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment (A scrap of Feltu's music, see background)


Waterskin - 5 lbs.

Bedroll & Blanket - 10 lbs.

Flute - 1lb

Home is N/A


Item_necklace_9.pngMAGIC ITEMS

Magic Items: (0 lbs.)





Age: 19 Height: 5' Weight: 109 lbs.
Hair: White Eyes: Dark Purple (with elemental sparks) Complexion: Pale Teal

A figure was walking along the bank of a wide river. A flowing cloak, the colour of the sand at her feet, hid most of her features. The figure paused to look at the river and then the sky. Dazia was not lost, she couldn't imagine feeling lost with such a river in sight, but she respected the sky and knew it held secrets that she needed to at least try to pay attention to.


It was her favourite time of day, the hour before dawn and she spun down into the sand to rest a moment. She pulled down the hood of her cloak revealing a mass of white hair. It cascaded down her back in teasing waves and contrasted strongly with her light teal skin and remarkable purple eyes that held flecks of other shifting colours. Dazia flipped off her golden sandals and pouted at the sight of her aching feet. The city was farther than she'd thought.


She dipped her feet in the river, then wiggled her wet toes into the sand. She wouldn't move until her feet had completely dried. With a single finger, she traced an image in the sand. It was a face, the face of a Basteti. She smiled a moment, lost in a memory, then gave her head a shake. She erased her simple drawing with an impatient swipe of a sandal, then lay back in the sand to focus on the dark sky. 


Was it better before him? I was content. I was happy. Happy... and ignorant. A blissful, oblivious child.

She looked downriver. The water would lead her to the city he was from. I can't forget... the river only flows in one direction. I will follow it.




Custom: Bohemian (swapping feature with "Touched by the Sea")

Personality Traits:

Whatever must be done, I am game, I can't turn back now.


Curiosity. My wanderlust is fed by my need to know what the world is truly like.


My grandparents did something that goes against my convictions.


I have a hard time trusting people, actions speak, words don't.

Background Feature:

You may hold your breath twice as long as other characters. For purposes of determining whether you have disadvantage on underwater attack rolls, you are considered to have a swim speed.



Dazia's tribe had long history of traveling in silken caravans along the waterways of the desert. Tracing the life veins of the arid land from stream to river to oasis, at the whim of weather and will, they travelled back and forth in glorious tents of bright colors with teams of servants and animals to support them.

By tradition, the caravan was ruled by the elders. However, in the time of Dazia's great-grandparents, the tribe's leadership grew prideful and grasping. To achieve the power they believed due them, they sought to bring the powers of all Jinnborn races into the Aquan tribe. Through strategic courtship, arrangement, coercion and force other Jinnborn races were brought into the tribe to bear children with the Aquan. They would become, the "One Tribe".


Dazia's grandmother, Kayala of water and fire, had a son with a Jinnborn of water and earth. This son bore a child with a Jinnborn of water and air. That child... was Dazia. She was one of the first Jinnborn in the tribe that had visual traces of each bloodline. From birth, Dazia and the other children were told they were special, that they were better. They were lifted up and prized. Their whims were met and encouraged. For a child, it was idyllic. Carefree days of play with few demands were typical, but also... there were few "real" experiences. Dazia was provided with whatever game or food or pet or... possibility that she could think of. But, with little education or exposure beyond desert horizons, rivers and silken walls, what would she even think to ask for?


Among the servants that supported the tribe, there were some entertainers and as a young woman, Dazia fell enamored with a Basteti muscian named Feltu. She asked her parents for lessons from him in order to fuel her interest. Of course they were provided, and he taught her how to sing a bit and play the flute. Feltu was very kind to Dazia and her feelings deepened. She loved him, or at least thought she did. And for a while, for the happiest days of her life, he seemed to love her too.


And then, one day, he revealed the truth. He told her that her grandmother was paying him to... amuse her. The deception had been weighing heavily on him and he could no longer participate in it. Dazia was entirely blind-sided by the revelation. She ran to her parents, confused, embarrassed and heartbroken. In turn, they told Kayala and Feltu disappeared shortly after. Dazia knows he was killed for defying Kayala's command and ruining Dazia's beloved vision of her home.


From that day, Dazia found little pleasure in the silken tents. She was now convinced that behind its florid walls lived a group of leaders willing to construct any kind of fantasy to keep blinders on its people in order to control them and breed a more powerful race of Jinnborn.


As soon as she could, Dazia left the tribe on the pretense of taking a solitary walkabout. Her family was almost happy to see her go, given her soured disposition. However, they think she will wander the desert on her own for a while and then come home, as water seeking the low point.


If they knew she was on her way to the city, to see what the world really is and to find Feltu's family and try to make some reparations or at least tell them about their son... they would not have let her leave so easily.


Edited by ariel
Spelling mistake (see edit history)
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Dazia - Jinnborn Sorceress spacer.png

AC: 12 (15 with mage armor) | HP: 8/8 | Initiative: +2 | Passive Perception: 12 | Spell Slots: 1st 2/2 | Favors: 2/2


Post goes here.


thoughts in color and italics




Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Arcane focus

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.

Edited by ariel (see edit history)
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I have marked Dazia completed.


The only thing I see right off is the encumbrance max carry should be 150 lbs (15 x STR Score)

Other than that, I think you are good to go.


Good luck with final selection.

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