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Veleden Marchand, Hunter of Wicked Things

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Veleden Marchand

Former Bandit, now Hellknight-trained to Hunt Wicked Things

Character Sheet



Level: 1
Class: Thaumaturge
Archetype: TBDProbably Fighter, but if selected I'll see what the party balance looks like and try to shore up any weaknesses we might have.
Background: Local Brigand
Deity: Erastil
Alignment: Neutral Good

Height: 5'9"
Weight: xxx
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Red

Race: Skilled Human
Gender: Female
Age: 33

Ability | Modifier
STR: 16 | +3
DEX: 12 | +1
CON: 12 | +1
INT: 10 | +0
WIS: 12 | +1
CHA: 16 | +3

Hit Points: 17
Armor Class: 17
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 ft

Perception: +6 ◆◆
Fort Save: +6 ◆◆
Ref Save: +4 ◆
Will Save: +6 ◆◆






Exploit Vulnerability

Implement (Weapon)

Implement's Interruption



Skill Feats Class Feats Ancestry & General Feats

Dubious Knowledge

Group Coercion


Scroll Thaumaturgy

Diverse Lore


Natural Ambition


Trained: ◆ | Expert: ◆◆ | Master: ◆◆◆ | Legendary: ◆◆◆◆

Acrobatics: +1 ◆
Arcana: +3 ◆ 
Athletics: +6 ◆ 
Crafting: +0
Deception: +3

Diplomacy: +6 ◆ 
Intimidation: +6 ◆ 
Lore (Banditry): +3◆
Lore (Esoteric): +6 ◆ Medicine: +1
Nature: +4 ◆
Occultism: +3 ◆

Performance: +3
Religion: +4 ◆
Society: +3 ◆
Stealth: +3
Survival: +4 ◆
Thievery: +3




Bastard Sword, Two-Hand d12 ◆, +6, 1d8+3 S

Dagger, Agile, Finesse, Versatile S, ◆, +6, 1d4+3 P

Whip, Disarm, Finesse, Reach, Nonlethal,Trip ◆, +6, 1d4+3 S

Harpoon, Tethered, Thrown 30ft, ◆ +6, 1d8+3 P


Platinum Gold   Silver Copper
0 2   6 9

Weapons & Armor

Hide Armor, Bastard Sword, Dagger, Whip, Harpoon

Adventuring Gear

Worn Stowed

Backpack, Dueling Cape, Explorer's Outfit


Bedroll, Chalk (x10), Flint & Steel, Rations (2 wks), Rope, Soap, 5 Torches (5), Waterskin, Marked Playing Cards, Mug, Wooden Holy Symbol (Erastil), Pup Tent, Writing Set, Compass, Grappling Hook, Caltrops





Current Bulk: 5 Encumbered: 8 Maximum:  13
Edited by Dan The Diceman (see edit history)
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In Her Own Words

The Early Years - River Kingdoms and Stolen Lands

First rule of surviving in Daggermark? Don't cross the Assassins' Guild. They don't take kindly to challenges. Anyone who does, they're dead. End of story. Doesn't matter how protected you are, or your standing in society - commoner, noble...

Their students.

They're open to everyone, regardless of how much coin is in their pockets. Even orphans, like me, dirty kids who barely remembered their parents but had little good to say about them. As long as you're willing to kill, and to kill their way, and to work at the art of the kill until you excel, until you're a Master Assassin... they'll teach you. But they'll kill you just the same, if you ruin the lesson plan. Unless the money's good, of course. And it was! Gralton regularly overflows with those fleeing Galt's latest "revolution" - typically they're scared, they've got an eye over their shoulder, and their pockets are stuffed with whatever riches they could stuff in a wagon. They see Gralton and see a safe haven. The people of Gralton, though? They see easy marks.

And so did I. My first assassination target from the Guild - a very fat and paranoid noble merchant who was cooling his heels and keeping an eye out for any Grey Gardeners who might've followed him downriver. He wasn't expecting a slip of a young woman, batting her lashes and tucking her hair 'hind her ear... not until he felt the stiletto at his neck. Ah, but the MONEY he showed me to spare his life? Gods, it was a lot.

Not enough, though. If it was enough, it would've bought me quick passage on the first ship across the ocean to Parts Unknown. Or failing that, tall walls, lots of guards with steely swords, and a life of ease... if a nervous one. But back then, I thought a fat purse of gold would last me the rest of my life. But loose as I was with it, it only bought me two weeks of high living.

Then I had to run. Blades hot at my heels. Out of Gralton, out of the River Kingdoms... out of any place approaching "civilized." Hoofed it into the Stolen Lands and laid low. That's where I met the Jolly Choppers.

First time we met, it was with daggers at my throat. Funny to think of, now! They must've thought I had copper, or at least some food. But I didn't have either - and after we traded our attempts at gallows humor, we shared a chuckle, and realized we both were cut from the same cloth: desperate stuff.

There was Beld, the ringleader, a big old fellow with a scraggly chin, a spiked club, and enough starch to whiten ten shirts, he was alright after a drink or two, though; Vixen, once was a pretty girl from Lambreth but missing an eye she'd lost when she dared to turn down the advances of a Captain in the Black Eagles (along with a kick downstairs); Gridge, a half-orc from up in Belkzen, he was pretty slow but big as an ox, and said I was nice-looking now and then; and then I made four. A few others came and went, but it was mostly us.

I went by "Vellie". And for a while, things were good. We moved around enough and covered our tracks well enough (Beld's work) that I could relax for a bit. We ranged around the Restov Hinterlands and hit the occasional merchants, but mostly trappers and hunters. I had an eye for the good marks and the bad ones... my Assassin training there, I suppose. It was a big part of the run of good luck we had. There were hungry nights, sure, cold ones now and then, but we did alright for ourselves. I had some good times around our campfire. When things were good, it was good. Strong ale flowed as easy as the jokes. Never had to kill, was the nice part - just had to scare the marks. Practically the easy life.

It wouldn't last.

A Sudden End

Should've known the Assassins would come knocking after long enough. I thought they'd given up trying to find me. Gods, was I wrong. They were just biding their time. Waiting. Because the Guild NEVER lets anyone cross them without making an example of them.

Fool was me, thinking they'd go hiking through the hills and slogging through the fens of the Lands searching for me. No, they knew what I was up to with the Choppers. Watched and hatched a plan. Damned good one, too: they posed as some feckless traders, no guards or lookouts, just laden with trade goods and liquor. And when we thought we'd driven them off, and set to picking through their chests - that's when they struck from the forest's edge. Killed Gridge first, in the blink of an eye; then Vixen was crossing swords, with another one sweeping up behind her. That's when Beld grabbed me and we ran into the Narlmarches.

Then it's all a blur. Running, shouting, being pulled by the old man through stinging nettles and tree branches, three paces from being run through the whole while. We ran for what seemed like ages, into the deepwoods, into the dark.

That's when they ringed us in on all sides, swords drawn.

And that's when those... things came, and set upon us all.

Like flames, they were, blue and purple and all sorts of colors - no torch or lamp, but floating in the air. And those they touched, they withered where they stood - howling, screaming in terror, rotting away as if all the life had been sucked out in an instant. Everyone panicked; we swung our blades, but they passed straight through the things, and they only kept coming. I know them now as will-o-wisps, and I know enough to be sure there's nothing we could have done; I think I had the sense of it then, because I ran. Wasn't even sure which way I was running, but I left the assassins and even Beld behind, left them to fight. To die.

I ran for the rest of the night and through the morning. Collapsed in a copse of trees when I couldn't run anymore. When I woke, I ran again, following the Shrike River close as I dared. Kept going until I reached Nivakta's Crossing... and what I THOUGHT was safety.

Went into the alehouse there to tell everyone what'd happened... but sure enough, there were bounty posters up for every single one of us Choppers, myself included. They mightn't have been able to read, but those bumpkins could certainly mark me against a charcoal-sketch.

So I ran... again. Gods, my legs burned after days of running. I knew I couldn't run for long. So at the first chance I could, I ducked into what looked like an abandoned shack and tried to lay low.

But just my luck... it wasn't abandoned. And I quickly found myself at the tip of a spear.

A Sudden Beginning

If I'd known that shack was occupied, I'd have tried my luck hiding in a barn. And if I'd known the owner of that shack was a former Hellknight? I'd have tried my luck swimming across the river that night. But unfortunately, I met Ventius Pontro that night, and though he was old as that shack, he still had enough life in him to put me at spearpoint the moment after I slipped through the window.

Funny thing is, he didn’t skewer me straight off, and he didn’t holler for the other townsfolk. Instead, he wanted to know what I was thinking slipping through his window so late at night. The look in his eye told me he wouldn’t hesitate to spit me like a pig if I made one wrong move. But he wasn’t hollering for the townsfolk, and they hadn’t found me yet - so what was I to do?


I told him everything. No lies, neither - something told me deep down that he’d know. And then maybe he wouldn’t be so friendly. So I told him about the assassins - the gang (here he got a bit disgusted, moreso than he did at my former masters) - the things that set upon us all.


Strangely? He saved his questions for the wisps. He wanted to know everything I could remember: what they looked like, how they moved, how they killed. The sounds my friends made when they died. How they looked when they lay still in the dirt. All I could remember, though, was how scared they were.


He put up his spear, then, and settled back. “Wisps,” he explained. “They sow fear in their victims, and feast upon it. Their prey die in terror. They look like spirits, or phantoms… but they can be killed all the same.” He got real quiet for a moment before he spoke again.


”They usually keep to the tower by the lake. Candlemere. If they’re drawing nearer to Brevoy… it means they’re not content to stay there much longer. I can slay them. The Order of the Gate taught me well. But I’m old. I can’t do it alone.”


He looked up at me with the most sober expression I’ve ever seen on a man. “Looking for justice? Revenge? I can work with either.”


So… I trained. For two years, I studied under him. Dyed my hair, roughed my face a bit - he told the villagers I was a distant niece, and most were too simple to think much upon it beyond that. It’s surprising, actually - his training wasn’t much different from the Assassins. Who would have thought that monsters have weaknesses, too? Instead of a knife between the ribs or a kick to the kidneys, it’s silver shavings, or the grave dust of a widow, or some such. I was always good at spotting those weak spots.

Now, I’m ready… I think. Ventius fell ill over the last winter… very ill. He’s too weak now to travel. Says the task is to me, now. I’m to dispatch the wisps, and anything else that’s horrid along the way. His training has taught me well, but one thing above all others: sometimes, the TRUE monsters aren’t the ones you think. Sometimes monsters wear the skin of people like you and me.


But whether they walk like monsters or men, I trust now that I’ll know their true hearts. I dearly hope I don’t run into any former friends down south… but if I do, I’ll just have to sort out the wicked from the willed.


Or “the wheat from the chaff,” as Ventius says.


Edicts and Anathema

Edicts: Respect legitimate authority, use esoteric knowledge to aid others in need, slay monsters (including those who do not outwardly appear to be so)

Anathema: Allow a known evil to live or escape, use esoteric knowledge and abilities to dominate or control others, grow complacent


Player Survey

Do you want to use the Kingdom Building Rules (and, by extension, Warfare rules), or would you prefer to have the Kingdom in the background?

I'm a fan of the Kingdom Building Rules - I'm still wrapping my head around them but I'd like to try!

Do you want to incorporate the Companion characters from the Companion Guide (characters based on the Owlcat CRPG) in any capacity?

If we do incorporate them, I'd prefer they take more of a backseat to the players and be more of a "in the background" element.

Do you want to incorporate the alternate Camping rules from the Companion Guide?

I feel like the camping rules would really drag down the pace of posting and gameplay.

Edited by Dan The Diceman (see edit history)
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On 1/27/2024 at 4:48 AM, Dan The Diceman said:

Still working on the backstory segment but hoping the mechanics hold up - I've linked my sheet in the first post and I'd love to get a review on what I have so far, @Phntm888.

Mechanics look fine. Let me know when you finish up the backstory.

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@Phntm888 to be honest, I started this application without looking at the others, and saw on Monday that there are at least two other Thaumaturge applications… and I’m now debating not only whether I went too long with the backstory, but also if I should just scrap it and start over. SHOULD I finish?

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12 hours ago, Dan The Diceman said:

@Phntm888 to be honest, I started this application without looking at the others, and saw on Monday that there are at least two other Thaumaturge applications… and I’m now debating not only whether I went too long with the backstory, but also if I should just scrap it and start over. SHOULD I finish?

There's no problem if you want to finish it up. Sometimes there's competition between the same classes - there's two Witches, for instance, and four Rogues.

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Lol, this place is always lousy with rogues. Groping your pockets for loose copper and drinking the dregs of ale out of abandoned mugs. They really bring the skeeze in.

Seriously though, your character looks interesting. Seems a shame not to at least finish it out and see if you get to develop her further, in game.

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Yeah, sorry about that - we had a family emergency/loss come up in the last few days, hence why I asked.

We’re past the deadline at this point, though, so it matters not - best of luck to everyone and enjoy the game. :)


EDIT: @Phntm888 had a change of heart and finished up the backstory. Ready for review if there’s still time.

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