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Chapter I - Act II: Games of Chance


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Felicia Ainsworth


It wasn't exactly an unfamiliar scent but it was unexpected and alarming despite everything that happened. Between the Chorus and the altered, twisted instincts of her willfully corrupted form... It nearly cost the Maker her control, nearly. There was no great thrashing or fit like there had been when she was faced with the orb but it earned an involuntary step towards the expanding glyphs that surrounded Aldrion now. A second setting the course as familial concern overrode caution and reason for another moment yet before she finally drew a hissing breath between the labyrinth of razor incisors and assessed the situation in it's totality. The warring priorities of family, her fondness for the ravens, the safety of her peers, and the ticking time bomb that was her constantly tested will as the Chorus and the Dark coursing through her were denied the promised acts of destruction and violence... Let alone the disquieting theory that should she be forced to sleep... One of them might assume control to the detriment of them all.

Action, decisive and brutal was now the order of things and so teeth ground and clicked as she drew a ragged breath and sickly black talons flexed and straightened with creaking, groaning, popping of over tuned and over strained tendons. All the while, Felicia strained her senses for a means and method to ensure that destruction did not bring about a worse tragedy.


Character Arcs

  • Establishment - Current Step: The Need for Proof
  • Develop a Bond - Current Step: Getting to Know You



It's the eyes, really, that most fixate upon first. The hues of crimson and gold spinning, twisting, merging in their depths as they seem to give a clear window into the utter depths of Felicia's mind with their uniquely expressive quality. That there feels to be a thousand, a hundred thousand, pairs of eyes staring back from behind those initial windows to the soul only seems to cement the impression of something troublesome, something worrying to compliment the elfin quality of her sharp features and diminutive frame. That sensation of malice, of gleeful cruelty, welling up from somewhere in those depths even as she comports herself with nothing but cheerful, if stoic, mannerisms and inexhaustible impressions of attention to the minute aesthetics of every gesture, motion, and twist of both herself and the world around her.

In matters of garb, she tends to play to the company she plans for with blouses, dresses, and pants of riotous colors among the bohemian communes of Fartown to the carefully coordinated yet still somehow esoteric gowns and suits of high society galas and soirees. Each and every ensemble meticulously planned and coordinated like one of the great works of her brushes. The only break from this carefully crafted aesthetic seems to be her hair, pale and bloodless as her complexion. It's length healthy, glossy, and well tended but cursed with creative differences in how it curls and falls. Despite this, it seems always to blend, practically meld, seamlessly into any trim of fur or feather that might adorn a chosen outfit.

Like those glimpses of alien malice and cruelty in the depths of her eyes, there always seems to be a discordant element that shadows her. Whether it be a flicker of something other in the crimson depths of her eyes, the way her shadow seems to twitch and twist without her ever moving, or how her reflection never quite seems to be her... It becomes all too clear that her body and soul might be host to something besides merely the artist... Worse still is the careful and delicate work of brush and needle; whisking away bruises here, deep scratches or cuts there, all damning evidence of struggles with the self.

In the Guise of Immanis

The energies of the Abyss are, by its very nature, an instrument of the Dark and unkind as a rule to the essential fabric of whatever is and may be. It is only by the tempering elements of the Gold Sun that the taking in of such hostile energies is more than merely an elaborate form of suicide. The raw stresses of this are quite evident then when Madame Ainsworth invokes so terrible a spell. Her already pale skin grows to be a lifeless gray, gaining an unseemly translucence that is easily pierced by even the wane light of Fartown beneath the Indigo Sun. The lines and forms of every bone visible from just the right angles as they shatter, stretch, and mend with an agonizing rapidity to drag her up to a daunting height. Sinew, muscle and tendon all the while snapping, recoiling, and reforming to accommodate this new and predatory bearing. Veins and arteries, in kind, flow with noxious black as the corruptive energies swirl and take root, her eyes draining of that distinct crimson and gold hue leaving only a single prick of light nearly drowned in a sea of impenetrable black.

Were that these the extent of the horrors wrought by the invoking of the Eye of Immanis for one can't help but stare as razor-like teeth push aside whatever may block their way, twisting and gnarling the line of gum and tooth to pierce and part the flesh of the cheek revealing a hideous, too broad maw. A likewise change playing out in the hands as bones shatter and twist as tendons and sinew reinforce to accommodate the agonizingly slow-yet-quick emergence of seven inch talons, black as jet, that now adorn each finger tip. This final change marking the ultimate perversion, turning tools of creation to tools of abject and potent destruction.



Accuracy: 3/3 + 3 From Eyes of Immanis

Movement: 2/3

Physicality: 1/3

Perception: 3/4


Sorcery: 3/6

Interaction: 6/6 (+3 from Signature Item)

Intellect: 1/3

Sortilege: 0/2

Hidden Knowledge: 9




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour

Perception roll + Bene
1d10+1 7
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Not wanting to waste the opportunity that had presented itself, Xanah decided to take advantage of their opponent's inability to go where it wanted to be and put some more distance between it and Aldrion. The poor bloke was so insensate and out of sorts he was vulnerable. Xanah wasn't exactly a hulking specimen of strength, but neither was she wasn't hopelessly frail. She scooped up his legs, tucked them under each of her arms, and clasped tight enough she could drag him away by them.

It was all terribly ungainly and awkward. She trudged away from the Aspirant much, much slower than she would have liked. The whole way she muttered apologies to him for dragging his head and torso along behind her. 

Character Arcs

Join an Organization

As an arachnophile, I'm being groomed to join the Cacophony, an association of spiders whose name only really makes sense to spiders. They seek to establish diplomatic ties with the Angular Serpentine.

  • Current StepThe decision to join
    • For now, I remain ignorant that I'm being considered for invitation.

Aid a Friend

Aldrion Phect wishes to rescue his spouse from Shadow, but first he must Uncover the Secret of how such a task might even be possible. I'm too closeted a romantic to tell him I can't resist helping somebody reunite with their loved one.

  • Current StepAgreeing to help
    • I've agreed to help, but Aldrion and I haven't discussed it further.



Xanah and the possessions on her person lose color saturation in proportion to her amount of sunlight exposure. She's completely grayscale in broad daylight. She otherwise sports a head of medium-length red-brown hair, copper colored eyes, and a fair complexion. Xanah is of unremarkable height and build, a slim physique that belies a lifetime of overindulging. It's only her constantly moving workaholic ethic that keeps her in shape. Her clothing usually favors practicality and comfort, never one to indulge in fashionable fads. Ever conscientious of her habits, Xanah always smells faintly of cinnamon and spice.


  • Lives on coffee, cigars, and favors.
  • Fiercely individualist to a fault.
  • A tarnished heart of gold.
  • Tendency to overindulge.
  • A patron of lost causes, shooter of troubles, slayer of dragons, walker of tightropes, and runner with scissors.
  • Banned from kitchens across the Actuality for abject culinary incompetence.
  • Never met a stranger before but carefully chooses close friendships
  • A closeted romantic, almost disgustingly so.
  • Her sharp tongue and compulsion to kick hornets' nests and turn over rocks makes many enemies. In her Order she's been demoted twice for it.


Xanah describes herself as "creatively entrepreneurial," which is to say she doesn't actually have a traditional occupation. As previously mentioned, she lives off favors. These keep her constantly busy juggling a tangled web of commitments, investments, activism, and odd-jobs that she's perfectly satisfied living in the middle of. Income can be wildly inconsistent, but she's never been one to require much in the way of creature comforts. She's just as likely to blow a windfall on a hopeless cause as she is to devote it to a strategic endeavor. "Money," she says, "is just a means to an end, grease for the skids."

She toys with the idea of running for office but talks herself out of it, saying that nobody would vote for her anyway. Despite her modest self-assessment, the growing network of contacts she's been developing suggests she might get more support than she realizes.


  • Wealth or Fame - "It's all in who you know."
  • Friends or Family - "I don't make close friends easy, but the few I have are basically family."
  • Power or Control - "I'm the spider dead center in the web."
  • Introvert or Extrovert - "There's nothing I love more than good company."
  • Order or Chaos - "A little strategic chaos keeps the omnipotent busybodies from getting too comfortable."
  • Freedom or Safety - "'Live free or die trying', I say."
  • Society or the Individual - "Society is people. Make a difference for one and you make a different society."
  • Generosity or Greed - "You give a little to get a little. Sometimes, well...sometimes people need me to give a little more."
  • Moral code or Instinct - "Scruples are what separates man from the animals."
  • Ego or Id - "Can't honestly say I've ever been accused of temperance or self control."
  • Nature or Nurture - "Pro tip: Yes, it's your fault and you can do better."
  • Thought or Action - "I'm a make-it-up-as-you-go kind of gal."
  • Instinct or Knowledge - "My gut has never let me down about what the right thing to do is."
  • Charity or Self-sufficiency - "Everybody needs somebody sometime."
  • Home or the Road - "Give me a warm house and somebody to share it with on all the days that end in 'Y'."
  • Contentment or Challenge - "Look, I don't go crusading for lost causes. They seek me out. They know I"m easy."


Injuries: [ ] [ ] [ ] Wounds: [ ] [ ] [ ] Anguish: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Accuracy: 3/3
Movement: 1/1
Sorcery: 1/5
Interaction: 3/4 (1 die)
Physicality: 3/3
Perception: 3/4
Intelligence: 1/1
Sortilege: 3/3
Hidden Knowledge: 11 Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour
Perception (Mundane)
1d10+2 8
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Aldrion Phect

While Aldrion's circumstances were changing drastically, whether or not they were improving was a subjective issue.


Character Arcs

  • Uncover a SecretThere is knowledge out there that you want. This
    arc is a great way to get one of the secrets in the
    chapter Character and House Secrets that the GM
    has said aren’t readily available. Likewise, it could
    be an attempt to find and learn a specific rare spell
    or ritual. This could also be a hunt for a lost magic
    word or key that will open a sealed door, the name
    of a devil, the secret name of an important person,
    or just how the arabast fashioned their windows in
    ancient times.

    Cost: Seeker. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Naming the Secret. 1 Acumen reward.
    You give your goal a name. “I am seeking the lost
    martial art of the Khendrix, who could slice steel
    with their bare hands.”

    Step(s): Research. 1 Acumen reward. You scour
    libraries and old tomes for clues and information.

    Step(s): Investigation. 1 Acumen reward. You talk
    to people to gain clues and information.
    Step(s): Tracking. 1 Acumen reward. You track
    down the source of the secret information and travel
    to it.

    Climax: Revelation. 2 Acumen reward. You find
    and attempt to use the secret, whatever that entails.
    A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure
    results in 1 Despair.

    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You contemplate
    how this secret affects you and the world.
    - Current Step: Seeker
  • CleanseSomeone or something has been contaminated,
    probably by foul magic, and you want to rid them
    of such influences. This might be a curse, a
    possession, an infestation, or something else.

    Cost: Becoming Aware of the Need. You pay a cost
    of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Analyzing the Threat. 1 Acumen
    reward. You determine the nature of the

    Step: Find the Solution. 2 Acumen reward.
    Almost every contamination has its own particular
    solution, and this likely involves research and

    Step: Getting Ready. 1 Acumen reward. The
    solution probably involves materials, spells, or other
    things that you must gather and prepare.

    Climax: The Cleansing. 3 Acumen reward. You
    confront the contamination. A successful resolution
    results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair.
    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You reflect on the
    events that have transpired and what effects they
    might have on the future. How can you keep this
    from happening again?
    - Current Step: Analyzing the Threat


Aldrion prefers to cover up, as his time in the Shadow working in repairs instilled him with an appreciation of proper protection. He has a scar over one eyebrow, presumably from a narrow miss taken during the war. He favors a style that mixes plain colors with the odd splash of supernatural hues, often in shades of or near indigo in representation of his newfound appreciation for the truth.



Accuracy: 2/2

Movement: 3/3

Physicality: 2/2

Perception: 2/2


Sorcery: 3/8

Interaction: 3/3

Intellect: 2/3

Sortilege: 2/3

Hidden Knowledge: 11




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour



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Shuistliel landed lithely on his feet and asked, "Guys? Anyone know what it is?" He quickly closed the distance to the thing, getting to just within ten feet, and then concentrated on his bond with Serpent and expended the power needed to make the Forte power manifest. His eyes became vertical slits as he pointed at the creature and unleashed his power.



NEW! Character Arcs

Develop a Bond: Shuistliel realizes he has too few friends, and would like to expand his circle of true friends.

Solve a Mystery: There's a ton of questions surrounding the webbing of his neighborhood and the swirl of angry birds aloft, and Shuistliel wants answers to all of them. And he can handle the truth!


Shuistliel is a very handsome man with long silver hair and green eyes the color of fine emeralds. He is dressed as he usually is, in a nice suit, jacket, and pants, and he has his usual snake-headed cane along. He moves quite agilely, like a dancer, perhaps. What's unusual this morning is the black survival combat axe carried in one hand while the cane is tucked under an arm.



Accuracy: 3/3

Movement: 2/3

Physicality: 2/2

Perception: 3/3


Sorcery: 0/4

Interaction: 2/3

Intellect: 3/3

Sortilege: 1/3

Hidden Knowledge: 10




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour


Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
2d10+3 2,6
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Posted (edited)


Chapter I - Act II: Games of Chance

Narrative: Action Mode

Sooth Deck: The Harvesting Spider

Effects: Effective level of all Red magic is raised by 1, or Sorcery cost reduced by 1. Effective level of all Blue magic is decreased by 1, or Sorcery cost increased by 1. Stoics receive a +1 to all Actions.

Divination: "As terrifying as this card appears, its meanings are more esoteric, but still significant. The always active spider signifies action. Act— immediately. Work—hard. Success can be had, but only as the result of action and toil. The Harvesting Spider is also a subtle hunter, and thus can suggest that stealth might be required in one’s endeavors."

Xanah took Aldrion's boots, and with some effort managed to start dragging his unconscious form further inside. She noted that as she did, the sanguine magic which encircled him followed. Twisting glyphs, red and dripping, that appeared in a circle around him and trailed behind like bloody footprints as she pulled. Yet as she moved him away, she saw the marks fading almost as quickly as they appeared, as if they were evaporating into nothing in the mid morning light. They only stayed strong when they were near Aldrion, as if his own blood was empowering them. Her eyes strained with the brightness coming through the massive open doors she moved away from, glancing at the Husk as it tried to fight its way back inside. Without her magic keeping it at bay, it was rushing in, flailing its appendages to try and beat back the Ravens which were ceaseless in their attacks. She was about to look away, to focus on the task at hand, when something else caught her attention. Something was out there, something beyond the swarming Unkindness. She saw it for only a second before it disappeared, standing just next to the conjured butterfly.

Aldrion was triumphant in his power, in his magic, even as he stood upon that strange Pale plane. He did not let the fear of the unknown cloud his mind, instead focusing on those things that could be controlled. He'd divined the nature of the entity they faced, understanding a measure of its power. He turned his own magic on it. The image of the city before him shifted, wavered, the howling of the wind in his ears becoming a howl of pain as he punched out with telekinetic force. Everything twisted....

Cold marble was on his back, something had his legs, and with it came the sensation of being dragged across the floor. Blearily, he looked down, or up he supposed, and saw Xanah was hauling him further inside. Looking away from her, arching his back and straining to see, he blinked blearily into the light of the open door behind him. Felicia stood there, resplendent and horrible in her twisted form, staring back at him. Then something caught her attention, and with a sickening crack her neck snapped about to focus on whatever it was she'd seen outside.

Shuistliel had eyes only for the Husk, rushing to meet it as it charged the open doors. As it passed through the threshold, the swarm of Ravens that had been assailing it from all sides was rebuffed, pushed back by whatever Sorcery had barred their entry in the first place. Up close, it was no more distinct than it had been from its nest. Vaguely humanoid, the only change was the scratches, rents, and tears that now covered its mist shrouded form. The Unkindness had done a number on the thing, and as it drew up close he could feel a seething energy emerging from it.

"I am the Lord of the Citadel!"

It hissed, its voice just barely audible over the roar of frustration emerging from a hundred clacking beaks, right before his magic struck it. To the others present, Shuistliel's Sorcery was an impossibly fast and precise thing. It was no raw surge of power, but instead a living, breathing spell that was unleashed into the Actuality with startling quickness. There was the sensation of a trap being sprung, of jaws long held open and ready suddenly snapping shut. The entity, the Husk, whatever it was? It reeled in response, soundlessly screeching. Refined magic surged along veins that moments before had been obscured, searing and burning before flaring out into nothing. Whatever its intent had been, the spellwork had disrupted it.


The Husk was technically Near to you and not Close, but I'm going to say it moved Closer to you and Shuistliel moved Closer to it, and let both of your actions resolve. Or I would have, had Shustliel not just stunned it for the round. It is currently:

  • Close to Shustliel
  • Close to Felicia
  • Near to Aldrion
  • Near to Xanah



  • Go talk to the Unkindness
    • Talk with Magister Kuros about flight
      • Accept the Magister's bargain
    • Learn more about names from Magister Lui
    • Discover what has invaded the Nest
  • Retrieve five Cordovin Stones from the Ruined Expanses Bleed
Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
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Felicia Ainsworth

The order and integrity of the Maker's mind was at it's limits. Besieged by the cries for blood of the Chorus and the drive to destroy, to rend apart creation, that she had brought into herself through the invocation of the Dark via the lens of the Gold Sun... The situation only further complicated by the bald man she had glimpsed before the Unkindness had sought to strike at him too and the myriad questions that such spawned. This left besides what else might be trapped within the Creature of the Blue and what would happen if she destroyed it's corporeal form on beneath the Indigo Sun... Or would the pain caused by the injuries inflicted distribute to the creatures within and waken sleeping, trapped minds? Too many questions, too many variables.

Teeth clicked and ground as she forced the problem apart into steps... Into priorities and the first of those was to at least disable the creature with the wicked tools she had at hand. So she watched, waited, gauged, and drew on the depths of horrid, wicked experience that bubbled up like tainted ground water from the Chorus within and the monstrous alien instincts of her twisted frame... And she struck out with the black, gore soaked talons with terrible speed and unnatural vigor.

Character Arcs

  • Establishment - Current Step: The Need for Proof
  • Develop a Bond - Current Step: Getting to Know You



It's the eyes, really, that most fixate upon first. The hues of crimson and gold spinning, twisting, merging in their depths as they seem to give a clear window into the utter depths of Felicia's mind with their uniquely expressive quality. That there feels to be a thousand, a hundred thousand, pairs of eyes staring back from behind those initial windows to the soul only seems to cement the impression of something troublesome, something worrying to compliment the elfin quality of her sharp features and diminutive frame. That sensation of malice, of gleeful cruelty, welling up from somewhere in those depths even as she comports herself with nothing but cheerful, if stoic, mannerisms and inexhaustible impressions of attention to the minute aesthetics of every gesture, motion, and twist of both herself and the world around her.

In matters of garb, she tends to play to the company she plans for with blouses, dresses, and pants of riotous colors among the bohemian communes of Fartown to the carefully coordinated yet still somehow esoteric gowns and suits of high society galas and soirees. Each and every ensemble meticulously planned and coordinated like one of the great works of her brushes. The only break from this carefully crafted aesthetic seems to be her hair, pale and bloodless as her complexion. It's length healthy, glossy, and well tended but cursed with creative differences in how it curls and falls. Despite this, it seems always to blend, practically meld, seamlessly into any trim of fur or feather that might adorn a chosen outfit.

Like those glimpses of alien malice and cruelty in the depths of her eyes, there always seems to be a discordant element that shadows her. Whether it be a flicker of something other in the crimson depths of her eyes, the way her shadow seems to twitch and twist without her ever moving, or how her reflection never quite seems to be her... It becomes all too clear that her body and soul might be host to something besides merely the artist... Worse still is the careful and delicate work of brush and needle; whisking away bruises here, deep scratches or cuts there, all damning evidence of struggles with the self.

In the Guise of Immanis

The energies of the Abyss are, by its very nature, an instrument of the Dark and unkind as a rule to the essential fabric of whatever is and may be. It is only by the tempering elements of the Gold Sun that the taking in of such hostile energies is more than merely an elaborate form of suicide. The raw stresses of this are quite evident then when Madame Ainsworth invokes so terrible a spell. Her already pale skin grows to be a lifeless gray, gaining an unseemly translucence that is easily pierced by even the wane light of Fartown beneath the Indigo Sun. The lines and forms of every bone visible from just the right angles as they shatter, stretch, and mend with an agonizing rapidity to drag her up to a daunting height. Sinew, muscle and tendon all the while snapping, recoiling, and reforming to accommodate this new and predatory bearing. Veins and arteries, in kind, flow with noxious black as the corruptive energies swirl and take root, her eyes draining of that distinct crimson and gold hue leaving only a single prick of light nearly drowned in a sea of impenetrable black.

Were that these the extent of the horrors wrought by the invoking of the Eye of Immanis for one can't help but stare as razor-like teeth push aside whatever may block their way, twisting and gnarling the line of gum and tooth to pierce and part the flesh of the cheek revealing a hideous, too broad maw. A likewise change playing out in the hands as bones shatter and twist as tendons and sinew reinforce to accommodate the agonizingly slow-yet-quick emergence of seven inch talons, black as jet, that now adorn each finger tip. This final change marking the ultimate perversion, turning tools of creation to tools of abject and potent destruction.



Accuracy: 2/3 + 3 From Eyes of Immanis

Movement: 2/3

Physicality: 1/3

Perception: 3/4


Sorcery: 3/6

Interaction: 6/6 (+3 from Signature Item)

Intellect: 1/3

Sortilege: 0/2

Hidden Knowledge: 8




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour

Claw attack + Accuracy Bene + Hidden Knowledge
1d10+2 1
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Seeing the Serpent's bite strike home was immensely gratifying, but seeing the horrible thing that Ainsworth had become about to strike was almost as much so. Positioning himself to flank the creature, he swung the combat axe at the creature, seeking to finish it off -- and hopefully, free anything still trapped inside, but he didn't know much about that sort of magic and no one had answered him as to what their opponent was.

"This is getting to be the last chance you'll ever have to tell us what you know," he warned the thing as he raised the axe high. He was angry enough about the being in whose house he dwelt losing its name that he really didn't care that much if it surrendered or if they destroyed it.

NEW! Character Arcs

Develop a Bond: Shuistliel realizes he has too few friends, and would like to expand his circle of true friends.

Solve a Mystery: There's a ton of questions surrounding the webbing of his neighborhood and the swirl of angry birds aloft, and Shuistliel wants answers to all of them. And he can handle the truth!


Shuistliel is a very handsome man with long silver hair and green eyes the color of fine emeralds. He is dressed as he usually is, in a nice suit, jacket, and pants, and he has his usual snake-headed cane along. He moves quite agilely, like a dancer, perhaps. What's unusual this morning is the black survival combat axe carried in one hand while the cane is tucked under an arm.



Accuracy: 3/3

Movement: 2/3

Physicality: 2/2

Perception: 3/3


Sorcery: 2/4

Interaction: 2/3

Intellect: 3/3

Sortilege: 1/3

Hidden Knowledge: 10




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour


1d10+3 4
1d10 1
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"Thank God!" Xanah declared when she saw Aldrion coming to. Immediately she dropped his legs so the man could get them under himself again. She started to move to help him up when something far away, beyond the swarm of ravens caught her attention. She was still a moment, paused in mid stoop, copper-colored eyes locked into the distance. "...We've and interloper, darling," she said to Aldrion as she took his hand and helped pull him to his feet. "But one thing at a time."

Xanah wasn't one to engage in violence first thing. She simply didn't have the killer instinct. Smooth-talking her way into and out of trouble was more her preferred method of operation. This situation, however, had escalated well beyond her control. Maybe if she had a little more time, a different spell, something else--maybe then this might have gone differently. With practiced motion, she pulled her thirty-two from the shoulder carry rig concealed beneath her leather jacket. It was a blowback-style pistol with a polished, silvery finish and the phrase Better Demons engraved on the side.

So much for diplomacy, she mused before squeezing off a short burst into the Aspirant.

Character Arcs

Join an Organization

As an arachnophile, I'm being groomed to join the Cacophony, an association of spiders whose name only really makes sense to spiders. They seek to establish diplomatic ties with the Angular Serpentine.

  • Current StepThe decision to join
    • For now, I remain ignorant that I'm being considered for invitation.

Aid a Friend

Aldrion Phect wishes to rescue his spouse from Shadow, but first he must Uncover the Secret of how such a task might even be possible. I'm too closeted a romantic to tell him I can't resist helping somebody reunite with their loved one.

  • Current StepAgreeing to help
    • I've agreed to help, but Aldrion and I haven't discussed it further.



Xanah and the possessions on her person lose color saturation in proportion to her amount of sunlight exposure. She's completely grayscale in broad daylight. She otherwise sports a head of medium-length red-brown hair, copper colored eyes, and a fair complexion. Xanah is of unremarkable height and build, a slim physique that belies a lifetime of overindulging. It's only her constantly moving workaholic ethic that keeps her in shape. Her clothing usually favors practicality and comfort, never one to indulge in fashionable fads. Ever conscientious of her habits, Xanah always smells faintly of cinnamon and spice.


  • Lives on coffee, cigars, and favors.
  • Fiercely individualist to a fault.
  • A tarnished heart of gold.
  • Tendency to overindulge.
  • A patron of lost causes, shooter of troubles, slayer of dragons, walker of tightropes, and runner with scissors.
  • Banned from kitchens across the Actuality for abject culinary incompetence.
  • Never met a stranger before but carefully chooses close friendships
  • A closeted romantic, almost disgustingly so.
  • Her sharp tongue and compulsion to kick hornets' nests and turn over rocks makes many enemies. In her Order she's been demoted twice for it.


Xanah describes herself as "creatively entrepreneurial," which is to say she doesn't actually have a traditional occupation. As previously mentioned, she lives off favors. These keep her constantly busy juggling a tangled web of commitments, investments, activism, and odd-jobs that she's perfectly satisfied living in the middle of. Income can be wildly inconsistent, but she's never been one to require much in the way of creature comforts. She's just as likely to blow a windfall on a hopeless cause as she is to devote it to a strategic endeavor. "Money," she says, "is just a means to an end, grease for the skids."

She toys with the idea of running for office but talks herself out of it, saying that nobody would vote for her anyway. Despite her modest self-assessment, the growing network of contacts she's been developing suggests she might get more support than she realizes.


  • Wealth or Fame - "It's all in who you know."
  • Friends or Family - "I don't make close friends easy, but the few I have are basically family."
  • Power or Control - "I'm the spider dead center in the web."
  • Introvert or Extrovert - "There's nothing I love more than good company."
  • Order or Chaos - "A little strategic chaos keeps the omnipotent busybodies from getting too comfortable."
  • Freedom or Safety - "'Live free or die trying', I say."
  • Society or the Individual - "Society is people. Make a difference for one and you make a different society."
  • Generosity or Greed - "You give a little to get a little. Sometimes, well...sometimes people need me to give a little more."
  • Moral code or Instinct - "Scruples are what separates man from the animals."
  • Ego or Id - "Can't honestly say I've ever been accused of temperance or self control."
  • Nature or Nurture - "Pro tip: Yes, it's your fault and you can do better."
  • Thought or Action - "I'm a make-it-up-as-you-go kind of gal."
  • Instinct or Knowledge - "My gut has never let me down about what the right thing to do is."
  • Charity or Self-sufficiency - "Everybody needs somebody sometime."
  • Home or the Road - "Give me a warm house and somebody to share it with on all the days that end in 'Y'."
  • Contentment or Challenge - "Look, I don't go crusading for lost causes. They seek me out. They know I"m easy."


Injuries: [ ] [ ] [ ] Wounds: [ ] [ ] [ ] Anguish: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Accuracy: 2/3
Movement: 1/1
Sorcery: 1/5
Interaction: 3/4 (1 die)
Physicality: 3/3
Perception: 3/4
Intelligence: 1/1
Sortilege: 3/3
Hidden Knowledge: 11 Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour
Attack (Mundane)
1d10+5 8
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Aldrion Phect

The waking world wasn't too far off from what Aldrion had expected, although finding the upjumped afterthought had regained mobility while he was out was disappointing. It seemed like he'd need to press the issue. He pulled himself upright- What was that Xanah had said about an interloper? He shook his head and focused on the one trying to claim a title it didn't deserve again. "This one thing won't last much longer."

To emphasize his claim, Aldrion held his hand so that it overlapped their opponent in his field of vision. Wrapping his fingers around the imagined presence in his grasp, he extended his magic to connect the imagined silhouette in his grasp and the actual silhouette outside the reach of the ravens, and then mentally pushed both. This time, putting his target just within the reach of the ravens, but not so far that those within the tree's chamber would be forced out of the melee by the flock. "See?"

Character Arcs

  • Uncover a SecretThere is knowledge out there that you want. This
    arc is a great way to get one of the secrets in the
    chapter Character and House Secrets that the GM
    has said aren’t readily available. Likewise, it could
    be an attempt to find and learn a specific rare spell
    or ritual. This could also be a hunt for a lost magic
    word or key that will open a sealed door, the name
    of a devil, the secret name of an important person,
    or just how the arabast fashioned their windows in
    ancient times.

    Cost: Seeker. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Naming the Secret. 1 Acumen reward.
    You give your goal a name. “I am seeking the lost
    martial art of the Khendrix, who could slice steel
    with their bare hands.”

    Step(s): Research. 1 Acumen reward. You scour
    libraries and old tomes for clues and information.

    Step(s): Investigation. 1 Acumen reward. You talk
    to people to gain clues and information.
    Step(s): Tracking. 1 Acumen reward. You track
    down the source of the secret information and travel
    to it.

    Climax: Revelation. 2 Acumen reward. You find
    and attempt to use the secret, whatever that entails.
    A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure
    results in 1 Despair.

    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You contemplate
    how this secret affects you and the world.
    - Current Step: Seeker
  • CleanseSomeone or something has been contaminated,
    probably by foul magic, and you want to rid them
    of such influences. This might be a curse, a
    possession, an infestation, or something else.

    Cost: Becoming Aware of the Need. You pay a cost
    of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Analyzing the Threat. 1 Acumen
    reward. You determine the nature of the

    Step: Find the Solution. 2 Acumen reward.
    Almost every contamination has its own particular
    solution, and this likely involves research and

    Step: Getting Ready. 1 Acumen reward. The
    solution probably involves materials, spells, or other
    things that you must gather and prepare.

    Climax: The Cleansing. 3 Acumen reward. You
    confront the contamination. A successful resolution
    results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair.
    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You reflect on the
    events that have transpired and what effects they
    might have on the future. How can you keep this
    from happening again?
    - Current Step: Analyzing the Threat


Aldrion prefers to cover up, as his time in the Shadow working in repairs instilled him with an appreciation of proper protection. He has a scar over one eyebrow, presumably from a narrow miss taken during the war. He favors a style that mixes plain colors with the odd splash of supernatural hues, often in shades of or near indigo in representation of his newfound appreciation for the truth.



Accuracy: 2/2

Movement: 3/3

Physicality: 2/2

Perception: 2/2


Sorcery: 3/8

Interaction: 3/3

Intellect: 2/3

Sortilege: 2/3

Hidden Knowledge: 11




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour




Violence is Fun for the Whole Corvidae Family
drop(2d10,lowest,1)+5 8,5
1d10 9
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Chapter I - Act II: Games of Chance

Narrative: Narrative Mode

Sooth Deck: The Harvesting Spider

Effects: Effective level of all Red magic is raised by 1, or Sorcery cost reduced by 1. Effective level of all Blue magic is decreased by 1, or Sorcery cost increased by 1. Stoics receive a +1 to all Actions.

Divination: "As terrifying as this card appears, its meanings are more esoteric, but still significant. The always active spider signifies action. Act— immediately. Work—hard. Success can be had, but only as the result of action and toil. The Harvesting Spider is also a subtle hunter, and thus can suggest that stealth might be required in one’s endeavors."

Seizing upon the opening that Shuistliel had created with his crackling assault, Felicia leapt at the Husk, Within her mind, the Chorus screamed for blood and bile, meat and bone. The entity before her had been beaten and battered, pecked and scratched by countless Ravens and assaulted by her companion's sorceries. It didn't bleed, she'd have smelled it if it did, but even with its obscure form she could see rends and tears in its flesh.

"What does it taste like?"

A voice shouted, louder than the others.

"Hxxith allgriz!"

Shouted another, the words meaningless.

Yet even as she reached out with her ichor infused claws, the Husk fell away from her. Her swipe went wide as it tried to skirt her reach, trying desperately now to get away.


It whispered, the rest of its words lost as Shustliel stepped in and swung with his axe. There was a meaty thunk as the weapon came down, the feel of steel slicing through meat, and the Husk let out another silent scream. It tore itself backwards, ripping the weapon free of its shoulder as it did, stumbling away from them both. With a thunderous sound that nearly deafened them all, Xanah's pistol filled the antechamber with smoke and noise.

Aldrion reached out with his spell, touching at the Orb that orbited about him whose color only he knew, and the others present felt the surge of wild sorcery as he reached out to shove the Husk. It fell back, collapsing to the floor, and made no effort to resist his raw magic as he pushed it back through the open doorway. Instantly, the Unkindness descended upon it, this time with vastly more Ravens. They buried the creature, screaming their rage at the intrusion upon their domain. It was lost beneath the thick cloud of beating wings, pecking beaks, and angry squabbling birds.

There was a pause, a breath, and then something changed.

The Unkindness stilled, their cries silenced, and then all as one the mob swelled together and then took wing. Yet before where there had been the Husk, now there was something strange and new, yet somehow familiar. Pale and slight, she crouched upon the marble path in the exact spot where the entity had been pushed, her Mantle spread wide about her. At first glance, it appeared to be a great cloak of raven feathers, thick and vastly longer than she would have been tall if she had stood to her full height. Yet such an impression quickly fell away, and it was obvious that the billowing Mantle was anything but mundane. It flickered about her narrow shoulders, wisps of shade dancing on unseen winds. As she slowly stood and rose to her full height, it leapt up and billowed out behind her at an impossible distance. It filled the doorway behind them, swept out like two massive wings.

Humanoid in shape, but far taller than any of them, all trace of color had been drained from her flesh, leaving her skin an ashen gray hue. Her hair, blackened by the same magic, barely grew out past her scalp. Whispers of shadows and raw nightmare cling to her, flickering and condensing. It billowed on unseen winds, silent and choking as it filled the space. She wore a black cloak and robes, with heavy boots and soft gloves of black leather to match. The Melam obscured her nose and lips, but left her ashen skin bare, her pitch black eyes scanning the four of them within her atrium. They glanced down at her feet, and then back at them.


She whispered, the words gentle and soothing despite her alien appearance.

"Oh that treacherous little snake of a Dream Thief!"

She sounded more annoyed than anything else.



  • Go talk to the Unkindness
    • Talk with Magister Kuros about flight
      • Accept the Magister's bargain
    • Learn more about names from Magister Lui
    • Discover what has invaded the Nest
  • Retrieve five Cordovin Stones from the Ruined Expanses Bleed
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Much as she wanted to converse with such a darkly magnificent being, Xanah had one terribly more important matter to attend to first: the interloper. She didn't know who it was, but she got a good enough look at him to be suspicious of what he was doing here. It didn't make a lot of sense for anyone else human to be up here besides themselves, which made her wonder if he was involved in any of this name theft business.

With iron in hand she said, "Someone followed us up here, another vislae," and rushed out of the room. She took a wide path around the ravenesse, respectful of the creature's personal space as much as was possible for somebody trying to get through the doorway in a hurry. When she emerged from the chamber into the foyer she paused to look around. If she found nothing with a quick look around, she moved back out into the exterior courtyard to try and get a glimpse of the departing (or perhaps hiding) man she had seen earlier through the raven swarm.

Whatever she might have found (or not found, as the case may be) she returned to inspect the place on the floor their interloper had appeared to be inspecting. This she did with much less haste, taking the time to be thorough once she had confirmed if they were still alone or not.

Character Arcs Updated 5/1

Join an Organization

As an arachnophile, I'm being groomed to join the Cacophony, an association of spiders whose name only really makes sense to spiders. They seek to establish diplomatic ties with the Angular Serpentine.

  • Current StepThe decision to join
    • Cost - Decision to Join: For now, I remain ignorant that I'm being considered for invitation.

Aid a Friend

Aldrion Phect wishes to rescue his spouse from Shadow, but first he must Uncover the Secret of how such a task might even be possible. I'm too closeted a romantic to tell him I can't resist helping somebody reunite with their loved one.

  • Current StepAnswering the Call
    • Cost - Agreeing to Help: I've agreed to help, but Aldrion and I haven't discussed it further.
    • Opening - Answering the Call: It's time I made good on my word. I'll be pursuing this with Aldrion soon as this name thief business is over.



Xanah and the possessions on her person lose color saturation in proportion to her amount of sunlight exposure. She's completely grayscale in broad daylight. She otherwise sports a head of medium-length red-brown hair, copper colored eyes, and a fair complexion. Xanah is of unremarkable height and build, a slim physique that belies a lifetime of overindulging. It's only her constantly moving workaholic ethic that keeps her in shape. Her clothing usually favors practicality and comfort, never one to indulge in fashionable fads. Ever conscientious of her habits, Xanah always smells faintly of cinnamon and spice.


  • Lives on coffee, cigars, and favors.
  • Fiercely individualist to a fault.
  • A tarnished heart of gold.
  • Tendency to overindulge.
  • A patron of lost causes, shooter of troubles, slayer of dragons, walker of tightropes, and runner with scissors.
  • Banned from kitchens across the Actuality for abject culinary incompetence.
  • Never met a stranger before but carefully chooses close friendships
  • A closeted romantic, almost disgustingly so.
  • Her sharp tongue and compulsion to kick hornets' nests and turn over rocks makes many enemies. In her Order she's been demoted twice for it.


Xanah describes herself as "creatively entrepreneurial," which is to say she doesn't actually have a traditional occupation. As previously mentioned, she lives off favors. These keep her constantly busy juggling a tangled web of commitments, investments, activism, and odd-jobs that she's perfectly satisfied living in the middle of. Income can be wildly inconsistent, but she's never been one to require much in the way of creature comforts. She's just as likely to blow a windfall on a hopeless cause as she is to devote it to a strategic endeavor. "Money," she says, "is just a means to an end, grease for the skids."

She toys with the idea of running for office but talks herself out of it, saying that nobody would vote for her anyway. Despite her modest self-assessment, the growing network of contacts she's been developing suggests she might get more support than she realizes.


  • Wealth or Fame - "It's all in who you know."
  • Friends or Family - "I don't make close friends easy, but the few I have are basically family."
  • Power or Control - "I'm the spider dead center in the web."
  • Introvert or Extrovert - "There's nothing I love more than good company."
  • Order or Chaos - "A little strategic chaos keeps the omnipotent busybodies from getting too comfortable."
  • Freedom or Safety - "'Live free or die trying', I say."
  • Society or the Individual - "Society is people. Make a difference for one and you make a different society."
  • Generosity or Greed - "You give a little to get a little. Sometimes, well...sometimes people need me to give a little more."
  • Moral code or Instinct - "Scruples are what separates man from the animals."
  • Ego or Id - "Can't honestly say I've ever been accused of temperance or self control."
  • Nature or Nurture - "Pro tip: Yes, it's your fault and you can do better."
  • Thought or Action - "I'm a make-it-up-as-you-go kind of gal."
  • Instinct or Knowledge - "My gut has never let me down about what the right thing to do is."
  • Charity or Self-sufficiency - "Everybody needs somebody sometime."
  • Home or the Road - "Give me a warm house and somebody to share it with on all the days that end in 'Y'."
  • Contentment or Challenge - "Look, I don't go crusading for lost causes. They seek me out. They know I"m easy."

Pools Updated 5/1

Injuries: [ ] [ ] [ ] Wounds: [ ] [ ] [ ] Anguish: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Accuracy: 2/3
Movement: 1/1
Sorcery: 1/7
Interaction: 3/4 (1 die)
Physicality: 3/3
Perception: 3/4
Intelligence: 1/1
Sortilege: 3/3
Hidden Knowledge: 11 Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour
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Felicia Ainsworth

Teeth ground, joints popped and clicked, and the Maker watched the woman run ahead to investigate just who had been watching them, who had followed them. There was a feeling of trepidation and a wonder to how many more surprises might arise from their poking about the matter of a stolen name, a war between two wings and eight legs... The whispering of the Chorus, softening from the exultant shrieks of blood lust, painted no uncertain picture that there was a price to her involvement and it would be coming as much from torments without as from within. One particularly cheeky of the legions strong within her soul reminding her all too keenly that the currency of many an artist was the suffering they endured in the pursuit thereof.

There was also the lingering, uncomfortable thoughts now of having been party to the end of something. The dull suspicion that this was not the first time nor the last but none the less... poignant... Perhaps not quite tragic for the circumstances but it was no doubt the death of one dream for another to live. There was something to that in kind that she tucked away for later. The itch to hold a brush in hand burning from the ruined tips of her fingers all the way up to the back of her eyes, setting the brain alight as she turned her attentions on the being they'd released.

"Thieves tend to be a tricky sort. I hope you're the friend the Ravens are so eager to have back? Else there's more than a few questions we'll need to get through." Felicia asked struggling for a moment to do so as a woman, rather than as a raven, might though her 'natural' voice remained a deeply unpleasant variety of discordant cords punctuated by pops and creaks of a jaw that was not designed any longer for something so constructive as civil conversation. The ravaged flesh of cheek and peeled back line of lips only adding further grotesqueries even as she tried to remain composed. The deadly, taloned hands at her sides snapping closed and forcing open with a deliberate energy that hadn't been wholly satisfied by the demise of the Aspirant Courtier. Her attention split now between Xanah's investigation, the Entity, the Chorus, and the darker impulses churning through her poisoned, twisted form.

Character Arcs

  • Establishment - Current Step: The Need for Proof
  • Develop a Bond - Current Step: Building a Relationship.



It's the eyes, really, that most fixate upon first. The hues of crimson and gold spinning, twisting, merging in their depths as they seem to give a clear window into the utter depths of Felicia's mind with their uniquely expressive quality. That there feels to be a thousand, a hundred thousand, pairs of eyes staring back from behind those initial windows to the soul only seems to cement the impression of something troublesome, something worrying to compliment the elfin quality of her sharp features and diminutive frame. That sensation of malice, of gleeful cruelty, welling up from somewhere in those depths even as she comports herself with nothing but cheerful, if stoic, mannerisms and inexhaustible impressions of attention to the minute aesthetics of every gesture, motion, and twist of both herself and the world around her.

In matters of garb, she tends to play to the company she plans for with blouses, dresses, and pants of riotous colors among the bohemian communes of Fartown to the carefully coordinated yet still somehow esoteric gowns and suits of high society galas and soirees. Each and every ensemble meticulously planned and coordinated like one of the great works of her brushes. The only break from this carefully crafted aesthetic seems to be her hair, pale and bloodless as her complexion. It's length healthy, glossy, and well tended but cursed with creative differences in how it curls and falls. Despite this, it seems always to blend, practically meld, seamlessly into any trim of fur or feather that might adorn a chosen outfit.

Like those glimpses of alien malice and cruelty in the depths of her eyes, there always seems to be a discordant element that shadows her. Whether it be a flicker of something other in the crimson depths of her eyes, the way her shadow seems to twitch and twist without her ever moving, or how her reflection never quite seems to be her... It becomes all too clear that her body and soul might be host to something besides merely the artist... Worse still is the careful and delicate work of brush and needle; whisking away bruises here, deep scratches or cuts there, all damning evidence of struggles with the self.

In the Guise of Immanis

The energies of the Abyss are, by its very nature, an instrument of the Dark and unkind as a rule to the essential fabric of whatever is and may be. It is only by the tempering elements of the Gold Sun that the taking in of such hostile energies is more than merely an elaborate form of suicide. The raw stresses of this are quite evident then when Madame Ainsworth invokes so terrible a spell. Her already pale skin grows to be a lifeless gray, gaining an unseemly translucence that is easily pierced by even the wane light of Fartown beneath the Indigo Sun. The lines and forms of every bone visible from just the right angles as they shatter, stretch, and mend with an agonizing rapidity to drag her up to a daunting height. Sinew, muscle and tendon all the while snapping, recoiling, and reforming to accommodate this new and predatory bearing. Veins and arteries, in kind, flow with noxious black as the corruptive energies swirl and take root, her eyes draining of that distinct crimson and gold hue leaving only a single prick of light nearly drowned in a sea of impenetrable black.

Were that these the extent of the horrors wrought by the invoking of the Eye of Immanis for one can't help but stare as razor-like teeth push aside whatever may block their way, twisting and gnarling the line of gum and tooth to pierce and part the flesh of the cheek revealing a hideous, too broad maw. A likewise change playing out in the hands as bones shatter and twist as tendons and sinew reinforce to accommodate the agonizingly slow-yet-quick emergence of seven inch talons, black as jet, that now adorn each finger tip. This final change marking the ultimate perversion, turning tools of creation to tools of abject and potent destruction.



Accuracy: 4/6 (1E) + 3 From Eyes of Immanis

Movement: 3/4

Physicality: 1/3

Perception: 3/4


Sorcery: 3/6

Interaction: 6/6 (+3 from Signature Item)

Intellect: 1/3

Sortilege: 1/3

Hidden Knowledge: 8




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour


Edited by Amora (see edit history)
1d10 5
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Aldrion Phect

When the face of their foe was replaced by what Aldrion assumed to be one of the victims, he made a point of sheathing his sword. Drawing it had been a performative gesture, anyhow. Especially since he didn't have any proper training with how to use it... Something to rectify later. Between now and the expedition to... Wherever that one Vance lied about the cache being. If it warranted the incredulity he remembered feeling, he'd probably need it.

That was a problem for another day, though. Instead, Aldrion stuffed his hands in his pockets, anchoring himself out of his experience by reaffirming the presence of his orb in one pocket and his vertula kada in the other. While the experience hadn't meant much to his sense of self, his kada, the vertula focused on how he related to the world around him. There he'd had a profound impact with, and... He smiled behind his scarf, as he felt his bond to the orb strengthened by his reconnection.

That done, Aldrion's eyes flicked between Xanah and Felicia behind his goggles. Which way- Off she goes. "Shout if you need help!"

That said, he turned his attention to Felicia's efforts to speak. The conversation didn't seem to involve any squawking. Perhaps he could participate?

...He could wait.

Character Arcs

  • Uncover a SecretThere is knowledge out there that you want. This
    arc is a great way to get one of the secrets in the
    chapter Character and House Secrets that the GM
    has said aren’t readily available. Likewise, it could
    be an attempt to find and learn a specific rare spell
    or ritual. This could also be a hunt for a lost magic
    word or key that will open a sealed door, the name
    of a devil, the secret name of an important person,
    or just how the arabast fashioned their windows in
    ancient times.

    Cost: Seeker. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Naming the Secret. 1 Acumen reward.
    You give your goal a name. “I am seeking the lost
    martial art of the Khendrix, who could slice steel
    with their bare hands.”

    Step(s): Research. 1 Acumen reward. You scour
    libraries and old tomes for clues and information.

    Step(s): Investigation. 1 Acumen reward. You talk
    to people to gain clues and information.
    Step(s): Tracking. 1 Acumen reward. You track
    down the source of the secret information and travel
    to it.

    Climax: Revelation. 2 Acumen reward. You find
    and attempt to use the secret, whatever that entails.
    A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure
    results in 1 Despair.

    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You contemplate
    how this secret affects you and the world.
    - Current Step: Seeker
  • CleanseSomeone or something has been contaminated,
    probably by foul magic, and you want to rid them
    of such influences. This might be a curse, a
    possession, an infestation, or something else.

    Cost: Becoming Aware of the Need. You pay a cost
    of 2 Acumen.

    Opening: Analyzing the Threat. 1 Acumen
    reward. You determine the nature of the

    Step: Find the Solution. 2 Acumen reward.
    Almost every contamination has its own particular
    solution, and this likely involves research and

    Step: Getting Ready. 1 Acumen reward. The
    solution probably involves materials, spells, or other
    things that you must gather and prepare.

    Climax: The Cleansing. 3 Acumen reward. You
    confront the contamination. A successful resolution
    results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair.
    Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You reflect on the
    events that have transpired and what effects they
    might have on the future. How can you keep this
    from happening again?
    - Current Step: Find the Solution


Aldrion prefers to cover up, as his time in the Shadow working in repairs instilled him with an appreciation of proper protection. He has a scar over one eyebrow, presumably from a narrow miss taken during the war. He favors a style that mixes plain colors with the odd splash of supernatural hues, often in shades of or near indigo in representation of his newfound appreciation for the truth.



Accuracy: 2/2

Movement: 3/3

Physicality: 3/3

Perception: 2/2


Sorcery: 4/9

Interaction: 3/3

Intellect: 2/3

Sortilege: 2/3

Hidden Knowledge: 11




Rests: 1 round, 1 round, 10 minutes, 1 hour





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Posted (edited)


Chapter I - Act II: Games of Chance

Narrative: Narrative Mode

Sooth Deck: The Harvesting Spider

Effects: Effective level of all Red magic is raised by 1, or Sorcery cost reduced by 1. Effective level of all Blue magic is decreased by 1, or Sorcery cost increased by 1. Stoics receive a +1 to all Actions.

Divination: "As terrifying as this card appears, its meanings are more esoteric, but still significant. The always active spider signifies action. Act— immediately. Work—hard. Success can be had, but only as the result of action and toil. The Harvesting Spider is also a subtle hunter, and thus can suggest that stealth might be required in one’s endeavors."

Ignoring their new hostess to focus on the vanished interloper, Xanah had to cut a wide swath around the enshrouded figure in order return to their noble steed. The massive azure butterfly appeared unharmed as she drew near, and yet something was wrong. She could feel it as she came to a stop, like a miasma that sunk into her skin. There was a stain upon the air about her, felt more than witnessed, for as her eyes looked over the gleaming statues and pristine white marble she kept looking for oil slicks that weren't there. Something profoundly unnatural had tainted this place with its very presence. Had it been the strange grey man she'd seen standing there only moments before? It was by far the easiest explanation. The massive butterfly cleaned its antennae, and though she had no talent for reading the construct's thoughts, it felt like agitation.

"It follows me even here..."

The entity hovering before Felicia, Shustliel, and Aldrion said, her whispered voice sounding suddenly sad as she gazed in Xanah's direction. She turned slowly, her feet not touching the ground as she towered over them. There was no croaking to her voice, no secret to understanding her tongue. She wished for them to understand her words, and so they did. She wished for them to hear the sorrow in her voice, and so they did.

"And you have followed me here too, it seems."

Her black eyes took in the trio, her mouth and nose obscured by the same Mantle of power that flickered out behind her.

"Or else that treacherous little toad of a Somniferous Husk would still have me trapped in dream, and my Unkindness would still be in distress."

They noted the quiet then, how the massive flock had settled about them. It was not silence, Ravens still gargled and cackled at each other. Yet most had landed at her appearance, and settled down to watch with rapt attention. Even noting that she was the one the birds had sought, they couldn't put a name to her. They could think of her as a queen of Ravenkind, but the moment they tried to describe her as the Queen of anything, the name slipped from their minds. They could imagine the idea of a Trueraven, but they couldn't attach the name to the spirit floating before them. She felt wrong for it too, a minor reflection of the corruption that Xanah was experiencing. She should have had a name, she should have had many. Yet all that was her name had been taken, and nothing had been put into its place. It shouldn't have been, something should have slipped in to fill that void. Yet nothing had, and they got the sensation that nothing ever would. She just was, they couldn't even think of her as "the Nameless," because that was too close to giving her a title. She simply was.

Felicia looked at the aftermath of their struggle, her Maker's eyes picking up treasures amongst the corpse of the creature they had been fighting that others would have missed. More Dream than substance, the Somniferous Husk's EctoplasmLevel 3 Material was already decaying in the midday sun, Raw NightmareLevel 5 Ingredient splattered like blood about it. She'd be able to collect a bottle or two of both if she acted quickly. More importantly, she spotted a beautiful gem, a Crystalized DreamLevel 5 Power Source discarded amongst the wreckage of their conflict.



  • Go talk to the Unkindness
    • Talk with Magister Kuros about flight
      • Accept the Magister's bargain
    • Learn more about names from Magister Lui
    • Discover what has invaded the Nest
  • Retrieve five Cordovin Stones from the Ruined Expanses Bleed
Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
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