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Escape from Waterdeep harbour




Sloop aka 'Sweet Pea' ... sea ship ... single mast Caravelle


The dark mist of the stormy night over Waterdeep harbour shrouded the wind blown choppy waves and intense pockets of rain, lightning and thunder booming every now and then. The storm surge brought seaweed from far out to sea back onto the coast, and even into the sea harbour of Waterdeep floating around in small mounds extending around the bay.

A longboat with an oarsman rowing out into the harbour pulls gracefully through the tide in the storm, long swift strokes carry swimmers dragged behind and one who swim's to guide the boat ahead. For in the gloom all eyes look ahead of the boat searching for the lantern in the darkness illuminating the 'Sloop' and their next destination.

It is a ghost light which peers through the gloom of the night storm... like a beacon it guides the crew towards a single sail Caravelle, as it comes into view in the storm. The 'Sloop' has a special role in a larger fleet of ships, as a messenger ship... a diplomatic ship. Flying proudly in the wind at the top of the mast is a black and silver Lords of Waterdeep diplomatic flag.

Two rough looking 'sailors' appear on deck as the longboat Grusk has been pulling comes into view. They recognise the longboat, and the tarp... and then they spot the Bosun swimming under the ship. But they don't recognise many of the other crew onboard the longboat... they relax when ms.Blueblood appears in the water near the Ship.


spacer.png ... GolemFred.jpeg.4bdfb7deeafbdfe8c0a61cb708873797.jpeg



Edited by DarkAngel (see edit history)
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GolemFred.jpeg.4bdfb7deeafbdfe8c0a61cb708873797.jpegGolem Fred notorious pirate, beserker, big fred, bosun's mate, grappler, brawler
Adult human male var. 6'2" CN Fighter, Rune Knight 7 ...prof +3
Golem leather armor, hand axe, hammer, harpoon, dagger, battle harness, boots w/fins

The first sailor appearing from the gloom looks like something out of a horror show, the ghost light reveals a pale gray skinned hairless human covered in rain over his old hide stitched leather outfit which seems to match his own scars from many old battles carved into his flesh. He wears the battle harness of a battle hardened marine with loops at his waist and leggings which carry the various tools of his trade... a war hammer and a hand axe.

Looking into the longboat as it draws near, the veteran marine waves a greeting to Grusk, acknowledging the muscled half orc oarsman rowing the longboat by himself


Eze.jpeg.6bda2a541a208ba88af4b38327fe99fd.jpegSwifty Drow Ranger, Wanderer, Swordsman, duelist, poisoner
dark elf adult male, CN Ranger, fey wanderer 7 ... spell slots, 4,3 ... CHA, WIS cast +6 save DC 14
Gear... Elven cloak, elven chain, Rapier, weapons belt, hand crossbow, elven boots, poison vial, darts, bolts

Behind the veteran musclebound human marine, standing back in the darkness of shadows a 6'3" tall elf looking pirate, duelist wears foreign ancient elven attire. His heavy cloaked form reveals a rapier casually sheathed at his hip with a gloved hand resting upon the hilt. Glowing red eyes shone back from the darkness beneath the quip of bleached white hair... He spots several elves and a half orc onboard, and looks none too pleased...



Edited by DarkAngel (see edit history)
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pete2.jpeg.63deae77e7cdfdeeeaf44d0bb3e5e195.jpegms.'Blueblood' Pirate, Rogue, Swashbuckler, Duelist, Captain's daughter...
Young adult 5'11 female human variant fighter, CN eldritch knight 6 ..
action surge.. (1).base move..40'
init +5 ..mage armor.. (AC 18 .. 21, HP 51) second wind..(1) heal 1d10+6 condition.. normal, mobile, Defensive Duelist.
human traits... Athlete, Stealth +8 ...prev.. Pirate ..skills.. Athletics +7, Perception +5, Acrobatics +8, Insight +5.

stats.. STR 18, DEX 20, CON 14, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 9 ..saves.. STR +7, CON +5 ..spells.. INT ..prof.. +3
heroic... Mobile, Duelist (fs) ..eldritch knight.. Bonded weapons (whip..rapier) ..cantrips.. blade ward, shocking grasp (kiss)
spell... Casting +5, Save DC 13 ..known.. mage armor, shield, protection from good / evil, Witchbolt ..slots (3)

ms.Blueblood climbed the Sloop pulling herself from the water, and gesturing for Red Knell to accompany her onboard.

"Fred and Swifty... meet the new crew... we had some trouble with Captain Q and the portside watch... we'll be taking the evening tide out of the harbour as soon as four more of the new crew returns from the sea."

Clambering onboard ms. Blueblood introduces Red Knell first, a pirate of notoriety always gets introduced first by her reckoning.

"This is Red Knell... nearly didn't make it, but here she is... she's with me tonight, wounded but we'll keep her."

Ms. Blueblood took Red Knell to the other side of the Sloop as the Bosun was climbing onto the deck... there were questions that Fred and Swifty needed answering. Fred the Bosun's mate needed to debrief about his brother Ned... below decks... so the Bosun took him below leaving 'Swifty' to deal with the new crew...


gear - swimming costume, leather bracers, weapons belt, dagger, watertight mapcase, pouch, leather soft shoes.



Edited by DarkAngel (see edit history)
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Eireann III - High Elf Rogue 6

HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 6d8/6d8 

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str +0 Dex +8 Con +2 Int +3 Wis +1 Cha +3 | Initiative: +8 

Statistics | Equipment | Skills | Abilities

Eireann was wet through. What a night! And now they would likely have to bring this ship about and set sail, at least for a few hours, before they could rest. Lucky elves did not need sleep the way the other folk did. He was eager to get aboard the ship, he felt exposed on the little boat. He tossed another bucketful of water out over the edge and called up to the drow.

"Ahoy there, Mr. Swifty. We have some gear and crew to come aboard, can you tell us where you want these provisions stored?"

The elf stood and picked up a box he could hold one handed. He was clever enough to pick up something not too heavy. The swaying of the little boat seemed not to affect his balance in the slightest and he took hold of a rope and made ready to come aboard.

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Grusk Hammerfist

Grusk.png.1df68b3bc2fd2b7c0a66549cfd2cd6a6.pngGrusk Hammerfist Smuggler
Young adult 6'1" male half-orc, Paladin of Conquest 5 CN



Init +2, +1 mithril breastplate (AC 17, HP 59/59)

conditions normal, base move..30', swim and climb 30'

Skills Athletics +8, Insight +4, Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Persuasion +5

stats.. STR 21, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 14

saves STR +5, DEX +2, CON +3, INT +0, WIS +4, CHA +5 ..spells.. CHA..prof.. +3

spell... Casting +5, Save DC 13 

prepared (4) Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Thunderous Smite, Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing slots (4/2)

Perishables Potion of Greater Healing, 40 Arrows

Half-Orc Traits: Darkvision, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks

Paladin Traits: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Health, Sacred Oath, Extra Attack, Aura of Protection


Appearance: An intimidating mountain of muscle standing at 6'1" tall. He generally is wearing some worn, but nice pants tucked into the tops of his leather boots with a thick belt around his waist holding them up. A dagger hangs from the belt. On the top he wears a sleeveless shirt of fair quality and a bandana on his head. Aside from the large bow and large quiver on his back he carries no other weapons. There are several tattoos on his arms and he walks with more of a bounce to his step than his large size would have one expect.



Gursk brings the oars in as they pull up along side the small ship. He grabs hold of the rope ladder hanging down the side and steadies the little boat as best he can. He tosses the loose end of the rope tied to the front of the row boat up onto deck. He figure they will be towing this boat when they set sail, figuring that it is too big to pull up on deck and hoping they will be transferring to a larger ship.

You guys climb up and I will pass the gear up.

Even as he is saying it Eirann goes shooting up the rope onto the deck.

He gives a nod to Swifty as he is introduced.





Attack -

Move -

Bonus -

Reaction -

Immediate -


Combat options

Paladin: Oath of Conquest 6

Divine Favor: Bonus Action, Adds 1d4 radiant damage to his attacks, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Thunderous Smite: Bonus Action, Adds, 2d6 Thunder damage to next successful hit with a melee weapon, Strength save DC 13 or be pushed 10' away and knocked prone, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute


melee.. Unarmed Attack, +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
melee.. Dagger, +8 to hit, 1d4+5 damage

ranged.. Longbow, +6 to hit, 2d6+5, Range: 150/600
ranged.. Dagger, +8 to hit, 1d4+5 damage


Preferred technique - unarmed combat

attack.. +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
extra attack.. +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
move.. will close with enemy if none are adjacent


other preferred weapons



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Njar.png.9808655a35168377f0bc22eb1622bbd2.png.fc062a1dd69278c0795fdf5889739ff5.pngNjardun Istare  6'2 human male CN | Cleric of Umberlee 6
Move: 30' (land and swim) | Passive Perception: 22 | Languages: Common, Northerner
Mariner's Scale Mail, traveler's outfit, +2 longsword, shield, dagger, adventurer's pack

Njardun held on to the rope attached to the rowboat and swam along with his legs and free arm to avoid becoming too much of an extra burden for Grusk. He was used to similar maneuvers as a marine but he was happy when they approached the sloop and slowed down. It had been an exhausting evening.
He let the other swimmers and Eirann climb the rope ladder first then the priest followed. While hanging in the ladder he turned toward Grusk and nodded. "I'll catch the gear on deck."
Once aboard he gave Swifty a quick nod as greeting and then let his eyes sweep the upper deck of the ship. It was a rather small ship, but fast. Good for pirate operations. Njardun turned his attention back to the gear that needed to be hauled aboard.


main hand: --
off hand: --

Actions -


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_7797fb00-84b9-478a-aa32-6fadba40e4f0.jpeg.3a68f8b4e1f942af22417f9a97003bda.jpegSelindil Starbreeze Astronomer | Chaser of Mysteries with a Desire for Adventure, Wealth, and Knowledge

N moon elf male | Sage (Researcher) | Diviner 6

AC 15 | HP 38/38 | INIT +2 | P. Perception 21 | Move 30' | Inspr. 0/1 |
Spell Atk +10 | Spell DC 18 | Slots 1st: 2/4, 2nd: 1/3, 3rd: 1/2 | HD 6d6/6d6 | Portents 6, 16

STR 12 | DEX 15 | CON 15 | INT 20 | WIS 18 | CHA 16 | Feat Observant

The diviner patiently sat in the longboat, occasionally looking up to the sky in hopes of finding a break in the clouds through which to view his precious stars. None came. The night was dark and the future unknown. His thoughts lingered on the violence of the night, flashes of blood, bolts, blades, and magic. There was no turning back now: his dreams had led him to join this crew, and now surely he was a wanted man in Waterdeep...

As they arrived at the sloop-of-war, Selindil waited for each of them to ascend the ropes before doing so himself. He nodded to Knell as she was taken away, leaving the rest of them to bring up the gear.

As they worked, Sel was deep in thought. He wondered why they were surveying the ships in the harbor, and why Ms. Blueblood hadn't asked him for help in the matter. Lirael landed on the railing of the sloop's gunnel, tilting her head as she watched them labor. She could easily have flown around the harbor and identified a ship or two, without putting anyone in harms way. He thought maybe this was another test? He let the thought linger for a bit before putting it out of his mind. Whatever the captain had in store, it wasn't his place to second-guess.



main hand: nothing
off hand: nothing




Currently Active Spells/Effects

Mage Armor - 2 hours remaining
Find Familiar - Active Until Dismissed or Familiar Dies

Cantrips and Spellbook

1st-Level 2nd-Level 3rd-Level
Comprehend Languages Blindness/Deafness Fireball
Detect Magic Borrowed Knowldge Water Breathing
Feather Fall Detect Thoughts Counterspell
Find Familiar Mirror Image Tidal Wave
Mage Armor    
Magic Missile    

Cantrips Known: Shocking Grasp, Dancing Lights, Frostbite, Gust, Prestidigitation


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Red Knell - Even-Keeled Beauty with a Bad Reputation... and Dark Magic Troubles

annebonnyweaponscropped.jpeg.33bb4569f3823f060947bfa88b6b58ed.jpegPassive Perception 19 | Athletics +8 | Insight +6 | Intimidation +6 | Investigation +4 | Languages Common, Thieves Cant, Deep Speech

attractive | 5'9" | athletic female build | dark red hair | grey-green eye | eye patch | jewelry | elegant traveler's clothes | rapier| belaying pin

AC 17 (18) | HP 29/51 | INIT +7 | Move 30 (40 swim) | Inspr. 0/1 | Spells 2/2 | HD 6d8/6d8

Red Knell materialized on the deck as if pulled from the shadows of the night. She stood, sea-drenched, not far from Bluebloodette, her night eyes going to the details of the sloop rather than the grim-faced welcome committee. She took in the graceful lines of the gunwale, the mast, the rigging, and more--taking the measure of the vessel.

Knell seemed uncomfortable being introduced as someone of greater significance than the other new recruits. Making matters worse, she turned to see that most of the others were busy acting like a crew, having joined forces to quickly and efficiently unload the rowboat. She would have remarked on their professionalism if not for the fact that she found herself in the middle of Bluebloodette's introduction. For her part, she offered a nod for a greeting and an awkward, "Fred, Swifty, well met."

Called away by the captain's daughter, the redhead caught and returned Sel's nod before turning after the woman. She followed Ms Blueblood to the other side of the sloop where she offered the brunette no words, her face that of a patient mother waiting upon an energetic toddler.



Main hand: empty

Off Hand: empty



Stat Block

Human (Variant) Female Swashbuckler (3)/Fathomless Warlock (3) Pirate (Bad Reputation)

STR 14 | DEX 18 | CON 17 | INT 12 | WIS 16 | CHA 16 | Death Saves -3 | Feat Dual Wielder Tavern Brawler


Attack with Rapier of Gambling +10 (1d8+7 piercing)

Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4+4 slashing)

Attack with Shadow Blade +7 (2d8+4 psychic)

Cast a Spell (Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Protection from Evil and Good, Spider Climb)

Create Pact of the Blade Weapon

Activate Magic Item: Rogue's Mantle Willful Enmity

Bonus Actions

Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4 piercing)

Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Attack with Shadow Blade +7 (2d8 psychic)

Cast a Spell (Hex or Shadow Blade)

Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, Hide)

Activate Magic Item: Rogue's Mantle Move in Shadows (teleport 30 feet)

Fathomless Warlock class feature Tentacles of the Deep


Opportunity Attack with Rapier of Gambling +10 (1d8+7 piercing)

Opportunity Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4+4 slashing)

Rider Effects

Fancy Footwork, Rakish Audicity, Sneak Attack,

Equipment Not on Person

weathered hat & bandana, 2 throwing knives, gloves, boots and stockings, cross-body bag

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Eze.jpeg.6bda2a541a208ba88af4b38327fe99fd.jpegSwifty Drow Ranger, Wanderer, Swordsman, duelist, poisoner
dark elf adult male, CN Ranger, fey wanderer 7 ... spell slots, 4,3 ... CHA, WIS cast +6 save DC 14
Gear... Elven cloak, elven chain, Rapier, weapons belt, hand crossbow, elven boots, poison vial, darts, bolts

The drow didn't like other elves, didn't like anyone particulary. But he did respect Captain Blueblood, and took it upon himself like the other crew onboard to keep an eye out for ms. Blueblood... and her cook.

"Where's Liang Lin ?" ... Swifty's elven voice was of noble bearing, years of blood lines manipulated by house matriarch's looking to keep the old ways far into the future had made 'Swifty' what he was today. A noble relic of the past reimagining himself as a pirate upon the Tireless Sea... why not. It was a good way to explore the world of Toril.

The Cook had not returned with the crew... The drow voice hung in the air...


pete2.jpeg.63deae77e7cdfdeeeaf44d0bb3e5e195.jpegms.'Blueblood' Pirate, Rogue, Swashbuckler, Duelist, Captain's daughter...
Young adult 5'11 female human variant fighter, CN eldritch knight 6 ..
action surge.. (1).base move..40'
init +5 ..mage armor.. (AC 18 .. 21, HP 51) second wind..(1) heal 1d10+6 condition.. normal, mobile, Defensive Duelist.
human traits... Athlete, Stealth +8 ...prev.. Pirate ..skills.. Athletics +7, Perception +5, Acrobatics +8, Insight +5.

stats.. STR 18, DEX 20, CON 14, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 9 ..saves.. STR +7, CON +5 ..spells.. INT ..prof.. +3
heroic... Mobile, Duelist (fs) ..eldritch knight.. Bonded weapons (whip..rapier) ..cantrips.. blade ward, shocking grasp (kiss)
spell... Casting +5, Save DC 13 ..known.. mage armor, shield, protection from good / evil, Witchbolt ..slots (3)

ms.Blueblood considered her friend and cook...

"Send the longboat back to the pier... Grusk can you pick up my friend Liang Lin ?"

Red Knell was still wounded, wet from swimming and looked impatient like the outgoing tide.

"Mary rose is beyond thar... It is a trading ship full of Elvish wine from as far as Evermeet. We're going to Scuttle her at the port harbour wall... tonight.

There it was, the plan was already in motion and it was time to let in the crew on what was going on tonight.


gear - swimming costume, leather bracers, weapons belt, dagger, watertight mapcase, pouch, leather soft shoes.

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Red Knell - Even-Keeled Beauty with a Bad Reputation... and Dark Magic Troubles

annebonnyweaponscropped.jpeg.33bb4569f3823f060947bfa88b6b58ed.jpegPassive Perception 19 | Athletics +8 | Insight +6 | Intimidation +6 | Investigation +4 | Languages Common, Thieves Cant, Deep Speech

attractive | 5'9" | athletic female build | dark red hair | grey-green eye | eye patch | jewelry | elegant traveler's clothes | rapier| belaying pin

AC 17 (18) | HP 29/51 | INIT +7 | Move 30 (40 swim) | Inspr. 0/1 | Spells 2/2 | HD 6d8/6d8

Because we don't like elvish wine?

The redhead finally understood Bluebloodette's game. Provide inadequate information, allow just enough time for seasoned pirate to raise intelligent questions and reasonable concerns, and then ignore those questions and concerns with a demeanor of superiority and enjoyment. It wasn't quite saddle-geeseing, but the girl's game was just as self-serving, provoking, and potentially dangerous.

Likely, Ms. Blueblood had meant to say they'd be taking the Elvish wine before scuttling the ship, but... maybe not. Knell decided she would act as if the orders were clear, but would continue to ask reasonable followup questions that involved no second guessing--no why questions, no did you mean to say questions. And so the redhead Red gave an easygoing nod in acknowledgement of the plan. She'd scuttled ships before and understood what was involved. With a curious small smile, she asked her followup question. "Holing, opening Mary's seacocks, or something else?"

If Bluebloodette was trying to teach an important first lesson to her new crew, it seemed the lesson was to follow orders--even stupid, unclear, and seemingly meaningless or disastrous orders--without question. Possibly, Bluebloodette wanted a stupid crew rather than a smart crew. Or maybe she was weeding out those who might question her because she was a woman. Or younger than her crew--a girl.



Main hand: empty

Off Hand: empty



Stat Block

Human (Variant) Female Swashbuckler (3)/Fathomless Warlock (3) Pirate (Bad Reputation)

STR 14 | DEX 18 | CON 17 | INT 12 | WIS 16 | CHA 16 | Death Saves -3 | Feat Dual Wielder Tavern Brawler


Attack with Rapier of Gambling +10 (1d8+7 piercing)

Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4+4 slashing)

Attack with Shadow Blade +7 (2d8+4 psychic)

Cast a Spell (Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Protection from Evil and Good, Spider Climb)

Create Pact of the Blade Weapon

Activate Magic Item: Rogue's Mantle Willful Enmity

Bonus Actions

Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4 piercing)

Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Attack with Shadow Blade +7 (2d8 psychic)

Cast a Spell (Hex or Shadow Blade)

Cunning Action (Dash, Disengage, Hide)

Activate Magic Item: Rogue's Mantle Move in Shadows (teleport 30 feet)

Fathomless Warlock class feature Tentacles of the Deep


Opportunity Attack with Rapier of Gambling +10 (1d8+7 piercing)

Opportunity Attack with Pact Weapon Whip +7 (1d4+4 slashing)

Rider Effects

Fancy Footwork, Rakish Audicity, Sneak Attack,

Equipment Not on Person

weathered hat & bandana, 2 throwing knives, gloves, boots and stockings, cross-body bag

Edited by Wizard of the Coat (see edit history)
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Eireann III - High Elf Rogue 6

HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 6d8/6d8 

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str +0 Dex +8 Con +2 Int +3 Wis +1 Cha +3 | Initiative: +8 

Statistics | Equipment | Skills | Abilities

Eireann frowned at the drow, he hadn't met many of them and none of them had been particularly friendly. It mattered little to him, as long as Swifty did his duty as well as any other on the ship. When Ms. Blueblood finally gave an indication of what was to come next, Eireann waited for the rest of the plan.

"Are we taking the wine? I am never eager to waste good wine."

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Grusk Hammerfist

Grusk.png.1df68b3bc2fd2b7c0a66549cfd2cd6a6.pngGrusk Hammerfist Smuggler
Young adult 6'1" male half-orc, Paladin of Conquest 5 CN



Init +2, +1 mithril breastplate (AC 17, HP 59/59)

conditions normal, base move..30', swim and climb 30'

Skills Athletics +8, Insight +4, Deception +5, Intimidation +5, Persuasion +5

stats.. STR 21, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 12, CHA 14

saves STR +5, DEX +2, CON +3, INT +0, WIS +4, CHA +5 ..spells.. CHA..prof.. +3

spell... Casting +5, Save DC 13 

prepared (4) Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Thunderous Smite, Lesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing slots (4/2)

Perishables Potion of Greater Healing, 40 Arrows

Half-Orc Traits: Darkvision, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, Savage Attacks

Paladin Traits: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Divine Smite, Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Health, Sacred Oath, Extra Attack, Aura of Protection


Appearance: An intimidating mountain of muscle standing at 6'1" tall. He generally is wearing some worn, but nice pants tucked into the tops of his leather boots with a thick belt around his waist holding them up. A dagger hangs from the belt. On the top he wears a sleeveless shirt of fair quality and a bandana on his head. Aside from the large bow and large quiver on his back he carries no other weapons. There are several tattoos on his arms and he walks with more of a bounce to his step than his large size would have one expect.



Grusk finishes passing up the last of the equipment and then responds to Ms. Blueblood.

Aye. I can go back and get her. How long do I wait before coming back is she doesn't show?

After hearing what they were about to do he shakes his head and replies.

A shame to waste all that good wine.

His attitude makes it clear that though he hates wasting good wine, he is going to follow orders.

He repositions himself in the boat and pushes off from the ship, after everyone is out, if they aren't already, and then rows back to the docks. He will get close enough to see what is happening on them before he pulls up to them. He is guessing that Ms. Lin will make her way tot he docks when she is able and he will wait till she does or till time runs out.





Attack -

Move -

Bonus -

Reaction -

Immediate -


Combat options

Paladin: Oath of Conquest 6

Divine Favor: Bonus Action, Adds 1d4 radiant damage to his attacks, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Thunderous Smite: Bonus Action, Adds, 2d6 Thunder damage to next successful hit with a melee weapon, Strength save DC 13 or be pushed 10' away and knocked prone, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute


melee.. Unarmed Attack, +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
melee.. Dagger, +8 to hit, 1d4+5 damage

ranged.. Longbow, +6 to hit, 2d6+5, Range: 150/600
ranged.. Dagger, +8 to hit, 1d4+5 damage


Preferred technique - unarmed combat

attack.. +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
extra attack.. +9 to hit, 1d8+6 damage
move.. will close with enemy if none are adjacent


other preferred weapons



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Eze.jpeg.6bda2a541a208ba88af4b38327fe99fd.jpegSwifty Drow Ranger, Wanderer, Swordsman, duelist, poisoner
dark elf adult male, CN Ranger, fey wanderer 7 ... spell slots, 4,3 ... CHA, WIS cast +6 save DC 14
Gear... Elven cloak, elven chain, Rapier, weapons belt, hand crossbow, elven boots, poison vial, darts, bolts

"Scuttle the Mary Rose" ... Swifty considered the task, and knew if ms. Blueblood was in danger he'd have to step in and probably kill someone. He'd done it before and would do it again. What he didn't know is how she wanted to play this out.

No doubt that they'd wait until Liang Lin returns... and the new crew returning from the sea. The latter Swifty wasn't happy about, so he'd make himself scarce and keep an eye out on the perimeter. Swifty turns and walks into the gloom towards the main mast.


pete2.jpeg.63deae77e7cdfdeeeaf44d0bb3e5e195.jpegms.'Blueblood' Pirate, Rogue, Swashbuckler, Duelist, Captain's daughter...
Young adult 5'11 female human variant fighter, CN eldritch knight 6 ..
action surge.. (1).base move..40'
init +5 ..mage armor.. (AC 18 .. 21, HP 51) second wind..(1) heal 1d10+6 condition.. normal, mobile, Defensive Duelist.
human traits... Athlete, Stealth +8 ...prev.. Pirate ..skills.. Athletics +7, Perception +5, Acrobatics +8, Insight +5.

stats.. STR 18, DEX 20, CON 14, INT 15, WIS 14, CHA 9 ..saves.. STR +7, CON +5 ..spells.. INT ..prof.. +3
heroic... Mobile, Duelist (fs) ..eldritch knight.. Bonded weapons (whip..rapier) ..cantrips.. blade ward, shocking grasp (kiss)
spell... Casting +5, Save DC 13 ..known.. mage armor, shield, protection from good / evil, Witchbolt ..slots (3)

ms.Blueblood considered Grusk's question first, before waiving him farewell...

"Switch boats when you reach the pier ... by the time you tie up the longboat ... well, she should be there. If not, then scout the area but do not leave the Bazaar."

The Mary Rose was a two masted trading ship... Scuttling her on a stormy night in Waterdeep harbour without raising suspicion was going to be a challenge. Blueblood just hoped the new crew would pull their weight when it counted. Red Knell was already thinking one step ahead... So she addressed Red Knell's question next...

"It's a dark and stormy night... A ship slipping it's mooring with sails coming loose in the storm could come to grief if it hits the harbour wall... it's an old ship, the Mary Rose. It's a miracle she has lasted as long as she has."

ms. Blueblood smirked... she wasn't particularly good at deception. There was something she was omitting... surely.

Eirann had a valid question.

"Oh, it's our wine ... we sold it ... and we're going to sell it again. Already have other interested parties shall we say and they're going to help us sink the ship and salvage the cargo "

gear - swimming costume, leather bracers, weapons belt, dagger, watertight mapcase, pouch, leather soft shoes.



Opened thread for everyone, Jellyfish may return and post from the sea...


Edited by DarkAngel (see edit history)
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image.png.f30a5bef2e2c14238ce00eb9e5c94373.pngFinn, Rogue, Swashbuckler (6th)
Young adult 5'11 Male Half-Sea Elf Rogue, CG
move 30' / swim 30' | Inheiritor,
stats.. STR 14, DEX 16, CON 11, INT 15, WIS 12, CHA 16 | ..saves.. Dex +6, INT +5 | prof.. +3
Skills: Perception +7, Acrobatics +6, History +5, Stealth +9, Persuasion +9, Survival +4
Actions: Stabbing Spear +1 (+6, 1d6+3/1d6+1) | Dagger (+6, 1d4+3, 1d4+1, 20/60) | Unarmed (+5, 3)
Lang: Chondathan, Aquan, Elvish, Common, Thieves' Cant
Feats / Benefits

Finn slid gracefully over the railing in time to hear the end of the Captains Daughter's plans. Shaking his head to dry his hair, Finn 'tsked" aloud. "Might be more difficult than expected. The ship is guarded by a contingent of mounted Sea Elf scouts and at least one mage."



main hand:
off hand:

Actions - Talking




Edited by JagrHunter (see edit history)
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