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Beginner at PbP but long time player.

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I been a TTRPG gamer for 35 years (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons). I run a couple D&D games and a Savage Worlds Deadlands game as GM but that does not allow me a lot of time to play even though all are online. I would guess by work schedule and other life schedules that I could post something short once a day and something longer every couple days. I know D&D 5e, Savage Worlds, some Palladium, some Shadowrun 5e, some Blades in the Dark/Forged in the dark (just started learning) and a few other much older ones. I am open to most but don't want overly sexual or overly descriptive gore. I have had bad experiences with Fate, Vampire the Masquerade, survival type games (continuous searching for rations and water, etc.) and Spelljammer, so I do not want to play those again. Also, THAC0 was a terrible idea, so I would prefer 5e D&D. While I find the lore of Warhammer 40k interesting, I don't really find the gameplay compelling.  I have been a member of this site for approximately 5 minutes so I don't know the functionality yet but can give it a go.
Hope to be a good fit.

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Hello and welcome! There are a lot of games around here, from D&D of all editions, Pathfinder, and plenty of other systems. If you're looking to join a group, just keep an eye on game advertisements until something that interests you opens up. Then, you make a character for the game, and the GM chooses from the apps. For popular systems like 5E, there are often more applications than available slots, but you never know.

I've been playing about as long as you but I still enjoy the older systems and some of their clones. THAC0 wasn't a great idea, lol. It's so easy to convert to ascending AC though. So easy that I'm embarrassed I didn't think of it back in the day!

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Regarding the overly sexual or overly descriptive gore - you've come to the right place! That's not the tone or tenor of Myth-Weavers, and in fact we have a rule against explicit content. While it's a bit of a relic from when the site was advertiser-supported, everyone is on the same page that we want to keep it that way. Some of the staff now even have kids who might be on here!

Regarding Original D&D and THAC0... can I interested you in the Old School Revival rules sets? I have a few links in my signature which may interest you...

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