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Thistle - Aasimar (Goblin) Quandrix Student Chronurgy Wizard


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Thistle - Aasimar (Goblin) Quandrix Chronurgy Wizard

Goblin mage

   Name: Thistle, also sometimes referred to as the annoying goblin.

   Character Concept:

  Roleplaying wise: A goblin(?) wizard, (over)eager to find her purpose. Sometimes a little whimsy, always good natured.

  Role wise: One dash of Thistle adds knowledge, buffs, crowd control, utility, ritual casting and humor to the party.

   Race: A goblin with a divine spark, also known as an Aasimar.

Background: Quandrix Student (Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos)

Subclass: Chronurgy (Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount)

   Description: At first glance, Thistle looks like most other goblins; short, green, with big ears and a head covered in brownish hair. But there is more to her than meets the eye. When her temper or adrenaline rises, sensitive individuals may pick up that there is something special about her. Even the dullest of people can see that the normally grey irises of her eyes glow with silvery light when she is angry.

Even when she's not temperamental, she is a very direct person. She makes no effort to conceal her feelings, so anything from sadness to boredom to enthusiasm are effortlessly read from both her face and body language. To simply call her naïve would be wrong; she is prone to be tricked, but that is not only issue. She often struggles with understanding social norms, and has a tendency to misunderstand and insult people unintentionally.

If you find yourself the center of her attention, it is most likely because she finds you interesting. Don't worry, she'll let you know. She is curious towards anything she wants to learn more about, and similarly dismissive to things or people she does not find captivating.

Like most other goblins, she has no sense of modesty, neither her own or anyone else's. She wears clothes because she has been told that most people find it disturbing when she doesn't, but prefers to just keep it as simple as possible and often just a single layer. Her favorite blue dress, originally a part of her school uniform, has seen years of use and much mending, and she is in no hurry to replace it. Her red cloak holds sentimental value for her; it was a gift from her former roommate.

Her arms are adorned with six distinct tattoos from her goblin tribe. On her left arm, from top to bottom: Two leaves that signify her connection to the natural world and that is meant to ward of dangers of the wilderness. A band of triangles, which helps keep the body and spirit in balance. Flames that signify her as a mage, and gives her mana an outlet so it doesn't poison her soul. On her right arm, from top to bottom: A band of circles that overlap each with other that helps protect her against spirits that seek to harm her. A jagged band that provides resilience in times of need. And finally, a wave of water dancing around her wrist that is also specific to her as a mage; this one is supposed to help her focus her mana to better shape it.

She always wears a hair ornament that was crafted by her mother from the bones of animals. The two bands around her wrists were given to her by May, her best friend and roommate.

   Plothook: Right. Third time's the charm. I won't fall asleep this time! Absolutely not! I will not be defeated again by the most boring author I have ever had the displeasure of reading. Is it possible to be any worse at expressing yourself in brevity? Let's see. Where was I?

What's that noise? Hey! Share the news, please? What, an army? A dragon? Are you serious? Really?

Wait. This must be it. This must be the what the voice told me about. No, not talking to you. I need to go to Kalaman right away. Too bad my mentor is away. You'll let him know, won't you? No, I'll be busy, saving the world. I just need to figure out where I can sign up to help.


Everyone realized early that Thistle was not like the other goblins. She did not pay attention to the same things other children did, and as soon as she could speak, she would ask all manner of weird questions. Their shaman could sense something unusual about her soul, but determined that she wasn't possessed. She was just viewed as a strange child.

At least he had something interesting to teach her; magic. Except, she didn't really learn from him. She couldn't replicate his method no matter what she tried, but through trial and error she found a different way that worked for her. The shaman was baffled, but recognized her talent. As a fledgling mage, she was given the traditional markings of a spell weaver. They didn't seem to do anything, but the shaman assured her that they would help her.

One day, a group of adventurers attacked their camp. While everyone was running away, Thistle was busy drawing with a stick to try to solve a problem. When an adventurer approached her with her weapon raised, she didn't understand the danger and instead started asking questions. The adventurer decided not to kill her, and instead referred her questions to their wizard. They spent the next hour discussing, or more precisely, she spent the next hour asking very question she could think of while he did his best to answer. In the end, not only did they spare her, he advised her on where to go: The Mage Tower. She wanted to immediately go with them, to the point where they had to tie her up to stop her from following them.

The knowledge that there existed a place where she could find answers made Thistle unable to accept her life among the goblins. The others packed up the camp and prepared to move further into the wilderness, but she refused; she wanted to head towards the humans. In the end, she got her wish; her uncle Dandelion took pity on her and decided to take her to the Mage tower. Her family was sad, but understanding.

Her uncle had a talent unlike most others; he could successfully pass himself off as a somewhat ugly gnome. He applied the same mix of clay and color to Thistle's skin and covered her up as much as possible before bringing her to the civilization. The travel was educational for her, mostly for the wrong reasons. Her lack of social grace caused them plenty of trouble, and Dandelion had to save her from her countless blunders. He probably got a few grey hairs from the journey.

The mage tower accepted her, which was a bit of a surprise, since it hadn't even occurred to her that they might reject her. Dandelion bid farewell, and she was so busy exploring that she barely noticed him leaving. So many interesting magic, artifacts, books, ingredients, creatures, experiments... woops! Sorry! That wasn't on purpose!

Apart from a some minor hiccups and perhaps a few appropriate punishments, she settled well into her new home. Her social awkwardness didn't do her any favors, but there were plenty of like-minded awkward young people that tolerated her lack of grace. She immediately made friends with several others around her age, first and foremost her haregon roommate May.

Within a few years, she graduated from a novice to a wizard, and called forth her familiar, a raven she named Blackie. During that time she had also learned more about herself. Apparently her soul was touched by a divine spark, but that was about all the priest could tell her with certainty. Nothing about what kind of divine creature, for what purpose or anything else. But not all was lost; she was taught how to touch the divine spark. When she focused on it, her hand glowed, and with some experimentation she learned she could heal someone with a touch.

Wings made of rainbow colored uneven circlesLater experiments with her soul made multicolored uneven circles appear on her back. Wings. She could fly! What an exhilarating feeling. Until it abruptly stopped with no warning.

With her new status as a full-fledged wizard, she was allowed to take part in expeditions organized by the tower, where she gained experience in all manner of tasks; gather materials, face unfriendly fauna, perform experiments, study old ruins and more.

Though graduated wizards were allowed to depart the tower, she saw no reason to leave her new home. Something was bothering her, though. There would occasionally be small episodes that kept nagging at her thoughts. Remnants of dreams when she woke up. A voice at the edge of her perception. A bout of bad conscience from lazing around a bit. The impression she got from all these disconnected feelings was that she was supposed to do something, but she had no idea what.

She spent more years both within the tower and attending expeditions. Her frustration with the hints remained a constant factor. That is, until the day she got the message of the Dragon Army. It immediately clicked with her. This was her purpose, it called to her. She immediately set out to face her destiny.

   Truths, Rumors, and Lies:

  • Thistle went around kissing people on their feet after her roommate May told her that it was the best way to show sincerity. The rumor is true, and only one in a series of practical joke May made at Thistle's expense.
  • If Thistle gets too enthused with something and forgets to eat, don't get too close to her. She once bit someone in the arm because she mistook them for food. This rumor is false; she bit a calligraphy pen belonging to the student who sat down next to her.
  • The first time Thistle manifested her wings, she was more than sixty feet off the ground when she discovered they had a limited duration. She barely survived.

   Loyalties: Thistle is immensely loyal to her new home; the mage tower. Apart from that, she still feels loyalty towards her tribe, despite not having lived with them for years and years. She doesn't even know where they are right now.

   Is Might Right? As far as Thistle is concerned people should be able to do what they want as long as they don't bother anyone else. If not, they're bullies, and should be punished accordingly.

She will bow her head to a superior power that has defeated her, while making it very clear she's not happy about it. That does not mean she has given up; a defeat is merely another type of lesson.

   Deity: Her respect for goblin ancestors and Chislev, the god of nature on its own terms, still lingers from her days living with her tribe. After her divine spark was revealed, she has started to revere Mishakal above all others. As the goddess of healing, she seems like the most likely candidate to have gifted her the ability to heal. For the moment, Thistle's best hypothesis is that the voices she hears and the dreams she receives might be from either Mishakal or some of her agents.

   Music: The music would greatly depend on her mood. She is curious about the world around her, and her thoughts quickly dance between various associations. When she finds something interesting, she eagerly explores it, often charging ahead heedless of any complications. She also has some serious temper, and the right (or wrong) trigger will seriously piss her off. (Spotify links: curious, eager and angry)

   Connections. Her family is still out there, and her tribe will (probably) welcome her if she can find them. The one she is most likely to run into is her uncle Dandelion, as he is the only that can willingly visit human settlements. He is getting older, but not interested in staying put anytime soon. The seemingly gregarious but ugly gnome will more often than not treat others to a drink or two or three. He gradually eases the conversation into topics of commerce after the subject has gotten tipsy, all the better to get a better deal. But he is smart to keep his greed in check. Just far enough to earn or save a decent coin, but not so much that the subject feels cheated once they have sobered up.

Thistle is not without enemies, even if she made most of them unwittingly. One such candidate is a fellow mage from her tower; Alurian the hairless. The elf didn't have that nickname before Thistle meddled in his experiment. After it blew up on him, he lost all his hair; every single strand of hair on his head, his face, and his body. Even his eyebrows completely vanished, and no treatment has been able to bring them back again. He has so far failed to take a satisfactory vengeance; she views his attempts as mere games and plays along, while he just wants to see her suffer. The rules of the tower prevent him from going overboard, and has so far protected her from the worst of his wrath.

Edited by Ayeba
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Aasimar Lineage

Ability Scores: +2 to one, +1 to another.
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Small
Speed: 30 ft.

   Celestial Resistance: Resistance to Necrotic and Radiant damage.

   Darkvision: 60 ft.

   Healing Hands: As an action, you can touch a creature and roll a number of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus. The creature regains a number of hit points equal to the total rolled. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

   Light Bearer: You know the light cantrip.

  Celestial Revelation: As a bonus action, unleash the celestial energy within yourself. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once you transform using your revelation, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

   Radiant Soul: Two luminous, spectral wings sprout from your back temporarily. Until the transformation ends, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed, and once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra damage equals your proficiency bonus.

Source: Monsters of the Multiverse, page 7.

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Quandrix Student

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Nature
Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisian's tools
Languages: One of your choice

Equipment: A bottle of colored ink, an ink pen, an abacus, a book of arcane theory, a school uniform, a pouch containing 15 gp

Feature: Quandrix Initiate

   You gain the Strixhaven Initiate feat, and must choose Quandrix within it.

   In addition, if you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, the spells on the Quandrix Spells table are added to the spell list of y our spellcasting class.

Spell level Spells
1st Entangle, Guiding Bolt
2nd Enlarge/Reduce, Vortex Warp
3rd Aura of Vitality, Haste
4th Control Water, Freedom of Movement
5th Circle of Power, Passwall

Building a Quandrix Character

   Any spellcasting class or subclass can work well for a Quandrix character. Both the scholarly focus of wizards (especially those who study the Schools of Abjuration, Illusion or Transmutation) and the metamagic manipulations of sorcerers are welcome in Quandrix, and many druids explore the patterns of nature in Quandrix as well. A few clerics, particularly those with the Knowledge or Nature domains, study in Quandrix as well.

Source: Strixhaven - A Curriculum of Chaos page 30.


Personality: I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.

Ideal: Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress. (Chaotic)

Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my hermitage, order, or association.

Flaw: I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.

Source: Hermit, PHB p134.

Edited by Ayeba
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Cantrips Known












Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery





Arcane Tradition










Ability Score Improvement










Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per Wizard level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows
Tools: None

Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion


You start with the following items, in addition to the equipment granted by your background.

   (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger

   (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus

   (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

   A spellbook


As a student of arcane magic, you have a spellbook containing spells that show the first glimmerings of your true power.


At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn additional wizard cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Wizard table.


At 1st level, you have a spellbook containing six 1st-level wizard spells of your choice. Your spellbook is the repository of the wizard spells you know, except your cantrips, which are fixed in your mind.

Your Spellbook

The spells that you add to your spellbook as you gain levels reflect the arcane research you conduct on your own, as well as intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature of the multiverse. You might find other spells during your adventures. You could discover a spell recorded on a scroll in an evil wizard's chest, for example, or in a dusty tome in an ancient library.

   Copying a Spell into the Book. When you find a wizard spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook if it is of a spell level you can prepare and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.

   Copying a spell into your spellbook involves reproducing the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique system of notation used by the wizard who wrote it. You must practice the spell until you understand the sounds or gestures required, then transcribe it into your spellbook using your own notation.

   For each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.

   Replacing the Book. You can copy a spell from your own spellbook into another book-for example, if you want to make a backup copy of your spellbook. This is just like copying a new spell into your spellbook, but faster and easier, since you understand your own notation and already know how to cast the spell. You need spend only 1 hour and 10 gp for each level of the copied spell.

   If you lose your spellbook, you can use the same procedure to transcribe the spells that you have prepared into a new spellbook. Filling out the remainder of your spellbook requires you to find new spells to do so, as normal. For this reason, many wizards keep backup spellbooks in a safe place.

   The Book's Appearance. Your spellbook is a unique compilation of spells, with its own decorative flourishes and margin notes. It might be a plain, functional leather volume that you received as a gift from your master, a finely bound gilt-edged tome you found in an ancient library or even a loose collection of notes scrounged together after you lost your previous spellbook in a mishap.

Preparing and Casting Spells The Wizard table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your wizard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

   You prepare the list of wizard spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of wizard spells from your spellbook equal to your Intelligence modifier + your wizard level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

   For example, if you're a 3rd-level wizard, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination, chosen from your spellbook. If you prepare the 1st-level spell magic missile, you can cast it using a 1st-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.

   You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of wizard spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the incantations and gestures you must make to cast the spell: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don't need to have the spell prepared.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.

Arcane Recovery

You have learned to regain some of your magical energy by studying your spellbook. Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

   For example, if you're a 4th-level wizard, you can recover up to two levels worth of spell slots. You can recover either a 2nd-level spell slot or two 1st-level spell slots.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


Chronurgy Magic 

Arcane Tradition - Chronal Shift
2nd-level Chronurgy Magic Feature

You can magically exert limited control over the flow of time around a creature. As a reaction, after you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You make this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or fails. The target must use the result of the second roll.
  You can use this ability twice, and you regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Temporal Awareness
2nd-level Chronurgy Magic Feature

You can add your Intelligence modifier to your initiative rolls.

Edited by Ayeba
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Level 1 Bonus Feat

Strixhaven Initiate

   You have studied some magical theory and have learned a few spells associated with Strixhaven University.

   Choose one of Strixhaven's colleges: Lorehold, Prismari, Quandrix, Silverquill or Witherbloom. You learn two cantrips and one 1st-level spell based on the college you choose, as specificed in the Strixhaven Spells table.

   You can cast the chosen 1st-level spell without a spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it in this way again. You can also cast the spell using any spell slot you have.

   Your spellcasting ability for this feat's spells is Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (choose when you select this feat).

College Cantrips 1st-level Spell
Quandrix Choose two from druidcraft, guidance and mage hand Choose one 1st-level druid or wizard spell: Healing Word

  Source: Strixhaven, a Curriculum of Chaos p 33.

Level 4 Feat


   You learn to move things with your mind, granting you the following benefits:

Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

You learn the Mage Hand cantrip. You can cast it without verbal or somatic components, and you can make the spectral hand invisible. If you already know this spell, its range increases by 30 feet when you cast it. Its spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.

As a bonus action, you can try to telekinetically shove one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Strength saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the score increased by this feat) or be moved 5 feet toward or away from you. A creature can willingly fail this save.

Level 4 Bonus Feat

War Caster

You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat, learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
  • You can perform the somatic components of spells when even when you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
  • When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than use your reaction opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must target only that creature.
Edited by Ayeba
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  1. School uniform [background]
  2. Shoulder: pouch containing 15 gp [background]
  3. Belt/hand: Wand [10 gp]
  4. Hair: Hair ornament made of bone [fluff]
  5. Wrists: Bracelets [fluff]


  1. Belt: Dagger & Sheath (1d4 piercing - finesse, light, thrown 20/60 ft.) - [2 gp]

Instruments & Tools

  1. Cook's utensils [1gp, purchased]


  1. Arcane Grimoire (+1) [uncommon magic item]
  2. Bottle of colored ink [background]
  3. Ink pen [background]
  4. Abacus [background]
  5. Book of arcane theory [background]
  6. Scroll of Augury [140 gp]
  7. Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk [31 gp]
  8. Explorer's Pack [10 gp]
    • Backpack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess Kit
    • Tinderbox
    • 10 torches
    • 10 days of rations
    • Waterskin
    • 50 ft of hempen rope


A blue tetrahedon that, when tapped twice, projects a recording of an old mathematics lecture (Trinket specific to Quandrix the Quandrix initiate feat, Strixhaven - Curriculum of Chaos p31)


Starting gold: 640 gp = 100 gp [class, rolled] + 15 gp [background] + 525 gp [budget]

  • Wand: 10 gp
  • Dagger: 2 gp
  • Explorer's Pack: 10 gp
  • Cook's utensils: 1 gp
  • Scroll of Haste: 260 gp
  • Scribing Haste: 150 gp
  • Scroll of Augury: 140 gp
  • Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk: 31 gp

Remaining gold: 36 gp

Edited by Ayeba
(Switched out Counterspell for Haste) (see edit history)
Starting gold
1d10*25+500 1
Scroll of Augury
1d6*10+90 5
Scroll of Haste
1d6*10+240 2
Scroll of Counterspell
1d6*10+240 4
Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk
1d6+29 2
Scroll of Unseen Servant
1d6+29 6
Scroll of Illusionary Script
1d6+29 1
Scroll of Alarm
1d6+29 1
Scroll of Identify
1d6+29 3
Starting gold instead of equipment
4d4*10 3,1,3,3
Scroll of Guiding Bolt
1d6+29 4
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  1. Light [race]
  2. Mage Hand [feat]
  3. Guidance [feat]
  4. Minor Illusion
  5. Prestidigitation
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


  1. Shield
  2. Absorb Elements
  3. Feather Fall
  4. Mage Armor
  5. Entangle ©
  6. Comprehend Languages ®
  7. Detect Magic © ®
  8. Find Familiar ® (a lead-based ink worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes)


  1. Misty Step
  2. Vortex Warp
  3. Invisibility ©
  4. Enhance Ability ©


  1. Haste
  2. Fireball
  3. Leomund's Tiny Hut ®
Edited by Ayeba
(Vortex Grasp -> Vortex Warp) (see edit history)
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Thistle portraitThistle Chronurgy Wizard 5

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)
Wisdom: 8 (-1)
Charisma: 10 (+0)

AC: 15
HP: 37/37
PPPassive Perception: 9


Thistle opened her mouth. "You're big." Nailed it. 





Modifier (Int): +4
Spell Attack: +8
Save DC: 16


  1. Light
  2. Mage Hand
  3. Guidance
  4. Prestidigitation
  5. Minor Illusion
  6. Mind Sliver
  7. Fire Bolt


4 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Shield (re)
  2. [x] Absorb Elements (re)
  3. [x] Feather Fall (re)
  4. [x] Mage Armor
  5. [x] Entangle (c)
  6. [r] Detect Magic (c)
  7. [r] Comprehend Languages
  8. [r] Find Familiar

3 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Misty Step
  2. [_] Vortex Warp
  3. [_] Invisibility (c)
  4. [x] Enhance Ability (c)

2 Spell Slots

  1. [x] Haste (c)
  2. [x] Fireball
  3. [r] Leomund's Tiny Hut

Stat Block

Goblin (Aasimar) Chronurgy Wizard 5
Small humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 15 HP 37 Speed 30 ft Initiative +6

Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 16 (+3)
Int 18 (+4) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 10 (+0)

Str -1, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +7, Wis +2, Cha +0

Skill proficiencies
Arcana +7, History +7, Investigation +7, Nature +3

Tool proficincies
Cooking utensils

Firebolt (120 ft) 1d20+8, 2d10 Fire
Mind Sliver (60 ft) Int save DC16, 2d6 Psychic

Racial Features:
Healing Hands: Restore 3d4 hp/LR
Radiant Soul: Fly 30, +3 radiant damage 1/round. 1 minute/LR

Wizard Features:
Spellcasting: 1d20+8 / DC 16
Arcane Recovery: 4 spell levels/LR
Chronal Shift: Force reroll twice/LR

Strixhaven Initiate, Telekinetic, War Caster

Common, Goblin, Celestial


Gp: 47 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. School Uniform
  2. Money Pouch
  3. Wand
  4. Dagger in its sheath
  5. Hair Ornament
  6. Bracelets


  1. Arcane Grimoire (+1)
  2. Scroll of Augury
  3. Scroll of Tenser's Floating Disk
  4. Cook's utensils
  5. Bottle of colored ink
  6. Ink Pen
  7. Abacus
  8. Book of arcane theory
  9. Explorer's Pack
    • Backpack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess Kit
    • Tinderbox
    • 10 torches
    • 10 days of rations
    • Waterskin
    • 50 ft of hempen rope
Edited by Ayeba
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Small humanoid, Chaotic Good
Age: 18 years old | Height: 2′11″ (89 cm) | Weight: 35 lbs. (16 kg)
Armor Class: 15 (10 + 2 [Dex] + 3 [Mage Armor]) | Max HP: 37 (6 [1st] + 4x4 [2nd-5th] + 5x3 [Con])
Initiative Bonus: +6 = 2 [Dex] + 4 [Int] |
Speed: 30 ft. | Proficiency Bonus: +3

8 (-1)

Save: -1
Athletics: -1
Carrying Capacity: 120 lb.
Lift/Push/Drag: 240 lb.


14 (+2)

Save: +2
Acrobatics: +2
Slight-of-Hand: +2
Stealth: +2


16 (+3)

Save: +3
Advantage on Concentration Checks vs damage taken.


18 (+4)
Save: +7
Arcana: +7
History: +7
Investigation: +7
Nature: +7
Religion: +4
8 (-1)
Save: +2
Animal Handling: -1
Insight: -1
Medicine: -1
Perception: -1
Survival: -1
10 (+0)
Save: +0
Deception: +0
Intimidation: +0
Performance: +0
Persuasion: +0


Damage Resistances: Necrotic, Radiant
Damage Immunities:
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet. Passive Perception 9, Passive Insight 9, Passive Investigation 17
Languages: Common, Goblin, Celestial
Weapon proficiencies: Light Crossbow, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling
Tool proficiencies: Cook's utensils



Healing Hands: Touch a creature. Creature regains (proficiency) d4 hp. Once per long rest.

Mind Sliver (60 feet, Verbal): Intelligence Save, DC 16.
On failed save: 2d6 Psychic damage, and the target suffers -1d4 on its next save.

Fire Bolt (120 feet, Verbal, Somatic): Ranged Spell Attack: 1d20+8 to hit.
Hit: 2d10 Fire damage.
Light (Touch, Verbal, Material, 1 hour): Touch one object. It sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Any color you like.
Mage Hand (60 feet, no componentsThe Telekinetic Feat allows Mage Hand to be cast without components., 1 minute): Manipulate objects with an invisibleThe Telekinetic Feat allows the hand to be invisible. hand. Move hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. The hand can't attack, activate magic items or carry more than 10 pounds.
Guidance (Touch, Verbal, Somatic, Concentration/1 minute): Touch one willing creature. Add 1d4 to ability check, before or after the roll.
Prestidigitation (10 feet, Verbal, Somatic, 1 hour): Minor magical tricks.
- Create instantaneous, harmless sensory effect.
- Light or snuff out a candle, torch or small campfire.
- Clean or soil object.
- Chill, warm or flavor nonliving material.
- Make color, small mark or symbol appear on object or surface.
- Create nonmagical trinket or illusionary image that can fit in hand.
Minor Illusion (30 feet, Somatic, Material, 1 minute): Create sound or image within range.

Mage Armor (Touch, Verbal, Somatic, Material, 8 hours): AC = 13 + Dex modifier

Entangle (90 feet, Verbal, Somatic, Concentration/1 minute): 20-foot square becomes difficult ground. Creatures must make Strength save or be restrained.

Vortex Warp (90 feet, Verbal, Somatic): Target must make Constitution save or be teleported to an unoccupied space you can see within range. Targets can choose to fail.

Invisibility (Touch, Verbal, Somatic, Material, Concentration/1 hour): A creature becomes invisible until they attack or cast a spell.

Enhance Ability (Touch, Verbal, Somatic, Material, Concentration/1 hour): A creature gains one effect among Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom.

Fireball (150 feet, Verbal, Somatic, Material): Each creature in a 20-foot radius sphere must make Dexterity save. 8d6 fire damage on a failed save, half on a successful one. Ignites flammable objects.

Haste (30 feet, Verbal, Somatic, Material, Concentration/1 minute): Willing creature gains double speed, gains +2 to AC, Advantage on Dexterity saves and an additional action that may only be used for Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide or Use and Object.

Bonus Actions

Celestial Revelation - Radiant Soul: Transform for 1 minute, once per long rest. Grow luminous spectral wings, gain flying speed equal to walking speed. Deal extra radiant damage equal to proficiency bonus to one creature each round.
Telekinetic: Telekinetically shove one creature within 30 feet. Target must succeed on Strength saving throw (DC 15) or be moved 5 feet towards or away from you. A creature can willingly fail this save.

Misty Step (Verbal): Teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.


Chronal Shift: After you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you can force the creature to reroll. You make this decision after you see whether the roll succeeds or fails. The target must use the result of the second roll. Twice per long rest.

War Caster Opportunity Attack: Can cast a spell in place of an opportunity attack, as long as it has casting time of 1 action and only affect the triggering creature.

Shield (Verbal, Somatic): Gain +5 AC until start of next turn. Take no damage from magic missile.

Absorb Elements (Self, Somatic, 1 round): Resistance against triggering damage type until start of next turn. Melee attack on next turn adds 1d6 damage of the triggering type.
Feather Fall (60 feet, Verbal, Material, 1 minute): Up to five falling creatures in range reduce decent to 60 feet/round, and take no falling damage.
Edited by Ayeba
(Replaced Counterspell with Haste) (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

Lines & Veils



  • Rape, and other completely unacceptable sexual behavior.


  • Overly graphic violence; descriptions that can't be described as 'realistic', but have crossed the line into 'utterly deviant'. Normal descriptions of violence are totally fine, including stuff like decapitations and brutal murder. But there's a difference between a single sentence, and spending full paragraphs describing every small disturbing detail.


  • Banter/heckling within the group.
  • Mix of humor and serious plot.
  • Exciting plots, dangerous fights, clever plans and other elements of a good story.
Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)


  • Rewrite the backstory and other parts of the first post.
  • Add war caster opportunity attack to reactions.
  • Decide on which spells Thistle gains from her wizard levels.
  • Go shopping!
  • Look over and finalize everything.

It hurts rolling the lowest possible result for starting gold, and an above average price for the scrolls...

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

@Kamishiro_Rin I think I'm done with the application now. I'll read through it tomorrow once I've gotten some sleep. Even so, I'm open for feedback if you have can spare the time to look through it.

It's too bad I'm up against Fairla Sunnybanks, 'cause Morgan_ seems like an awesome roleplayer with a good concept. I want to win, obviously, but I'll also feel a bit bad for taking their spot if I do.

You may need to make a ruling on the racial Healing Hands: It restores (at the moment) 3d4 hp. How many hit dice will it allow the recipient to roll?

Err... no. Not ready. Missing Personality, Bonds etc. Will have to fix that tomorrow.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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@Kamishiro_Rin None of the personalities in the in the Quandrix background really fit my character, and it doesn't list any Ideals, Bonds or Flaws. I've taken the liberty of picking from the Hermit background in PHB p134.

With that, I think I'm good to go.

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10 minutes ago, Ayeba said:

@Kamishiro_Rin None of the personalities in the in the Quandrix background really fit my character, and it doesn't list any Ideals, Bonds or Flaws. I've taken the liberty of picking from the Hermit background in PHB p134.

With that, I think I'm good to go.

That's absolutely fine with me!

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Posted (edited)

I replaced Counterspell with Haste. She has too many reactions available to her already, and Counterspell can probably wait a level. Besides, Haste is a lot more thematically fitting. I'm considering picking up Slow on my next level up as well.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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