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Attacking the crew network


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For most on the planet finding the alien encrypted network would have been difficult, but for Prax it was not so much, especially with one of the member incapacitated in front of her.


She has a choice either blunt force through the front door or worm her way in slow and silently, which would take hours... what secret did their network hold.....

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notes on the system:


VRNet, the Hyper Immersion Network, or HINet is very like your matrix but different. Your techomagi power can be extended here but you are limited here until you gain root access to the network.


Nodes Node is a generic term referring to a virtual location on the VRNet. Any computer system equipped with VR hardware and software can have one or more nodes. The linking of these nodes across a network is what creates the VRNet. Each crewmember acts like a Node to build the VRNet across the planet. While their exact locations are not broadcasted, someone with skill could drop a tracer on a node and follow it to the real life location.

Every node is designed with an individual graphic style. Various common style sets make up the bulk of the objects found across the VRNet. As such, many nodes follow a similar visual style, and most of the amateur nodes are similar in design


Barriers and Portals Barriers and portals make up the file and directory structure of any VR computer system. As an avatar moves between rooms in a VRNet node, he is actually moving between different directories on a particular system. The walls of that node (which might appear as physical walls, transparent force fields, or any other form the designer chooses) are barriers. Barriers are the limitations of a particular directory; put another way, objects contained within the walls are actually programs or pieces of data contained within that particular directory. So, when an avatar moves into a room and picks up a calculator, what actually happens is that the user has moved into a particular directory containing a calculator program and has begun manipulating it. Portals not only transfer avatars between rooms on a node (as in the case of a door between one room and the next) but can also transport avatars between two separate nodes. Portals take many forms, from simple doors to swirling magical vortices, but in every case, a portal simply allows avatars to move from one location to another in the VRNet. Most portals to other nodes are one-way links that transport an avatar completely over to the other computer system. Some nodes have return portals, but for the most part, a portal simply gives visiting avatars the virtual address of the target node and sends them on their way


Inanimate Objects Most VRNet nodes contain inanimate objects. These include purely decorative items, such as artwork (images) or televisions (movie files), and functional items such as chairs and tables. Inanimate objects are the simplest of programs: They output visual and sometimes tactile data to an avatar, but serve little or no purpose other than decoration.


Moving between Nodes There are several ways to move between nodes on the VRNet, including various methods of travel based on custom software. The most common methods of traveling between nodes are portals.

The direct hop method requires an avatar’s user to know the virtual address of a particular node, which is made up of a string of letters and numbers, from memory. A user who visits a particular node several times can learn the virtual address of the node and visit it at will, in much the same way as a person might memorize the location of a particular restaurant and walk directly to it rather than taking a bus route.


Not all nodes are intended for public access. Some are blocked off to all but designated avatars (who are given software “keys”), and others are simply closed to the outside world. This network is one of these.

Getting in

To pass through a restricted portal, an avatar must either provide the proper key or password, or the user must make a Computer Use check against the node’s portal DC to pass


What Can Be Done on Nodes?

Though much has been said so far about the versatility and usefulness of the VRNet, what can be done on a node might not be readily apparent. If a node is simply a virtual representation of a single computer system, avatars (and their users) have a number of options for what exactly they can do. For the most part, an avatar can run any program stored in its available memory that does not violate the rules of the node. Any software designed to overcome security or read encrypted data is certainly outside the realm of acceptable program usage, but can still be done if the avatar is capable of covering her tracks. Otherwise, unless a node has a particular restriction on what programs can be run within its confines, an avatar is free to execute any programs it has access to. For most users, this simply means doing things such as keeping notes on a word processing application or making use of an agent (see page 53). In the event that an avatar chooses to run a program designated as off-limits by the node, the user must make a Computer Use check to overcome the permissions DC of the node before the program is executed.


In order to access systems that control transmissions or rights across the network, you need to gain access to the master Node. They will be a path through the network you must follow going to each Node in the Path and need to defeat the node before moving on the next one. Once you control one, you can bring up the path and can see the path needed to the Master Node.


Administrator Functions

Many of the basic functions of a node work automatically for its administrator. An administrator also controls what the types of programs are allowed and restricted. Normally a node has at least one designated administrator who has a password or code-key that automatically grants him administrator access to the node. If there is no administrator set, a noderunner can attempt to make himself the administrator of a node by making a Computer Use check (DC 10 + the node’s permissions DC). A check that fails by 5 or more automatically informs anyone monitoring the node (generally its owner, operators, or users) that a failed administration hack has been attempted. If an administrator is present, even if it is an automated one (see Agents, page 53), it is not possible for a noderunner to become administrator without defeating the current administrator.



In essence, the broadcast network rules module assumes that some technology exists that can broadcast and receive computer information through a previously unknown medium that cannot be warded against. In fact, the system can modify electronic pulses in a hardware device through pure broadcast, requiring no direct, wired link. The result of this is to make everything electronic part of the HINet, from the lowliest digital watch to the supercomputers of national defense systems. It’s not possible to have a node that isn’t accessible—the broadcast system connects all computers whether their owners want them to be connected or not. Even a computer that’s turned off is vulnerable, because its data can be accessed and modified directly by the power of the broadcast.

This has three primary effects. First, access to any computer system anywhere is possible. The only way to make a node secure is for avatars to actively guard it and watch for intruders. Second, any electronic device is accessible to alteration. Everything is a node, and a skilled noderunner can jump into the node of a wristwatch to change the time, a traffic light to change the light from red to green, a security camera to point it away from a robbery, or even a cybernetic device to take over its function.

This is the tech of the aliens, they cannot do that here but they could do it in their worlds.


Am waiting on the DCs of the network


Portal DC 54, Jake Node 58

Permissions DC 54, Jake Node 58

Detection: 5

You have a -5 to computer use skill when interacting with a alien system, every time you successfully take over a node that minus will go down by 1. 

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Brute Force: This is just getting me in as fast as you can you get +5 to your roll to attack but the system gets +5 to detect you and checks after each attack, even if found weakness. When used in cyber combat vs other icons, you get the +5 on attack, On the downside till your first action in the NEXT round, you take -5 to your defense. If you use this again do not add more than -5 total penalty.


So this will be simple run so no complex roll are required for any system combat, if you encounter a active defended( EG admin online in node like Enoch himself) then it would go to complex checks.


So to break into restricted node a computer Use(Data) check vs DC 54 is needed to gain user access. Please post net stats with what active programs are running and what you have stored at ready.



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56 - 36+10+10-5+5 | Exploit program, take 10 - without Brute Force?
I did not see the last update, that is with Brute Force due to the negative.

Corrected attack/defense to complex.


Living Cyberdeck and Loadout

No init equation listed, I forget how we got there last time. It is 56+5 using cyberdeck rules, but I recall you not wanting me to use those speed calculations, even considering the difference with the icon.

HP: 87 Str: 30 Dex: 16 Con: 16
MDT: 21 Int: 30 Wis: 16 Cha: 16
  Fort: 19 Ref: 17 Will: 19
Firewall: 11 BAB: 15/10/5 Attack: 37+10 (c) Defense: 47+25 (c)
System: 11 Init: ??+5 Detect: 28+10 (c) CU(data): 15
Response: 10 Speed: 10k TMS: 30ft Act Mem: 1000



Programs [20] Level | Size Description
Agent (*) 10 | 50 Semi-autonomous program capable of using other programs
Alacrity 10 | 80 +5 Init, +5 to defense, +2 move action/round
Armor x2 (*x1) 10 | 30 DR 30/-, take excess damage lose one rank
Attack 10 | 30 +10 to attack actions, deal 10d6
Cloak 10 | 30 +10 vs Scanner search
Decrypt (*) 10 | 10 +10 to decrypt actions
Dodge 10 | 70 +10 to defense
Edit (*) 10 | 10 +10 to edit actions
Encrypt (*) 10 | 10 +10 to encrypt actions
Exploit 10 | 30 +10 to breaking into and resist termination from a system
Icepick (*) 10 | 30 +10 to Crash Program/OS
Bewilder (*) 10 | 40 DC 24 vs Will - 01-50 Nothing 51-75 Flees 76-95 Normal 96-100 Attack closest
Biofeedback Filter 10 | 30 +10 vs dumpshock damage
Redirect (*) 10 | 20 +10 to redirect trace action
Scanner (*) 10 | 10 +10 to detection actions
Shield 10 | 30 +10 to defense
Spoof (*) 10 | 30 +10 to issue fake orders to Agents and Drones
Sleaze (*) 10 | 30 Defensive attack option...???
Track (*) 10 | 80 +10 to track actions


(Mem used: 650)




Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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While your PC wont understand this the Player will so the network is setup as :

 80's style Tron setup. Black with neon lights think of the movie and that how everything is setup.

Jake has a Security IV installed adding +4 to his node so Jake DC is 58.

You cant use your exploit its a restricted program you would need to do a check to allow to run it with the +10.

Portal DC: An unauthorized VRNet user must make a Computer Use check against the node’s portal DC to grant his avatar access to the node or unlock a restricted area within the node. Not all of a node’s portals are necessarily the same; some might be unlocked, while others might have a higher or lower portal DC than normal.

Permissions DC: Whenever an avatar wishes to execute a program normally not allowed in the node, the avatar must first make a Computer Use check against the node’s permissions DC. If the check succeeds, the program can be executed.


Detection Range: An avatar that fails a Computer Use check to open a locked node portal or to execute an outlawed program within a node might inadvertently trip the node’s security systems. The avatar must fail the check by a number equal to or greater than the node’s detection


Without the exploit and added Security IV you need to roll as its a 12 you need to pass. Once you pass you can run your program and get the +10

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SO the network is running a PL 9 system which does give you another -5 to your checks, you still auto beat with your program running but not by much.

The gate, which is a neon green turns blue and melts into the floor. You enter into a square room with chairs made of neon outlines. Next to the chair are some pulsing lights that would be files. There are 2 portals out of here, one that said Private, the other one says nothing. There is a hum sound in the background of the Node like power lines. Rain falls but does not pool on the black floor. You can see through the walls but there is a cloud that stops viewing anything outside where you are standing. The node tries to impose a skin of glowing lines over top of your normal icon that follow that would be veins in the body with a circle on chest and back.

Tron Legacy is a Masterpiece. A personal essay exploring my love for… | by  Jonathan Padilla | Medium

Your able to run your program and now auto beat the DC check.

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[Assume understanding of 'reality' change - allow reskin]

[Perform the matrix action(s) to obtain the base understanding of enviroment/rules - Scanner program?]

[Take 10 on Tactics for a 36 to convert goals to next achievable step(s) given above understanding]

{Base summary:

Check for admin
Find admin/obtain admin
Gain control of node


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So each program you want to run need to check vs the dc which is 63 (base 54+4(sercurity + 5 PL 9 network. You cant exploit to run new programs so have to do it without it bonus.

You need to run scan to track path to enoch or find admin on node.


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5 hours ago, wrathgon said:
Without the exploit and added Security IV you need to roll as its a 12 you need to pass. Once you pass you can run your program and get the +10
42 minutes ago, wrathgon said:

So each program you want to run need to check vs the dc which is 63 (base 54+4(sercurity + 5 PL 9 network. You cant exploit to run new programs so have to do it without it bonus.

I thought that 12 looked wrong... If you want raw rolls without any icon support for this, we can pack up; you have successfully stacked the DC too high. The icon doesn't grant any bonuses beyond the programs. No programs means 36 vs 63 and I can't roll 27s.

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I didnt stack anything enoch skill was 34 when created the network and to get dcs to hack them he rolls d20 but can take 20 if has time and he did that. Jake installed sercurity giving extra 4 and each tech lvl difference when trying to hack is a -5. In old rules u cant run a program until you beat dc then you get program bonus. These are all in d20 cyberscape rules on vrnet which is what we used to make network.

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I am not accusing you of malice or intent. When the first DC was given, it was do-able. Further increases to that DC were stacked/added on after that point making it impossible. Simple as that.

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As i got info from enoch and jake i modified the dc based on rules being used. Was unaware enoch was using a pl 9 system, It's a hydrogen base computer system that uses the molecules in the air to connect the network together.


As said you can demand network be shut down as condition of helping jake, Ozen will compliy if risks losing your help.

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