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Round 6: The Grand Opening of the Golden Phoenix


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On opulent and warm Badal, located within Shiwa Yun, the arcology of the Biarbu, we invite you all to join us for the most glorious of celebrations. Bring your begetters! Bring your spawn siblings! Gas, bring your hatchlings! We don't mind.


Just make sure to check in with your hosts, and be aware of our safety procedures.


And for those extra special guests who have a personal invitation from the Face of the Flock themselves, you'll be the very first to enter into the Golden Phoenix!



Upon disembarking from your ships, guests with the appropriate invitation - and their entourages - are swiftly greeted by a Biarbu, personalized for their arrival. Translations of languages are swift and almost unnoticed, and great care is made to provide each guest with the deepest of bows before encouraging them to follow through The Boarding-Walk. The lengthy grand hall offshoots into a multitude of plausible entertainments, including but not limited to: restaurants with local and foreign cuisine, music that stirs the soul, designated sparring locations, and lots of flashing lights that attract the eye towards live Simulation Shows! Brought to you by B.I.R.B!


Guests are given the standard disclaimer regarding safety procedures:

Safety Procedures

The Biarbu Society is a polity that respects guests. We would not think less of you if you bring whatever guards you desire to allow you to relax and unwind, but due to spatial limitations, we ask all honored guests limit their parties to ten individuals or fewer. In order to show appropriate face, the Golden Phoenix will protect it's own leadership, it's own interests, and it's guests: in that order. Guests caught cheating, or found to be without honor, will be encouraged to leave, and not be welcomed back again.


Those who do not feel they are strong enough to protect themselves would do us the greatest of honors to request a personal escort, to help you manage your time and ensure that you may fully achieve tranquility while here. Be aware that such requests must be made personally to the Face of the Flock, whom will judge your worthiness to receive our personal protection. For all other matters concerning your safety, be aware there are designated areas for sparring, and we will thank you to take your violence to such places so that we do not have to reject your invitation to stay.

A Further Explanation

  • Shiwa Yun and the Biarbu Society does not guarantee your safety
  • You are responsible for displaying your own strength, and it would be rude of us to step in and steal your opportunity for personal growth in the face of challenges
  • We will protect ourselves, our interests, and then our guests
  • If you feel affronted to the point that you simply must challenge someone, please take it to a designated location appropriate for such things, or we will see it as an insult
  • Should you request it of the Face of the Flock, and the request is granted, we would be honored to protect you at that point as one of our own; though of course, this service will not be for free...
  • Bringing undeclared Explosives into the Casino will be seen as dishonorable


After acknowledging the Safety Procedures, guests are escorted to the Casino Floor. The extravagance of what is found here is a testament to all that the Biarbu have achieved so far. The bright red velvet floors feel comfortable to walk upon, be it by foot or by claw, but there are further comforts for a wide range of species, including stools designed to mold to the being that sits down upon them, severs willing to bring beverages well suited to any particular taste, and wide open spaces for those with the ability fly to navigate above everyone in a respectful manner. And of course, the games! The clinking of chits and the clanging of metals reminiscent of an age-gone-by where coins were popular are ever present. They create a type of music and allure of their own, drawing a being in to come and sit, unwind, and amuse themselves. It is also here that The Face of the Flock, Pung Neow, has chosen to roost. They hold court and greet guests personally, trading jests and stories, in return for the appropriate courtesies.


Of course, those who tire of such entertainments can always adjourn to the Silver Hotel. A more appealing home-away-from-home cannot be found anywhere else within Gungsheen Capital City. The Nest of Renewal can be seen from the windows of the Hotel, and offers unique perspectives of three of the four Zianta - Spires - from which the governance of Shiwa Yun is said to take place. Guests can watch as the Biarbu fly and soar through the Cloud Sea, unbothered by things such as atmospheric suits that some species require when visiting (or living on) Badal. As an added bonus to the Invited Elect, within the Hotel, there is a V.I.P. Lounge that affords the needed privacy for quiet conversations. The area within is overseen by the Hotel owner, Ben Ying, who is eager to see to the needs of those movers and shakers in the know.

An OOC Reminder to Players

While Gengy has not yet afforded himself of this opportunity in other events, he would like to remind players that leadership of the Biarbu is 'secret'. You may read more details in The Biarbu Society Planets Page, but the short version is this:


  • Most of the world that doesn't care to investigate too deeply thinks that the Face of the Flock - Pung Neow - is in charge
  • Those who do care to look deeply might find out about Ben Ying, the Shadow of the Flock who (mechanically) actually is in charge


You are encouraged to play into this dichotomy, depending on whether you think your leadership would be smart/sneaky enough to know who the real power behind the throne is.


The largest event being held during the Grand Opening is The Lottery. The Grand Vault is a display piece more than anything; no actual monetary holdings are within the Vault, but it's an opulent room, full of the golden color that is otherwise muted throughout the Casino. From The Grand Vault, you can exchange money for chits - necessary for playing other Casino games - but also sign up to participate for The Lottery.

Lottery Rules

Players whom officially attend the Event may, as part of the Event sub-actions, spend (1) Treasure for the Lottery. Mechanically, this gifts the treasure to BRB.


At the end of the round, all participating Lottery players will be compiled and [1] of those players will win the Lottery; decided by a dice roll, equal to 1d-[# of participants]. Mechanically, this is BRB gifting the winners up to (5) Treasure [depending on number of participants].


If there are a total of [6] or more Lottery Participants, all remaining Lotto Treasure is gifted 'to the Emperor' (aka, to the GM Team) and the GM Team decides how much, if any, BRB keeps as part of the Round 7 opener.


These Lottery rules were discussed with - and approved by - Minescratcher prior to the round opening.


Casino Games and Chits

BRB will be 'donating' (1) Treasure to The Golden Phoenix as part of this round. This treasure will be rewarded to whomever accumulates the most Chits (points) by the War Deadline through playing Casino Games. If you are not mechanically attending the Event, but still end up with the most Chits, the Biarbu will hold your reward in escrow until such a time as it may be gifted to you during another Event.


Players may play (1) game every 24 hours, starting at 12:01am PST, Monday the 8th. This game does not require you to make a lengthy post (though that is encouraged!) but it does require you to make a new post, detailing what game you are playing, and making the associated roll(s). Payouts for the games will be pre-determine ahead of time, and total Chits will be tracked by Gengy (oh dear Emperor, what am I getting myself into?)


Games that are competitive will have higher payouts, as you play against other players, and this will take more time to resolve. Competitive Game Payouts can be doubled for games that take longer than (72) hours, and quadrupled for playing a hand against other participants in a manner that amuses and delights [read: is a well written story and isn't just a post saying 'I raise', 'I call', etc.]


For details of how each game is played, and their payouts, please see the post below this one.


Everyone starts out with [1000] Chits. If you fall below [250] Chits, gifting BRB (1) Treasure during the Event (Separate from Gifting to the Lottery) will get you an additional [1000] Chits. This can be done as many times as you want, so long as you (a) fall below [250] Chits and (b) have Treasure to spend. You must mechanically attend the event to participate in this re-buy.


Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)
Current Leaderboard
Name of Player Country Abrv Current Chits
Gengy BRB 1650
Kythia COE 2500
Rocket Relm GLO 1250
Featherscale GCC 598
Friendly HeadCrab RAT 1000
Volthawk ELD 3000
Frostwander CUS 1700
Lumaeus ARK 1000
EmBark LSP 1400
TheSnark SEV 1000


Lottery Participants
Name Abrv
Gengy BRB
Featherscale GCC
Lumaeus ARK


Current Lotto Reward: (3) Treasure



Rules for Playing Casino Games

[Seriously, Please Read]


  1. All Players start with 1000 Chits.
  2. Maximum bets are 500 Chits, regardless of game.
  3. All bids must be divisible by 5. This is already going to be a potential nightmare to track. Please help me make the math easier.
  4. All winning or losing bets that result in a decimal will be rounded down. Always. Yes, even a hypothetical [0.9999] is rounded down.
  5. All Single Player games can be played [once per IRL Day], with the official timer of that [Day] starting at 12:01am PST, Monday the 8th of April, 2024. This will be called a [Day of Play], and there will be {11} total Days of Play, ending at 12:01 am PST, Friday the 19th of April. (The Lottery will continue past this, till round close.)
  6. All Competitive / Multi-Player games do not share the Day of Play rules. For C/M-P games that last longer than (72) hours, Payout results may double if a 'hand' (or similar) takes that long. Payout results may quadruple in the event that the game is particularly narratively interesting throughout the whole 'hand'.
  7. If you are playing a Competitive / Multi-Player game, you may not play a Single Player game at the same time (Conversational Time-Bubbling may occur, but mechanical Time-Bubbling may not; choose which game you play carefully!)
  8. Once during this event - and only once! - you may roll 2d6+Economy or 2d6+Intrigue. If the result is a 14 or higher, win double your initial bet, regardless of other payouts. This Once-Per-Event action may be rolled even if you were going to lose.  This action is called [Double Or Nothing], and may happen regardless of playing in a Single Player or Multi-Player game.

    Be warned: If you fail this roll, you will lose all of your initial bet, regardless of other payouts. [Example: Initial bet is 250 Chits. The Player lost their Day of Play, and would - in this example - lose 125 Chits, but activates Double or Nothing. Their roll is a 13 total, so instead of losing half their bet, they lose all of it.]
  9. While characters may try to cheat IC, please do not try to cheat OOC. If I have to point out an OOC cheater to Minescratcher, I will be sad. I don't know what Minescratcher will do, if anything.
  10. Gengy will be the arbiter in all other situations not outlined by these rules.



Casino Games
(Single Player)


The Chosen Ones



Make a bet.


Roll 3d6. If any numbers are a '1', lose half your bet. If you have a pair of '1s', lose your full bet.


If any numbers are a pair, gain half your bet (unless, of course, the third number is a '1').


If all three numbers match, and are not three 1s, gain (2.5x) your bet.


If all three numbers are '1', triple your bet.

If none of the results above occur, your bet is not lost, but you gain nothing.

Path of Destiny

"Dice Throw"


Make a bet.


Roll 2d6.


If the roll is not a 7 or a 12, lost half your bet.


If the roll is a 7 or a 12, you have a choice. You may gain half your bet, and wait for the next Day of Play, or you may roll an additional 1d6. Your new bet is now 1.5x your initial bet.


If you choose to roll again, and roll either a (12) total [7+5] or (18) total [12+6] on the new die, gain (2.5x) your bet. However, if it is neither of these, lose your full bet.


If you win - either with the half bet or (2.5x) your bet - you may continue to play Path of Destiny on the next Day of Play with your current winnings as your new bet even if it exceeds the normal 500 Chits limit.

Unlucky 13



Make a bet, and pick a number between 2 and 19, that is not 13.


Roll 1d20.


On a 1 or a 13, lose your bet.


If your number is not rolled, lose half your bet.


If your number is rolled, double your bet.


If the number rolled is a 20, win half your bet, and you may play another game during this Day of Play.


Casino Games

Fortune Favors



As MythWeavers will not hide the dice tower, Gengy will need to act as the 'Dealer'. Please make sure you can send him a message via Discord to receive your dice result(s).


At the start of the 'hand', each player makes an initial bet of 100 Chits. Initial players and bets take place during the same Day of Play, unless there is only one player; then it goes for an additional Day of Play. There can be a maximum of (5) players in a single game of Fortune Favors. Beyond (5) players means a 'second table' occurs.


Each player consults the dealer for a 1d8, keeping the die result hidden from the other players.


Each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet (meet it), or fold. It continues when all bets are equal. This new round of betting must increase by at least 100 Chits, but may increase by a maximum of 500 Chits.


Then each player consults the dealer for a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or fold. This new round of raising the bet must increase by at least 100 Chits, but may increase by a maximum of 500 Chits.


Each remaining player then rolls (in MythWeavers) 1d4+[d8 result]+[d6 result]. This reveals the results. Whomever has the highest roll wins all bets. In the event of a tie, the pot is split evenly.


This is a Competitive / Multi-Player game, and as such, subject to the total result being doubled or quadrupled, depending on time involved for a hand and how well written the interaction is.

Black Bird



Make a bet.


Players roll 2d10.


The dealer does the same, but only shows (1) of those dice. Once the dealer has posted and rolled, players may then make a new post, rolling as many additional d10s as they want, one at a time.


All die faces are face value, except for the 1, which can be worth 1 or 11. If a player scores a 21 - a Black Bird - they win double their bet. If the dealer scores a 21, all players lose their initial bets. If neither occurs, a player loses if their total is less than the dealer’s, and wins if their total is greater than the dealer’s. A player also loses if their total is 22 or higher. If the dealer's total is 22 or higher, or the player's score is greater than the dealer's, the player wins half their bet.


Rate of play may occur multiple times per Day of Play, as long as there is at least two players and the dealer isn't overwhelmed.


The dealer stops rolling dice when their total is 17 or higher. The dealer will only reveal their missing die, and roll their remaining die, once all players signify they are satisfied with their total. If the dealer and a player's total are equal, the player neither loses nor gains; it is considered a push.

Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
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The route from the ArkHive to Coedd didn’t usually go via Badal.  It was…it was something of a detour.  But Siobhan was going to be away from civilisation for a long time and when various “spies” within the arkhive had expressed an interest in going to the new Casino - claiming in a deliberately obscure fashion that it was “important” wink for their “work” wink she had tagged along.

And so the five of them touched down at the brand new Golden Phoenix - amongst the first to arrive apparently.  Neither the ArkHive nor Coedd was much given to opulence and none of them seemed entirely sure how to deal with it.  One nervously moved a potted plant a few inches with his foot to give it more space to grow, another very pointedly didn’t look at the dancers.  “Spent a bit on this” one mentions, more to break the silence than anything else.  “Mmmm” is the only reply he gets.  Eventually it becomes too obvious that they are loitering and they make their way in.  Siobhan stops to exchange a few words with Pung Neow before following the rest in.

OOC - Gengy, available for IC talk or it can just be small talk that doesn’t need writing out.  Whichever.

When she caught up with them they’re clustered around one of the “Chosen Ones” slot machines.  “Spanners” - they had ever-changing codenames and he was a talented mechanic - was squatting in front of it with his ear to the workings “...pretty easily, but it looks like a one time trigger” he was saying as she arrived.

“Shut up!” She hissed and was joined by two others. “I mean!  At least pretend not to be working out how to cheat.”  At a not-particularly-hidden-hidden-signal from the leader they all suddenly looked nonchalant and smiled warmly at the various security cameras and covert and overt pit security.  They’d practised suddenly becoming nonchalant on the flight over.  The less observant security would see a group of people suddenly pretending they hadn’t been acting suspiciously - the more observant would see the same but also note that the overwhelming majority of the casino’s security had been smiled at even those parts which weren’t meant to be obvious.  Coedd’s intelligence network was made of bored researchers, by and large, but they practised.

“Shall we make a bet then?”  One of them fingered the pile of chits they’d been handed as they came in.  “Five?”  “Ten!” “Twenty!” “Fifty!” they joined in playfully encouraging a larger bet but with the mention of fifty appeared to realise they had gone to far and soberly muttered “Twenty” to themselves.


Wagering 20 on the slots

Gain half bet = 10 chits

Current total 1010 chits


There is a ragged cheer as the machine pays out.

Edited by Kythia (see edit history)
3d6 3,5,5
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A shadow creeps in, a figure covered in sparkles and glamor, appropriately dressed as a human. There's a mask over her face, but there's no weapons brought either. It's obviously from the Purifier delegation, with the several looking around and making an air of having fun with the gambling.

Of course, the main event is the blackbird table. While the others look around to play more modest games, or more accurately observe, the single figure at the front wears a smile and tips her mask up.

It's a girl who looks a little familiar to those present in the room, but she seems to have dressed for the occasion.

"I'm looking to play a hand. Blackbird, you call it?" She gestures to the table, with a couple of the other moonmen coming on over to observe, this stage immediately taking precedence over the others. "Lets see if we can't capture a little birdie."

The woman picks up her dice, twists them around curiously in her hand, and then-

Edited by Rocket Relm (see edit history)
Betting 500 chits, Initial Hand 2d10
2d10 7,2
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Posted (edited)

Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor

The Dealer at the Black Bird table is a Biarbu wearing a silken sash that has an intricate pattern that looks an awful lot like dice falling down to land at the edges of the sash. On the sash reads the nametag, in Imperial Standard, Sha Ren.


"This one wishes the Honorable Guest the best of luck. May your Fate smile upon you," Sha Ren gives a small bow, before it's beak skillfully deals the cards. They then deal themselves two cards as well.



Though one of Sha Ren's cards was face down and hidden, the three of stars was clearly visible. An excellent start for the players at the table.



Casino Floor, Elsewhere...


Yun Chi was exceedingly lucky. Or at least, that's what Yun Chi continued to tell themselves. Out of a random pool of all the Biarbu in Shiwa Yun, Yun Chi had been selected to come represent the Biarbu Society as a casino player.  Yun Chi even had a small Recorder from B.I.R.B. following them around, live streaming this to everyone else who entered the contest to be the casino player!


The Golden Phoenix was itself a sight to behold, and Yun Chi had spent almost five minutes just marveling at the interior, before the Recorder beeped at them and their B.I.R.B. producer chirped into Yun Chi's earbud to please move on and play a game.


Yun Chi still spent ten minutes wandering around, looking at the various entertainments, and finally, ended up in front of a slot machine, The Chosen Ones.  Not wanting to lose all of the Chits that they had been generously given - personally by the Face of the Flock, what an honor! - Yun Chi decided to make a modest wager of 50 Chits.


Sadly... Yun Chi was not as lucky as they thought, as the first slot showed a 1 and half their wager was lost.

Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
1d10 3
3d6 1,2,2
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"The dealers name is Sha Ren. It may be good to do introductions."

But she gets a handwave and a smile from the main contestant, smiling like a shark, baring her grin.

"This is not a place for names of the flesh. We represent our true selves and take on rolls. Take on roles. Take on rules of this world. Here we are Dealer and Player. We exercise our hands with the will of fate upon us, and be it a bright flicker of an ember or a giant blazing glorious bonfire, we see what the fickle threads of chance have to bear."

The woman starts her game, picking up her card, smiling broadly.

Edited by Rocket Relm (see edit history)
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The Combined Commonwealth of Glix 

Glim'Bosk found herself, again, the goodwill ambassador of the Glix.  It seemed, sometimes, no one else cared enough.  Given the whole fiasco with that rogue Brother, this was very short-sighted.  But... oh, well.  At least a luxury vacation wasn't onerous.

She was surrounded by a troop of armed Bosk Workers, and carried on her illustrious palanquin.  Her daughter, grown to the size of a Worker at 8 years, waddled quickly behind her mother, but not quickly enough to escape the watch of her guards or the bevvy of drones she was betrothed to, nor the Klox the drones coordinated like a school of vicious fish.

Her daughter, like almost all Nymphs, spoke rarely, and didn't like to have her name spoken.  But she was at the center of the Comet of activity that surrounded the diplomats, even now, unfused, eclipsing the remedial psi of the great artist and engineer.

That luminary was lost in visions of wings...

Nymph'Bosk continued waddling... to the Blackbird table. She paused expectantly...
And continued...

...and waited...

After a pause, a Worker coughed.  "One might deal in The Nymph.  Her credit is good via the Combine.


The Nymph also extends greetings to the Representative from our friends, The Purifiers."

Bet 500 chits on BB
2d10 3,10
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Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor


Sha Ren bows low to The Nypmh before her. When the dealer is standing fully again, wings once again at rest behind themselves, on the table are two cards. "Certainly, there is still time for this hand to be joined."


Looking around to see if any others will join, the dealer gives a polite nod, "If you would care to draw more or hold your cards, please let this one know. It would bring me great pleasure to be of service to our comingled fates."

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The woman gives a bow of her own, and starts to play, glancing over to the newcomer. "May we have the best of luck, while we are all on unique sides here, the true chips to be won are those of bondage. Bonding together. Making bonds at the bank."

She starts to draw, hitting steadily. Meanwhile, the other purifiers start to glance at the other workers, and there may be some good chatting done between the onlookers that aren't part of the main hand of festivities.

Hitting Fourth Roll

There is a smile behind those eyes.

"Hold on twenty~"

Edited by Rocket Relm (see edit history)
1d10 Hitting for third card
1d10 7
Hitting Fourth Roll
1d10 4
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While the Knights of the Dhaoine were broadly busy supporting the war effort back on Sansar, Cagairmòr had been feeling the old wanderlust again as of late. Maybe it was Eighbris' abduction playing on her mind, maybe she was just hitting the limit of how long she could play the noble warrior role, but she needed some time out there. It was that need to travel that has eventually landed her here at the Golden Phoenix with a pocket full of chits and a need to enjoy herself a little.

She'd heard her fair share of sealga rumours about the Biarbu, of course - a lot of them were the usual nonsense sealga came up to tell a good story when drinking, but there were persistent rumours that there was someone behind all this, pulling the strings, rumours that often pointed to the one who owned this very casino...of course, you heard those kinds of rumours about pretty much anywhere, and while they seemed a little more substantial here, Cagairmòr frankly didn't care. Everyone had the right to be a little shady, as she saw it, and so long as it didn't get in the way of her doing what she wanted they could keep their secrets.

As she had a little wander of the premises and got a feel for the lay of the land, the Black Bird table gets her attention. One of the Purifiers playing the game, huh, and a whole load of the others watching...well then. In light of recent agreements made between their two countries, she supposed that she better get over there and make her face known, right? What she'd heard of the game had taken her fancy, too.

Striding over to the table, Cagairmòr nods at Sha Ren, and grins. "Room for another?"

She frowns when she sees the hand she's dealt, particularly after another card is thrown her way. That was an awkard as hell split. "Fifty fifty of another improving this or ruining me...screw it, the Dhaoine don't shy away from risks. One more."


Joining the Black Bird table if possible, matching the 500 chits the others put up.

Black Bird

Third card

Let's be risky, fourth card


Edited by volthawk
rolls (see edit history)
Black Bird
2d10 7,5
Third card
1d10 4
Let's be risky, fourth card
1d10 10
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"Ah, sorry buddy. Not everything can be won. We took the same risk, and we saw opposite sides of the coin from that singular branching point of sixteen. But still." She smiles, looking over at Cagairmor, gesturing to the hand. "The dealer could render the outcome trivial."

Edited by Rocket Relm (see edit history)
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The Nymph nods at the Purifier as she spills her seemingly friendly stream of consciousness....


"Another card for the Nymph, please..."


The strange brains of the Biarbu are utterly closed to Glic Telepathy, the Nymph realized. This dealer needed to be spoken to... ...just not by her. While her mother could do as she pleased, a proper Royal was above gross physical speech.

Third card (9)


At this point, Glim catches up with her daughter. "Oh, sweetheart, don't tell me you were gambling?" Sigh.


Edited by Featherscale (see edit history)
Third card
1d10 9
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The flight to Mekhala was long, and the battle was quick. The White Pawns and STAR RATS making quick work of the paltry forces presented to them. That alone was reason to celebrate, but for Skod Qggg Smalengnutepi, there was more reason to celebrate. Their recent promotion to first Admiral of the STAR RATS was unprecedented, and an honor she happily wore. So while she left her forces behind in Mekhala to guard the new territory and flew back to Sansar for ceremony, Skod took a quick stop at the Casino. After all, why not celebrate?

She arrives full of enthusiasm and bluster, ready to enjoy of the spoils. Greeting the Biarbu, the five Durats bounce into the great halls before them. Scattering between machines and legs before regrouping in front of a large device, "Maybe I am the chosen one".

One Durat sits in front of the screen, legs splayed out. Two Durats quickly pipe chits into the machine. And the final two ready themselves at the lever. When the 300 Chits are loaded, Skod laughs gleefully as two of her pull the lever, "THIS WILL BE MY VICTORY!"

When the numbers stop spinning, the Durats look baffled. "I don't know what that means..."

Edited by FriendlyHeadcrab (see edit history)
The Chosen Ones for 300 chits
3d6 3,2,4
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Posted (edited)

Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor


The dealer at the Black Bird table nods in commiseration with the cards being shown on the table for the Nymph and the Dhaoine, "The Honored Guest whom has named themselves Player speaks wisdom. While it was not your fate this time to achieve victory on your own, the deck could very well provide you with a way to rise once more."


With that, Sha Ren sees that there are no other players and taps the table twice with her beak, signaling the end of the hand. They then flip their hidden card: a ten of comets. This places the dealer at 13 total. They will need an 8 to beat 'Player', a 9 or 10 to bust, but anything below a 4 will mean they need to draw yet another card.


"May the Black Bird fly true."




"Dealer busts. All guests win." Sha Ren says with a smile. They quickly move the cards and chits around. As the guests who went over 21 lost, yet still won, their total chits are smaller than those of 'Player' who succeeded handily. This is signified by all chits being removed in front of the Nymph and the Dhaoine, before they receive half of them back. Meanwhile 'Player' receives half of their bet in addition to keeping their initial bet.


GCC (-250 Chits)

ELD (-250 Chits)

GLO (+250 Chits)



Casino Floor, Elsewhere...


Yun Chi was not giving up. Surely this loss was but a mere setback! They had been too timid, yes. Too timid. As the tenets say: What will happen, takes effort.


Truly, 50 Chits was not effort.  Clearly, 250 was a far more fateful number! This decision in mind, Yun Chi fed the slot machine, and pulled upon the lever in a far more grandiose manner. Perhaps Fate would smile upon them now?




Yun Chi crooned in delight. Yes, yes. 250 was a far more fateful number. There was no loss this time. Of course... no gain either. But when betting, one needed to remember that spending time without losing was the same as winning!



Casino Floor, The Reception Stage


While the same basic shape of a Biarbu is consistent amongst the species - two wings, long tail feathers, crane-like necks, and bodies bedecked in stars like the cosmos - there were still some differences in coloration and also variations due to health. The most common of which was, like humans, musculature versus bodyfat. It was extremely uncommon for a Biarbu to become fat.


Pung Neow was the Face of the Flock, which made them, in their minds, extremely uncommon. Their body was far more round then other Biarbu, and they could get by with the most minimal of movements, trusting in their team of medical experts to see them through to where they needed to be. As none of those experts had expressed any issues with Pung Neow's rotund features, the current Face of the Flock was enjoying life.


They admitted - privately - that they were originally concerned about this Casino, but now that the Golden Phoenix was opened, it was exactly the kind of thing they wanted in Gungsheen. Extravagance enough to attract the other Elect and perhaps even the Emperor! What a blessing that would be! Pung Neow could not think of the last time a Face of the Flock had spoken directly to even a representative of the Emperor that wasn't an official of the Taxation Office. To be that Biarbu...


But of course, Ben Ying would likely swoop in. Pung Neow did not allow their face to change from their jovial laughter. They were too skilled at such things. But privately... yes, privately, Neow could have whatever thoughts they wanted. Everyone of those thoughts chafed at the existence of the Zheannow. A fairy tale, they had been told growing up. But decades back, as soon as Pung Neow had become the local City Lord for Zachi, they had learned different. The Zheannow really did exist. A promise was made; a promise was kept. When the former Face of the Flock passed on and renewed themselves, instead of the senior most City Lord becoming the new Face, everyone else deferred to Pung Neow. Even the reborn former Face. And so, Pung Neow became a leader. And a follower. Most powerful, most respected, most visible Biarbu within the Society, but ever aware of the shadow they cast.


The flashier the lights, the stronger the shadows. It rankled mightily at Pung Neow. Certainly, as Face of the Flock, they enjoyed power and comfort. They were trusted to speak for all of the Biarbu! Yet, the words were told to Neow. Any deviation was... undesired.


Still... looking around at the Casino, at the gathered guests, at the sumptuousness of the place, and the luxuries of the foods and richness of the drinks! There were perks for casting that shadow. Which meant... Pung Neow had a job to do.


The soft music that had been playing cut out as the Face of the Flock stood up on shaky legs, and a microphone hovered in front of Pung Neow's beak. "Honored Elect and other guests, we pay our respects first to the Emperor!"


The Face of the Flock looked up towards the ceiling, which displayed an exquisitely crafted mix of symbology between the realism of Ophon and an intertwining of the symbol of Fascination, also known as the Fate of Ophon. With a bow - something Pung Neow had not done for years - the Face of the Flock made everyone aware that the Biarbu were loyal to the Empire. All other Biarbu in the room responded with a similar respectful gesture, and after a few seconds of silence, Pung Neow continued, "And now, we welcome you all! To the Grand Opening! OF THE GOLDEN PHOENIX!"


"For those unaware, few though you might be, this one is pleased to be the Face of the Flock. In place of the Wuonnow, may our ancestors rest peacefully, this one flies true, guiding all Biarbu towards where Fate demands. It is our greatest of pleasures to welcome our fellow Elect within these halls, and we look forwards to speaking with you. Perhaps you have a story that can amuse us? Perhaps there are deals - besides those hands of cards some of you now hold - that you would care to discuss? Please, come, introduce yourselves to this humble host, and if the glory of our meeting sparks a new step in the dance of destiny, then this one looks forwards to dancing!"


"Of course," Pung Neow said carefully, almost regretfully, "we also have a more private setting, if you prefer. The Silver Hotel owner will see to your needs themselves. Whatever you choose to do, enjoy yourselves! Again, we welcome you. To Badal. To Shiwa Yun. To Gungsheen City! To the Golden Phoenix!"

Pung Neow, Concept Art



Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
1d10+13 9
3d6 6,2,5
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Buoyed by their victory, Siobhan and three of the spies move on to the “Path of Destiny” machine.  While Siobhan feeds some chits in, one of the others casts an eye over the workings: again working out how to cheat on it, again not too covertly.

Half bet = 15 chits

New Total = 1025

The odds were worse on this one, but with various exclamations of surprise the machine offers a payout again. Two of them scribble frantically on pieces of paper they pull from their clothing and, moments later, shake their heads. Siobhan bows to their superior maths and hits they "payout" button, adding the fifteen chits to their growing pile.



The fourth spy, the leader, wasn't with them though. He had made a quick update to the others then headed off in the direction of the hotel. Coedd intelligence on the Birabu was as weak as it was on most offworlders but they had solid reasons to believe two things: The casino was the front for an intelligence gathering operation and the head of the operation could be found in the hotel. Beyond that, they weren't sure. But he had a simple plan. He entered the hotel and started making his way upwards, towards the penthouse. The first time he was stopped by one of the strange bird people he looked up an enunciated as clearly as he could.

I've got a message from B Either the person who stopped him would know that "B" was the codename of the head of Coedd's intellgience network, widely and correctly belieed to be one of the senior linguists in the ArkHive or they wouldn't. If they did, either the message he carried would get him further or it wouldn't. This seemed to be the easiest way to answer those questions.

Edited by Kythia (see edit history)
Path of Destiny, 30 chits
2d6 5,2
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