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Round 6: The Grand Opening of the Golden Phoenix


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37 minutes ago, EmBark said:

Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor

"Aargh!" Guyineber groaned, a little frustrated at her loss. "That's what I get for betting big right out of the gate."

She ponders things for a moment, looking sideways at the interesting set of fellow players at the table.

"So, uh, another game? Anyone?"

Unwittingly, she left it open whether she meant another game of Black Bird, or another game entirely.

The redhead smiles, "I'm game if you are. It would be a shame to depart so quickly after meeting." One hand extends out toward Guyineber in greeting - even if they are seated too far to reach, the gesture is there. Her other hand dips once again into the loose front of her tunic to withdraw another stack of chits, placing them on the table to indicate the dealer her readiness for another hand.

Her eyes and smile flick to the others at the table as well, Constance and Cagairmòr, to include them in the introduction whether they choose to play again or not. "Call me Charyti, please."

Black Bird - Bid 300
repeat(1d10,2) 1,1
3rd card
1d10 9
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8 hours ago, Gengy said:

Bowchi Juh guarded the host podium, and was therefore the second - besides the guards in front of the doors letting people in or discouraging them from entering - to notice the arrival of the Castaways. Bowchi Juh had no idea whom this serious looking individual with the cigar was - as Jiowchu, Juh would know all important people that the Biarbu were aware of - but the guards had let him through, so he must have the appropriate invitation. A second later, however, the man in the strange leather jacket was followed by a woman in a long tweed coat; not just any woman, but Rhonda 49199! It suddenly made sense to Bowchi Juh. Rhonda was here, and this man was her body guard.

Bowing to Rhonda, Bowchi Juh spoke, "Welcome to the Silver Hotel, Rhonda 49199. Even here in Shiwa Yun, we have heard of your recent investigation into the supposed raid on New Kildora. It is our honor to have you here. May this one take you and your entourage to a private booth?"

"By all means," Rhonda says, before Todd can muster any kind of response. "We're pleased to accept your hospitality. Should your employer happen to have a spare moment in their schedule, we'd be honored to speak with them in person."

As the Biarbu leads them towards a booth, the two share a brief wordless conversation: raised-eyebrow-meaningful-glance-grimace-nod-eyeroll-shrug. Todd falls back half a step to let his partner lead the way.

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Glim was conspicuously avoiding the Coeddite contingent her daughter had been with moments before. She was daydreaming of hexes and grids overlaying woven waves...


"Hmm... another, please. 305. 6 and 5 and 2 plus one. Beautiful..."

Path of Destiny, bet 305
2d6 3,6
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11 hours ago, Frostwander said:

The redhead smiles, "I'm game if you are. It would be a shame to depart so quickly after meeting." One hand extends out toward Guyineber in greeting - even if they are seated too far to reach, the gesture is there. Her other hand dips once again into the loose front of her tunic to withdraw another stack of chits, placing them on the table to indicate the dealer her readiness for another hand.

Her eyes and smile flick to the others at the table as well, Constance and Cagairmòr, to include them in the introduction whether they choose to play again or not. "Call me Charyti, please."

Black Bird Table 1a

Guyineber clasps one hand over the other and makes something of a small bow in Charyti's direction. "Agreed! I like that spirit." At the extended hand, she reaches out as well across the table with her long arms. The gesture is somewhat awkward, with Guyineber's movements mimicking Charyti's, clearly still unused to regular interaction with people from other orbits and their cultures.

"My name is Guyineber. I would be happy to hear you refer to me by name as well."

The llort woman picks up a handfull of chits, counts them out, considers it for a moment, and then taps the table for the dealer.

Black Bird - Bid 300
2d10 5,8
"Hit me."
1d10 3
"Hit me."
1d10 6
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On 4/11/2024 at 3:51 PM, Gengy said:

"Indeed? Well, this one is unsure how a humble hotel owner can be of aid to the Coedd, but if it is the desire of a guest, please allow Ben Ying to listen. Follow." Leading the Coedd to yet another privacy booth, Ben Ying waited their entry, and then tapped the table to both activate privacy and notify servers that they were not to be disturbed.


"Now, this one is interested and you have our attention. Speak your message."

Iago flashes his eyebrows, impressed by the technological privacy measures. Nice, we just hide behind a tree and everyone pretends they can't hear us. He sips his drink slowly and thinks through the message.

Coedd's areas of interest and the Biarbu's seem to align. You are spreading the word of Fascination while cultists spread the word of Coedd. You've opened the Golden Pheonix while we have the he takes a deep breath and mumbles the next bit, hopefully too fast to hear Super Secret Coedd Spying Base It was funny to them, certainly, but utterly mortifying now he had to say it out loud in a serious conversation. He sips his drink again, letting a pause hopefully killing off some of the impression doubtlessly left by the name. And it seems we might be evenly matched if we were to clash, sapping both our resources. Now. Coedd has no interest in Tekhum outside of Coedd, outside of Sansar. As far as we can tell, the Biarbu have no presence on Sansar. We wanted to initially propose a...a mutual non-inteference treaty. Coedd will not seek to establish its power outside Sansar, the Biarbu will not seek to establish theirs on Sansar.

If that were agreeable, we would also propose an expansion - that on the rare occasions when Coedd wishes to operate outside Sansar for whatever reason the Biarbu perform what is needed and vice versa. This is, to be clear, an addition to the original offer of mutual exlcusion and can be rejected seperately.



With the slot machines exausted, the group make their way over to the Blackbird tables. While most cast a disinterested eye and then head off to the bar, Siobhan takes a seat and smiles at those around the table. Deal me in the next hand please. She lifted a corner of the cards and looked at their values, sliding a pile of chits over with the other, tapping the table for another card almost immediately.

Edited by Kythia (see edit history)
500 chits on blackbird
2d10 7,3
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Posted (edited)

The Silver Hotel, The VIP Lounge


17 hours ago, EmBark said:

Pako floated an inch off the ground, but his figure looked somewhat hunched, bent into a position as if he were sitting and with his tail curving behind him and downwards as if it were his seat. Arriving at the hotel lounge, he gave a nod and gesture of acknowledgement of the Biarbu who appeared to serve as maitre d'.

"Greetings, this one." He began, checking the Biarbu's nametag. "Senore Ben Ying. I am most pleased with your reception. Indeed, you have identified me correctly. Can I thus presume I have a reputation that precedes me? Wherefore, I wonder."

He follows Ben Ying to the booths, looking left and right and up to take in the surroundings of the lounge. At least there seemed to be plenty of space for even the tallest llort with the largest horns to fly here. Perhaps that was because the Biarbu were--at least by appearances--an avian species. Pako grumbled in approval.

"A fine establishment indeed. What is the etiquette regarding the use of the booths? I find myself at once in need of a seat and also of enjoyable company. My student is in the casino and will not be joining me soon. Might you have any suggestions?"

"Here at the Silver Hotel, and elsewhere in Shiwa Yun, we keep watch on all things..." Ben Ying pauses, and for a moment, it's as though that is the end of the sentence, then it continues, "...interesting."


"So your reputation first came to those who collate such data from the time spent in the Elven Conclave a few years ago. We receive regular reports on such individuals every few years, as it is a struggle to keep up to date information without local aid," The hotel owner actually does pause here and off the Flightmaster a significant look. How Pako chooses to interpret this is up to him.


"As to your inquiries regarding etiquette within the booths," the black plumed Biarbu points at the buttons on the table, "this closes off the booth for sound dampening. It's not perfect, as shouting will still create some noise, but for quiet conversations, it will be you, those sitting in the booth, and the table. And the table won't be revealing any secrets. This button will signal the servers to come inquire about refreshments, while the one opposite it will decline further service while it is active; any non-staff member whom gets too close to the booth while this has been pressed will be politely encouraged to move along, and staff members won't be staying close either or they will no longer be staff members."


"As for enjoyable company. That depends on the kind you are looking for. Polite discussion, or - as your student is occupied and you find yourself free of their gaze - perhaps something more... intimate? This one assures you, we do not judge."

15 hours ago, The Snark said:

"By all means," Rhonda says, before Todd can muster any kind of response. "We're pleased to accept your hospitality. Should your employer happen to have a spare moment in their schedule, we'd be honored to speak with them in person."

As the Biarbu leads them towards a booth, the two share a brief wordless conversation: raised-eyebrow-meaningful-glance-grimace-nod-eyeroll-shrug. Todd falls back half a step to let his partner lead the way.


Bowchi Juh bows, and leads Rhonda and her bodyguard to an unoccupied booth. "It may be some time, madam, before the hotel owner is free, but when they are, this one is sure they will be more than pleased to speak with you as well. Until then, please order drinks for yourself and your entourage; on the house, we insist."


Again bowing, Juh gives a careful nod to Rhonda's bodyguard before saying, "And please honored guest, do be careful with the smoke. We would not want to disturb others enjoyment of this day."




Ben Ying was busier than planned, but in a good way. This gathering of important individuals was amusing, to say the least. And now, they would speak with Rhonda 49199. An investigative celebrity in recent years. Yes, more gatherings like this would be needed in the future, if only for the break from the tedium.


Arriving at Rhonda's booth, Ben Ying tapped politely on the privacy screen; whether it was active or not, it didn't matter. Decorum required politeness. "This one is Ben Ying, a humble hotel owner. We are given to understand you wished to speak with us, Sister Rhonda? Oh, and is that Brother Todd this one sees there as well? We did not receive a very good picture of him in our gathering of reports, so do forgive this Biarbu if we have misidentified you. Our information has Brother Todd as... much taller."

1 hour ago, Kythia said:

Iago flashes his eyebrows, impressed by the technological privacy measures. Nice, we just hide behind a tree and everyone pretends they can't hear us. He sips his drink slowly and thinks through the message.

Coedd's areas of interest and the Biarbu's seem to align. You are spreading the word of Fascination while cultists spread the word of Coedd. You've opened the Golden Pheonix while we have the he takes a deep breath and mumbles the next bit, hopefully too fast to hear Super Secret Coedd Spying Base It was funny to them, certainly, but utterly mortifying now he had to say it out loud in a serious conversation. He sips his drink again, letting a pause hopefully killing off some of the impression doubtlessly left by the name. And it seems we might be evenly matched if we were to clash, sapping both our resources. Now. Coedd has no interest in Tekhum outside of Coedd, outside of Sansar. As far as we can tell, the Biarbu have no presence on Sansar. We wanted to initially propose a...a mutual non-inteference treaty. Coedd will not seek to establish its power outside Sansar, the Biarbu will not seek to establish theirs on Sansar.

If that were agreeable, we would also propose an expansion - that on the rare occasions when Coedd wishes to operate outside Sansar for whatever reason the Biarbu perform what is needed and vice versa. This is, to be clear, an addition to the original offer of mutual exlcusion and can be rejected seperately.


Ben Ying leaned in closer to the table, wingtips tapping upon it like human fingers might. "Allow me to see if this one understands the proposal of the Coedd: You wish the Biarbu to stay off Sansar, and in return, Coedd will remain solidly on the planet, seeking to establish and maintain it's power only on the planet. And in the instances where this is not true, we would utilize each other's abilities, instead of tripping over the other."


"If that is the sum of it, it does sound appealing." The black plumed Biarbu beings to slowly nod in thought, almost agreeing. "What of instances where we are invited? To be clear: this invitation would be different than a simple party like we find ourselves in now. No, this one means if an Elect allows the... visit?"


"Also, all of non-Sansar is quite a bit of territory. We appreciate that the Coedd can see how our two Fates are similar, but if this agreement binds the Biarbu to always do whatever the Coedd wish when the Coedd desires to act outside Sansar, then instead of a boon, this becomes a bane. We instead suggest a first-right of refusal for both parties. The offer to do the work is the important part. If accepted, the other party will complete the desired job. If rejected, it also constitutes permission to work outside the bounds of this agreement, so long as we retain non-interference."



Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor


Sha Ren again reclaimed the cards, and shuffled the deck, before dealing out a hand to each player. Once more, they bowed and tapped the table with their beak.


In front of them were two cards, one face down.




The face up card was the 3️⃣ of edicts. There would be at least one more card drawn, possibly two.

Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
1d10 3
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Black Bird Table 1a

Cagairmòr grins and nods in greeting to the newcomers and listens along to the introductions, indicating for the dealer to keep her in when it comes time for a new round - half her winnings get pushed forward, while the others go into some pocket or pouch or other in her clothing. "Good to know, you two. I'm Cagairmòr, by the way. Now, let's see if I can't repeat that 21..."

After three cards, she frowns a little, looks at her cards then shrugs. "That'll have to do, I guess."


Sticking with the 500-chit bets on Black Bird.

Initial Hand

Third Card

Sticking on 17. Not great, but hey.


Edited by volthawk
more cards (see edit history)
Initial Hand
2d10 3,4
Third Card
1d10 10
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Charyti continues to smile back at the other players while Sha Ren neatly deals the cards. "A pleasure to meet you both, Guyineber and Cagairmòr." Her pronunciation of their names may not be perfect, but it is close, and clear she is making an effort to get them correct. "This is already shaping up to be a pleazant pasttime in good company."

Glancing at her two aces, she nods to Sha Ren. "One more, please." When the desired card is provided, her eyes and smile widen with delight. "Ah! Exacte, I will hold here."


((Rolls in above post, 1 + 11 + 9 = 21))

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Black Bird, Table 1a

"Kagermor... Cagairmòr..." Guyineber slowly pronounced the name, first with Sosai syllables, then attempting a closer approximation of the proper name.

"Tariti... Charyti..." She says, turning over another in her mouth and trying to get the movements just right.

She nods and smiles at them, pleased with the company and what little success she made in pronouncing their names as correctly as she could, while evidently struggling initially. It wasn't easy sometimes for someone whose native language had only ten consonants. She still pronounced her teacher's name as "Bako" half the time. Guyineber swayed in her seat, as if she was repressing the urge to dance to a tune in her own head, possibly a tune celebrating that minor victory.

She taps the table to signal the dealer. At the reveal of more cards, she mumbles, a little frustrated.

"That's too bad. One over, it looks like? 22 is over, right? I overshot it. So close..."


The VIP Lounge

7 hours ago, Gengy said:

The Silver Hotel, The VIP Lounge

"Here at the Silver Hotel, and elsewhere in Shiwa Yun, we keep watch on all things..." Ben Ying pauses, and for a moment, it's as though that is the end of the sentence, then it continues, "...interesting."

"So your reputation first came to those who collate such data from the time spent in the Elven Conclave a few years ago. We receive regular reports on such individuals every few years, as it is a struggle to keep up to date information without local aid," The hotel owner actually does pause here and off the Flightmaster a significant look. How Pako chooses to interpret this is up to him.

"As to your inquiries regarding etiquette within the booths," the black plumed Biarbu points at the buttons on the table, "this closes off the booth for sound dampening. It's not perfect, as shouting will still create some noise, but for quiet conversations, it will be you, those sitting in the booth, and the table. And the table won't be revealing any secrets. This button will signal the servers to come inquire about refreshments, while the one opposite it will decline further service while it is active; any non-staff member whom gets too close to the booth while this has been pressed will be politely encouraged to move along, and staff members won't be staying close either or they will no longer be staff members."

"As for enjoyable company. That depends on the kind you are looking for. Polite discussion, or - as your student is occupied and you find yourself free of their gaze - perhaps something more... intimate? This one assures you, we do not judge."

Pako nods as he listens to the hotel owner's explanation. That all made sense, although he questioned if he himself was really all that interesting. The old llort didn't think to bring up that matter. The note of "local aid" flew by and only after a moment did the flightmaster think that there was more to it than met the ear. Was there some subtle implication of the hotel owner's sources there? Pako wondered. Badal and Mekhala being so far apart likely didn't help much in any regard. That seemed more of a concern for the Consul, if anything. A note to file away for later.

He nodded at the explanation of the buttons and booth functionality. "This all seems very user-friendly. Thank you."

At the hotel owner's suggestive notions regarding the possible nature of company, Pako's light fluctuated.

"Intimate? Oh. Oh no, not at all! Do not misunderstand this old cleric, senore Ben Ying, I appreciate your candor and assurances, but I have no need beyond the sort of polite discussion. Perhaps a private, non-Casino game of Lotus, if any are willing and able? Otherwise I am much content with someone with an interesting life story or ambitious goals, and a cup of your hottest and strongest and most flavourful tea."

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Posted (edited)

Casino Floor, Elsewhere...


Yun Chi refused to give up. This game was one that could be won, they were sure of it. And so, with the encouragement of those watching weighing upon them, Yun Chi gave the game another 300 chits, and rolled the dice once more.




The producer crooned in excitement at Yun Chi's success, and a feeling of warmth filled the Biarbu. It was truly a blessing of Fate! Now, however, was the difficult question. Yun Chi was not blind to the chances. Only one in six to achieve the full payout. It was just as likely that the Path would continue as it was for it to begin, but to risk it further, or settle back to where Yun Chi was before starting along this Path to Destiny?


Decisions, decisions! Again, there would be no more chits for Yun Chi if they ran out. Was now the time, though? To roll the dice and watch them fall, for good or for ill, was...




Yun Chi could not tear their eyes away as they rolled once more, looking for the '5' they would need.




Yun Chi stared. It was not to be. A '2' was not what they wanted. Still, they had made the roll, and could not look away. Standing up, Yun Chi backed away, and bowed to the machine, before racing off to find their next game, where hopefully their luck would turn!


(BRB -300)



47 minutes ago, EmBark said:

The VIP Lounge

Pako nods as he listens to the hotel owner's explanation. That all made sense, although he questioned if he himself was really all that interesting. The old llort didn't think to bring up that matter. The note of "local aid" flew by and only after a moment did the flightmaster think that there was more to it than met the ear. Was there some subtle implication of the hotel owner's sources there? Pako wondered. Badal and Mekhala being so far apart likely didn't help much in any regard. That seemed more of a concern for the Consul, if anything. A note to file away for later.

He nodded at the explanation of the buttons and booth functionality. "This all seems very user-friendly. Thank you."

At the hotel owner's suggestive notions regarding the possible nature of company, Pako's light fluctuated.

"Intimate? Oh. Oh no, not at all! Do not misunderstand this old cleric, senore Ben Ying, I appreciate your candor and assurances, but I have no need beyond the sort of polite discussion. Perhaps a private, non-Casino game of Lotus, if any are willing and able? Otherwise I am much content with someone with an interesting life story or ambitious goals, and a cup of your hottest and strongest and most flavourful tea."


Ben Ying nodded politely. "We had to be sure. As mentioned, we do not judge."


With a wave of their feathers, and a demonstration of masterful control of the console, the button for service was soon pressed. Yet, only seconds later, without the order being actually taken by the server, they arrive with two cups, and a tea pot full of something sweet smelling, almost floral. Ben Ying precedes to pour on behalf of their guest. "Polite discourse is something this one would be pleased to provide to any guest. Sadly, our duties would not allow a truly worthy game of Lotus to be played while we talked, but we could call over someone skilled at it for you to play against while we chatted, if that would suffice. And then, should duty call, you would still have your amusement and a conversation partner."


The tea, when poured, is just barely finished boiling, yet the heat only adds to the aroma.


"Please, though you have requested it to be hot, this one advises you to let it cool, if but for only a moment. It will add to the overall flavor if the Bu-kah Doduh is allowed to steep fully in the mixing air of both hot and cold. Flowers, as you might imagine, are quite difficult to come by in Badal; nearly as rare as those in Mekhala. So only the patient truly can appreciate the flavor... but the impatient will find they have missed their chance to maximize the taste. It is a delicate balance."

Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
2d6 2,5
1d6+7 2
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11 hours ago, Gengy said:
Ben Ying was busier than planned, but in a good way. This gathering of important individuals was amusing, to say the least. And now, they would speak with Rhonda 49199. An investigative celebrity in recent years. Yes, more gatherings like this would be needed in the future, if only for the break from the tedium.


Arriving at Rhonda's booth, Ben Ying tapped politely on the privacy screen; whether it was active or not, it didn't matter. Decorum required politeness. "This one is Ben Ying, a humble hotel owner. We are given to understand you wished to speak with us, Sister Rhonda? Oh, and is that Brother Todd this one sees there as well? We did not receive a very good picture of him in our gathering of reports, so do forgive this Biarbu if we have misidentified you. Our information has Brother Todd as... much taller."

"Elder Ben Ying. Thank you for seeing us. Time is valuable and we're honored to be considered worthy of yours." Should she bow? Probably not, they're sitting down and there's not that much room in the booth. She settles for a deep nod. "As you've correctly surmised, I am Rhonda 49199, and this is my colleague, Todd 49186."

"It's the gravity," Todd says, attempting to sit up straighter. "Imperial standard G is hell on my posture."

Rhonda resists the urge to roll her eyes at him. "I'm told you're already familiar with our investigation into the raid on New Kildora, Elder Ying? Our business today is related to that. We understand you like to keep abreast of current events, both those reported in the mainstream media and those... a little more off the beaten track. The Kildoran incident is just the latest in a pattern we've been looking into."

Todd picks up on the thread. "It's the perfect frame job, if you think about it. Who's going to bother digging deeper when the obvious suspect is a known axe murderer? Except it's out of character for the Reign of Blood to deny responsibility; normally the Bloodlord would just say 'yep, we did it, come at us if you think you're hard enough'. And sure enough, when we start poking around, the evidence doesn't really fit. Whoever was behind the attack didn't have access to real sanguimancers - which is damn near unheard of for a Khylokian raiding fleet. But that leaves the question: if it wasn't the Reign of Blood, who was it?"

"There are between forty and forty-three Elect active in Tekhum, depending on how you reckon it. There's also the Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union and the Basu-Rahman Group, who are influential enough to contend on the same playing field despite not having the Emperor's official stamp of approval. And of course, there's the Empire itself. I've gone through them all, and while there's some I can't rule out for sure... I believe there's another player in the game."

He lays a tablet out on the table, scrolling rapidly through news articles, photographs, and other documents. "2039. Eydis dei Fiori is captured; the Fiorid press blames Grigialfheim insurgents, but the Velafloan defense coalition surrenders without any reference to the events. Over a year later, a ransom demand comes from a third party, demanding military hardware and state secrets - the former of which is paid with ships sourced from the Khylokian Reign of Blood. The link is clear."

"From here on out, the trail gets murkier. There's a possible connection to the old Veehran Triangle conspiracy - this was before my time, but the Todds who debunked that story found triangle iconography at a number of sites spread out across the planet, suggesting a common cause. We haven't seen anything further on that front, but I'm keeping an eye out for the insignia."

"Lastly, I've marked the Bironian Civil War as a potential point of interference: it's tough to find reliable info on that period, but between Yanji Argon's assassination, his 'miraculous' return from the depths of Badal," Todd is absolutely the kind of guy to deploy finger quotes, "and the death or disappearance of nearly every Bironian leader over the next few years, it's clear there was a lot of shady business going on. Some of these are solved cases now: Kazi of Sodium ended up wearing the Black Butterfly, and I'd bet good money that Treasure Boyin was offed on Alchire's orders. You probably know more about this than we do; maybe you can shed some light on it."

"So how 'bout it, Mister Ying? What's your professional opinion on all this?"

"We'd welcome a fresh perspective."

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21 hours ago, Gengy said:

Ben Ying leaned in closer to the table, wingtips tapping upon it like human fingers might. "Allow me to see if this one understands the proposal of the Coedd: You wish the Biarbu to stay off Sansar, and in return, Coedd will remain solidly on the planet, seeking to establish and maintain it's power only on the planet. And in the instances where this is not true, we would utilize each other's abilities, instead of tripping over the other."


"If that is the sum of it, it does sound appealing." The black plumed Biarbu beings to slowly nod in thought, almost agreeing. "What of instances where we are invited? To be clear: this invitation would be different than a simple party like we find ourselves in now. No, this one means if an Elect allows the... visit?"


"Also, all of non-Sansar is quite a bit of territory. We appreciate that the Coedd can see how our two Fates are similar, but if this agreement binds the Biarbu to always do whatever the Coedd wish when the Coedd desires to act outside Sansar, then instead of a boon, this becomes a bane. We instead suggest a first-right of refusal for both parties. The offer to do the work is the important part. If accepted, the other party will complete the desired job. If rejected, it also constitutes permission to work outside the bounds of this agreement, so long as we retain non-interference."

Iago nodded along and chuckled to himself. Within his mental map, Sansar was a vast and differerentiared place - the deserts and mountains of Chonkia, the frozen wastelands along the north the dense foresty of Coedd and its near neighbours, the lush rainforest of the Reserve...and so along while everything else in Tekhum occupied a mental box labelled "not Sansar". Of course he knew, if he thought about it, that there was more in "not Sansar" than in "Sansar" but sometimes his internal biases did seep through.

If another Elect allows the visit then that, to me, would fall outside the scope of our agreement. We would, as a - ha! - professional courtesy usually inform you of any invites that conflict with Biarbu interests and would appreciate the same but the very nature of our visits mean that may not be feasible in all cases and we wouldn't want such a notification enforced by treaty - even one so informal as this. But yes, you have understood fully.

As to your final point, you are quite correct. A bit of unintended provincialism there, please forgive me. Errr, this one would be honoured by your overlooking of his mistake. Let me put this together then:

The Biarbu will, excepting direct invites, refrain from both proselytism and subterfuge on the surface of Sansar. Coedd will, excepting direct invites, refrain from both both proselytism and subterfuge off the surface of Sansar. In the case of direct invite by a member of the elect, Coedd will consider it a sign of friendly relations if the Biarbu notify them of such actitivites but accept this may not always be possible. In turn, in that same spirit of friendly relations, Coedd will by default notify the Biarbu of such activities off the surface of Sansar, with the proviso that this may not be always possible.

Should it become necessary for the Biarbu to work on the surface of Sansar or for Coedd to work off its Sansar, an offer will be made to the other party to perform the task requested. If that request is refused - with the understanding that doing so doesn't invalidate the agreement in the future - it shall be understood as permission for the party to work outside their normal field of influence.

I think that covers everything?


At the Blackbird table.

Siobhan had rapped for another card as soon as she saw her initial hand and lifted the corner to see the card slid over once it was. A three. Annoying. She frowned for a second then rapped for another one. An eight. With no need to mask her expression she smiled openly.

Hold at 21 she said, revealing her four cards and placing them slightly further away from the croupier than was convenient, meaning he would have to lean forwards slightly to get them. She glanced up at one of her colleagues at the bar and gave a very slight nod. He quickly drained his glass and placed it back on the bar, deliberately precariously.

(Current bet is 500 chits, for clarity)

Edited by Kythia (see edit history)
First additional card
1d10 3
Second additional card
1d10 8
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Posted (edited)

Silver Hotel, VIP Lounge


14 hours ago, The Snark said:

"Elder Ben Ying. Thank you for seeing us. Time is valuable and we're honored to be considered worthy of yours." Should she bow? Probably not, they're sitting down and there's not that much room in the booth. She settles for a deep nod. "As you've correctly surmised, I am Rhonda 49199, and this is my colleague, Todd 49186."

"It's the gravity," Todd says, attempting to sit up straighter. "Imperial standard G is hell on my posture."

Rhonda resists the urge to roll her eyes at him. "I'm told you're already familiar with our investigation into the raid on New Kildora, Elder Ying? Our business today is related to that. We understand you like to keep abreast of current events, both those reported in the mainstream media and those... a little more off the beaten track. The Kildoran incident is just the latest in a pattern we've been looking into."

Todd picks up on the thread. "It's the perfect frame job, if you think about it. Who's going to bother digging deeper when the obvious suspect is a known axe murderer? Except it's out of character for the Reign of Blood to deny responsibility; normally the Bloodlord would just say 'yep, we did it, come at us if you think you're hard enough'. And sure enough, when we start poking around, the evidence doesn't really fit. Whoever was behind the attack didn't have access to real sanguimancers - which is damn near unheard of for a Khylokian raiding fleet. But that leaves the question: if it wasn't the Reign of Blood, who was it?"

"There are between forty and forty-three Elect active in Tekhum, depending on how you reckon it. There's also the Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union and the Basu-Rahman Group, who are influential enough to contend on the same playing field despite not having the Emperor's official stamp of approval. And of course, there's the Empire itself. I've gone through them all, and while there's some I can't rule out for sure... I believe there's another player in the game."

He lays a tablet out on the table, scrolling rapidly through news articles, photographs, and other documents. "2039. Eydis dei Fiori is captured; the Fiorid press blames Grigialfheim insurgents, but the Velafloan defense coalition surrenders without any reference to the events. Over a year later, a ransom demand comes from a third party, demanding military hardware and state secrets - the former of which is paid with ships sourced from the Khylokian Reign of Blood. The link is clear."

"From here on out, the trail gets murkier. There's a possible connection to the old Veehran Triangle conspiracy - this was before my time, but the Todds who debunked that story found triangle iconography at a number of sites spread out across the planet, suggesting a common cause. We haven't seen anything further on that front, but I'm keeping an eye out for the insignia."

"Lastly, I've marked the Bironian Civil War as a potential point of interference: it's tough to find reliable info on that period, but between Yanji Argon's assassination, his 'miraculous' return from the depths of Badal," Todd is absolutely the kind of guy to deploy finger quotes, "and the death or disappearance of nearly every Bironian leader over the next few years, it's clear there was a lot of shady business going on. Some of these are solved cases now: Kazi of Sodium ended up wearing the Black Butterfly, and I'd bet good money that Treasure Boyin was offed on Alchire's orders. You probably know more about this than we do; maybe you can shed some light on it."

"So how 'bout it, Mister Ying? What's your professional opinion on all this?"

"We'd welcome a fresh perspective."


Sitting down and leaning back into the stool that conformed to their Biarbu body-type easily, Ben Ying ensured that the privacy screen was active while they contemplated a response. "As a local citizen of Badal, this one is of course familiar with many of the issues that plague the Bironian Bulwark. It is of some significant interest to Society leadership, not to mention there's a certain level of - perhaps grim - entertainment in it for our Nests. To try and explain Biarbu views of exterior politics as interior amusement would be a fruitless endeavor. Just know that our views - our perspectives - are quite different."


"And also know, Brother Todd," the blue eyed Biarbu stared at the man in the leather jacket, "that Treasurer Boyin was very much not removed by the current Chairman's orders. It was simple mutiny, and nothing more. You are respected amongst the Biarbu for being inquisitive and trying to understand the flow of fate. The Treasurer was not respected. He would not have understood that sometimes fate - and inconvenient Treasurers - require a... push. Because of that push, this one is currently pleased with the direction that the current Bironian Bulwark is heading, even if it is a bit more volatile then some may like. Again: our perspectives would likely differ."


Tail feathers fluttering behind themselves, Ben Ying nodded slowly, thoughtfully, "This one tells you all of this not to offend your sensibilities, but to agree with you: you need a new perspective. Though this one today is nothing more than a humble hotel owner, there are greater viewpoints that the Biarbu can see, at times. Your suspicions regarding the Khylokians is accurate. The Biarbu Society watches them eagerly. They attracted our interest some years ago, and now hopefully the Bloodlord better understands what that means. What happened in Kildora does not fit with what we know about them, which is why we are pleased to hear that you hope to exonerate them."


"Which, it would seem, brings us to your inquiries. You suspect someone of the same level of play as the Elect causing interferences - moving pieces not meant to be moved - but the way you phrased it... seems to suggest it is not the Elect. That's... an interesting idea. And a delightfully scary one.


"The stars in the sky do not care if there are clouds, but the one trying to see those stars certainly does. One wonders now: is this new player trying to move the clouds, or change the stars? The former requires patience. The latter requires miracles. And miracles require effort."


"Effort. Well. That requires money. As the ancestors say: Even Ophon needs to eat."



7 hours ago, Kythia said:

Iago nodded along and chuckled to himself. Within his mental map, Sansar was a vast and differerentiared place - the deserts and mountains of Chonkia, the frozen wastelands along the north the dense foresty of Coedd and its near neighbours, the lush rainforest of the Reserve...and so along while everything else in Tekhum occupied a mental box labelled "not Sansar". Of course he knew, if he thought about it, that there was more in "not Sansar" than in "Sansar" but sometimes his internal biases did seep through.

If another Elect allows the visit then that, to me, would fall outside the scope of our agreement. We would, as a - ha! - professional courtesy usually inform you of any invites that conflict with Biarbu interests and would appreciate the same but the very nature of our visits mean that may not be feasible in all cases and we wouldn't want such a notification enforced by treaty - even one so informal as this. But yes, you have understood fully.

As to your final point, you are quite correct. A bit of unintended provincialism there, please forgive me. Errr, this one would be honoured by your overlooking of his mistake. Let me put this together then:

The Biarbu will, excepting direct invites, refrain from both proselytism and subterfuge on the surface of Sansar. Coedd will, excepting direct invites, refrain from both both proselytism and subterfuge off the surface of Sansar. In the case of direct invite by a member of the elect, Coedd will consider it a sign of friendly relations if the Biarbu notify them of such actitivites but accept this may not always be possible. In turn, in that same spirit of friendly relations, Coedd will by default notify the Biarbu of such activities off the surface of Sansar, with the proviso that this may not be always possible.

Should it become necessary for the Biarbu to work on the surface of Sansar or for Coedd to work off its Sansar, an offer will be made to the other party to perform the task requested. If that request is refused - with the understanding that doing so doesn't invalidate the agreement in the future - it shall be understood as permission for the party to work outside their normal field of influence.

I think that covers everything?


"Delightful. There is but one more concern that comes to mind: the sharing of information." Ben Ying's gaze does not leave the Coedd messenger. "This one does not speak of such things that can be found in the Arkhive. No. Instead, it is a matter of professionalism.  Should the Coedd desire to work outside the confines of Sansar, but remain within the confines of the agreement, by your own suggestion, you will be required to inform us of the job you want done. If the Biarbu decline the job, it would be unprofessional to take action to hinder the completion of that job; including warning those whose interests directly run counter to the task ahead. And we would expect the same level of respect from the Coedd, were the roles reversed on Sansar."


"This of course, seems obvious."


Ben Ying's plumage flattened itself as their long neck leaned across the table. "Agreements such as these, though, often require the obvious to be stated. If for no other reason than to provide the challenge to find what else wasn't said. So be very sure you are happy with how things are worded. The Coedd have invited the Biarbu to dance.  And Fate ever so loves a show."



Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor


So many Black Birds in such a short time. Sha Ren's talons ticked against the table, summoning their supervisor to come look. The larger, darker plumed Biarbu's name tag read 'Mar Lan' and their eyes were a bright green. Leaning over the dealer's retracted wings, the pit boss glanced at the table, nodded, and was off to continue to survey other guests.


"Honored guests, you have received so many blessings already. Here is hoping that your providence remains!"


So saying, Sha Ren turns over their face down card: the 8 of comets. Sha Ren then deals themselves another card.




The four of stars. Not enough for the Dealer to stop.




The ten of edicts, leaving Sha Ren with well over twenty one. "The Dealer's fate is overpowered by your own. Well played."


Grabbing all the cards, it takes a moment for Sha Ren to pay out all the winners.


(COE +1000)

(ELD +250)

(LSP -150)

(CUS +600)



The Boarding-Walk


Yun Chi was encouraged to take a break. While the Biarbu hated to look like they were retreating, the producer in their ear reminded them they had not eaten in several hours. As the food was free - for Yun Chi! - it made sense to lazily fly along the Boarding-Walk, looking for something to eat. And perhaps find someone to talk to that wasn't chirping in their ear...

Edited by Gengy (see edit history)
1d10+11 4
1d10 10
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The VIP Lounge

20 hours ago, Gengy said:

VIP Lounge

Ben Ying nodded politely. "We had to be sure. As mentioned, we do not judge."

With a wave of their feathers, and a demonstration of masterful control of the console, the button for service was soon pressed. Yet, only seconds later, without the order being actually taken by the server, they arrive with two cups, and a tea pot full of something sweet smelling, almost floral. Ben Ying precedes to pour on behalf of their guest. "Polite discourse is something this one would be pleased to provide to any guest. Sadly, our duties would not allow a truly worthy game of Lotus to be played while we talked, but we could call over someone skilled at it for you to play against while we chatted, if that would suffice. And then, should duty call, you would still have your amusement and a conversation partner."

The tea, when poured, is just barely finished boiling, yet the heat only adds to the aroma.

"Please, though you have requested it to be hot, this one advises you to let it cool, if but for only a moment. It will add to the overall flavor if the Bu-kah Doduh is allowed to steep fully in the mixing air of both hot and cold. Flowers, as you might imagine, are quite difficult to come by in Badal; nearly as rare as those in Mekhala. So only the patient truly can appreciate the flavor... but the impatient will find they have missed their chance to maximize the taste. It is a delicate balance."

Pako nods back in understanding. "Patience is a virtue, some say. Many seem to think that the old are more appreciative of it." He chuckles. "When it comes to tea, I find myself capable of it. Were this anything else, I might find myself with haste to still get the things done that I wish to get done while I still have years of life left."

His hands close around the hot cup. He waits patiently for the flavor to strengthen.

"Even if you have not the time or attention to give me for a game of Lotus yourself, I want to thank you for what attention you've been able to give this old man, senore Ben Ying. Such personal attention is commendable. I hope I am not keeping you from more worthwhile or needy guests."

He rumbled a bit, swished the cup gently around, took a sniff of it and then a sip. Hot. Strong. Good. Pako nodded in approval.

"Say, I heard that some high-standing members of the Biarbu Society are present today. I don't suppose there's any you could introduce me to? Perhaps not for a game of Lotus, although it is a game of faith and growth. Or at least, I like to think so. I am, let's say, fascinated by all I've seen of your Society so far."


Black Bird, Table 1a

21 minutes ago, Gengy said:

Black Bird, Table 1a, Casino Floor

(COE +1000)

(ELD +250)

(LSP -150)

(CUS +600)

Guyineber sucks in a breath through her teeth. With the House busting she at least didn't lose too much this time. If she hadn't called a hit on that last card though...

"Well, it looks like if my luck stays this way then I will have to leave y'all's pleasurable company all the sooner." She says, then looks at the stacks of chits in front of Charyti next to her. "Oh! Congratulations on your winnings, Charyti! Looks like I could stand to learn from you."

Guyineber counted out her chits. "Hmmm... maybe I should try the Fortune Favors tables or the slot machines before I run out of these..." She mumbled to herself. She certainly planned to play until the end. To her, there was no sense going back to her room until she'd either had one win or lost it all.

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4 hours ago, Gengy said:

"Delightful. There is but one more concern that comes to mind: the sharing of information." Ben Ying's gaze does not leave the Coedd messenger. "This one does not speak of such things that can be found in the Arkhive. No. Instead, it is a matter of professionalism.  Should the Coedd desire to work outside the confines of Sansar, but remain within the confines of the agreement, by your own suggestion, you will be required to inform us of the job you want done. If the Biarbu decline the job, it would be unprofessional to take action to hinder the completion of that job; including warning those whose interests directly run counter to the task ahead. And we would expect the same level of respect from the Coedd, were the roles reversed on Sansar."


"This of course, seems obvious."


Ben Ying's plumage flattened itself as their long neck leaned across the table. "Agreements such as these, though, often require the obvious to be stated. If for no other reason than to provide the challenge to find what else wasn't said. So be very sure you are happy with how things are worded. The Coedd have invited the Biarbu to dance.  And Fate ever so loves a show."

Iago nods to himself a couple of times, the manner of a man running through precisely what he wants to say.

I agree. Such an action would be unprofessional in the extreme and to be avoided in all but the most extreme circumstances. But. The world being what it is I can't...hmmm. This matter is important to us - the followers of Coedd do not leave Sansar often and despite the fun my colleagues are having in the casino that would not normally tempt us here. Good relations with the Biarbu and this agreement we are discussing are important to Coedd and we would not trivially endanger them. Such an extreme breach of professionalism would only be warranted by an extreme risk to Coedd's interests. We would hope you understand and for our part understand that an extreme risk to Biarbu interests must be responded to. We hope that friendly relations can prove to be friendly enough should such a step be taken, but can't be bound to any agreement that rules it out entirely.


Still at the table

Siobhan's little headshake was unneeded - her colleague was already moving the glass back to a more secure position. As spooked by the sudden arrival of the pitboss as she was. As the winnings were distributed she stared unseeing at them for a moment - talented lipreaders may be able to pick up her running through something to herself - so that's a three gone, an eight gone - and so on. Working out what remained in the deck. Eventually she leans forwards and scoops half of her winnings towards her, leaving the other half, her original bet, on the table.

High or low, double or nothing? she asks, And, if the dealer agrees, confidently makes her prediction.

2010 if the dealer doesn't accept the double or nothing, 2510 if he does.

Either way, she thinks him, leaves a ten chit on the desk as a tip and moves over to Fortune's Favour, waiting for a hand to start.

2000 if the dealer doesn't accept the double or nothing, 2500 if he does.

Edited by Kythia (see edit history)
Intrgue, TN 14
2d6+10 4,2
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