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PerceptionRoll a D20 and add your modifier (for the one mentioned in the game thread add the Wisdom modifier) to the result.

there is a dice icon in the editor.

Edited by Ziminar (see edit history)
1d20 10
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2 hours ago, Ziminar said:

Roll a D20 and add your modifier (for the one mentioned in the game thread add the Wisdom modifier) to the result.

there is a dice icon in the editor.

I think I did it?

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Since I'm new to the site I'm not sure if players typically create a character sheet and then update that will all the details or they keep updating their application area or some combination of those two.

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Its probably typical to use both.

Personally having played/DMed 5e for a long time, I don't really need much more than the stat block in my post-to-post template. For example, I've had ability modifiers memorized since like 2001 with 3.0...not boasting, just saying being a dork you can internalize some stuff. The proficiency mods follow an easy pattern as well. So, if I knew I was a 1st fighter with a 16 strength, I know my attack mod is +5. Writing every little thing out is tedious and pointless. Having a thread makes it easy to track purchases and other thoughts.

When I DM I take all the players' important stuff and put it into a table in a spreadsheet. I never look at character sheets after that, other than to update stuff at levels, so as a DM they are also not an everyday tool for me.

But ultimately I just do whatever the DM wants, because their needs are different than mine. Some believe creating a handsome and exhaustive character sheet 'proves' your dedication to their game... XD

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