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As the last invited adventurer enters the Hall of Echoed Wisdom the humming sound that had been building up from the moment Chipluck entered the giant ancient oak suddenly comes to a stop, the following silence in the Hall is deafening.

The monk from the door suddenly claps his hands together loudly demanding attention of everyone present.
With the same friendly stoic expression on his face he points to his right side to an opening in the tree that you hadn't noticed before:
"If you would be so kind to follow me, the High Council will see you now."
And with that he walks with surprising speed for his short legs towards the newly formed opening.

Waiting for you in the next room stand three members of the High Council. 
A female High Elf with long silver hair that seems to flow like water cascading down her back, light grey gentle eyes that unmistakingly show her wisdom. Like the other members of the High Council she wears a long dark grey robe plated with bronze armor and held together by a necklace made out of delicate silver leaves with a black pearl at its center.
From each of her ears hangs a just as delicate earring of about 2 inches long made out of thin silver threads that match the circlet laying loosely on her head.
Flanked by the two other members of the High Council, a tall dragonborn with dark blue scales and a stern look on his face stands on the left side of the High Elf. On the opposite side and a couple of feet shorter, stands a female halfling looking at each of you with a friendly smile and long dark brown shaggy hair.


  “Welcome,” she begins, her voice echoing through the marble chamber. “I am Elysandra Moonshadow, Keeper of the High Council. This is Lady Elowen Bramblefoot and Lord Thalrok Stormscale. Thank you for accepting our invitation, for some of you the journey to the Hall of Echoed Wisdom was quite an undertaking.”

 She pauses, allowing her words to settle. You exchange glances, uncertainty etched on your faces. 

"First, I must apologize for the secrecy, but you have to trust me when I say that we couldn't provide anymore details.
It warms our heart that you made the journey here despite the lack of information, so let us not wait any longer and let us explain why we have invited you to the Hall of Echoed Wisdom.
There are only a few who have knowledge of its existence, but the Crystal of Tarrasque has shielded us from things you have only dreamt about in your worst nightmares.
Two months ago the crystal mysteriously disappeared from the pedestal where it was put on long ago by the guardians of the Glimmering Forest. Who is responsible for its disappearance or why it was taken we do not know.
All we know is that our realm will become a victim to the corruption if we don't find the crystal back to protect us as soon as we can."

Elysandra pauses for a moment to look each of you in the eyes with a piercing gaze as if she can read your minds.

"For the last months we have sent out adventuring parties like yourselves to find any clues as to what happened to the crystal but so far it has yielded no results.
Except for one thing, the party sent out to the northeast is the only one that hasn't reported anything back to us in days. Their last message mentioned a cave that wasn't shown on any of the maps of the area.
Right now this seems our best bet to learn more about what happened to the chrystal and hopefully you will also be able to learn what happened to our brave scouts. "

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions but I assure you that right now this is the only information that we have for you at this moment. So please, do not waste anymore precious time.”
Lady Elysandra looks to each of you in turn and then turns her gaze to the gnome that welcomed you inside the Hall.
"Brother Lu-Tze, will you be so kind to show our adventurers out, there is no time to waste."
And with that all the members of the council turn around and silently leave the room.

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AelysuneTokengoldpng.png.8588921d605f0da194c1a1871835a643.pngAelysûne Teuvel - Life Domain Cleric of Selûne 1

Character Sheet

“My words,” Aelysûne said. | ‘My thoughts,’ Aelysûne thought. | My actions . . .

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Constitution: 17 (+3)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

AC: 13
HP: 11/11

PP: 14


Aelysûne brow furrows even more than it had before, locking eyes with the Lady Elowen for just a moment before she turns away and leaves. A subtle shift in the fabric of Aelysûne's consciousness catches her attention, as if gentle whispers, delicate and ephemeral, brush against the edges of her mind. This is grave news, indeed, She thinks to herself when the moment passes. It will be difficult to do what is asked of her, especially without important information.

"Well," she says, turning to the others, "now you know. It seems we are not tasked with the retrieval of the Crystal itself, but the location of the missing Northeast Party. Brother Lu-Tze, was it? Are you able to provide a map of their general location? The Northeast is a very broad area."







Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: (8) + (CM 3) = 11
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st

Spell Save DC = 8 + PB + WM = 12

Spell attack modifier = PB + WM = 4


  1. [X] Guidance
  2. [X] Light
  3. [X] Thaumaturgy

1st Level [][] Slots

  1. [X] Cure Wounds
  2. [X] Bless
  3. [X] Guiding Bolt

Stat Block

Aelysûne Teuvel
Cleric of Selûne - Life Domain
Deity: Selûne, Goddess of the Moon
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 13 / HP 11 / Speed 30 ft / Initiative +0/ Proficiency Bonus +2

Str 8 (-1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 17 (+3)
Wis 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)


Saving Throws

Skill Proficiencies


Tool Proficiencies

Crossbow, light: 80(320), HIT/DC +2 Damage 1d8 piercing

Guiding Bolt: 120ft., HIT/DC +4, 4d6 Radiant, Duration 1Rnd

Mace 5ft. reach, HIT/DC +1, 1d6-1 Bludgeoning


Bonus Action: Two-Weapon Fighting

Racial Traits

Cleric Traits



Gp: 10 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. Clothes, Common
  2. Crossbow Bolts (x20)
  3. Crossbow, light
  4. Holy Symbol of Selûne
  5. Leather, Light Armor (AC 11)
  6. Mace
  7. Rope, Silk (50 ft)
  8. Shield (+2 AC)


  1. Blanket (3 lb.)
  2. Block of Incense (x2)
  3. Candle (x10)
  4. Censer (x1)
  5. Rations (1 day) (4 lb.)
  6. Tinderbox (1 lb.)
  7. Vestments (x1)
  8. Waterskin (5 lb.)

Alms Box



Edited by ArtamenaV (see edit history)
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Victor - Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 1

My words,” Victor said. | My thoughts,’  Victor thought. | My actions . . .

Strength: 7 (-2)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 18 (+4)

Intelligence: 8 (-1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 19 (+4)

AC: 11
HP: 10/10

PP: 12


Victor stood staring toward where the High Council members had left the room apparently distracted by something and not truly aware that everyone was leaving around him. Brought out of his trance by the gnome monk ushering them out of the room, Victor still seems to be pondering something.

"We know something of our task, but little more than an objective." Victor mused quietly to no one in particular. Glancing around the company, "Are any of you familiar with the lands which the High Counsel has mentioned?"

Victor pondered the way of nobles, expecting that their servants or strangers would jump to their commands. 'Find me a ripe strawberry on the coldest day of winter.' A far easier task than the one laid before them this evening.

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Chipluck halfling rogue 1Thieves' tools in Dungeons and Dragons are the keys to the success of the  thief in disarming traps an… | Dungeons and dragons art, Classic rpg,  Dungeons and dragons | init +2 | AC 15 | HP 9/9 | HD 1

Acrobatics +6, Deception +5, Investigation +3, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +8*, Stealth +6, thieves tools +8*

Chippers absorbed it all, eyes wide "Wow! The wilds of the northeast? I for one have never tramped that specific vector...heh, to be honest I don't go camping very much. Never much to do. Wait...are we going to need tents? We need tents, right? And horses! Oh yes, there must be some valliant stallions waiting to carry us swiftly to our destination..." the halfling spoke authoritatively until a little crack of doubt snuck back within his psyche "...right?"

Leaning over to Victor and cupping a hand, the thief whispered "...we're not walking, right?"

ooc: @Ziminar Hey, I had asked about creation inventory in an OOC thread. Not that important, but I was wondering if I could buy custom equipment instead of the standard packages. I was really just wanting to get a sling instead of a bow.

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Durin's gaze drifted thoughtfully as the High Council spoke of the missing crystal, his expression remaining neutral, betraying little of the turmoil within.
He leaned back in his chair, fingers laced together in a contemplative manner, as if mulling over the gravity of the situation.

"The disappearance of such a powerful artifact is indeed troubling," Durin remarked evenly, his tone carefully measured.
"One can only wonder at the implications of its absence."

He glanced around, taking note of the varied reactions of his companions, each absorbed in their own thoughts and concerns.

As the Council outlined their quest, Durin nodded along in agreement.
Yet, beneath the surface, a storm of uncertainty raged within him, a silent battle between duty and the shadows of his past.

As the meeting drew to a close, Durin rose from his seat with a courteous nod to the Council, his expression unreadable.

With that, Durin made his exit from the chamber, his thoughts a maze of unanswered questions and uneasy doubts.

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Victor - Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 1

My words,” Victor said. ‘My thoughts,’  Victor thought. | My actions . . .


10 hours ago, Cointhief said:

Leaning over to Victor and cupping a hand, the thief whispered "...we're not walking, right?"

Victor shrugs while thinking to himself that his knee still hurt from the journey to reach the meeting place. Saying in a normal volume "I would expect we might be. Does not sound as if roads are common in that area and horses may not be able to handle the terrain." The back of a slow moving merchant caravan caravan seems like a luxury Victor will not have available for some time.

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Posted (edited)

Lu-Tze had of course fully exptected to be bombarded with questions and had prepared for them as much as he possibly could.
The problem was that the High Council hadn't told him much more either and he wasn't sure if that was because they didn't know more or deemed it best not to disclose more.
Either way, the gnome never questioned the motives of the High Council and completely trusted their judgement.

"Well," she says, turning to the others, "now you know. It seems we are not tasked with the retrieval of the Crystal itself, but the location of the missing Northeast Party. Brother Lu-Tze, was it? Are you able to provide a map of their general location? The Northeast is a very broad area."

At least that was a question he could answer, he had fully expected it even and had a map ready. "Certainly, if you look on this map here, the scouts in question were sent to search this area right here. The last message we received from them, mentioning the cave, was problably sent from around here." indicating a part of the map just west of the mountain in the northeast, probably about three days travel by foot.

"I would expect we might be. Does not sound as if roads are common in that area and horses may not be able to handle the terrain."

"I'm afraid Master Victor is correct, all the horses we could spare were sent out with the scouting parties. So yes, you will be travelling by foot."

When Durin passed him on his way out Lu-Tze watches him go with a somewhat surprised look on his face.


Edited by Ziminar
Added map (see edit history)
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Trisae Arabrahel
Trisae Arabrahel

Level 1 Drow Entertainer Sorcerer

AC: 15 (Dex 2 + Draconic Resilience 13); HP: 8/8 (1d6 + 2); Speed: 30 ft.

Proficiency Bonus: +2

STR: 8 (−1); DEX: 14 (+2); CON: 14 (+2); INT: 12 (+1); WIS: 10 (+0); CHA: 17 (+3)

Sorcery Points:

Spell Save DC: 13; Spell Attack: Cantrips Known (4 + 1); Spells Known (2)

Spell Slots: 1st

Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12, passive Insight 10, passive Investigation 11; Tools: disguise kit, flute; Armor: none; Weapons: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows, rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows; Languages: Common, Elven; Size: Medium; Age: 21; Height: 5′–3″ (160 cm); Weight: 85 lb. (38.6 kg); Hair: Silver; Eyes: Magenta; Skin: Anthracite-Coal Black

IC (My thoughts . . .; “My words . . .”; My actions . . .)

   Trisae startles ever so slightly as she locks eyes with Elowen Bramblefoot. She then nods and gives an unassuming and small bow of acknowledgment with a small dip of her forehead.

   Aelysûne wisely asks Brother Lu-tze for a map—hopefully, if the man can’t provide one, he could at least tell them where they can find one! There’s a lot of things that fall within the general direction of “northeast” of here. The least we could do is narrow it down to where some caves might even be in the first place!

   When the gnome monk pulls out a map and spreads it out before them, Trisae gives a silent prayer of thanks to Eilistraee for small mercies.

   “I don’t suppose you’re willing to let us borrow that map, or perhaps, have a copy of it to lend us?” Trisae asks Brother Lu-Tze. “It feels a tad difficult to commit it to memory.”

   Regardless, on their way out, Trisae pulls Victor aside. Huddled over, she whispers to him, perhaps a little more loudly than she intended—stealth never was her forte. Kos-kos kos-kos kos-kos (DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check“Hey, did that halfing woman—Lady Bramblefoot—did she speak to you in your head? I mean, she was certainly polite in her . . . er . . . demand . . . and I’ve got no issue with doing my best to fulfill it but . . . I’d like to know I wasn’t just imagining it . . .” or Passive Perception 10 or higher to discern what she’s saying to Victor) Kos-kos kos-kos kos-kos.”



Action: —

Bonus Action: —

Reaction: —


   If you are listening in, Trisae will likely catch you doing so, but if you’re trying to be subtle about it, you need to beat a 21 stealth check not to be caught.

(To Whom It May Concern . . .)


Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
Stealth check to avoild being overheard
1d20+2 8
Wisdom (Perception) Check to see if others are listening in
1d20+2 19
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AelysuneTokengoldpng.png.8588921d605f0da194c1a1871835a643.pngAelysûne Teuvel - Life Domain Cleric of Selûne 1

Character Sheet

“My words,” Aelysûne said. | ‘My thoughts,’ Aelysûne thought. | My actions . . .

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Constitution: 17 (+3)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

AC: 13
HP: 11/11

PP: 14

Aelysûne studies the map Brother Lu-Tze shows her; she didn't know much about cartography, but she is no stranger to long voyages and is not at all bothered at the idea of traveling by foot. "Thank you, Brother Lu-Tze." She places a hand over his in gratitude, but before she can continue, they both are distracted as Durin leaves the Hall unannounced. Did Lady Elowen speak to him as well?

She also overhears what Trisae says to Victor. It is obvious that she hear can them, as Trisae does not seem to be good at whispering quietly, and Aelysûne massages her temples in clear disappointment. Their quest has barely just begun and there is already whispering and unprofessionalism within the team. She, of course, had also heard what Lady Elowen said, but perhaps she had heard more clearly, as she distinctly remembered her saying "keep this detail to yourself" as well as everything else. Discretion does not appear to be a strong suit of Trisae's, she thinks to herself, at least now I know who not to tell a secret to. 

Aelysûne closes her eyes and whispers a prayer to Selûne, hoping that they would hurry up and be on their way soon.




Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: (8) + (CM 3) = 11
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st

Spell Save DC = 8 + PB + WM = 12

Spell attack modifier = PB + WM = 4


  1. [X] Guidance
  2. [X] Light
  3. [X] Thaumaturgy

1st Level [][] Slots

  1. [X] Cure Wounds
  2. [X] Bless
  3. [X] Guiding Bolt

Stat Block

Aelysûne Teuvel
Cleric of Selûne - Life Domain
Deity: Selûne, Goddess of the Moon
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 13 / HP 11 / Speed 30 ft / Initiative +0/ Proficiency Bonus +2

Str 8 (-1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 17 (+3)
Wis 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)


Saving Throws

Skill Proficiencies


Tool Proficiencies

Crossbow, light: 80(320), HIT/DC +2 Damage 1d8 piercing

Guiding Bolt: 120ft., HIT/DC +4, 4d6 Radiant, Duration 1Rnd

Mace 5ft. reach, HIT/DC +1, 1d6-1 Bludgeoning


Bonus Action: Two-Weapon Fighting

Racial Traits

Cleric Traits



Gp: 10 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. Clothes, Common
  2. Crossbow Bolts (x20)
  3. Crossbow, light
  4. Holy Symbol of Selûne
  5. Leather, Light Armor (AC 11)
  6. Mace
  7. Rope, Silk (50 ft)
  8. Shield (+2 AC)


  1. Blanket (3 lb.)
  2. Block of Incense (x2)
  3. Candle (x10)
  4. Censer (x1)
  5. Rations (1 day) (4 lb.)
  6. Tinderbox (1 lb.)
  7. Vestments (x1)
  8. Waterskin (5 lb.)

Alms Box



Edited by ArtamenaV (see edit history)
DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) Check +2 Mod
1d20+2 11
Stealth Check
1d20 9
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Leaning against an oaken wall near the hall's exit, Ultonius Zoelante waits for Aelysûne to complete her perusal of the map.

"Thank you, Brother Lu-Tze," she says.

Now the concerned rogue could take a glance. Ultonius instantly points to the coordinates of the hall, and runs his finger northeast to the area in question.

If the group sticks to the road, then they'd avoid a good portion of the forest outskirts. Of course, Ultonius would have to convince the diverse party to do so.

After thanking Lu-Tze, the rogue takes a moment to ponder. Whilst studying the map, he had spotted Durin exiting the hall abruptly. Ultonius follows suit.

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Victor - Aberrant Mind Sorcerer 1

My words,” Victor said. ‘My thoughts,’  Victor thought. | My actions . . .

7 hours ago, Ziminar said:

"I'm afraid Master Victor is correct, all the horses we could spare were sent out with the scouting parties. So yes, you will be travelling by foot."


Victor considered the map as the others also reviewed the various landmarks. He had travelled much of the last few years but that had been mostly by road and often by merchant caravan. "So no horses. What about provisions or other supplies? Looks to be at least a week round trip. I do not see any other towns in that direction. Are there any travel posts or stops along that stretch of road not shown on the map?" He says the questions not specifically to the monk, but raises them in general to anyone nearby.


7 hours ago, Kamishiro_Rin said:

Regardless, on their way out, Trisae pulls Victor aside.


Victor's heart skips more than a few beats when the exotic dark elf pulls him aside. He manages to catch most of her whispered question. Obviously Trisae was not as accustomed to mind speech as he had become over the many years since he had gained the ability. Victor was tempted to respond mentally, but resisted the urge to show off. He was not ready yet to reveal that much of himself to these new associates and Trisae was already trying to resolve one voice in her head. It was best not to add to the situation.

Victor is quiet but not secretive in his response. Anyone nearby will have no problem hearing his response even if they missed Trisae's question. "Yes, she did speak to me also. Although I think her message was different for each of us."



Couple of different things going on. I'm assuming they are all happening around the same time and that the order isn't important.


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AelysuneTokengoldpng.png.8588921d605f0da194c1a1871835a643.pngAelysûne Teuvel - Life Domain Cleric of Selûne 1

Character Sheet

“My words,” Aelysûne said. | ‘My thoughts,’ Aelysûne thought. | My actions . . .

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 11 (+0)
Constitution: 17 (+3)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 14 (+2)

AC: 13
HP: 11/11

PP: 14


On 4/10/2024 at 4:06 PM, Drifter Dwarf said:

"Yes, she did speak to me also. Although I think her message was different for each of us."


'Oh no.' This is not good. 'If everyone received a different message from Lady Elowen...Then did I-...Moonmaiden guide me.' Aelysûne had always loved mystery, even from a young age...however, above all else, she despised matters of illusion, lies, and trickery. She sat in silence for a time, needing to determine if she was jumping to conclusions too quickly. 'If everyone received a different message from Lady Elowen, there can be little trust between us.' Why would Lady Elowen have done such a thing, knowing how important this quest is? 'I have come so far,' she thinks to herself, 'I could stow away my rebellious nature just this once...no.'

She stands, gathers her strength, and addresses the group. "Everyone...I think we can all say that we have received some kind of message from Lady Elowen..."

she clenches her fists.

"I will not ask that you reveal what she said; it is, of course, a matter of honor. But if what Victor says is true, that her message was different for each of us, then we cannot let this quest fall to ruin before it has begun. How can many walk a path lest they be of one accord? I believe the right choice, for now, is to...not ignore, but stay her warning for a time, and proceed on the path given us. We all have our own reasons for being here, myself included. Let us continue in spite of those reasons, shall we?"




@Drifter Dwarf@Kamishiro_Rin@Cointhief I didn't tag the other two because they left the room and would not hear this



Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: (8) + (CM 3) = 11
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st

Spell Save DC = 8 + PB + WM = 12

Spell attack modifier = PB + WM = 4


  1. [X] Guidance
  2. [X] Light
  3. [X] Thaumaturgy

1st Level [][] Slots

  1. [X] Cure Wounds
  2. [X] Bless
  3. [X] Guiding Bolt

Stat Block

Aelysûne Teuvel
Cleric of Selûne - Life Domain
Deity: Selûne, Goddess of the Moon
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good

AC 13 / HP 11 / Speed 30 ft / Initiative +0/ Proficiency Bonus +2

Str 8 (-1) Dex 11 (+0) Con 17 (+3)
Wis 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Cha 14 (+2)


Saving Throws

Skill Proficiencies


Tool Proficiencies

Crossbow, light: 80(320), HIT/DC +2 Damage 1d8 piercing

Guiding Bolt: 120ft., HIT/DC +4, 4d6 Radiant, Duration 1Rnd

Mace 5ft. reach, HIT/DC +1, 1d6-1 Bludgeoning


Bonus Action: Two-Weapon Fighting

Racial Traits

Cleric Traits



Gp: 10 Sp: - Cp: -


  1. Clothes, Common
  2. Crossbow Bolts (x20)
  3. Crossbow, light
  4. Holy Symbol of Selûne
  5. Leather, Light Armor (AC 11)
  6. Mace
  7. Rope, Silk (50 ft)
  8. Shield (+2 AC)


  1. Blanket (3 lb.)
  2. Block of Incense (x2)
  3. Candle (x10)
  4. Censer (x1)
  5. Rations (1 day) (4 lb.)
  6. Tinderbox (1 lb.)
  7. Vestments (x1)
  8. Waterskin (5 lb.)

Alms Box



Edited by ArtamenaV (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

“You can rest here until morning, we wouldn’t send you in the middle of the night in a dark corrupted forest like that of course.” Lu-Tze said with the friendliest face so far. “And after breakfast tomorrow you can stock up on provisions for a bit before you leave tomorrow, although our stock isn't endless. I’ll show you to your rooms.”

8 hours ago, ArtamenaV said:

"I will not ask that you reveal what she said; it is, of course, a matter of honor. But if what Victor says is true, that her message was different for each of us, then we cannot let this quest fall to ruin before it has begun. How can many walk a path lest they be of one accord? I believe the right choice, for now, is to...not ignore, but stay her warning for a time, and proceed on the path given us. We all have our own reasons for being here, myself included. Let us continue in spite of those reasons, shall we?"

At hearing Aelysûne's frustration and others loudly speak of the messages they received in private those in the room see something neither of them thought was possible, Lu-Tze seems rather annoyed and dissapointed. If they can not even follow such an easy task in keeping a message private then maybe the High Council had put their trust into the wrong people. His face quickly clears and the same stoic an calm expression returns to his face.
"There, there, please do not fret. I can imagine this all comes as a bit of a shock to you all and that we put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders that you didn't expect. Just keep in mind that the High Council hasn't just randomly chosen you, they have put great thought into this, if they didn't think you were able to handle yourself in this situation you wouldn't have been standing here."
Lu-Tze looks around the room at those still being present and continues, "Now, let me show you to your room so you all can get a good nights rest before you leave tomorrow,. You are going to need i'd think."
And with that the monk turns around and walks out the room to round everybody up.

Edited by Ziminar (see edit history)
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Trisae ArabrahelTrisae Arabrahel

Level 1 Drow Entertainer Sorcerer

AC: 15 (Dex 2 + Draconic Resilience 13); HP: 8/8 (1d6 + 2); Speed: 30 ft.

Proficiency Bonus: +2

STR: 8 (−1); DEX: 14 (+2); CON: 14 (+2); INT: 12 (+1); WIS: 10 (+0); CHA: 17 (+3)

Sorcery Points:

Spell Save DC: 13; Spell Attack: Cantrips Known (4 + 1); Spells Known (2)

Spell Slots: 1st

Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12, passive Insight 10, passive Investigation 11; Tools: disguise kit, flute; Armor: none; Weapons: daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows, rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows; Languages: Common, Elven; Size: Medium; Age: 21; Height: 5′–3″ (160 cm); Weight: 85 lb. (38.6 kg); Hair: Silver; Eyes: Magenta; Skin: Anthracite-Coal Black

IC (My thoughts . . .; “My words . . .”; My actions . . .)

   Victor is quiet but not secretive in his response. Anyone nearby will have no problem hearing his response even if they missed Trisae's question. "Yes, she did speak to me also. Although I think her message was different for each of us."

   “I’m glad I’m not going crazy!” Trisae confided. “No one’s ever simply . . . entered my mind like that. It feels a bit like a violation . . . you don’t think she was reading my inner-most thoughts and feelings, was she? You seem to be taking this a lot better than me . . . could you tell me more about this . . . mind magic? I’d be ever so happy to learn from you and show you want I can do, too!”

   "I will not ask that you reveal what she said; it is, of course, a matter of honor. But if what Victor says is true, that her message was different for each of us, then we cannot let this quest fall to ruin before it has begun. How can many walk a path lest they be of one accord? I believe the right choice, for now, is to...not ignore, but stay her warning for a time, and proceed on the path given us. We all have our own reasons for being here, myself included. Let us continue in spite of those reasons, shall we?"

   “Different messages for different members of a rather eclectic bunch,” she responds. “I agree. None of you have given me cause to quarrel with you, and if the High Council has chosen you, then I shall place my care in your hands, and you can trust your care in mine.”

   "There, there, please do not fret. I can imagine this all comes as a bit of a shock to you all and that we put a lot of responsibility on your shoulders that you didn't expect. Just keep in mind that the High Council hasn't just randomly chosen you, they have put great thought into this, if they didn't think you were able to handle yourself in this situation you wouldn't have been standing here."

   “First we’re being shown the door before a single question can be asked with nary a minute to spare, and next we’re being shown to rooms as guests,” Trisae thought, her mind all a whir from the night’s events.

   “I shall need but four hours to enter my trance,” she responds. “From there, I’m happy to help around this hallowed hall—perhaps preparing the breakfast or even just sweeping the walk, as is needed. As for the High Council’s motives for choosing us—I shan’t pretend to understand nor pass judgement for they are beyond my ken.”



Action: —

Bonus Action: —

Reaction: —


(To Whom It May Concern . . .)













10 gp Gems


50 gp Gems


100 gp Gems


500 gp Gems


1,000 gp Gems


5,000 gp Gems


25 gp Art Objects


250 gp Art Objects


750 gp Art Objects


2,500 gp Art Objects


7,500 gp Art Objects


  • Starting Gold: 15 from background.


  • 1 :: belt pouch containing 15 gp; Adventuring gear; 5 sp, 1 lb.; A cloth or leather pouch can hold up to 20 sling bullets or 50 blowgun needles, among other things. A compartmentalized pouch for holding spell components is called a component pouch. A pouch can hold up to ⅕ cubic foot or 6 pounds of gear.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
  • 20/20 :: bolts; Ammunition; 5 cp, 1.2 oz. (each); Source: PHB, page 150. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
  • 1 :: component pouch; Adventuring gear; 25 gp, 2 lb.; A component pouch is a small, watertight leather belt pouch that has compartments to hold all the material components and other special items you need to cast your spells, except for those components that have a specific cost (as indicated in a spell’s description).; Source: PHB, page 151. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
  • 1 :: costume clothes; Adventuring gear; 5 gp, 4 lb.; Source: PHB, page 150. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
  • 2/2 :: daggers; Weapon; Simple weapon, melee weapon; 2 gp, 1 lb.; 1d4 piercing - finesse, light, thrown (20/60 ft.); Source: PHB, page 149. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • Finesse. When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.;
    • Light. A light weapon is small and easy to handle, making it ideal for use when fighting with two weapons.
    • Thrown. If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.
  • 1 :: dungeoneer’s pack; Adventuring gear; 12 gp, 61½ lb.; Source: PHB, page 151. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.; Includes:
    • 1 :: backpack; Adventuring gear; 2 gp, 5 lb.; A backpack can hold one cubic foot or 30 pounds of gear. You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of rope, to the outside of a backpack.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 1 :: crowbar; Adventuring gear; 2 gp, 5 lb.; Using a crowbar grants advantage to Strength checks where the crowbar’s leverage can be applied.; Source: PHB, page 151. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 1 :: hammer; Adventuring gear; 1 gp, 3 lb.; Source: PHB, page 150. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 10/10 :: pitons; Adventuring gear; 5 cp, ¼ lb. (each); Source: PHB, page 150. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 10/10 :: torches; Adventuring gear; 1 cp, 1 lb.; A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning torch and hit, it deals 1 fire damage.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 1 :: tinderbox; Adventuring gear; 5 sp, 1 lb.; This small container holds flint, fire steel, and tinder (usually dry cloth soaked in light oil) used to kindle a fire. Using it to light a torch—or anything else with abundant, exposed fuel—takes an action. Lighting any other fire takes 1 minute.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 10/10 :: days of rations; Adventuring gear; 5 sp, 2 lb. (each); Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 1 :: waterskin; Adventuring gear; 2 sp, 5 lb. (full); A waterskin can hold up to 4 pints of liquid.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
    • 1 :: 50 feet of hempen rope; Adventuring gear; 1 gp, 10 lb.; Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check.; Source: PHB, page 153. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.
  • 1 :: light crossbow; Weapon; Simple weapon, ranged weapon; 25 gp, 5 lb.; 1d8 piercing - ammunition (80/320 ft.), loading, two-handed; Source: PHB, page 149. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.;
    • Range. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range shown in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. The range lists two numbers. The first is the weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon’s maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range.
    • Ammunition. You can use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack only if you have ammunition to fire from the weapon. Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack. Loading a one-handed weapon requires a free hand. At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.
         If you use a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a melee attack, you treat the weapon as an improvised weapon. A sling must be loaded to deal any damage when used in this way.
    • Loading. Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it when you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.
    • Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands to use. This property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when you simply hold it.
  • 1 :: musical instrument (one of your choice: flute); Instrument; 2 gp, 1 lb.; If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to play music with the instrument. A bard can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus. Each type of musical instrument requires a separate proficiency.; Source: PHB, page 154. Additional information from XGE, page 83. Available in the SRD and the Basic Rules.;
       Proficiency with a musical instrument indicates you are familiar with the techniques used to play it. You also have knowledge of some songs commonly performed with that instrument.;
    • History. Your expertise aids you in recalling lore related to your instrument.
    • Performance. Your ability to put on a good show is improved when you incorporate an instrument into your act.
    • Compose a Tune. As part of a long rest, you can compose a new tune and lyrics for your instrument. You might use this ability to impress a noble or spread scandalous rumors with a catchy tune.
    • Musical Instrument Activity (DC)
      • Identify a tune (DC 10)
      • Improvise a tune (DC 20)
  • 1 :: the favor of an admirer (Rolled 2: a piece of crystal that faintly glows in the moonlight)
  • 1 :: Trinket: (rolled 44) a mechanical canary inside a gnomish lamp
Edited by Kamishiro_Rin (see edit history)
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If there's something you like to do before taking a long rest please do so. Otherwise we'll move ahead to the next morning just before you leave.
Each of you can add some provisions in the form of some basic food supplies like dried meat, hardtack, and dried fruit.
Also some herbal remedies like healing herbs, antidotes for common poisons or ingredients for basic potions.
The party will also get the map Lu-Tze


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