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Issue #02 - The First Day is the Hardest


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The two attacks on Ty hit at the same time, and the big sophomore stumbles and his eyes go wide. His fanged mouth opens and a strangled mumble comes out. "Unhhh." He wobbles and then drops to his knees and then collapses completely to the floor.

Iteration is scanning the warehouse for any sign of Becks' movements. A slithering sound is the only warning she has before something hits her in the back, sending her stumbling forward. Turning, she finally lays eyes on the female RA. 

image.png.7f5a6fd61c233649f30c413a5abc81f6.pngA set of elongated arms extend from her back, holding her aloft from the ground. An armored bodysuit and goggles cover her body. A sort of feral grin spreads her face as she looks over Iteration. "Told you, kiddo. Your tech is loud." She moves, lightning quick, the additional limbs maneuvering her at astonishing speed to get around her and snatch up the flag.

"Catch me if you can." And the tentacles whip her up into the air and over the containers, heading for her base to score a point.





Ty is Incapacitated by a combo of two back-to-back rolls of 1.

I'm giving Iteration a Hero Point for bum-rushing them and taking the flag, with no rolls.

Ty Will vs DC20
1d20+6 1
Ty Will vs DC20 #2
1d20+6 1
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If you downloaded this resource under the Free License, remember to always attribute the author which can be done by adding “Vecteezy.com” to your designFelix Neel - Magnet

Felix whooped for joy when Ty went down.  Then, the skater had a quick twinge of guilt hoping he didn't really hurt him.  The big guy went down hard like those squirrels.


He sped around the large room as if he was riding his board when he saw Becks attack Iteration from stealth, so he stopped.  Seeing she had the flag, he hoped her tech was metallic, unlike that flag.  He reached out and tried to stop her.


Stop.  "By taking a move action to concentrate you can increase this by +1 Str, changing the effect’s duration to Concentration."

Magnetokinesis moving: Perception Move Object 8 (+1 = 9, DC 24) to Grab; Extras: Increased Mass 7 (800 tons), Precise, Subtle 1; Flaws: Limited to magnetic material [25]

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    1_d0b921dd157cefed815e2066970b35b41ebf0dbb_hq.jpg.a18b6d34541c0004139cca60acd89be0.jpg Sarah - Artifice

With Ty dropping to the ground Sarah realized that the unintentional teamwork that they had used gave Ty perhaps more of a whopper than they could have managed solo.  She made a mental note to give kudos to everyone once this was over.

Then Becks came out of nowhere.  The stealth on her tech was nothing short of astounding. Perhaps the new kid may have something to short her out, but Sarah doubted that she would leave her tech unshielded like that.  And she doubted that Becks would be as suseptable to a mental blast as Ty, and the suit would be able to take a hit.  With her stealth as good as it was Sarah was not sure what would be the best to go about and spoke to dexterity, so trying to tie her down would not do, so she made a shot in the dark and just go for straight damage.

She drew a dark blue glowing shell from her pocket and cracked her wand, a faint pink whisp dissipated as she slid the shell into the breech and snapped it closed again. Sarah levelled her arm and began to lead Becks as she was moving to adjust for her movement before she squeezed the trigger and fired a dark swirling beam fo magic at Becks.


"Felix, their flag is unguarded, make a run for it!"


Magical Blast DC 23 Toughness Becks

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Megan - Newt

Ty didn't even get to the chance to ignore the fire this time as a couple of blasts from the others lay him out right quick. Huh. Turns out they could hurt people in here cuz that looked bad. Probably meant one down, so just one more to go. Wherever Becks was.


Turned out Megan and the others didn't have to wait long since Becks popped out of wherever she was hiding and sneak attacked Hubris. Heh. Wait was Hubris always right next to Megan? They prolly coulda planned some of this better. Or like at all. But wait. Megan was totally here too!


"The hell 'Gretch'? I don't even get a pity sucker punch? Whatever." The flames were coming faster and easier now that Megan was using them a bit more freely. At least Becks moved in some way that actually made sense, as opposed to tall, dark, and hairy. A wisp of flame ignites just in front of her what, jump's?, arc, making a wall to stop her approach and then reaches out like a hand to wrap her in a dome of swirling fire. Megan was pretty sure she timed it right. Of course Becks could probably walk through fire too for all Megan knew.


Use Shape FlameShapeable Area Ranged Damage 3 (DC 18; Area: 60 cft) to try and trap Becks in a fiery dome


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hubris_Cowl_120.png.b03f514175701bab7e31e913e14de5c0.png  IterationHubris Hammersmith

Iteration falls forward, landing on hand and knees with a clatter of metal and plastic against concrete. At Beck's gloating tone, a burst of garbled noise comes across the teen's comms, subvocalized displeasure being picked up and transmitted. And at the taunt, Hubris was away, sprinting after Becks, camouflage shimmering away as she runs. It's more tactically beneficial for her allies to see her, if the gambit wasn't fooling Becks and her...ultrasonics? Either way, the boosted friction in Iteration's toes kicks in and her feet don't slip on the smooth floor. Becks has to go over, and the others are interfering. So Hubris wants to go the other path, go under...she just hopes it works.

Aiming for a small gap in the anonymously stocked shelving units, Iteration tries a new trick, throwing herself into a slide as she flips the polarity on all her friction pads. Instead of the stick to climb up walls, it should turn friction way down, letting her slide through without slowing down, braced on toe , knee, and fingertips.


I am going to immediately spend that Hero Point for, I think, Heroic Feat? Getting an Alternate power on my Wall-Climbing to get either Slither or Sure Footed and take a short cut to get in front of Becks to force a confrontation. Gonna roll Athletics just in case you need it, boss.


Athletics for Slide
1d20+5 9
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image.png.7f5a6fd61c233649f30c413a5abc81f6.pngA full-throated laugh echoes across the warehouse, as Becks bounds across and between the crates, moving at incredible speed as her tentacles whip her over and around the crates and containers forming a maze. "Did you really think I'd make my suit magnetic, kid? Amateur move."

A tentacle whips out and snags a massive crate, lobbing it at Felix as he hovers on his board. It whistles through the air, barely missing the magnetic teen. A gout of flame erupts around her, pushing her back and stalling further aggression, as the flames flick around and coalesce into a dome around her. Becks twists, surveying her surroundings as Sarah's magically augmented shell bursts through the fire and impacts her suit, she grunts and twists, absorbing most of the impact, as the tentacles brace her and maintain her footing.

Iteration closes the gap, the lack of friction allowing her to slide between the gaps in the maze and confront the older teen. Becks looks at her and her smiles widens, firelight flickering in her goggle lenses. "Well? What's next?"



Iteration uses an HP to Power Stunt: Movement 1 (Slithering), for the remainder of the scene. While prone, she can move her full speed (which is a base 2mph).

Tangle just makes her save vs Sarah's attack.

Tangle Attack vs Dodge DC19
1d20+9 5
Tangle Toughness vs DC23
1d20+6 17
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If you downloaded this resource under the Free License, remember to always attribute the author which can be done by adding “Vecteezy.com” to your designFelix Neel - Magnet

Felix turns as if on a board in the air to circle around toward Becks who has the flag upon the instructions of Sarah.  But then, watches a crate sail passed his head.  With a huh, expression on his face.


Confirming the gear of Becks is not ferrous enough for him to affect and hoping that it is also not electromagnetically shielded, he tries the same trick on her as he did Ty in mid flight. 


He is too focused on flying and not getting hurt for witty banter.  Besides, the girls are much better at that than he is.


Flight 5 Action Move

Magnetic Seizure: Perception Ranged Affliction 8 (DC 18 Resisted & Overcome by Will; 1st: Dazed, 2nd: Stunned, 3rd: Incapacitated), Subtle 1 [25] – 2 pts


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    1_d0b921dd157cefed815e2066970b35b41ebf0dbb_hq.jpg.a18b6d34541c0004139cca60acd89be0.jpg Sarah - Artifice

Did she falter? She certainly shook off her attack, but Sarah could swear that she broke through the shield.  It was a sliver of hope, but that sliver managed to down Ty just a few seconds ago.  So she would continue to try for the tried and true magical blast.  She fished another shell from Jacket and again cracked her wand, letting the last whisps of dark blue magic dissipate into the air as the ritual had been consumed. Loading the new shell into the wand she again snapped it closed and steadied herself as she tracked Becks and squeezed the trigger as she applied her will to the casting and let the bolt of dark swirling beam lance toward Becks.


Magical Blast DC 23 Toughness Becks

1d20+8 18
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Hubris_Cowl_120.png.b03f514175701bab7e31e913e14de5c0.png  IterationHubris Hammersmith

Iteration knows that the correct response to Becks' challenge is silence. That her voice is for teammates over comms, and the only thing enemies should hear is terse orders when they've been beaten. Unfortunately, Hubris overrides this because she thinks it will make her seem cool. "Guess." she quips back, and thrusts her arm out to the side, hilt snapping out of her forearm and igniting into her white blade. It vwooms behind her, boots gripping at the smooth concrete floor as she dashes towards Becks' mechanical tentacle, hoping to cut it short and prevent the woman from escaping over the shelves.


Approaching and making a Close Combat: Cybernetic Arm attack. DC 20 if hit.


Plasma Blade Attack!
1d20+8 4
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Megan - Newt

So Megan totally didn't figure that would work but you know what? She'd take it. The flames keep swirling around and Megan keeps pumping some more juice into the spell to keep it going. And... what? Seemed everyone was busy hammering on Becks now that they could see her kinda or at least knew where she was.


So did that mean this was it? Least until Becks got out or got knocked out too or whatever. Felix was supposed to go get the flag or whatever but it looked like he was turning around to join in with the whole Becks thing. So did that mean anyone was doing like the whole 'capture the flag' thing? Like, on their side. Megan was clearly the slowest at this so yeah that definitely meant she had to be the one to do it, obviously.


Eh, not like she was guarding a flag anymore. Like she was doing some great job of it before. So why not ditch it? Or at least walk around a bit, this was supposed to be exercise or something right? All she did was stand around a bit and use some magic. Might as well make an attempt at the other flag or whatever. Sure someone faster, which apparently was everyone else, would get there before her but she wasn't going to be accused of not doing anything when this was done.


Keep up the Shape FlameShapeable Area Ranged Damage 3 (DC 18; Area: 60 cft), Move closer to the flag


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  • 2 weeks later...

Becks dodges the sizzling edge of the plasma blade of Hubris's weapons, one of her tentacles snapping up to spin Hubris out of the way, making her bury the ignited blade in the side of one of the freighter containers in the warehouse. Becks gives a delighted yell of laughter, but her celebration is short-lived. Becks goes down, her laughter cut immediately short as the combination of Felix's science and Sarah's sorcery overwhelms the sophomore hero's defenses. The tentacles holding her aloft between the walls of the freight container’s maze go limp and the girl's trajectory turns from one of tightly controlled speed and accuracy into a loose, almost languid tumble through the air. The impact with the container is not at all gentle and the whoomp of breathlessness easily audible and a stunned silence covers the room. 

The change happened incredibly quickly, with little evidence of what was happening except for the faintest scent of ozone in the air. There was a sensation like the faintest breeze and then the room was filled with one more body than it had been a moment earlier. At nearly the same second, the light and power all suddenly died, to return moments later, the dull muted safety lights of the emergency grid kicking into effect. The lights flickered back into existence on a room empty save for two very groggy and confused student advisors.

- - - - -

Hazy light filtered in through the soot- and smoke-filled air the group suddenly found themselves surrounded with. Scorch-marks covered the shattered remnants of walls, chunks of masonry and wiring strewn about the landscape. 

"Well," a voice comes from behind the group. "That was one outcome, just... one I was hoping to avoid."

Turning reveals the voice to be that of Jan, who now that you think about it, you haven't seen since breakfast that morning.. She looks remarkably different than she did then, smoke and smudge marks marring her face, her bow tie slightly askew and hair disheveled.. Clothes have burnt and singed edges to them and show a lot of wear for what was, in theory, only a day.

She turns away from the group, clambering up a rubble-strewn slope and pushing things aside to reveal a control panel that strongly resembles a floor control panel from the Wreck Room. Tapping a series of commands into the interface, she looks over distractedly.

"Uh, sorry guys. Give me… just… a second. I can fix this." Despite her words, there is a note of worry in her voice and her attention flips to scan the surrounding area every so often.

It took closer to 20 minutes of her tapping at the panel. While she worked, idle wandering in the vicinity revealed more and more disturbing information. More than a resemblance, further inspection of the immediate area reveals… the actual Wreck Room, a burnt and smoldering ruin. A massive craterous hole surrounds the room, climbing to the surface and extending far enough to cover a sizable chunk of the school campus, if not the entirety.

"I wouldn't wander too far off, you guys. If I can get this back up and running, it's only got enough juice for a few seconds of operational capacity."

- - - - -

The ripple snaps shut again, depositing the group once more in the Wreck Room, with the lights down low and room empty. A soft red light begins to pulse on the wall and suddenly there are a couple teachers present in the room. It's a younger duo, a tall, broad-chested strapping young man who can't be more than a decade older than you, taking the lead, followed quickly by the same guidance counselor Hubris and Megan had met with at the very start of the day. 

Jinx takes a step forward slowly, eyes wrinkled in concentration and suspicion before she nods and moves closer, waving an arm towards the man. "Tex, we're clear." She hurries in close to the group and starts to edge them away from the center of the Wreck Room. The man, Tex apparently, moved in with her, moving to a floor control panel and pulling down screens full of data logs.



Tangle fails her Will Save vs Magnet's Affliction.

Tangle fails her Toughness vs Sarah's Blast by more than 4 degrees.

Tangle Will vs Affliction DC18
1d20+9 2
Tangle Toughness vs Blast DC
1d20+6 1
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  • 4 weeks later...

1_d0b921dd157cefed815e2066970b35b41ebf0dbb_hq.jpg.a18b6d34541c0004139cca60acd89be0.jpg Sarah - Artifice

What a one two punch!, had Becks not been distracted by...Iteration's blade, she had to get used to the hero name thing, and Felix tied her up, she may not have been able to get that shot in. But then as Becks hit the ground things began to...Whisky Tango Foxtrot!


Then the world changed, the room went from a warehouse to...a blasted world? A hellscape or the aftermath of a battle? Did her magic do that? She had not felt a surge. Then Jan began rambling about getting it back up and running and that there was just enough juice? Had she moved them to a new location? Dimension? Reality?


Sarah moved to check on Ty and Becks but...they were not there. Sarah drifted to the ground by the others. "Um, Guys, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." But where were they? Was this just a simulation? Was it more than that? She looked to the others, hoping that this had a technological explanation for what was going on.


When they were finally settled back in...where they were supposed to be Sarah breathed a sigh of relief. She just was not ready to be a refugee again. She breathed a sigh of relief, looking to her fellow housemates to see their reactions.

Edited by Streetrat (see edit history)
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If you downloaded this resource under the Free License, remember to always attribute the author which can be done by adding “Vecteezy.com” to your designFelix Neel - Magnet

Felix stops flying and floats down to the floor after Becks drops. He starts to grin and is about to cheer and congratulate the girls, when everything changes.


When the world shifts, he doesn't realize that he's holding his breath until he inhales sharply and squats down to put his hand on the ground thinking that he could hold onto reality.


After reality shifts again, Felix slowly stands up believing everything is an illusion. "Um. Where are Ty and Becks? Are they are alright?" He hopes that Ty and Becks can hear him and believes that he continues to face illusions of his teachers. He is genuinely concerned for the health of his RA's, since he had never done that magnetic trick on anything but squirrels before.




Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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Megan - Newt

Seemed like a super lame ending if Megan had to weigh in on it. Ty got bum rushed and then Becks also got hammered. 'Course it wasn't like Megan was anywhere near contributing to any of that, not that she was keeping track of any of that or anything. She's about to make some smartass remark when everything goes sideways and just changes.


The place looked a bit more absolutely wrecked than a second ago. "Wasn't me!" she reflexively shouts, although it wasn't like she knew that or not. Wasn't the first burned out place she suddenly found herself in. But she was pretty sure this wasn't her. Then the little one from the House was suddenly there saying something but all Megan could think was how she didn't notice her while all the stuff was going on before and then everything shifts again. There's people here now.


Including a very pink person. "Guess I couldn't even wait a whole day to see you again. But this wasn't my fault! Pretty sure. I mean you probably know that but just wanted to get that out there."

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CF00AACF-FBBA-45B3-ABD4-AC000CA130DA.jpeg.20ed52b8555c57e2c4d47e6c6e76b528.jpeg Jan -OOBLECK

Jan blue a piece of hair out of her eyes and pushed her glasses back up her nose. “Uhm, hey guys long time no see, er well long time for me no see. Frig.” Jan huffs out a breath and steps away from the console. Her clothes singed and tattered. Reenforced and padded here and there, braced with makeshift armor in others. She balled her fist at her hips looking at the group, “Okay, so I know we barely know one another and this is super trite as far as supers stuff goes, but I just got back from the future and we need to solve the apocalypse. I have a year on the dot. I’ll need you to process this quick because if you are in we need to act fast.”

Edited by ManicPixieFatGuy (see edit history)
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