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Line height of paragraphs in Reply box is wrong


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Split this part of @Cassanova Frankenstein's original post to another thread since it's a separate topic, so it can be independently tracked on our Trello.


4 hours ago, Cassanova Frankenstein said:

Also what's with the weird spacing between paragraphs and lines of text in the WYSIWYG editor?  If you just add a single carriage return, there's barely any space between them.  If you do a proper double space, there's too much.

It looks like margin-block-start and margin-block-end are set to 0.2em respectively, which would leave about a half a blank line between paragraphs. I'll work with @bwatford to see if this was intentional or just another setting we haven't tweaked.


4 hours ago, Cassanova Frankenstein said:

It's really jarring and it looks nothing like what you get when you actually submit the post.  Which, you know, kind of defeats the point of "WYSIWYG."

I did a cross-compare of the styles in-editor and submitted, and I don't see any difference. Can you provide screenshots of what you're seeing so I can try to replicate?

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This is one 'block' of text.

This is another.  Padding this out a bit more so it wraps enough to demonstrate what I'm referring to.  There's clearly (well, clearly to me) an extra buffer space between the <p>s?  It's small, but it's there; as bwatford said, it looks like it might just be 0.2em or so.  Hitting ENTER should function just like a normal line break (ie, no extra padding or margin at all, I can't even fathom why it was included in the first place), not this weird, failed attempt to create a new block of text.  Unlike the line spacing between this "paragraph."


I know most people don't/can't see it, but it's one of those minor things that I picked up on immediately.


As for the WYSIWYG error, I'm typing this line in it right now to show just how big a gap there is between paragraphs and lines.  I'll edit this to show the difference in the actual post afterwards.



Edited by Cassanova Frankenstein (see edit history)
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OK, checked all the stylings. They are exactly the same in-editor and out, with one exception: total width. The editor is slightly smaller, which means when edits are complete, word wrap can change, resulting in very slight differences in the rendered appearance.


I'm going to file this attached to another existing discussion regarding site content width.

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