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Pondering the Darkness

Malkavian Grin

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  • 3 months later...

As far as the base rules go, there is no dual-wielding mechanic. However, there is an Unheroic Feat called Dual-Wielder which specifically states it "removes the penalty for dual-wielding" which... doesn't exist.

In response, I'm willing to create the following mechanic:

Any character may dual-wield one-handed weapons in combat. Test Attack at +2 DR; success deals damage from both weapons. On a Fumble, test Agility DR10; failure means you accidentally let go of a random weapon.

Thus, there's now incentive to take Dual-Wielder, as it removes the DR penalty and the Fumble check.

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I could be persuaded in getting better (or worse) for Tizian for an extra background option. Both to buff up that 2 hp and get the dual-wielding feat. Tizian's backstory isn't set in stone (or in writing yet), so I don't mind.


So far in Tizian's story, he was a prominent figure within the Galgenbeck Guard. When someone didn't heed the Priestess' summon, he and his colleague Sarto would pursue these miscreants and bring them back to her. But when a whole village had to be put to the sword, women and children both, to find one rat of a person, something stirred in Tizian's soul. Something he had thought he had lost in his indoctrination into the Guard: An ounce of conscience.

He deserted his post, but not without paying his "dear" colleague in kind: By bedding his wife. With his beauty and manipulative games, it was no match to swoon her over. That was when Sarto unexpectedly showed up at the door. Tizian, as ruthless as his former partner, tried to deflect the diving blade by turning his wife against it, but Sarto's incredible strength drove the blade into them both.

Since then it is a little blurry. I think Tizian roamed, half-crazed by the duality of beast and man, around the countryside. When he became somewhat lucid in mind he found himself standing in trial for unspeakable things done and a sentence to life in the Grøbel hung over his head.

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5 hours ago, XQbitor said:

I could be persuaded in getting better (or worse) for Tizian for an extra background option. Both to buff up that 2 hp and get the dual-wielding feat. Tizian's backstory isn't set in stone (or in writing yet), so I don't mind.

I'll make a physical roll here and then add a note to your thread.

5 hours ago, XQbitor said:

So far in Tizian's story, he was a prominent figure within the Galgenbeck Guard. When someone didn't heed the Priestess' summon, he and his colleague Sarto would pursue these miscreants and bring them back to her. But when a whole village had to be put to the sword, women and children both, to find one rat of a person, something stirred in Tizian's soul. Something he had thought he had lost in his indoctrination into the Guard: An ounce of conscience.

He deserted his post, but not without paying his "dear" colleague in kind: By bedding his wife. With his beauty and manipulative games, it was no match to swoon her over. That was when Sarto unexpectedly showed up at the door. Tizian, as ruthless as his former partner, tried to deflect the diving blade by turning his wife against it, but Sarto's incredible strength drove the blade into them both.

Since then it is a little blurry. I think Tizian roamed, half-crazed by the duality of beast and man, around the countryside. When he became somewhat lucid in mind he found himself standing in trial for unspeakable things done and a sentence to life in the Grøbel hung over his head.

Great backstory! It gives a very anti-hero kind of vibe; I think it fits well with the themes in the game. At the very least the prison will hide you from your bounty--a small condolence. Love the part about being pinned to the bed.

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Attention all: I have updated Accouterments & Ministrations with some items available during creation only (like my favorite, the back basket) as well as better defined "normal-sized items" and added "lightweight" terminology to indicate really small stuff. One or two things got renamed to match creation terms (sack became big sack) and the mattress now has a purpose beyond meager comfort.

No prices changed on already-listed items so you don't need to double check math.

Please have a look in case something new catches your eye!

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10 minutes ago, Dixi said:

Do tents anyhow benefit the owner?

A tent is more about negating potentially bad situations, rather than granting a good one (like the mattress). 

If the weather is interfering with the ability to rest, a tent would prevent it, for instance. It'll obviously depend on where you're at and what's around you, but it definitely has its uses.

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spacer.pngIt doesn't say. I'm imagining something like this.

A long canvas tarp that you can prop up with a couple of poles (or do crossbeams like this if you want). It would have flaps on both sides you could open or close (since it's basically just one long piece of cloth you "roll up") as well as eyes and hooks to keep them (relatively) shut.

You can really only stand up in the center of it (and tall people will press their head into the seam), but you could fit several people in there.

Probably 3 with reasonable comfort and space; 4 if close like a sleeping bag (nearly shoulder-to-shoulder); and possibly 5 if someone lays against the edge "below" everyone's feet.

If you wanted to get extra cuddly? You could probably fit 8-10 people all on their side, huddling for warmth. It would be quite uncomfortable I'm sure. But definitely warm for those cold and frosty Kergüs nights!

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Probably the start of a lot of dumb questions as I don't have the book/pdf and am a newbie to MB. So to start:

Are the monies found in the classes in addition to or instead of the 2d6x10 "starting" silver?

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4 minutes ago, Vedast said:

Probably the start of a lot of dumb questions as I don't have the book/pdf and am a newbie to MB. So to start:

Are the monies found in the classes in addition to or instead of the 2d6x10 "starting" silver?

No worries. Anyone that has spent time around me knows I am the Queen of Questions. However, if it helps, here's a PDF to the quick-reference rules (NOTE: some rules may be slightly different than what I've included, as I am using quite a few optional rules!) If you scroll down a bit, there's also a text-version of the entire core book.

Re: Silver

Everyone begins with 2d6*10 silver PLUS one of: a) Silver determined by your Class or b) 100 silver for Classless.

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^ thank you.

Question the Second.  The Pale One class states that one cannot use scrolls or tablets, but cites a 1d30 to roll a random "Power."  I didn't find a table of 1-30, but I did find three 1-10 options under Unclean; Sacred; and Ochre.  So is the intent here to roll 1d30 and 1-10 is Unclean; 11-20 Sacred; 21-30 Ochre?  



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