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Saved Templates - A Dream Request

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I should preface this by saying I am not a developer.  In my professional life, I'm the on the business side making requests and testing what our developers create.  I am skilled at asking for things that make the team pull their hair out.  So, warning, I believe this is one of those.

Ok, so since I don't know how to code, I would like to not have to copy/paste every time I post in a game or apply to a game.  So here is my request.  

Under your settings, add an option for Templates.  Then in that function, you could create a template for anything you want, and they would be saved.



Then, when you go to add a comment, you can choose the template you want from a dropdown.



This would be particularly helpful for those who want to post via their phone, but a general helpful tool for those of us who hate having to copy/paste every time.

Thank you for considering and I apologize if I have you pulling your hair out. 🙂


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