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OOC Talk

Blue Jay

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@Blue Jay Question. I'm currently leveling up Caradoc, and I came across the Linguist feat. It's not necessarily "optimal", but it feels very thematic for the character, considering he has just acquired the ability to learn Valian. If I take Linguist, would it help Caradoc's quest to uncover the ancient civilization's secrets? For example, could he now take "Valian" as one of the three languages he learns from the feat, or would the ciphers ability give him any sort of benefit in transcribing the runes?

Alternatively, could the Prodigy feat work in a similar way, and he takes Valian as his learned language?

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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Also, question to my fellow arcane spellcasters! What sort of spells would we most benefit from Caradoc taking: damage, buffs, crowd control, or utility? I'm leaning towards Rope Trick and Cloud of Daggers, but if you guys already have certain focuses or if we need certain niches filled, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, it looks like we should just call this one off. Sorry I couldn't keep everyone engaged enough to keep the game running. Maybe I'll try again some other time.

Thanks for playing though, guys: I had some fun here.

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7 hours ago, Blue Jay said:

Okay, it looks like we should just call this one off. Sorry I couldn't keep everyone engaged enough to keep the game running. Maybe I'll try again some other time.

Thanks for playing though, guys: I had some fun here.

Sorry mate; I've lost my saved file for Hops and needed to re-create him which has delayed me.


I'm enjoying the game, but it does feel like we've let it slip.


More than happy to pick back up, but if it's time to put it aside I understand. Thanks for the fun!

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Well, I'd love to keep going, but it seems like we've struggled to keep our momentum and to keep up with the story (just when it was starting to zero in on a narrative path, too); and I've never liked pushing and prodding as a DM.

But it also looks like we've lost @JCBarnes and @Xhosant: I haven't heard anything from either of them in quite a while. I invited @HydroGuy to jump in a week or two ago, and I had a RL friend express some interest; but I haven't heard much from either of them since.

I can try to recruit some replacements for Finras and Corry. I'd prefer not to do an open advertisement, because that feels like a lot of work. But, do you guys have anyone in particular you'd like to invite to play with us?

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Not anyone you guys would know, probably. But, I could reach out to my other games to see if there is any interest. I have some people who are pretty solid storytellers in a 4e game I'm playing, as well as a small group in a Middle-earth game. I'm happy to ask any of them, if you'd like.

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2 hours ago, rogueblade0729 said:

Not anyone you guys would know, probably. But, I could reach out to my other games to see if there is any interest. I have some people who are pretty solid storytellers in a 4e game I'm playing, as well as a small group in a Middle-earth game. I'm happy to ask any of them, if you'd like.

You're welcome to suggest anyone you enjoy roleplaying with.

I don't want to sort through a bunch of applications from people I don't know: I imagine a 5e game is more likely to get swamped than a 3e game, and I have a real hard time telling who's going to be a good roleplayer from an application. So, any specific recommendations from y'all would go a long way for me.

Also, you do 4e too? I've never played it, but I did listen to an actual-play podcast that played in 4e for quite a while before switching to 5e. It seems like an interesting system, but it feels very same-y to me: like, the action economy is very rigid and uniform across everyone, and the differences between classes are really subtle. It seems like it would start to feel repetitive really quickly, no matter how many different characters you play as.

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