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Daisy "Grimoire" Darnell, The Nova / Astra "Bright Star" Appleton, the Innocent

Summer Silver

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spacer.pngDAISY "GRIMOIRE" Darnell


HERO NAME: Grimoire
REAL NAME: Daisy Darnell
LOOK: Female, White, Rune Covered Skin, Concealing Clothing, Fantastical Costume


+2 +2 +0 +0 -1


  AFRAID -2 to Directly Engage a Threat
  ANGRY -2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask
  GUILTY -2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation
  HOPELESS -2 to Unleash Your Powers
  INSECURE -2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence



• When did you first use your powers?

Well this might take a second to explain but it started with a baseball.  Okay so I live with my Mom, May, and my two sisters Rose and Lily.  Rose is older than me, Lily younger, so ya I get to be your classic middle child.  Whooo.  Don't ask about Dad.  We still don't know what happened, just that he never made it home the day the beaks started invading.  Far as we know no one ever found a body or anything but... I mean he was just a normal dude working at some boring job he could never explain in a way that wasn't nap-inducing.  Anyways yeah, it's still pretty raw even after all this time so just don't ask about him. 

Anyways normally Rose is in charge after school until Mom gets home from work but that day Lily wanted to go outside to play with the other kids in our culdesac and Rose had some big important paper she was working on so since I was just reading a book she asked if I'd sit outside and keep an eye out.  I said sure, no big deal right?  Just gotta make sure they get off the street if a car comes and no one gets like kidnapped or anything.  Frankly, it's a safe enough neighborhood so I probably could have sat inside and just glanced out the window from time to time like the parents or sitters of the other kids were.  Which is probably why I didn't pay too close attention until I heard the telltale sound of a baseball going through a window. 

So yeah turns out it was Lily's turn to bat and she hit a foul, right into the window of the creepy old house on the corner.  So of course guess who she runs to with tears in her eyes, begging for help getting the ball back?  Being a big sister is tough sometimes. 

I  headed over and knocked on the door.  Never seen anyone go in and out of there though so I half expected to have to go back and tell the brat that her ball was gone.  Color me surprised when the door opens and there's this woman around my Mom's age dressed as like a no-shit maid.  I mean not like a sexy French maid but a full-on Victorian look.  I mean still looked pretty hot, not gonna lie, but it was more like her making the outfit look good than the other way around.  Anyways she gave me this polite smile and I babbled like an idiot for a minute before I managed to explain why I was there. 

So she invited me in to come find the ball and yeah I know what you're thinking, stranger danger, but seriously this isn't a bad neighborhood and she seemed nice.  Plus like Lily and half her friends saw me go in so I wasn't really worried.  Anyway I go inside and this place... yeah it was something.  Tapestries and display cases filled with the most unreal-looking stuff, just freaking amazing.  She led me around the house which just did not seem to follow the rules at all until we got to this massive library where a tea set was pouring itself.  Oh yeah, this place was freaking magic central.  

So at this point I'm freaking out a bit when I spot this big portrait of someone I recognize from TV and suddenly it all clicks.  This is the Archon's house.  Or it was, before you died fighting the beaks.  Anyways I kind of went into nerd overload at that point and lost track of time chatting with the maid who insisted on being called Mansion but I threw on a Ms. to be polite.  Ms. Mansion seemed like she really enjoyed having some company and let me poke around the place a bit, looking at some of honest to god magic tomes. Yeah was awesome.  Until the stupid happened.

See I was looking at this book filled with like diagrams of what seemed like really cool tattoos.  Ms. Mansion explained that it was the journal of a previous Archon, apparently that's actually like a title or something it's just the last couple who have been public heroes with it.  She started telling me about how mages with enough control over their magic will sometimes tattoo one or two runes on their bodies for various reasons, but this guy apparently had trouble with traditional magic so he covered his whole body in these specially designed tattoos that could be used to create just a shit tone of different rune combinations depending on where you focused your magic.  Not gonna lie it sounded pretty badass, until I made the mistake of reading trying to read something out of the back of the book.

There was this flash of light and I kind of blacked out.  When I came to I was covered in tattoos which of course freaked me the hell out.  Next thing I know different ones were lighting up and shit's going just epically wild around me, like lightning shooting out my finger tips and books flying off the shelves, until Ms. Mansion forced something down my throat that made it all stop and calmed me down a bit. 

• Who was the first person you accidentally hurt with your powers?
Well that kind of depends on how you define person?  Okay so Ms. Mansion it turns out is like some kind of physical embodiment of the house or something.  Weird and I don't really understand it but she seems like a person to me but has said she insists she's not.  It's weird.  Anyways since she's technically the house anything that messes with the house hurts her, and I messed up the library pretty good until she gave me that stuff to stop it.  She said it was a mix of calming potion and some kind of anti-magic draught.  Tasted nasty as hell.

Now if we're not counting houses though then that would be Alan Parker.  He's this stupid jock at my school that thinks he's god's gift to the world.  Day after everything happened I was still freaking out a bit but I had calmed down for the most part, still I decided to take a walk down to the park and back after breakfast to clear my head.  I found some guy I kind of think I've seen around school, some freshman who looks like a strong wind would carry him away don't know his name though, was out walking a bunch of tiny dogs and not having an easy drop controlling so many.  Well Alan was giving the poor guy a hard time, teasing him for the trouble he was having with such small dogs, never mind that there were like a dozen of them, and just being an all-around jerk.  I got pretty mad about it, was thinking about going over and telling Alan to shove it, but before I could decide what to say this random thought crossed my mind that he wouldn't be laughing if those dogs weren't so small.  Next thing I know part of my upper arm feels warm and the dogs are getting bigger.  It didn't last long, not even a full minute, but those dogs turned into freaking monsters and they managed to take a few chunks out of Alan before he ran off and they turned back.


• Who, outside the team, helps you control your powers?
Well there's Ms. Mansion for one.  She's been a huge help even though I'm not actually allowed inside anymore.  Turns out she can come out as far as her porch so we sit on the porch swing and talk, she gives me books to study and helps me make sense of what the hell is going on.  Someday when I've got a handle on things she says I'll be allowed inside again but for now, it's too risky.  Something about the potential that I'll damage something important and it goes against her "purpose" to put anything within at risk.  She's got a whole bunch of theories on what happened and how I can sometimes just kind of do things on instinct, although it usually doesn't go exactly how I want, but she says that if I can learn it all properly then someday I might just be able to actually control it.

Then there's my best friend Cat.  I was kind of debating telling her but it was sort of a moot point after like a day.  Turns out if I use the runes they glow.  Like a weird glow that sort of shines through whatever I'm wearing but like the exact same amount regardless of how much I try to cover it.  Cat said it looks pretty badass but really it's just a glowing "hey magic here" sign if I'm not careful.  She's been helping like so much since it happened.  Helps cover for me with Mom, Rose, or the teachers and is like the best study buddy ever.  Plus she's actually allowed to go inside Ms. Mansion's place to search through the libraries from time to time.  She's actually the one who designed my costume and gave the sketches to Ms. Mansion who sewed it.  That was just the coolest surprise gift ever btw.


• Why do you continue to use your powers?
Are you saying you wouldn't?  Look I mentioned Ms. Mansion has theories about what happened and how things are working but so far she's admitted none of them are perfect.  I can't help but think there's a reason behind it, like fate or something.  I was meant to have this happen and I'm meant to do something with it.  I just hope it's a good thing.


• Why do you care about the team?

So you know I looked up Archon a bit online.  I mean I always thought he looked cool but never learned too much about him, or rather them since there's been more than one.  Did you know that since the last few Archons started doing the costumed hero thing not one of them actually joined a super team?  Yeah, crazy right?  Well, I'm not going to be crazy like that.  I'm not going to go down in some blaze of glory cause I tried to do everything myself.  Plus maybe these guys will be able to help if my magic does anything crazy.


We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy?



You hang out all the time with __________________ to blow off steam.
You once hurt ________________ when you lost control of your powers.



Choose your demeanor: happy facade or locked down.
If you choose happy facade, give Influence to three teammates.
If you choose locked down, give Influence to one teammate.




When you charge up your powers, roll + conditions you currently have marked. On a hit, hold 3 burn. On a 7-9, mark a condition. On a miss, hold 2 burn and mark three conditions.
Spend your burn on your flares. You lose all burn at the end of the scene.

Reality Storm

You channel a destructive burst with your powers. Spend 1 burn to directly engage a threat using your powers, rolling + Freak instead of + Danger. If you do, you will cause unwanted collateral damage unless you spend another burn.


You call up a fast protective field to stop a danger. Spend 1 burn to defend someone else from an immediate threat, rolling + Freak instead of + Savior.


Spend 1 burn to create any object with your powers, up to the size of a person. Spend an additional burn to animate it independently of yourself. The construct dissolves at the end of the scene.


Spend 1 burn to supercharge a teammate’s efforts with your powers, giving them a +1 bonus to their roll as if you had spent Team from the pool.





Your mind’s eye opens, and you can see the world around you like never before. You can control it, at will, with ease. Of course, warping reality tends to have ramifications down the line, but in your moment of godhood...how could you possibly be worried?



When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if there is any fear in their eyes when they look at you. If they say no, take +1 forward and mark potential. If they say yes, immediately shift your Danger up and Savior down.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them how they could stop you, if it came down to it. Give them Influence over you and clear a condition.




What kind of player are you?

Patient and easygoing.  I love making a story with folks and just having fun, keeping the drama IC and communicating OOC.  If everyone comes away with some great anecdotes to share from a game I consider it a success.  I also love taking opportunities to expand on things, if asked to throw together a bit about some random npc I'll make sure that would I put some real thought into it and give more than just a barebones answer.

Why are you excited for this game?

It's been a bit since I've played in a Masks game and even longer since I played in one on Myth.  It's easily become my favorite game and I'm really eager to play again.  I've never gotten to play through Red Iron Soldiers so also excited to get the chance.  

What are your expectations for this game?

A fun time mainly.  We have discord which helps with communication so much so I'm hoping everyone will take advantage of that to help things flow well.  I'm also looking forward to seeing personal stories tied in with the wider overarching narrative of the invasion.

Why do you think you would be a good fit for this game?

I do like to put a bit of myself into every character and bring them to life.  For this game specifically, I've wanted to play Red Iron Soldiers for a while so while the character ideas are ones I've come up with since seeing the ad initially I have thought some in the past about the setting and fun ways to explore it.  More than that though in general games on myth give you the chance to really put some thought into your posts and fill them out a bit which I love doing.  


Edited by Summer Silver (see edit history)
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Some things that I wouldn't mind seeing developed further:

How does Grimoire feel about happening upon such immense power? Does it exhilarate her? Frighten her? How does she feel about having potentially less-powerful teammates?

Does anyone in Grimoire's family know about her new superheroic career? What do they think about it? If they don't know, what do they think about the hero Grimoire? And what would be their ideal hero?

How much does Grimoire trust Ms. Mansion? Have they ever had any disagreements or arguments? What kind of hero does Ms. Mansion want Grimoire to be?

All in all, solid effort. I would like to see what more you can come up with.

Edited by Morphling (see edit history)
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How does Grimoire feel about happening upon such immense power? Does it exhilarate her? Frighten her?

For Grimoire her power can be a bit like a roller coaster.  Exhilarating and terrifying in equal parts.  Every time she dips into her magic it tends to follow a similar formula of fear right beforehand, a rush when its happening, and then either beautiful triumph if things happen more or less how she wanted or varying degrees of terror and frustration if things that she didn't intend happen.

How does she feel about having potentially less-powerful teammates? 

Worried without a doubt, she doesn't want them getting hurt either from her or the beaks.  Depending on how quickly she grows close to them she would also probably feel protective of them.  Part of her may be a bit disappointed if she feels like no one on the team is strong enough to help with any potential power control issues or will understand what she's going through.

Does anyone in Grimoire's family know about her new superheroic career? What do they think about it? If they don't know, what do they think about the hero Grimoire?

No one knows yet, or as far as Daisyis aware.  Her sister's are definitely suspicious of some of her recent changes in habit and siblings can be nosey, especially younger ones.  It wouldn't be impossible that one or both of them has found some clues (if not outright evidence) of her hero identity but if they have they haven't confronted her about it yet. 

As for what how they feel about the hero Grimoire from what they've heard: Her mother has made disparaging comments about kids with tattoos after seeing a couple (luckily low quality) pictures.  Rose likes to debate the pros and cons of super heroes in general and especially ones fighting the beaks, but she's looking to be a philosophy major when she starts college next year so everything is some kind of debate no one asked for with her these days.  Grimoire is one of her examples of "what else could they do that would be better than putting on tights?"  Lily at least thinks all heroes are cool and has mentioned Grimoire being especially awesome. 

And what would be their ideal hero?

 Any hero that looks cool and does cool stuff is fine by Lily, although in general girl heroes are better than boys (due to the lack of cooties.)  Rose thinks heroes should be thoughtful and should do more humanitarian things than fighting.  May sees the ideal hero as an adult hero who is a good role model, responsible, and generally doesn't make waves.

How much does Grimoire trust Ms. Mansion?

Grimoire doesn't trust Ms. Mansion one hundred percent completely, but it's fairly close.  As weird and occasionally mysterious as the maid/house can be Grimoire knows she would be stuck without her and she's pretty nice anyways.  

Have they ever had any disagreements or arguments?

When Grimoire first got her powers things got a bit heated over the fact that she wasn't allowed in the house anymore until Ms. Mansion calmed her down enough to fully listen to the explanation.  Other then that there have been a few disagreements over Grimoire choosing to go out and be a hero so soon.  Ms. Mansion would prefer she wait a bit longer until she has a better handle on things but in general is happy she is using her powers for good.

What kind of hero does Ms. Mansion want Grimoire to be?

Grimoire doesn't know it but originally Ms. Mansion invited her in and talked with her so much because she sense she had magical potential and thought she could train her to be the new Archon.  Unfortunately that isn't possible now, at least not for a long time.  Now Ms. Mansion will settle for Grimoire being a "champion for good" to at least help keep things from falling apart until a new Archon can be chosen.

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HERO NAME: Bright Star
REAL NAME: Astra Appleton
LOOK: Female, White, Bright Face, Old-Fashioned Clothing, Outdated Costume
ABILITIES: Starlight!Current Bright Star can generate light. This allows her mainly to fly, fire blasts of light, and shield herself.

Future Bright Star has been shown to control light that is present, create hard light constructs, and seemingly turn into light.

Time Period: the 40's-50's: Golden Generation


+0 +0 +2 -1 +2


  AFRAID -2 to Directly Engage a Threat
  ANGRY -2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask
  GUILTY -2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation
  HOPELESS -2 to Unleash Your Powers
  INSECURE -2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence



• Who or what brought you to the present?

Golly that is a long story.  Well I suppose I could just tell you what happened, but it wouldn't make a lick of sense if I didn't tell you how I got there.  Back during the war I was just another kid trying to do my part.  I was out collecting aluminum with my friends when I found it, this shiny little rock shaped like a star.  Things got really bright then the rock was gone, but I suddenly had the light inside me!  Well I had heard about all the heroes who went to help fight the war, and both of my older brothers were over there, so I rushed off to try to join the WAAC.  They didn't let me join, of course, I was far too young.  A nice woman there did help me make a costume though and they pointed me toward issues we were having here at home that needed a hero.  I also got to do a lot of photo shoots, like a movie star, so that was fun.  

The war ended not long after that and I got to meet some of my heroes at last.  The Freedom Finders even let me join as a junior member.  I was supposed to be with them when everything happened, but I made a huge goof.  Doctor Diamond was being a pain in the neck as usual and so I went to give him a knuckle sandwich even though Liberty Lion told me to wait for them.  I fell right into his trap and got sucked into some kind of giant diamond, which is the last thing I remember.  Then suddenly I'm out of the diamond except I'm in someone's garage surrounded by a group of teens in odd clothes.

It turns out the group was some kind of science club.  I found out the rest from them and their computer films.  Doctor Diamond had built his device to trap me and use me as a hostage against the Freedom Finders.  Except the Finders didn't realize they when they first got there.  They destroyed the machine right away and made the diamond split in half.  They went their separate ways after that.  They thought they had killed me.  Turns out I was just trapped in the diamond still and by pure luck, my new friends got me out.  

• When did you first meet your future self?

Well when my friends were getting me caught up on what happened they told me about the other Bright Star, or Starfall as the papers now call her.  It turns out that what my new friends did by accident someone else did years ago on purpose with the other half of the diamond I was in.  So of course I asked them to help me look up information on Astra Appleton and we found my, or rather her, daughter.  I went to visit of course but Stella slammed the door in my face.  I can't blame her of course, there was suddenly a teenage version of her super-powered mother on her doorstep and she has a little ankle-biter to look after.  So I stood on her front porch for about ten minutes trying to convince her to let me in before Starfall landed behind me.  She uh, well, dragged me off to somewhere less public and busted my chops for a bit.  Once I got her to understand who I was she pretty much told me to stay out of her way and not be stupid again.  She must have told Stella I was alright because when I went back she let me in.  

Stella didn't know much about my older self, unfortunately.  Older me kept her away from all the caped stuff when she was younger and now they don't talk much.  By the sounds of it not at all really.  Stella just has an emergency number to call if random powered people show up at her doorstep.  Still she's been letting me stay since, as weird as it is.  I'm honestly not sure if she's doing it because of the family connection or the occasional bit of free babysitting but older me's granddaughter is too adorable for words so I'm not bothered.  Also, she was good enough to sit down with me and have a very frank conversation about a few things before her wife got home so I wouldn't embarrass myself.  Whatever her other faults older me raised a fine lady.

• How is your future self the embodiment of a future you never wanted?

From what I've seen of her she's callous, aggressive, and violent.  Going by what I've read on the computer with my friends she tends to blast things first and ask questions never.  In fact, I'm fairly sure if it wouldn't have drawn attention to Stella's house she would have blasted me right there and then when we met.  It's more than just rudeness and disregard for the lives of others.  Back when I first got my powers and tried to join the war they were right to tell me no.  When the Finders came home they helped me see that.  See that while someone could be both a hero and a soldier the two did not always go hand in hand.  That war, battle, and conflict were something you got involved in when you had to and not something you rushed toward eagerly.  Most of all they warned of how some people went off to battle and when they came home they brought the battle back in their hearts and a thirst for more of it. 

Starfall, the one I met, felt like a soldier but not a hero.  When I looked into her eyes I saw what the Finders warned me about, the person who comes back from battle with battle still in their heart and a thirst for more.  

• What is your favorite part of life in the future? Your least favorite part?

Well the music is nice.  Some of the food is much better, although some of it doesn't taste right and Stella is not a very good cook.  We're working on that.  The computers are interesting when I can get them to do what I want them to do.  So is the tiny telephone I have now.  I don't like those annoying seatbelts in the cars though.  They feel so restrictive but everyone insists I have to wear one.  Also I miss how my cola used to taste, it's just not right anymore.  Oh and the television.  It's nice there is so much of it I suppose but everyone seems to have seen everything on it.  I don't know how they find the time but it makes following a conversation very difficult when they keep referring back to some show or film I've not even heard of yet.     

• Why are you determined to stay in the present with this team?

My home has been occupied by an invading force.  What else am I going to do but band together with others willing to stand up against that?  This is what the Finders talked about when they mentioned fights you have to get involved in.  The rest though, I don't think they understand how bad it can get.  I know I didn't back in the day.  They need me to be there for them when it gets bad.  


My future self was involved, and I tried to stop them. It took the rest of the team to help me succeed. How did we stymie my future self ’s plans?



__________________ is helping me understand this weirdo future. I follow their lead.
I saved someone important to __________________; they’re now my biggest defender.



These people are your guides, your friends, and the ones helping you find a better way. But you are careful about whose guidance you follow. Give Influence over you to two teammates.



White Knight

When you give a speech on morality and heroism, you can provoke someone with Savior instead of Superior.

Growing Into Power

When you unleash your powers to do something your future self can do, mark a condition to roll + Savior instead of + Freak.



Your Future Self:

Your future self is out there, an important figure in Halcyon City and the world beyond—and everything you’d hoped you’d never be. But finding out how they became who they are may be all it takes to push you along a similar path. Pick one step of your future self ’s path that you already know about, and underline it.
• They lost someone they cared about deeply
• They failed horrifically in a noble pursuit or cause
• They committed a major crime
• They betrayed a close friend or ally
• They won a victory at enormous cost to the world around them
• They killed someone
They publicly battled another hero
• They injured an innocent
When you learn of another step of your future self ’s path, underline it. You can have at most 5 steps underlined . When you undergo an experience that echoes one of the above (your call), strike it out.



You’ve fought, struggled, and worked so hard to figure out who you are, whether you’re just the same as your future self or whether you’re different...but right now, that’s all out the window. The distinction between your future self and your present self vanishes in the face of the trial before you, and you become exactly the powerful, adamant figure that everyone fears or hopes you will one day become. You can do exactly what your future self could do, and everyone around you sees them in you more clearly than ever. Of course, after this it’s going to be hard to treat you as two different people...



When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask whether they think your future self could’ve won this victory. If they do, mark potential and the GM shifts your Labels. If they do not, clear a condition and they shift your Labels.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if they think you could turn into your future self. If they do, mark potential and the GM shifts your Labels. If they do not, clear a condition and they shift your Labels.


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Some things that I wouldn't mind seeing developed further:

What hero did Bright Star's future self do battle with? Why did they fight? What was the outcome of the fight?

What does Bright Star most admire about her future self? Why does Bright Star fear becoming her future self? If she did, what would that path look like?

Are any members of the Freedom Finders still alive? Who are they? Has Bright Star met them yet? What is the status in their war against the Tangee? What kind of hero do they want Bright Star to be?

All in all, solid effort. I would like to see what more you can come up with.

Edited by Morphling (see edit history)
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What hero did Bright Star's future self do battle with? Why did they fight? What was the outcome of the fight?

The New Freedom Finders, a spiritual successor of the original Freedom Finders team.  They had initially welcomed Bright Star with open arms when she appeared however during the negotiations with the Tangee before the invasion a fight broke out between Bright Star and the rest of the Finders.  No one is sure of the exact reason why as none involved were talking to the press and everyone had much bigger problems soon after but the most popular theories in the press were that she either tried to destroy the Spike, attack A.E.G.I.S. or attack the Tangee delegation.  The fight was rather spectacular and ended with several members of the New Freedom Finders severely injured but Bright Star was at least stopped from completing her objective, at least as far as anyone could tell.  This was the event that caused the press to start referring to her as Starfall and she was no longer widely recognized as a hero by the public, at least until the invasion occurred and it became a moot point.  Of the New Freedom Fighters, those that were injured didn't recover fully before the invasion leading to most being captured or killed with the exception of those that chose to retire and go into hiding.  

What does Bright Star most admire about her future self?

Her future self went through a similar change, emerging many years after disappearing although not nearly as long.  Her older self seemingly adapted, spent years as a powerful and respected hero, and even had a family.  Even still despite what she's become she still at least prioritizes those she cares about, as evidenced by her quick response to a perceived threat to her daughter and granddaughter.  

Why does Bright Star fear becoming her future self? If she did, what would that path look like?

As far as Bright Star can tell, based on the information she currently has available, her future self has become all about the war and not the people.  She no longer sees fighting the bad guys as something she has to do in order to protect people, but instead as the end objective.  This runs directly counter to what Bright Star was taught by the original Freedom Finders who had all fought in WW2 and seen the horrors of it.  Most likely if Bright Star started leaning falling down the same path it would involve caring more about winning and hurting the Tangee than about saving people, although there is likely more to it that will become clear as her Future Self extra starts to fill out.

Are any members of the Freedom Finders still alive? Who are they? Has Bright Star met them yet?  What is the status in their war against the Tangee?

Of the original Freedom Finders, only three are still alive. 

Mother of Exiles was the only member of the original team that had chosen to continue on with the New Freedom Finders when Bright Star's future self returned.  Her power involves changing into a super-powered form which allowed her to keep being an active hero regardless of how old she got in her normal form.  By the time the Tangee arrived she had begun staying in her super form seemingly non-stop.  She was one of the most seriously hurt during the fight with Starfall and some speculated the only reason no one died in that fight as she is nearly impossible to kill while transformed.  However, due to her injuries, she was easily captured by the Tangee.  Most assume she is still their prisoner due to how hard she is to kill, but some believe that they may have found a way to force her back into her normal form which she would be unlikely to survive. 

Coyote was retired for some time before the Tangee arrived.  There is some debate on if he is dead or in hiding. 

Flyboy who was a technopath back before the term was coined, is currently kept alive by special equipment he is constantly having to modify and upgrade.  He's the only one Bright Star has met up with and it was a bittersweet reunion.  He admitted to her that while he wants to help the resistance keeping his equipment going is pushing his power to its limit and it will likely become more than he can handle in the not-so-distant future.  More likely than not if he tried to work on anything else he'd be lucky to finish before his equipment failed and he died.


What kind of hero do they want Bright Star to be?

They want Bright Star to be an American paragon.  Someone who will stand up for the little guy and defend American values, but as a protector and not an attack dog.  More than anything they want the happy kid who looked up to them with stars in her eyes without her being tainted by the darkness in the world that they've all seen and believe led her future self estray.


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