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Main: search for creator race and planet


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 This is our main quest the captain found a billion year old artifact that when investigated was the 1st piece of a compass to the creator races home world period from the information we got from the collector on nowhere there are many other pieces of this scattered across the universe Mostly on human earthlight planets. We found that our Solar System was artificially placed in multiple locations across the universe. Each Earth had humans evolved with different local physic rules. The These alternate earths are the various system settings that are published for role playing. Our mission is to visit these earths and find the artifacts which seem to be the catalyst of the creation of the Solar System so they are in the center of the Solar System normally on Earth. Once we've collected the compass we can then use that to point us to the creator race that have not been seen 4 billions of years. We are sure a great treasures and technological advances will be found on their homeworld many have tried to find it none have succeeded so far will we be the ones?

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