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Red- The Transformed

Fugitive Unknown

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Red - The Transformed

HERO NAME: "Red" (For now)
REAL NAME: Dimitri Kostavos
LOOK: A hulking stereotypical demon

Red appears to be a stereotypical straight up demon: a huge red humanoid with horns, bat like ears, and coal black eyes. He in no way passes for human. In addition, when he gets angry it becomes increasingly hard to control his emotions and thus things start to get smashed. This hasn't helped by lack of in person human interaction in the past few years.


+2 +3 0 -1 -1


AFRAID -2 to Directly Engage a Threat
ANGRY -2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask
GUILTY -2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation
HOPELESS -2 to Unleash Your Powers
INSECURE -2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence



A regular kid, more or less, though his parents were a little religious, so he was a little sheltered. Still, he had fun.


Dimitri was selected as a sacrifice by the Pact Mongers, a secret society of warlocks who wished for tremendous occult power. They were attempting to bind an extra planar being to a mortal form. Their ritual was disrupted before his own soul could be sealed away, but his form was irrevocably altered into that resembling a classical demon.


Originally, it was Hexlock who had disrupted the plans of the Pact Mongers. However, Hexlock was one of the heroes seized by the aliens. Now, Red lives in a government appointed foster home. He has a handler named Richard Davis, who has been trained for this but finds it hard to really connect with Dimitri.


That's exactly what he did. In fact, he was attending school remotely and masquerading as normal kid. Red had no desire to be a hero since he could barely control his powers, in the hope that one day Hexlock would be able to reverse the ritual. That seems impossible now, and Red has reluctantly decided he needs to associate with other "exceptional students" to control his powers. Besides, he's basically a moral person, and his social worker has been pushing him to use his powers for good.


They represent Red's best hope to become Dimitri again, or at least be able to relate to him. Also, spending the last two years isolated and alone has made him miss "real company" severely.  Individually, he hasn't gotten to know them yet, and still harbors some distrust towards non-humans due to his early religious teachings.






Move List

Wish I could be...








Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential.

When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below. When you've taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below the line.

Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Take a doom, doomtrack, and doomsigns from the Doomed playbook
Someone permanently loses influence over you, add +1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Mutate further and reveal another two new abilities (chosen from any playbook)

Unlock your Moment of Truth
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city



"What kind of player are you?,"

I'm a highly adaptive player. By that, I mean I try and adapt my play to the style that I see in the game. In classic dungeon crawlers, I try to make characters who contribute to the party goals and are tactically effective. In more RP focused narrative style games, I tend to do try and fit in to the GM's expectations, though I rarely get to play these sorts of games given my usual group leanings.

I'm a very experienced RPer (30+ years) though I'm somewhat new to both Mythweavers (I have an old account but I never used it) and Masks. I have played a few other PBTA games (Fellowship and the like).


"Why are you excited for this game?,"
It's masks! I love PbtA games, and I've heard a lot of good things about Masks. I've also loved comics and superhero media since I was a kid, but I've always found most superhero RPG's to be very, VERY lacking (I grew up with Heroes Unlimited, so no surprise there).

"What are your expectations for this game?,"
RP interactions, a cool story, and to learn more about playing and running Masks!

"Why do you think you would be a good fit for this game?"
I always try and make sure everyone else is having fun (including the GM), and try and fit my character into the story. The goal of these games is for everyone to play off each other and develop the game collectively, and I think that's something I can do well.


Edited by Fugitive Unknown (see edit history)
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Za'Chad - The Outsider

LOOK: Near human - Bluish skin and pointed ears. Wears human clothes over his science fiction space suit.
ABILITIES: Alien Weaponry, Density Control (Flight and Tough).
* - In terms of pure power, ANY other member of his race is significantly more powerful than him.


-1 +1 0 +3 0


AFRAID -2 to Directly Engage a Threat
ANGRY -2 to Comfort or Support or Pierce the Mask
GUILTY -2 to Provoke Someone or Assess the Situation
HOPELESS -2 to Unleash Your Powers
INSECURE -2 to Defend Someone or Reject Others' Influence









Where did you come from?
Z'Chad comes from Kelinos, a planet of super powered beings who have created an Empire with their martial prowess. They have the cream of technologies from a dozen conquered races, but it pales in comparison to their own terrifying natural capacity as flying bricks.

Why did you come to Earth
Z'Chad an utter failure who lost every fight he's ever had against his peers. An absolute disgrace who only survived because Kelinoids do not kill one another, he fled as far as he could with a stolen ship, hoping to find a world with a population genetically similar to his own where he'd be important. Maybe lord over them, maybe just be important.  The existence of other alien races irks him some, though thank the ancestors that they've never heard of Kelinos!

Why do you want to stay here.
Earth's not perfect. There's aliens here already, and some of the super heroes can give him a run for his money, but compared to Kelinoids? Oh this is going to be a cake walk. Even if he can't conquer this place, he can be important here. Plus, his ship ran out of hyperfuel, so he's kind of stuck here. Not that he'll ever admit that. Here though, everyone wants to talk to him and he's a total bad ass.

Why do your people want you to come home?
Because he's such an absolute weakling compared to every other member of his race that he is an absolute embarrassment.
Plus he stole a ship to get out here. Chances are, if someone were to come it would be a member of his own family hoping to save family face.

Why do you care about the team
The concept of forming bonds with people who are simultaneously "His peers" (even if he has a racial superiority complex he has to overcome) is going to blow his mind.





Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential.

When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below. When you've taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below the line.

Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Take a doom, doomtrack, and doomsigns from the Doomed playbook
Someone permanently loses influence over you, add +1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Mutate further and reveal another two new abilities (chosen from any playbook)

Unlock your Moment of Truth
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice
Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city



Edited by Fugitive Unknown (see edit history)
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(In regards to Red)

You're allowed to choose three moves for the Transformed, so go ahead and select another one.

How have Red's parents reacted to his transformation? What is their relationship like now? What kind of hero do they want him to be?

Why has Richard stuck with Red through the Tangee invasion? What kind of hero does Richard want him to be? And for that matter, where is Red living now that the government foster home is no longer safe?

Before Hexlock was captured, what measures did he take to help Red understand his body? What kind of hero does Hexlock want him to be?

How does Red cope with his new life? What does he miss most about the life he had before?

All in all, solid effort. I would like to see what more you can come up with.

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Moves - Lets go with "I am not my Body"

Parents' reaction: Totally disowned.
They are religious and their son was turned into a physical demon via literal black magic. He has brothers and sisters and they don't want them corrupted. It was deeply traumatic, though (thank goodness) he reacted more with sadness than anger toward them. Their son's name is Dimitri, and he is dead. Red is totally unrelated, and that's the way they would prefer it. They don't acknowledge Red, at all. They will never tell their siblings. This reaction is one of the reasons he didn't totally mind being shut away for two years: he needed some serious therapy after that.

Why has Richard stuck with Red through the Tangee invasion?
Well, the total abandonment of his parents is one, honestly, Richard felt bad for him, and he'd already invested a lot of time and effort into parapsychology. He also received a higher priority from the government, since a lot of heroes are disabled right now, and the shadowy government agencies that run these sorts of programs are now pushing harder for new heroes now that the Tangee have messed stuff up.

What kind of Hero does Richard want him to be?
Richard is actually a pretty decent supportive type and feels that Red should make that choice. Honestly, originally he would have been fine with Red largely living remotely but a) It wasn't particularly healthy for red not to have in-person human contact.  b) He feels that Red learning that he can be a demon for good is probably more healthy for him psychologically. c) He's getting pressure from the government to make Red a government agent, or at least a hero who's very friendly to them. He tries to push him to make the right decision, but largely tried to let Red figure that out. He's largely pushing for Red to develop more social habits and be a more complete person.

Where is Red Living Now?
A residential home, with Richard, was purchased with government funds. The program that Red lives in consists of Richard and a government stipend. There are a number of programs like these that allow flexibility (obviously required for superpowered beings!). However, the funding is now more off-grid as the focus has moved from Red/Dimitri being taken care of to Red/Dimitri transitioning to being a hero/government agent, as well as to develop a degree of opacity in terms of the government funding. Richard does a monthly report and gets informal visits to the home to check how things are going.

Before Hexlock was captured, what measures did he take to help Red understand his body?
Magic! Hexlock, being a magic hero, has been studying the ritual that transformed him both to unravel the spell and (failing that) to allow him to function. This involved physical testing, reading, and putting Red into some magical training rooms (which included fighting elementals for some basic combat training). He also loaned Red and Richard some very basic occultly books to understand how his body now worked. A big step was making Dimiitri understand that Dimitri's "soul" was unaffected by the magic, however, the daemonic body he possesses is more prone to emotional outbursts, particularly anger, which is something he has to live with. While Hexlock said that he was working on undoing the ritual, he was more or less certain that undoing the spell would be impossible: the physical transformation is complete, and to alter Red's form back to its original configuration is fundamentally impossible without Godlike magic.

What kind of hero does Hexlock want him to be?
Any kind he wants... that's not focused on magic. That would be bad. Hexlock is largely focused on doing his own thing in the occult world, and Red's a poor match for that, since magic is kind of a vulnerability to Red. Besides, some dark magic group might try and sway Red with promises of undoing the spell, and Red might be very susceptible to that. Still, he felt that Dimitri was a "good kid" and had a chance at having a good life, if not a normal one. Normal was over rated, anyway. Hexlock was raised in an occult society in a parallel dimension, so is pretty otherworldly, and has a very long view on things.

How does Red cope with his new life?
He's very new at it. So he's going to have to work that out. Chances are, he'll be pretty shy at first as he's not used to human (outsider excepted) interactions.

What does he miss most about the life he had before?
His family, obviously, though that tie is cut. He still loves his parents, and that wound will always hurt. He still has contact with friends from his previous school, an online-only course for students who can't attend school physically, and who have a wide array of mundane and super afflictions. He kind of misses that. Obviously, normal life stuff. Red doesn't have a magic device that lets him appear as a normal person, so is reluctant to go out and do normal things without being stared a

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(In regards to Za'Cha)

Some things I wouldn't mind seeing developed further:

How are Kelinoids different from Earthlings? What are the most striking differences in their culture and values? How are they similar?

Who has Za'Cha been staying with on Earth? Why did they take him in? What kind of hero do they want him to be?

What does Za'Cha miss most about Kelinos? What did he have to give up to go to Earth? What is his biggest temptation to return?

All in all, solid effort. I would like to see what more you can come up with.

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"How are Kelinoids different from Earthlings? What are the most striking differences in their culture and values? How are they similar?"
IC: "Physically? We're better than you. By like.. alot. We can fly and control our density, allowing us to basically be invincible and very strong. Physically we LOOK very similar, though Kelinoids tend to be shorter and slighter of build. We've done some genetic tinkering too: perfectly symetrical faces, and our hair does whatever we want it to. Our skin tends towards pale white and blue hues. We also live for a LOT longer than you. We're way less numerous, but you know, quality over quantity. Learn to keep it in your pants, humans, and get your act together."

Za'Chad's density control, while impressive by human standards, is hugely underpowered compared to almost other all Kelinoids, particualrly among his family (like by a factor of at least 10.. probably by a factor of 100 to his parents). He does have a better understanding of technology than most Kelinoids, largely out of neccesity to compete in othe areas.

Culture and Values
Kelinoids are insanely conceited about their own racial superiority. They basically run a hands-off empire. They generally walk in, show off how awesome they are, and the enemies roll over for them, or they MAKE them roll over. Once they get a token surrender and tribute of tech, they basically only intervein when their subject races really screw something up, rebel, or ask them to intervein (which they may do, but it's not worth the resulting insufferableness). At first, they did this with their insane strength and density controlling abilities, but as time went on they accumulated various technological advances which gave them an even greater advantage. Once they are in charge, they are relatively benevolent, so long as regular tech/resources are sent to their empire. They even pay off-world workers quite well.

Kelinoids are obsessed with competition and routinely jockey for dominance with sports and competitive games. Their martial arts are utterly terrifying (density control lets them cheat like mad). Though they are swift to violence, they prefer not to kill their opponents and are genetically bred to accept surrender (particularly from their own race). They have a severe aversion to killing their own race, possibly due to their race's very low birth rate and long gestation period. They feel the need to prove their superiority in as many ways as possible to enhance social status (which is huge to them), and run their interspecies rules exactly the same way. They'd find the constant wars and lethal violence in human society as further evidence of our own species' weakness and moral inferiority. If we lived anywhere near them, they'd probably try to take over. Their attitude towards "lesser" lifeforms (who is pretty much everyone) tends to range from patronizing to paternalistic.

Who has Za'chad been staying with on Earth?
He's very new here, but he lives in a cloaked spaceship that hovers around the city. He's almost out of hyper matter needed for FTL travel, but overcoming Earth's gravity is simple. He tends to hang with anyone who placates his ego, if he's not going around acting as a hero. Other heroes find they can barely stand him, which usually leads him back to spend time "away from all you lesser being for a bit. Sorry. 'My cross to bear' as you superstitious humans say" and spending time brooding in his flying ship, secretly trying to justify the Earthlings not wanting to hang out with him because "they can't stand how much better he is than them". There is an older "alien" (robot really) named Scout interested in changing his behavior to be less jerkish.

Why did they take him in?
Pity. Well, pity and long term goals. Za'chad is a member of a race that Scout has never heard of and he'd like to know more. Scout also is concerned that Za'Chad could be a real menace if he went nuts, and is simultaneously trying to put him on a better path. Scout himself was once a mindless alien scout, until he rebelled against the robotic overmind as organic life here was hardly a threat. Now he feels protective towards them. It's also possible that Scout's own robotic systems will fail one day, and Za'Chad is likely to be one of the few beings who can fix him.

What kind of hero do they want him to be?
A less egotistical one.

What does Za'Cha miss most about Kelinos.
What he'd say: "Being around all you lesser beings. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like you all well enough. You can't help what species you are"

The Truth: "The wide pine forests. Our trees are vast and taller than most of your buildings. You can visit there and not hear another soul for hours. No one to challenge you, no constant concern about your own status. No disappointed parents, siblings or teachers. Nothing to prove, just the sounds of the forest."
He has the worst/best relationship with his little sister, who he protected as a dutiful brother.. until she turned 7, and her density control power was already greater than hers. She has fond memories of Za'Chad, but she could literally beat him at everything by the time she turned 7.

What did he give up to go to Earth
Any chance of seeing his family again... no big loss there. They don't miss him, though they are embarrassed, because he gave up what little reputation he had with his family. Running off and abandoning your responsibilities (though Za'Chad wasn't deemed worthy enough to carry any) is somewhat of an embarrassment.

What is his biggest temptation to return?
If he were suddenly to become MUCH more powerful or bring Kelinos something they wanted (and given that it's a hands-off empire based on the race's own biological power, that would have to be something crazy indeed), then he might be able to return with his head held high and gain respect from his family. "I'll show them who's worthy!!!!! Muahahahhaha". That's a pipe dream though, so he might just settle for being Earth's greatest defender for the next few centuries. Maybe if he does something really impressive he might return on his own terms, one day.

The character arc

An arrogant jerk, but while the racial arrogance is strong in him, it's thin because of his own inferiority complex. Either the character is going to have to grow up or just break down and be pathetic. If an actual member of his family shows up, that facade of superiority will crumble quickly.


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Some additional Thoughts

Costuming Red
Red doesn't have a costume. Instead, he wears heavily reinforced human clothing, usually knee length cargo shorts and usually a tank top (the only way he can keep his wings unbound).

Red is still a bit religious. He studies theology in his spare time. He believes in a higher power, but is no longer certain of monotheism.
He's quiet, and is unsure of his ability to help (worried that his potential to go out of control could do more harm than good), but strongly believes that those with power have a duty to help.
Both his parents have become deeply anti-mutant (of course).
Spends a lot of his time online.

Costuming Za'chad
A black bodysuit made of smart materials. It's quite flexible, combined with metalic reinforcement of key vital areas. It can even cover his face to protect from some environmental effects and adds to the durability he has from his density control.

Why is Za'Chad hanging with a bunch of Erth high school students?
Well, for one, he wants something like peers that he stands out as first from. His ego kind of demands it, since that's something he hasn't been able to do in a long time. Even with his culturally ingrained superiority, he wants teammates who he can consider peers, even if he insists on being the best among them. That

Is there a fictional race the Kelinoids can be compared to?
None directly. But imagine perfectionist Elves with super powers and a slight imperialistic bent. They

How would he react if a real Kelinoid showed up?
Fear if it was anyone who might recognize him, nervousness for any who didn't. If it came down to a peer contest between them, he'd certainly lose, though most Kelinoids wouldn't stop on a backwater like Earth. Terror if it was a close relative, since the only reason they are likely to come is to drag his ass home, and if any discovered how weak he was, they'd probably ship him back home so that the reputation of the race didn't suffer.

Quotes he might say.
"You know what really gets me about you humans? Bathrooms. It's like you intentionally designed them wrong to make yourselves miserable."
"Well, I guess I'll help. It is the duty of superior beings such as my self to lend a hand."
"Oh, that's adorable. How quaint." *looking at some human tech*

Thinks humans are quite insane and will point out the insanity of their own society
Deeply, deeply insecure
Rather easy to manipulate


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