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Martin Torei


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Martin Torei, Half Elven Ranger



Name: Martin Torei
Level: 1
Class: Ranger
Archetype: Druid
Background: Sponsored by a Village
Deity: N/A
Alignment: NG

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs

Race: Human, Half Elf
Gender:  Male


Ability | Modifier
STR: 12 | +1
DEX: 18 | +4
CON: 12 | +1
INT: 10 | +0
WIS: 16 | +3
CHA: 10  | +0

Hit Points: 19
HP/Level: 10
Armor Class: 18
Size: Medium
Speed: 25 ft

Perception: +8
Fort Save: +6
Ref Save: +9
Will Save: +6



Martin Torei grew up near the headwaters of the Buunta Flow river, in the village of Yaltheas. The village supports itself mostly on fishing the river and hunting the surrounding jungle. Although, it also hosts a twice yearly trade run to the city of Nantambu for various supplies that it can not get on its own. These trade runs are usually timed around the turning of the school's semester so that they can join with students and teachers who might be traveling west towards the school or east on their way back. Indeed, the Ekujae city of Yas Dorei on the River Still is an almost straight line through the jungle further east.

Martin's parents were both half elves, a fairly common sight within their village. From them he learned how to hunt and forage within the jungles to survive and provide for the village. He even tracked a sevencoat serpent to make his own quills with. But what was noteworthy was the occasional expression of magic he held. It was hardly noteworthy, and even less reliable, if you were to ask him. But his parents and many in the village noticed. After a talk amongst their members, the village council had decided, Martin held enough magic in their opinion to warrant teaching that they could not provide. So, they would send him on to Magaambya to study what magic he may have. After all, the mages of Magaambya protect the village as much as they protect the city of Nantambu from the likes of the Aspis Consortium. Martin himself found both excited and nervous about the opportunity. The village council put a lot of pressure on him, but the chance of becoming a Tempest Sun mage was the hero fantasy of his, and many others, childhoods.


Martin Torei is, much like his name, a mixture of both human and elven features. A taller and thin frame carried on graceful steps that never seem to be in a hurry. He usually wears a mixture of brown leathers with green accents, well suited for his trips into the Mwangi Jungle.


Martin Torei tries to live by a simple idea, that things come down to location and timing. In hunting, that means finding the right places to wait, near where the prey would come to you, and it means waiting patiently until the moment is right to act. Of course, like an arrow in flight, once one begins that act, to do anything but finish would be at best wasteful, and at worst ignoble. This usually comes off as a quieter personality and has resulted in a few missed opportunities. But this also has kept him from a few bad situations.

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