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Enoch Downtime


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I did try, you had a lot going on and I had some outstanding questions that delayed confirmed activities and we both got distracted. Apologies. I'll try to be more prompt and proactive about such things moving forward.


No other downtime activities should affect the current scene. I'll try to expediently plan the final 6 days' activities.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I rolled they tried for 6 days and didn't get any of the items. Regardless, it doesn't cost you any of Downtime to wait for them to find it.


The sniffers come back to you. And they say that there's something going on on the station. That's restricting, they're ability find things. They're not sure what's going on. But the management is pulling specific types of items off the shelves quietly.

Edited by wrathgon (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Not sure how much time Enoch has to spend on Contract Review, but will edit that in here.

Enoch used to have high research mods, but that skill got split into others and is not a separate skill any more.

Appraise 8+3+6+0+0= 17
Computers 8+3+6+5+5+5=32
Engineering 8+3+6+4+5+5=31
Life Science 8+0+6+0+0+0=17
Medicine 8+3+1+3+0+3+7=25
Mysticism 8+0+1+0+0+0=12 - Arcana/Arcane Lore/Mysticism/Occult/
Perception 8+3+1+0+0+0=12 - Research?
Physical Sci 8+3+6+0+0+0=17
Stealth 8+0+1+0+0+20=29


The skills changed since this was written:
PRIMARY: Decipher Script, Innuendo, Intrigue, Know, Knowledge (business), Knowledge (interstellar law), Knowledge (law), Knowledge (trade & commerce), Profession (lawyer), Research, Sense Motive. A specific racial knowledge pertaining to Devils would also work.

SECONDARY: Broker, Culture, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (arcane lore), Knowledge (bureaucracy), Knowledge (conspiracy theory), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (mysticism), Knowledge (occult), Profession (law enforcement), Profession (linguist), Profession (trader), Spellcraft, Spot, Trader, Xeno-Cultures

3d20 9,16,11
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  • 4 months later...



So the steps to start things is more getting a hold of the hardware that you can start testing anything you come up with.


Build a computer that can handle the data of storage and upload

decide how you want the upload to be, so either:

a Copy of the scan brain, so the original would still be left and this would then act like the scan brain in all ways. In this case, you would need a AI model built to imprint onto the AI programming so it could then mimic the scanned brain.

The true transfer would be beyond you still as it would require PL9+ understanding of how to move your thoughts and personality into a cyber mainframe. If you could find current tech that could do this, you could build an interface to use the upload into a device, you could build a device that COULD house enough data and act like the original but would need to find the transferring tech to use it.


Quantum Uploading, the act of digitally transferring matter into a computer system is what you just experienced in the SIM. That does not help your project as you just want your mind to be uploaded. But that is far harder to do than what you are tying so they would have to master the lower methods before using the higher ones.


This sort of research would be found on the ancient land ruin bases were all the AI and mutants control on the world. Their are many research building doted across that landscape( Gamma World setting area)

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