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Nessia of Istus


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Priestess of Istus




Character Sheet


Description: Among the followers of Istus, Nessia is a fairly personable sort. Compared to her fellow priests, Nessia seems the type not to tell someone to accept their fate, but rather to ease them into acceptance. Her mind is practical and more often than not open in most situations, although she does seem given to the occasional eccentricity or even neuroses...

Nessia seems a thoughtful sort, and has been compared at times to a watchful bird.  She is tall, with tanned skin, brown hair, and green eyes.  Her attire consists of padded cloth armor, with a grey robe worn over it. The holy symbol of her goddess Istus is affixed to the pin of her cloak.


Background: Nessia was born in Lopolla to a Baklunish mother and an Oeridian father. Her mother was a peddler and her father a thief who fronted as a business partner. While the two were able to provide for their daughter quite well, they encouraged her to lead a more honest life than they did. So it was that they were delighted beyond words when strange circumstances saw her being taken under the wing of a thieving priestess of Istus!
 For much of Nessia's time serving the goddess she did work within and between temples, never tying herself to any one for long. Stars were read for the curious and in-need, wounds were healed of adventurers and the unlucky, and conflicts were mediated.
 More recently, Nessia says that she has been called to find a mage indentured to serve at the temple in the Free City of Greyhawk! While normally such a loss would be accepted, he had several sacred texts in his possession, that he was transcribing. Nessia does her best to remain respectful in her description of the young man, but it does seem that he acted foolishly and "wandered off" with "ill-mannered types"... "As Fate would have it, his trail grows cold in the Bandit Kingdoms..."

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