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Luther, Half Orc Fighter


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Name: Luther 
Race: Half Orc
Class: Fighter 
Multiclassing Option: Standard
Role: Melee, Ranged Combat 





Description:  A ragged looking half orc, his face old, but his body young. The tight, well defined muscles of his bestial parent make him almost triangular from the waist up, ending in the shoulders of a longbowman, geometric patterned tattoos on his shoulder and neck. Light on his feet and more graceful than you'd expect from such a brutish first impression. He stands straight, his musculature making this a natural posture. 

Personality:  Under Construction (personality, demeanor and disposition.)

Dream Narrative: The images come and imagined sounds. Drums, the sound of drums, but drums that rattle, not the ones that boom. A stone courtyard, the wooden clack of blades, bright light. The flap and snap of canvas in the wind. Words.. 'hold your ground'  and walls only dimly seen through smoke. A horn blasts three times. Dragging something, something heavy. Slash, once twice three times, hitting something hard, something hard again and then soft. "Mother" a male voice, not my voice.   

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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