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The "Root" of the Issue Is......


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Dexam The Unshakeable36042d1215513806c2c816906b8ed238.jpg.b16233093f0572449125794b58e81cca.jpg

Dexam is impeccably calm and impeccably dressed at all times. He sees, but not necessarily with his eyes, movements and expression of those in his presence. Friends and enemies often wonder if he can read minds, which often works in his favor during negotiations. Whether he is strongly empathic or there is something supernatural, he will never say, but there is no doubt that Dexam is a master at reading a room and everyone in it.

A person could wave a hand in front of his eyes and he would never blink, as if he could not see it, but once, a rival ambassador tossed him an apple just to see what would happen. Dexam deftly snatched the apple out of the air, polished it on his suit and took a bite as if this was a regular occurrence. His allies call him Dexam the Unshakeable, his potential adversaries have several less savory names for the man. One thing is for certain, no delegation is happy to find out that Dexam will be on the other side of the negotiating table or in the room at a delegation soiree'. His presence can be a little unsettling.


Then there was that one time (at band camp 😁) that someone spilled cocktail sauce on his leisure suit. The normally calm man came out of his shell that night and rumors have abounded for years and have grown to almost rival Homer's The Illiad. Dexam only smiles his disarming smile when he hears the latest rendition of the story and a twinkle appears in his otherwise milky and opaque eyes. This diplomat will never tell the true tale, he will keep that close to his silk vest for just the right moment during just the right negotiation.

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