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Here, I'll put various equipment. Keep your mind that, except items I'll place last, most of your access to equipment will depend on your profession and other ways of gaining access (breaking in places, hacking, stealing/ finding key cards, and like) depending on your job. For example, both Fiery and Thram plan sort of Scientist characters and they will have free access to (albeit different, medical and scientific supplies) Weapons, other than kitchen knives or other improvised stuff (club, chair with a few nails through it as a mace, and what else you can imagine) are reserved for security and even they will have rudimentary stuff (Think riot shields, stun batons, tasers, mostly non-lethal) stuff. For firearms, you'll have to gain access to the armory. Still don't expect army-grade stuff, various flavors of handguns, shotguns, and topping up at equivalents of submachine guns. So no Assault Rifles, and really heavy stuff, same with armor, most common will be various Kevlar armor although there will be exceptions for heavy environmental suits. They are made for extremely hostile outside work, so industrial work, but something that might save you from methane blast, or rock accidentally flung by industrial equipment could probably save you from some bullets. However, moving inside with that on might be a bit clunky. While we're on the subject of inside and outside. There might be the possibility of finding yourself in increased, decreased, or even zero-G. There is a pistol, and a rifle specially meant to deal with decreased or Zero-G (shooting a shotgun in Zero-G might not always be an awesome idea ๐Ÿ˜œ) as of yet there is no such thing as increased gravity. So plan accordingly.


Lastly, since this is a kinda survival/suspense/horror mystery there is a slightly higher chance for your character to bite it, however, don't despair. This is a entire shift coming in so there will be plenty "red shirts" both to serve as a warning and reskin into a new character.

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