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Kartesh Downtime


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Of the Fourteen Days downtime.

Kartesh spends a day going with Jake to the Failed Job...but will spend his remaining nights after study looking through News reports or Current Events messaging to see if the target did get attacked or the plot was thwarted.

For three days of his Downtime he will complete his study into Cantrips (As stated by Wrathgon) ,So he can now read Cantrips,just not cast them yet.

For the next seven days beyond that i will spend on Station with Vall learning the Spellcraft Skill.

For the remaining three days I will be learning the Concentration skill.


I Do wish to ask However...If i learn a skill or a feat does that mean i automatically then know it and earn a point in it.. or do i still require to level to then put a point in it.

I also want to ask about the Arcane Skills feat from D20 Mod. as if you note Mage requires it at first level..

But it comprises of knowing all the same skills as above..

So my querry is.. if i spent instead of the above, two weeks learning the Arcane Skills feat...do i in effect get all the listed skills for free without having to pay for those additional training costs... and i have paid Vall for a year of training anyhow.

If that statement is true.. i will change my seven days learning Spellcraft and 3 days learning Concentration and three days learning cantrips to i will spend 13 days learning the Arcane Skills feat.

Which isn't a requirement for Wizard, but it will get me most of the skills i require for it's pre req's.


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By learning the The skilled you have 0 ranks in it, but you Can use it with your stock modifier only until you get a level in the class that gives it. And you do the sign points to it. Until then, you can't assign any points.

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But i will give you an example.. even though i am training as a wizard atm..

Say i was training as a Trainee Mage... one of the Feats you learn is Arcane Skills.. if you look at the description of that feat. it contains this skill allows you to have the skills (and there is three of them,which are pre reqs of the Mage class)

What i am saying is.. by your training rules.. i would be paying effectively for a Feat and three skills.. Which both counter each other..

If i only spent three weeks and learnt the skills ,i wouldnt techniqually require the feat.

If i learnt the feat, do i techniqually then have to pay for an learn the three skills,since it says they are included?

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You remember you DONT need the feat, if you dot have the feat you DO have to go the test that will use what that feat gives but if you pass it without the feat you can take the class without it. Its the optional rules for removing preq for the classes, the more preq you have the easier the test to get into the class is but they are all. optional.


and you HAVE to take the skill first cause without it you're not allowed to add the Skill. The skills are restrictive skills means you cannot learn them normally, you NEED the feat to be able to learn them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mage: Study Track:

Concentration: (Unknown)

Craft: Chemical: (Learnt of Zora)

Decipher Script: (Already Know )

Knowledge: Arcane Lore: (Already Know )

Research: (Already Know )

Spellcraft: (Learnt of Vall)


Arcane Skills: (Unknown)


Arcane Spells: (Unknown)


Summon Familiar: (Unknown)


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  • 1 month later...

This is a Place Marker for my 3 hour Down time ...

Is this mean't to be after we have arrived at the destination point but are several hours out from the Blue Folk.

So we have used our time tents and retraining? and then we have these three hours? or does our hour in the time tent come from out of that..

and the retraining tent.

And would the data cube have any intel on what Vall's Academy had training wise...??

I know he said he didn't have any holo training things... but if that data cube recorded everything that was sold.. would that also mean they would have a record of every asset on the station and its worth.?

Edited by cheezal (see edit history)
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So... is it part of the three hours.. i.e i take one hour of my down time going into the time tent doing that...

or is it a seperate three hours...on top of the time we spent in the time tent...

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20 minutes ago, cheezal said:


I told you already completed training does not give your XP so you need to wait till advance to add mage.



20 minutes ago, cheezal said:

I wish to know in the other thread off Farhvan what went down when i was out...

Namely i want him to tell me that Vall called you Great One.. as the Blue Man mentioned a Great One Machine. and i want to get the connection..

Stop fishing for OOC info your PC doesn't have I just have just private everything....

20 minutes ago, cheezal said:

I Want to know What spell capabilities Vall has. Whether he is skilled enough for regeneration spell! to which if it's going to cost me ,i will diplomatically negotiate it.


20 minutes ago, cheezal said:

or if he can Polymorph and turn me into a Troll...

If the later is possible...and its pre gamma world.. do i use the D20 Troll template...and does that have an ecl or Template break down..

or use the Gamma World one.. which gives me three Giant Levels...

Leave the troll till we get there



20 minutes ago, cheezal said:

I would also like you to re look at either of these prc's from D20 Urban Arcana.. either the Shapeshifter (which is a non druid) just someone who can shift forms.

I would say like an Animagus from Harry Potter. I could even rename the Shapeshifter class name to that if you wish.. and perhaps in conversation Vall can mention that style of magic.. and i can add seven months to that study.. if i take an animal in with me.. 2 weeks inside the time tent could have me establish an Animal Affinity feat. which means i could then qualify for the class. if i take 10 ranks in Handle Animal.

It could be a means to do that path i mentioned..

You mean the path that makes you hated by everything in the game, sure go for out but if I hear 1 complaint about being beaten on as a mind flayer I will point you back here to say I told you so.


Val is already an established NPC, you want everything the easy way. You want to take things like this, you realize it's not going to fall in your lap.. You still have to FIND the crazy super rare feats that no one I ever seen ever take. Like everything you choose Cheezel, you don't do favors to yourself even after me trying to warn you off stuff you still full speed through a glass window. I won't tell you CANT take something but I will make the level of difficulty that matches both the power it gives the one that learns it AND the rarity of the skill itself. That class falls under your d20 book rule technically as it IS a different d20 system effectually but I give it to you if you going down this crazy route you want to do.


20 minutes ago, cheezal said:


The Mastermind.. look at the rep stuff it allows me to do.. at first and second levels.. i wouldnt go behind that... as i may just want a cohort or a couple of ppl to make a think tank... that could sit on the ship and work stuff out for me.

let me know what you think...

that is a better plan for sure


20 minutes ago, cheezal said:

or how long does it take to spell research... i presume in my time tent training i would also be learning my base level one spells.

So i would come out knowing the spells.. just up to you if i can officially cast them...until i put the class on paper.


you get what a 1st level of your class when you add it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kartesh in his downtime approaches whoever has the goggles that can see either ethereal or microvison and asks to borrow them for a few hours.

He then goes to Zora and asks for her permission ,and even instruction on how to look at the ship crystals on a geological level,so composition ,comparison to what type of crystal.

Using this vision run through his Computer, via cable,he uses his Computer to assist his Research on the Crystals.



Edited by cheezal (see edit history)
Computer Use check
1d20+16 3
Research check with +2 Computer Use assistance
1d20+13 15
Number of hours
1d4 1
Computer Use check on the below topic
1d20+16 20
Research check with +2 Computer use assistance with topic 2
1d20+13 13
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you spend hours trying to understand what the readings are saying. Part of them don't exist on those plane and cant see it, other parts lead to nothing.


There is no way you can create this, you call it astral quartz, plus be from the Astral Plane

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??? Ok ,i will have to find the quote from yourself that said the Crystals are man made..

But from what you have said above, have i identified the Crystal as Astral Quartz..or i haven''t identified it?

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