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Vanessa "Meister" Kersey


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Name: Vanessa

Alias: Meister

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Weight: 130 lbs

Hair Color: Copper

Eye Color: Pale blue

Nationality: EU

Species: Human



Attributes (36)

















2 1 1 3 3 6 2 0


Saves (10)


Dodge Parry Fortitude Toughness Will
Agi (1) + 0 + 3 Fgt (3) + 0 + 2 Sta (1) + 0 + 3 Sta (1) + 6 + 0 Awe (2) + 0 + 2
4 5 4 7/1* 4

*without the suit


Skills (17) & Advantages (6)


Skill Name Total Ability Rank Mods
Acrobatics 4 Agi 3  
Athletics 4 Str 2  
Close Combat 6 Fgt 3  
Deception 0 Pre 0  
Expertise (Weaponry) 10 Int 4  
Insight 6 Awe 4  
Intimidation 0 Pre 0  
Investigation 8 Int 2  
Perception 5 Awe 3  
Persuasion 0 Pre 0  
Ranged Combat 5 Dex 2  
Sleight of Hand 6 Dex 3  
Stealth 3 Agi 2  
Technology 12 Int 6  
Treatment 6 Int 0  
Vehicles 3 Dex 0  
Advantage Name & Rank

Eidetic Memory


Improved Grab

Improvised Tools


Skill Mastery (Technology)



Powers (30)

Arsenal of Holding 10 point Array, 3 Alternate Effect, Subtle (Where the hell is she getting those?!) [14pp]

While Vanessa can't stick to just one invention she has her favorites. When asked how she can carry those and where she pulls her invention out of, she gives out a random answer each time. It doesn't matter what she said last time, it's a new thing now

Wrench Strength-based Damage 3, Electric Affliction 6 (Daze, Stun, Incapacitate), Enhanced strength 4 Limited to grabs, Enhanced Strength 3 Limited to when used as a wrench, Easily Removable (-6pp)

Not so much a wrench as a long metal rod with two prong at the end of it, she carries it around as much for style as she does for utility. If needed, the prongs can move and serve as a man-catcher. And if they're being really annoying, or if something needs juice, they can discharge electricity

Pocket mortar Ranged Burst Damage 5, Ricochet, Easily Removable (-6pp)

A single shot gun loaded from the back, using explosive canisters as ammo. She managed to make it so they don't explode immediately, allowing them to bounce off corners

Grav Gauntlet Move Object 6, Removable (-2pp)

A cumbersome gauntlet that deploys on her right forearm, it can manipulate objects via telekinesis. It's not accurate in the slightest, but it can carry a lot of weight at range, be they obstacles or people. She can also release them and throw them at high speeds

Damocles Strength-based Damage 6, Multi-attack, Penetrating 6, Activation (Move Action), Inaccurate, Easily Removable (-8pp)

A weapon she calls "a chainsaw on a stick", it's exactly what she makes it sound like, a giant chainsword with durable teeths. It's pretty unwieldy and lord knows how she can carry it around, but there's no denying it hits hard


Scrap Suit Enhanced Toughness 6, Impervious, Speed 1, Removable (-2pp) [11pp]

A suit of armor made from cobbled up scrap, Vanessa designed it to be impervious to low caliber firearm and letting her move even faster than normal


I'm not done yet Immunity (Starvation, Thirst, All Sleep) [4pp]

Vanessa has the same problem every gamer has, been that she stays up late and only realizes how long she's been up after she looks at the clock and recovers from the mental crash of seeing 5 AM on it. Although it seems it gets super-human with her, like how she forgot to eat for an entire day and only noticed when someone else asked about it


Workshop Tools Quickness 4, Limited to Inventing only [2pp]

A bag of various tools. Some normal, others less, Vanessa carries them around with her all the time, and uses them to create her newest inventions at frightening speeds


Complications // Motivations

Motivation - Field testing: It's not really heroic, but Vanessa sees being a hero as a perfect place to test all of her inventions, although she'd like to find the kink before they explode mid-fight

Motivation - I live here!: Vanessa would give her life to defend the world since, as she puts it so eloquently: "I'm one of the idiots who live there!". It doesn't really get more complex than that

Unhinged: Whether due to lack of social experience or shits to give, Vanessa can act pretty weird at times, which might not be the best for a super hero

Wingless Icarus: While Vanessa isn't completely useless, most of her strength comes from her devices. Without them she's essentially a smarter teenager who forgets to sleep


A-Day B-Day
Math Science
History Gym
~Lunch~ ~Lunch~
Shop English


Vanessa isn't exactly a people person... mainly because she scares them. Since she doesn't really pay attention to others, she can often be caught mumbling or chuckling to herself. She has a very frank way to speak, using metaphors that are both crude and effective, and not being particularily talkative. And she gets even worse when she feels comfortable. She's neutral when it comes to how she treats others. Not mean (at least not intentionally), but not a saint either

Physical Appearance

She looks like an average teenager, albeit with a slightly more defined musculature. She wears her shoulder length copper hair in a small and messy ponytail. She has light skin and pale blue eyes that look a bit foggy. In civilian wear, she dons a brown jacket over a white shirt, with blue cargo pants. When she wears her super-hero outfit (which is to say almost all the time), she's wearing a suit similar to medieval plate armor, made from scrap that she spray painted maroon


Vanessa was born in a pretty normal village and spent most of her time alternating between school and watching tutorials on Youtube, occasionally coming up with new ideas for gadgets, which was the origin of many trips to the local junkyard. As she grew up, she started thinking about how her inventions could be used to help other people. She couldn't use all of those, and she's very much a "Do it first, ask why later" inventor. Luckily this comes more in the forms of unpractical or weird designs, rather than blowing everything up. Except that one time, when she tried making a mini fusion reactor using some parts of alien tech she unknowingly picked up

In fact that time was pretty useful for her. Her parents noticed she was staying up all night and when questionned about it, she didn't even realize. After an entire week of not sleeping, it became clear that something was up with her, especially since she had no side effect from it. However, she noticed that the things she made were even more advanced than usual, if not straight up impossible. She didn't know how she did it, or how she could store a wrench as big as her into her pockets, just that she could. In her words "I'm putting super powers in my stuff cuz I can"

It eventually came in handy when a group of Parademons from Intergang showed up to rob a bank. She jumped in with her scrap suit and weapons and started helping the police officers that were already there, neutralising the parademons and even killing one of them. While she didn't care much about the recognition, she did care a lot more about the letter from the Wayne Foundation she received from it. Surely they'd be fine with her unending gadgeteering, right?

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Review (Fluff): What is her source? What's her origin?

She has both Metagene powers (the immunity to sleep and hunger) as well as Technological know-how. Usually, the metagene powers come with one explanation and the genius comes with another.

With super geniuses, they can show up anywhere, but they need resources. Junkyards, businesses, abandoned buildings, super-rich backers. Something. How did she spin a fiber that would stop bullets but not stop her from moving? Is it metal, nanobots, or a new material? With a super-genius, you usually pick a core focus and then build out from there. But she knows healing (stim guns), pocket dimensions, and engineering tech. This pushes her mentality to even beyond what a human genius goes into and starts to lean into metahuman for her source of everything. Which is fine. But it brings a new point up.

Metahuman origins. Where did she get the powers from? If it's a dominant gene, such as every member on her mother's side is born with it, just to varying degrees, does her mother have a reputation as a super genius in some field? If it's a recessive gene, something awakened it. DC comics claims that a TON of humans have an unawakened meta-gene trait. And it just needs the right circumstances to awaken it. And depending on the circumstances, as well as your personal history, as well as your genetics, is what you get out of it. This is why some Flash family members start at one speed, and then lose their powers, and when they get them back, they're at a completely different speed (usually faster, because they're heroes and plot armor). So if your character is, let's say, a technopath and just creating tech to solving a problem is your core metagene with some other fringe benefits. What awoke that in your character?


Review (Crunch): Math all looks good. The only thing is to drop improved initiative. I don't use it in play by post because I don't want anyone waiting on initiative to post. It goes Team A (first come first serve), then Team B (first come first serve). Whether team A is the heroes or villains is dependent on the story. But that way if you want to go first, you an post immediately after you see my post.

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22 minutes ago, Xerin said:

Review (Fluff): What is her source? What's her origin?

She has both Metagene powers (the immunity to sleep and hunger) as well as Technological know-how. Usually, the metagene powers come with one explanation and the genius comes with another.

With super geniuses, they can show up anywhere, but they need resources. Junkyards, businesses, abandoned buildings, super-rich backers. Something. How did she spin a fiber that would stop bullets but not stop her from moving? Is it metal, nanobots, or a new material? With a super-genius, you usually pick a core focus and then build out from there. But she knows healing (stim guns), pocket dimensions, and engineering tech. This pushes her mentality to even beyond what a human genius goes into and starts to lean into metahuman for her source of everything. Which is fine. But it brings a new point up.

Metahuman origins. Where did she get the powers from? If it's a dominant gene, such as every member on her mother's side is born with it, just to varying degrees, does her mother have a reputation as a super genius in some field? If it's a recessive gene, something awakened it. DC comics claims that a TON of humans have an unawakened meta-gene trait. And it just needs the right circumstances to awaken it. And depending on the circumstances, as well as your personal history, as well as your genetics, is what you get out of it. This is why some Flash family members start at one speed, and then lose their powers, and when they get them back, they're at a completely different speed (usually faster, because they're heroes and plot armor). So if your character is, let's say, a technopath and just creating tech to solving a problem is your core metagene with some other fringe benefits. What awoke that in your character?

I don't really know a lot about DC, most comics I read were old Conan comics or Asterix, so I honestly didn't know how powers happen

I took the "stuff that exists, but better" route when designing the inventions. Chainsaws exist, just put one on a stick. It's a giant wrench with a car battery attached to it. Nanobots because I'd feel like ripping off R6 if I took epinephrine. I think there's a special kind of fabric that can slow/stop bullets, but I heard about it a while ago on Discord, so take that with a grain of salt... I have no explanation for the grav-gauntlet, maybe magnets or something?

Definitely a recessive gene however. How it awoke however would be related to that time she accidentally blew her room/workshop up because I don't actually know how she did it yet, so not that big a stretch she made a thingymajig that accidentally gave her genes a push in the right direction instead of just a funny anecdote

For Hammerspace I kind of wanted to leave that unexplained. Basically comic book logic of "Yeah I pulled it out of my coat" but is having a miniature pocket dimension even a metagene? Or is it too far fetched

Also you're the one who suggested getting Immunity to Sleep from Math, I just improved the concept a little for the funny

But yeah, I'll be reworking the lore later on

22 minutes ago, Xerin said:

Review (Crunch): Math all looks good. The only thing is to drop improved initiative. I don't use it in play by post because I don't want anyone waiting on initiative to post. It goes Team A (first come first serve), then Team B (first come first serve). Whether team A is the heroes or villains is dependent on the story. But that way if you want to go first, you an post immediately after you see my post.

Right, I know my other M&M dm also doesn't do that and it's heroes first, villains second. Wasn't sure what you'd think and thought you'd tell me, and I was right. I'll swap with something else

Speaking of I also have Equipment and wondered what would happen if I invested in a Headquarter for her workshop. Is it allowed (like she carries some stuff over from her workshop to here), or is that more for when we're established heroes?

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Currently, you wouldn't be able to access the workshop because you are stuck on school grounds for 90% of the time. So only if your workshop was IN GOTHAM would you be close enough to maybe sneak away and grab some things. No offense to your character, but I don't see many being able to sneak out past Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd, Damien Wayne, Dick Grayson, and others not mentioned.

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I switched the Equipment for Speed 1 on the suit. Speaking of I saw a bunch of 40k Ork models and decided to go full salvage punk. Makes more sense than bullet proof clothing and nanobots for this specific character

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14 hours ago, Xerin said:

Everything looks good, though I have 1 last question. Healing juice? Where does that knowledge come from? Or did she steal/borrow it from someone/somewhere?

Admitedly it's just a re-skin of the old nanobots since I'm going less for "miracle tech" and more "If you put enough toasters it eventually works" but I'll be honest? I have no clue, I just picked this up at first for utility and didn't think hard enough about the integration

I think I'm just gonna replace with another power if that's cool with you

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Things I want to encounter

Another, more traditional techie, having a meeting or a contest with my character. It would be fun to see the contrast between highly advanced tech and Vanessa's "I turned an old car into a power armor" levels of 40k Mek logic. I guess if you pick Charles Entertainment Winchester we already have that (Also Draidden uh...please help me I called him that by accident and I can't stop)

Some moment where Vanessa manages to make and use a small mech/big power armor. She would get so unhinged if she was rocket proof and had a giant drill taped on her forearm. Actually had a dream where she whoops Nazi ass to help Drache using one, was fun seeing her laugh maniacally as she tested how far she could throw them. I don't care if the teachers take it away afterwards, I just want to use it once

Things I want to avoid

Some others already said them but to sum it up: SA, real life politics and villains that have been overdone to death. I mean, not sure why people like the Joker would care about us, we're not Batman

Also I am sorry, but I built the bulletproof junk armor, I'm gonna wear the bullet proof junk armor, school dress codes be damned

Classmate concept

Actually, I have two. They were my original character concepts before settling on Vanessa. You can make your pick

1. A Shapeshifter in a The Thing way. Less "I'm gonna morph into a horse while running" and more "I'm gonna pull a bonesword out of the stab wound you just made and you can't stop me". They are fully self aware of how disgusting their power looks and play the horror factor up just for the fun of it. But talking to them, you realize they're a really chill person only doing it so people don't bother them

I discarded them because you banned Variable, which was gonna be their main power, giving them Regeneration, Enhanced Toughness and weird Movement options to represent them flesh bending their body into whatever they feel like giving you nightmares with. Not to mention I didn't know how comfortable everyone was with body horror. Doubt I could get away with heavy, detailed description but better safe than awkward

2. A dude who turns into a magical girl and hates it because nobody takes him seriously since "Awww they're adorable!". Hard to look serious when you're a small child in a sparkly light blue ballerina-like outfit. But at the same time they can summon ice shivs and literally dance around as they throw dozens of them at you, which is less adorable. Also has a magical pet who totally isn't using him, don't worry about it :)

I didn't pick them since we already had a dancer on the team and I'm already playing a "Magical Girl" in another M&M campaign and while they're very different in terms of powerset and actually looking like a magical girl, I wanted variation. Not to mention I... wasn't at my best when I made that other one, so I wanted to stick away from the concept for a while. It wasn't RPG Horror Story worthy but no need to go to Reddit to know I was the asshole

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