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Rapidly the character will learn there true heritage and be able to start using abilities as they realize they contain the blood of Amber.


  • Change Role - In a stressful situation the character can tap into another role, one who's apparently lived a much more exciting life. You can only do it once per a scene and can't change it until the situation changes. So if say you borrow B&E skills and suddenly need first aid you can't swap until something changes in the scene. Things covered by Attributes can't be changed, you can't suddenly discovered how to fight better or be more willful. Creative roles and uses of is of course strongly encouraged!
  • Find Items - Subtle shuffling things around you can find items than you need close to hand. It takes at least a round and you need to setup where you can find this item that makes sense. So opening a fridge to find your favorite snack is okay, or going down to a parking lot to find a automobile (with keys) is fine, but not a say a sword in said fridge or a tank in a parking spot. For now items will have to be something that is appropriate to 21st century earth, no working blasters quite yet... You can keep the items as long as you want, or just forget about it and it will go... somewhere, but obviously flashy items will draw attention to yourself.
  • Increase Attributes - As you get use to your powers you will quickly start to grow beyond human normal. When a suitable situation arises you can decide that one of your attributes suddenly improves, say you need to life a heavy object or run away from something. You'll start with a pool of 8 points to spend with going from Below Average to Average being 1 points, Average to Superior 2 points and Superior to Paragon 5 points. You can only go one step at a time, so say Average to Superior but not Average to Paragon, and can only raise one point per a scene.


Other powers and more points will become available as the games progresses.

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