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V: You Threaten The Queen


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Dwik clears his throat after catching his breath.

“I brought rope, plenty of it. Never not a use for it. Not much for slitting unconscious throats, myself, so let’s just haul his ass to the outpost and they can stuff him in a locked room.”

Prince shrugs in indifference to the moral issue, then shrugs the bound bogeyman onto one shoulder as if he were a sack of cotton candy.

“If we have to fight again before we get there, I’ll drop him.”


You don’t. Without incident, you reach the outpost, a ramshackle thing with a half-assed palisade and a watchtower that blends in a bit too well with the old, mostly dead trees around it.

The place is so naturally shoddy that it takes a few seconds, and Dwik cursing under his breath as he heightens his guard, to notice that the gate on the palisade is wide open, and no one is challenging your approach.



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F CN Kitsune (Vivisectionist + Beastmorph) / Unchained Rogue // Aegis, Level 8, Init 6, HP 96/96, Speed 50' Fly 90'
AC 20, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 24, Fort 10, Ref 15, Will 7, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus +8

Bite +16/+11 (1d3 BPS)
Ranged Attack +16/+11 (1d8 P, 30' increment) or Energy Blast

Abilities Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 20

Condition Psionically Focused (Active Energy Type: Fire)
Astral suit manifested as Astral Skin

Current Suit Configuration

Free customizations (skin): Speed x2, nimble, evasion (as psychoactive skin)
Free customizations (armor): Brawn, Improved Damage, Flexible Suit (as mwk breastplate)
Free customizations (juggernaut): fortification, hardy, stalwart (as mwk fullplate)
Customizations: Ranged Attack (1), Energy Blast (2), Augmented Blast (1), Flight (2 + 2 for +40' speed), Initiator's Soul (2)
Reconfigure 3/3

Allocated disciplines: Sleeping Goddess, Broken Blade, Primal Fury

(A) Stance: Pugilist Stance

(R) Ego-Wounding Strike (Sleeping Goddess)
(R) Bloody Riposte (Primal Fury)
(R) Leg Sweeping Hilt (Broken Blade)

PP 17/25




Talia's sharp mind catches up with the situation.

"Oh... that's not good," she says.

She ponders for a few seconds, trying to figure out the next move. What would the proper tactical move be in this situation?

"Perhaps we should send in someone to spy on the situation inside?" she asks. "Who's the stealthiest one here?"


OOC stuff goes here


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spacer.png"Can't you turn invisible or something?" Lorelei queries the fox. "I thought I saw you do that once. Barring that, my familiar can probably go relatively unnoticed, provided an owl doesn't look particularly out of place."


Lorelei Chaeran
Female CN Changeling Unchained Summoner/Malefex, Level 8, Init 2, HP 72/72, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 18, Fort 7, Ref 12, Will 10, CMB +5/0, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Claws +8/+3 (1d4-1, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 18
Condition None


Familiar Statblock

Owl Familiar (Also Cthaathli)

Size/Type: Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8 (36 HP)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 dex, +2 size, +4 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16; CMD 14
Base Attack/CMB: +6/+7
Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Deliver Touch Spells
Special Qualities: Master gains a +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in shadows or darkness, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master, Speak with animals of its kind, Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 6
Skills: Bluff +6, Knowledge (Arcana/Dungeoneering/Planes) +7, Lore (Lovecraftian Mythos) +7, Perception +17, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +26; Racial Modifiers: +4 Perception, +4 Stealth; Size Modifiers: +8 Stealth
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skill Ranks: Bluff, Knowledge skills, Lore, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth (using Lorelei's ranks)

Current Status

Lorelei HP: 63/63 Summons HP: N/A Summons duration: N/A

Active Effects/Abilities
  • Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks vs Lorelei have a 50% miss chance when in dim illumination.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Spreading Misery: When a creature or object under the effects of one or more malefactions is reduced to 0 or less HP, you may shift these malefactions to another target within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level); time spent on the previous target still counts against the duration of those malefactions, when relevant. The target is entitled to all saving throws as if you had invoked the malefactions against them directly.
  • Talented Jinxer: You may maintain two additional active Malefactions.
  • Outcast's Intuition & Resilient Caster traits: Your caster level is treated as 1 higher whenever someone attempts to dispel one of your spells.
  • Sucker Jinx (Su): Flanked creatures suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws against her malefactions, even if the malefex herself is not flanking them.
  • Dual Malefaction (Su): Malefexes of 8th level or higher may use two malefactions with the same swift action, provided each has a different target.
  • Schadenfreude (Su): The malefex gains 5 temporary hit points whenever another creature within close range of her (25 feet + 5 feet per two class levels) fails a saving throw against an ability, maneuver, spell, or spell-like ability with the curse descriptor. These temporary hit points stack with themselves, up to a total equal to 1/2 the malefex’s full maximum hit points, and last for up to 1 minute.
  • Back-Alley Bargains (Su): A malefex gains a +2 insight bonus on Appraise checks. In addition, the malefex may concentrate as a move action on a specific kind of item (such as ‘magic weapons’, ‘potions’, or ‘wands’) and sense the direction and distance from herself to the nearest individual or shop that is selling such items, assuming one exists within 1 mile of the malefex.


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F CN Kitsune (Vivisectionist + Beastmorph) / Unchained Rogue // Aegis, Level 8, Init 6, HP 96/96, Speed 50' Fly 90'
AC 20, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 24, Fort 10, Ref 15, Will 7, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus +8

Bite +16/+11 (1d3 BPS)
Ranged Attack +16/+11 (1d8 P, 30' increment) or Energy Blast

Abilities Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 20

Condition Psionically Focused (Active Energy Type: Fire)
Astral suit manifested as Astral Skin

Current Suit Configuration

Free customizations (skin): Speed x2, nimble, evasion (as psychoactive skin)
Free customizations (armor): Brawn, Improved Damage, Flexible Suit (as mwk breastplate)
Free customizations (juggernaut): fortification, hardy, stalwart (as mwk fullplate)
Customizations: Ranged Attack (1), Energy Blast (2), Augmented Blast (1), Flight (2 + 2 for +40' speed), Initiator's Soul (2)
Reconfigure 3/3

Allocated disciplines: Sleeping Goddess, Broken Blade, Primal Fury

(A) Stance: Pugilist Stance

(R) Ego-Wounding Strike (Sleeping Goddess)
(R) Bloody Riposte (Primal Fury)
(R) Leg Sweeping Hilt (Broken Blade)

PP 17/25




The alchemist grins pridefully.

"Almost," she boasts. "I can use my shapeshifting to change my colors to blend in with the background, and I have the option of making my astral suit further optically mask my presence. When I become a fox, that makes me a much smaller target to spot. I don't think my stealthiness could be much higher if I actually did turn invisible."

Abruptly she realizes that she's practically volunteering herself for this dangerous mission.

"Uh, I mean... yawn?" she says belatedly.


OOC stuff goes here


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spacer.pngLorelei silently raises an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose if you're unable to assist, then my familiar could probably manage..."


Lorelei Chaeran
Female CN Changeling Unchained Summoner/Malefex, Level 8, Init 2, HP 72/72, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 18, Fort 7, Ref 12, Will 10, CMB +5/0, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Claws +8/+3 (1d4-1, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 18
Condition None


Familiar Statblock

Owl Familiar (Also Cthaathli)

Size/Type: Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8 (36 HP)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 dex, +2 size, +4 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16; CMD 14
Base Attack/CMB: +6/+7
Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Deliver Touch Spells
Special Qualities: Master gains a +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in shadows or darkness, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master, Speak with animals of its kind, Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 6
Skills: Bluff +6, Knowledge (Arcana/Dungeoneering/Planes) +7, Lore (Lovecraftian Mythos) +7, Perception +17, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +26; Racial Modifiers: +4 Perception, +4 Stealth; Size Modifiers: +8 Stealth
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skill Ranks: Bluff, Knowledge skills, Lore, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth (using Lorelei's ranks)

Current Status

Lorelei HP: 63/63 Summons HP: N/A Summons duration: N/A

Active Effects/Abilities
  • Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks vs Lorelei have a 50% miss chance when in dim illumination.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Spreading Misery: When a creature or object under the effects of one or more malefactions is reduced to 0 or less HP, you may shift these malefactions to another target within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level); time spent on the previous target still counts against the duration of those malefactions, when relevant. The target is entitled to all saving throws as if you had invoked the malefactions against them directly.
  • Talented Jinxer: You may maintain two additional active Malefactions.
  • Outcast's Intuition & Resilient Caster traits: Your caster level is treated as 1 higher whenever someone attempts to dispel one of your spells.
  • Sucker Jinx (Su): Flanked creatures suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws against her malefactions, even if the malefex herself is not flanking them.
  • Dual Malefaction (Su): Malefexes of 8th level or higher may use two malefactions with the same swift action, provided each has a different target.
  • Schadenfreude (Su): The malefex gains 5 temporary hit points whenever another creature within close range of her (25 feet + 5 feet per two class levels) fails a saving throw against an ability, maneuver, spell, or spell-like ability with the curse descriptor. These temporary hit points stack with themselves, up to a total equal to 1/2 the malefex’s full maximum hit points, and last for up to 1 minute.
  • Back-Alley Bargains (Su): A malefex gains a +2 insight bonus on Appraise checks. In addition, the malefex may concentrate as a move action on a specific kind of item (such as ‘magic weapons’, ‘potions’, or ‘wands’) and sense the direction and distance from herself to the nearest individual or shop that is selling such items, assuming one exists within 1 mile of the malefex.


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F CN Kitsune (Vivisectionist + Beastmorph) / Unchained Rogue // Aegis, Level 8, Init 6, HP 96/96, Speed 50' Fly 90'
AC 20, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 24, Fort 10, Ref 15, Will 7, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus +8

Bite +16/+11 (1d3 BPS)
Ranged Attack +16/+11 (1d8 P, 30' increment) or Energy Blast

Abilities Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 20

Condition Psionically Focused (Active Energy Type: Fire)
Astral suit manifested as Astral Skin

Current Suit Configuration

Free customizations (skin): Speed x2, nimble, evasion (as psychoactive skin)
Free customizations (armor): Brawn, Improved Damage, Flexible Suit (as mwk breastplate)
Free customizations (juggernaut): fortification, hardy, stalwart (as mwk fullplate)
Customizations: Chameleon (2), Climb (2), Flight (2 + 2 for +40' speed), Initiator's Soul (2)
Reconfigure 2/3

Allocated disciplines: Sleeping Goddess, Broken Blade, Primal Fury

(A) Stance: Pugilist Stance

(R) Ego-Wounding Strike (Sleeping Goddess)
(R) Bloody Riposte (Primal Fury)
(R) Leg Sweeping Hilt (Broken Blade)

PP 17/25




There is a sudden look on Talia's face, one of wounded pride and barely suppressed rage - or at least major irritation.

That damn owl is not going to upstage me! she thinks to herself furiously.

Before continuing, she composes herself with some difficulty, trying to cover it with a clearly faked coughing fit.

"W-well," she says, getting hold of herself, "clearly I am a person of great skill and discretion, far more capable than a mere bird. I can't believe you'd even consider trusting it with such an important mission!"

As she talks, her suit ripples slightly and changes configuration subtly, and indeed Talia suddenly seems somehow harder to see if you're not looking right at her.


Talia spends one use of Reconfigure to change Ranged Attack, Energy Blast, and Augmented Blast into Chameleon and Climb.


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spacer.pngLorelei smiles guilelessly at any who glance her way. The manipulation was blatant. Obvious. And yet Talia went for it anyway. She calls this venture a success.


Lorelei Chaeran
Female CN Changeling Unchained Summoner/Malefex, Level 8, Init 2, HP 72/72, Speed 30 ft.
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 18, Fort 7, Ref 12, Will 10, CMB +5/0, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Claws +8/+3 (1d4-1, x2)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 18
Condition None


Familiar Statblock

Owl Familiar (Also Cthaathli)

Size/Type: Tiny Animal
Hit Dice: 8d8 (36 HP)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 dex, +2 size, +4 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16; CMD 14
Base Attack/CMB: +6/+7
Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Full Attack: 2 Talons +9 (1d4-2)
Space/Reach: 2.5 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: Deliver Touch Spells
Special Qualities: Master gains a +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in shadows or darkness, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master, Speak with animals of its kind, Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +7
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 9, Wis 15, Cha 6
Skills: Bluff +6, Knowledge (Arcana/Dungeoneering/Planes) +7, Lore (Lovecraftian Mythos) +7, Perception +17, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +26; Racial Modifiers: +4 Perception, +4 Stealth; Size Modifiers: +8 Stealth
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skill Ranks: Bluff, Knowledge skills, Lore, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth (using Lorelei's ranks)

Current Status

Lorelei HP: 63/63 Summons HP: N/A Summons duration: N/A

Active Effects/Abilities
  • Shadow Blending (Su): Attacks vs Lorelei have a 50% miss chance when in dim illumination.
  • Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Spreading Misery: When a creature or object under the effects of one or more malefactions is reduced to 0 or less HP, you may shift these malefactions to another target within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level); time spent on the previous target still counts against the duration of those malefactions, when relevant. The target is entitled to all saving throws as if you had invoked the malefactions against them directly.
  • Talented Jinxer: You may maintain two additional active Malefactions.
  • Outcast's Intuition & Resilient Caster traits: Your caster level is treated as 1 higher whenever someone attempts to dispel one of your spells.
  • Sucker Jinx (Su): Flanked creatures suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws against her malefactions, even if the malefex herself is not flanking them.
  • Dual Malefaction (Su): Malefexes of 8th level or higher may use two malefactions with the same swift action, provided each has a different target.
  • Schadenfreude (Su): The malefex gains 5 temporary hit points whenever another creature within close range of her (25 feet + 5 feet per two class levels) fails a saving throw against an ability, maneuver, spell, or spell-like ability with the curse descriptor. These temporary hit points stack with themselves, up to a total equal to 1/2 the malefex’s full maximum hit points, and last for up to 1 minute.
  • Back-Alley Bargains (Su): A malefex gains a +2 insight bonus on Appraise checks. In addition, the malefex may concentrate as a move action on a specific kind of item (such as ‘magic weapons’, ‘potions’, or ‘wands’) and sense the direction and distance from herself to the nearest individual or shop that is selling such items, assuming one exists within 1 mile of the malefex.


Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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James rolls his eyes slightly. "Well that was...almost comical to be honest. I'm pretty sure you could have just asked her to do it you know. Though I'm even more sure you're going to say it was more fun this way." he says to Lorelei with a bit of a chuckle at the end.

Turning and speaking to the group at large he says "Right, so I as well agree that Talia is probably the best suited for this task. Does anyone else protest or have an alternative to mention? If not...well, don't leave just yet Talia. We can definitely do better than almost invisible.




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Initiative 4』『HP 64』『AC 28』
Fort 2』『Reflex 5』『Will 8』

Condition: Normal
Active Spells: Mage Armor (+4), Air Stance (+3), Shield (+4), Butler Deflect (+3[soft-capped])


Initiative 6』『HP 72』『AC 25』
Fort 4』『Reflex 11』『Will 5』

Condition: Normal
Active Spells: None




Vael looked to the open doors and gave a light sigh, giving a glance to ViVi thereafter. Vivi would spin her parasol slightly as she looked back to Vael. There was a few moments of silence with their gazes at one another before Vael speaks up. "Vivienne and I will go for an enthusiastic walk then. I've not enough invisibility castings for everyone, and even if I did, we'd not be able to see one another, making for some tactical issues." her hands already moving to wreath first Vivi then herself in mystical not-here-right-now before zooming off as stealthily as she can!



ViVi Sneak

1d20+7 18
ViVi Sneak
1d20+15 14
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James stares in Vael's direction as she walks off. Once he can no longer hear her heart he mutters "Right, because the best thing we can do once we finally have the chance to plan and deliberate before a fight is to act on impulse." before turning to Talia and casting a spell of his own, which has the similar effect of making the target visibly disappear. In a louder voice he continues "You have nine minutes before you become visible again. Find out what you can, don't get caught, don't get the other two caught, and don't attack anything or it will end early. Hopefully anything over there doesn't also have ways to detect through invisibility."



So, James has "Banshee's hearing" currently active, which lets him hear heartbeats and functions as blindsight 60' vs anything that has one. In case that line seemed weird.




Edited by Taggerung559 (see edit history)
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F CN Kitsune (Vivisectionist + Beastmorph) / Unchained Rogue // Aegis, Level 8, Init 6, HP 96/96, Speed 50' Fly 90'
AC 20, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 24, Fort 10, Ref 15, Will 7, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus +8

Bite +16/+11 (1d3 BPS)
Ranged Attack +16/+11 (1d8 P, 30' increment) or Energy Blast

Abilities Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 20

Condition Psionically Focused (Active Energy Type: Fire)
Astral suit manifested as Astral Skin

Current Suit Configuration

Free customizations (skin): Speed x2, nimble, evasion (as psychoactive skin)
Free customizations (armor): Brawn, Improved Damage, Flexible Suit (as mwk breastplate)
Free customizations (juggernaut): fortification, hardy, stalwart (as mwk fullplate)
Customizations: Chameleon (2), Climb (2), Flight (2 + 2 for +40' speed), Initiator's Soul (2)
Reconfigure 2/3

Allocated disciplines: Sleeping Goddess, Broken Blade, Primal Fury

(A) Stance: Pugilist Stance

(R) Ego-Wounding Strike (Sleeping Goddess)
(R) Bloody Riposte (Primal Fury)
(R) Leg Sweeping Hilt (Broken Blade)

PP 17/25




Talia makes a sputtering noise as her two compatriots disappear, but suddenly she finds herself actually invisible herself.

"...huh," she says, "this is really weird. Thank goodness for proprioception."

She starts rushing forward to catch up to her friends.

Over the telepathic link, she communicates to Vael. "Hey! Don't rush ahead. I need to check for traps!" she thinks. "Being invisible won't help if you stumble into a punji pit or trip an alarm."

She stops a few meters before the entrance, hoping that the elf and her servant had sensibly halted somewhere similarly distant. She crouches and starts slowly inspecting the area for anything unusual.


Talia approaches using stealth, then searches the area around the entrance for traps. She has Trapfinding.





Edited by Illogictree (see edit history)
1d20+47 3
1d20+12 18
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After Talia headed out James continued to watch (well, look in that direction. The actually watching didn't do much, what with the invisibility and all that. But it felt right.) for a while. Waiting. There wasn't much else to do at the moment. He could buff up, but it wasn't worth doing so until they knew there were actually enemies around, and they had a plan of attack. The buffs might run out before combat otherwise.

Waiting sucked.

"So Dwik...do you know much about this outpost? Or at least, much about it prior to...whatever might have happened to it?"




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  • 2 weeks later...

“Nothing too notable. C.O. is Captain Snapp Silvers, kobold not much older than me. Sensible sort; not the tightest disciplinarian, but not this permissive.”


Talia detects no traps…no physical traps. The man laying by the guttering cook fire, seemingly just barely clinging to life with terrible wounds, has faked the heck out of those wounds. The act is impeccable, the makeup is merely very good; not good enough to fool a foxes nose. There is a scent of blood throughout, but it’s in no way concentrated on the man playing possum…or, more likely, gazelle.


Perception 17

This lying liar smells very strongly of the nearby river, with an oddly enticing undertone of sweetness and spice.

Knowledge (nature) 25

The skilled deception combine with the scent makes you mostly sure that the faker is an encantado, a shapeshifting fey with the true form resembling a pink river dolphin and many mindbending powers.




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F CN Kitsune (Vivisectionist + Beastmorph) / Unchained Rogue // Aegis, Level 8, Init 6, HP 96/96, Speed 50' Fly 90'
AC 20, Touch 14, Flat-footed 19, CMD 24, Fort 10, Ref 15, Will 7, CMB +12, Base Attack Bonus +8

Bite +16/+11 (1d3 BPS)
Ranged Attack +16/+11 (1d8 P, 30' increment) or Energy Blast

Abilities Str 11, Dex 22, Con 15, Int 20, Wis 9, Cha 20

Condition Psionically Focused (Active Energy Type: Fire)
Astral suit manifested as Astral Skin

Current Suit Configuration

Free customizations (skin): Speed x2, nimble, evasion (as psychoactive skin)
Free customizations (armor): Brawn, Improved Damage, Flexible Suit (as mwk breastplate)
Free customizations (juggernaut): fortification, hardy, stalwart (as mwk fullplate)
Customizations: Chameleon (2), Climb (2), Flight (2 + 2 for +40' speed), Initiator's Soul (2)
Reconfigure 2/3

Allocated disciplines: Sleeping Goddess, Broken Blade, Primal Fury

(A) Stance: Pugilist Stance

(R) Ego-Wounding Strike (Sleeping Goddess)
(R) Bloody Riposte (Primal Fury)
(R) Leg Sweeping Hilt (Broken Blade)

PP 17/25




This is a setup, comes Talia's alert over the mind-link. There's a guy pretending to be injured, but my nose can tell it's an act. Unquestionably an ambush.

She pauses, then communicates a little more. I think it's reasonable to assume the garrison has been eliminated. I suggest liberal application of fire to the situation.


OOC text goes here


Edited by Illogictree (see edit history)
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James gives a slight nod upon receiving this information. It wasn't a lot to be honest, but it strongly suggested their suspicions were correct. So, one entity identified, likely hostile. If it is a trap for us, it'd be rather out of character for there to just one enemy, going off our experiences so far. Do you see anyone else, or are other potential assailants invisible or otherwise concealed again? Anything you can add Vael?

While not exactly surprising, it was slightly worrying that there seemed to once again be someone waiting for them. Between this and the dragon turtle that had been buried right in their path, their enemy seemed to be prepared, and the potential that they were being watched wasn't a comfortable one to entertain.



James Wizard/Magus///Psion

OOC comments

I remember us having some sort of telepathic communication method, but not where it was coming from or its duration. For now I'm just running with it.


Mechanical actions

Talking. Or thinking. Whatever.



Male Human Spellslinger wizard 1/Eldritch Archer Magus 7//Egoist Psion 8
NG medium humanoid(human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +14
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 [+4 dex, +7 armor]
HP 80 (8 HD; 1d6+7d8+18)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +9 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged Air Repeater +9 (1d8+2/x4) or +9 (2d4+2/x4)
Special Attacks ranged spell combat, ranged spellstrike
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +8)
. . 1st - grease (DC 16) (2), true strike

Magus Spells Prepared (CL 8th; concentration +15)
. . 3rd - slow (DC 18) (2)
. . 2nd - glitterdust (DC 17) (2), invisibility, web (DC 17)
. . 1st - longshot, snowball (DC 16) (2), enlarge person, burning hands (DC 16), expeditious retreat
. . 0th - ray of frost, prestidigitation, dancing lights, detect magic, mage hand

Psion Powers Known (ML 8th; concentration +15)
. . 4th - fold space, psychic reformation, wall of ectoplasm, slip the bonds
. . 3rd - metamorphosis, telekinetic force, solicit psicrystal, fettering the shade, banshee’s hearing
. . 2nd - specified energy adaptation, empathetic transfer, cleanse body, id insinuation
. . 1st - minor metamorphosis, offensive prescience, inertial armor, energy ray, vigor, natural healing, crystal shard
. . 0th - detect psionics, hammer talent, thicken skin talent, far hand, vim
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats arcane strike, spell cartridges, psicrystal affinity, harvest parts, gunsmith, precise shot; improved metamorphosis, empowered shot, champion’s strike, rapid shot, swift shapeshifter, superior psicrystal (psicrystal weapon), overchannel
Skills acrobatics +8, diplomacy +13, fly +8, knowledge(arcana) +16, knowledge(dungeoneering) +9, knowledge(local) +9, knowledge(nature) +9, knowledge(planes) +9, knowledge(psionics) +16, knowledge(religion) +9, perception +14, sense motive +11, spellcraft +16; Background Skills craft (alchemy) +9, craft (weapons) +18, knowledge(engineering) +9, knowledge(geography) +11, knowledge(history) +9, knowledge(nobility) +9, linguistics +9
Traits magical knack (magus), clever wordplay (diplomacy)
Languages common, draconic, dwarven, elvish, orc, sylvan
SQ arcane gun, mage bullets, opposition schools, psion discipline (psychometabolism), metabolic healing (2), arcane pool (7/day, +2), ranged weapon bond (teleport at will), magus arcana (arcane accuracy, broad study (psion)), spell recall, knowledge pool, shared effect
Other Gear dagger, shortspear, battered pistol, spellbook, backpack, torch, masterwork air repeater, explorer’s outfit


Current status

HP: 80/80
Temp HP: 3
Conditions: none
Active effects: Banshee's hearing, inertial armor (+7)
Arcane pool points: 6/8
Power Points: 44/78
Psionic focus: yes
Active energy: fire
Wizard spells:
-1st: grease, grease, true strike
Magus spells:

-1st: longshot, enlarge person, snowball, snowball, burning hands, expeditious retreat
-2nd: glitterdust, glitterdust, invisibility, web
-3rd: slow, slow



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