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Fili, Scout


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spacer.pngName: Fili Kober
Archetype: Scout
Origins: Rural, Riverside village up the Neen River
Race: Flan
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130#
Religion: Witchcraft, Fharlanghn
Specialties: Bow, Navigation, Animals
Weaknesses: Reading, Suffering People



Fili’s grandmother is a witch. Oh, not the broom-riding, evil-eyed witch, dear. She has a knack for animals and people, crafts brews and poultices for healing, and midwifes for women and animals. The gift often skips a generation, and it skipped her daughter. When her granddaughter was born with one eye green and the other brown just like her, she took possession of the girl and raised her as she saw fit.

While she enjoyed the attentions and lessons of her grandmother, Fili’s gifts lay elsewhere. She could shoot a bow better than any of the boys her age, and by the time she was 13 she could outshoot the adults in the village as well.

Then the blight came and killed off almost all the crops in the village, leaving the people to starve. Soon some men were caught in the lord’s forest poaching deer to feed their families and after a brief trial were not seen again. Fili’s turn came, too; she was caught with a pair of freshly killed rabbits. But for her there was leniency. There was her age. There were the facts that the lord wasn’t interested in rabbits and the forest would never run out of them.

She was sentenced to a year of servitude in the local city garrison, to cook and clean and learn some discipline and respect for law and order. It was a miserable year of dirty, tiring work and watches late at night. But the garrison took to her; it was the best food they’d ever had, and having a country healer on hand is far more convenient than having to go to the haughty doctors in town. Now the end of that year has come and gone, and still she works at the garrison. She’s paid now and can send a little money home, and someone new has to do the cleaning. She joins the guards on patrols and forays outside the city, to enjoy the sights and the fresh country air. Life is certainly looking up.

Her boss recommended a transfer. He said the best way to put her past behind her was to find work at another garrison where no one knew her. So he gave her a letter of recommendation to the city guard in Greyhawk, and she was on her way to the big city.


Fili is hard-working, serious, and steeped in tradition. She's still maturing and aspires to excellence. She sees herself as less skilled than she really is. She doesn't push others to be the same. Both back at home and in the city guard she didn't mind or hassle more laid-back people.

What she finds flabbergastering and unjustifiable in cities is how someone can starve to death on the street in full view of a vendor selling food. That would never have happened where she grew up. She is worried she doesn't do enough for them, but there's only so much one person can do in a city filled with the callous.

She uncomfortably laughs off her illiteracy. "I dun't need to read. If there's reading to do, you kin do it."
But deep down, she doesn't understand it. She's grounded in the concrete, and squiggles on a page don't look like sounds, and 'dog' doesn't look at all like a dog. When she tried before, her mismatched eyes played tricks on her and trying to concentrate on the page just gave her a headache. In the end she just decided that if not reading was good enough for her grandmother, it was good enough for her. A girl can't learn everything.


Beneath a mop of unruly, wavy brown hair she wears a sleeveless top that shows off her arm muscles. She wears an elbow-length leather glove on her left hand and usually keeps her shorter right glove tucked into her belt. Below she has on breeches that tie just below the knee and long, leather-soled socks. She has a thin, long skirt to wear if the need to look 'feminine' arises. The cut and color of her clothes all say 'country bumpkin'. She walks around with a stout walking stick, as if she's still out on the open road, and the wooden amulet to Fharlanghn hanging off her belt pouch only confirms that. Her only possession of value is the well-maintained bow on her back, which marks her out as a professional despite her babyish face.


Character Sheet


Point Total: 169
Points Earned: 19
Points Spent: 18
Points Unspent: 1

Attributes [108]

ST 11 [10]
DX 13 [60]
IQ 10 [0]
HT 11 [10]

Basic Speed: 6 [0]
Basic Move: 6 [0]
Will 10 [0] (Fright Check 10)
Perception: 15 [25]
Lifting ST 12 [3] (Basic Lift: 29 lbs)
Base Damage: 1d-1 thrust, 1d+1 swing

Hit Points: 11 [0]
Fatigue Points: 11 [0]

Advantages [71]

Weapon Master (Bow) [20]
Heroic Archer [20]
Absolute Direction [5]
Fit [5]
Animal Empathy (Land Animals) [3]
Call of the Wild [1]
Animal Handling based on PER [1]
Navigation based on PER [1]
Cooking based on PER [1]
Weather Sense based on PER [1]
Eye for Distance [1]
Strongbow [1]
$500 cash [1]
Combat Awareness [10/15] +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up, or to recover from surprise or mental “stun.” You get +2 to all Fright Checks. You get +4 on initiative rolls. You get +1 to all Fast Draw skills. First 2/3 of Combat Reflexes.

Language: Common (Spoken - Native, Written - None) [0]
Cultural Familiarity (Greyhawk) (native) [0]

Disadvantages [-55]

Charitable (SCR 12) [-15]
Dyslexia [-10]
Non-Iconographic [-10]
Honesty (SCR 12) [-10]
Sense of Duty (Friends and Companions) [-5]

Humble [-1]
Minor Addiction (Chewing Tobacco) [-1]
Alcohol Intolerance [-1]
Distinctive Features (Green Eye, Brown Eye) [-1]
Broad-Minded [-1]

Skills [44]

Animal Handling (Equines) (PER-1) 14 [1]
Armory (Missile Weapons) (IQ) 10 [2]
Body Language (PER-6) 9 [0]
Bow (DX+2) 15 [8+1] (Heroic Archer will add Acc 3 to this, needs [3] more for next increase)
Brawling (DX) 13 [1]
Camouflage (Survival-2) 12 [0]
Carousing (HT) 11 [1]
Climbing (DX) 13 [2]
Cooking (PER-1) 14 [1]
Dancing (DX-1) 12 [1]
Detect Lies (PER-2) 13 [1]
Esoteric Medicine (PER-2) 13 [1] (First Aid kit will add 1 to this)
Fast Draw (Arrow) (DX+1) 14 [2]
Gesture (IQ) 10 [1]
Hiking (HT) 11 [2]
Jumping (DX) 13 [1]
Staff (DX) 13 [2]
Weather Sense (PER-1) 14 [1]
Naturalist (IQ-2) 8 [1]
Navigation (Land) (PER+2) 17 [1] (Includes Absolute Direction bonus)
Observation (PER-1) 14 [1]
Packing (Equines) (Animal Handling-5) 9 [0]
Riding (Equines) (DX-1) 12 [1]
Savoir-Faire (City Guard) (IQ) 10 [1]
Scrounging (PER) 15 [1]
Search (PER-1) 14 [1]
Shadowing (Observation-5) 9 [0]
Stealth (DX) 13 [2]
Survival (Plains) (PER-1) 14 [1]
Survival (Woods) (PER-1) 14 [1]
Swimming (HT) 11 [1]
Teamster (Equines) (Animal Handling-4) 10 [0]
Tracking (PER-1) 14 [1]
Traps (IQ-1) 9 [1] (Detect Traps (Per-1) 14)
Esoteric Veterinary (PER-2) 13 [1] (First Aid kit will add 1 to this)
Combat Riding (Riding+0) 12 [0]
Hands-Free Riding (Riding-3) 9 [0]
Quick Mount (Riding-3) 9 [0]

Change Log

2023/09/09: Transferred from oMW to nMW

2023/09/28: Earned [2] for S1E5

2023/09/28: Spent [3] on Lifting ST +1

2023/11/04: Earned [2], bought Scrounging [1]

2023/12/13: Noticed "Staff (DX-1) 13 [2]" was wrong. Changed to "Staff (DX) 13 [2]"



Edited by hakootoko (see edit history)
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Composite Bow (ST 13), 1d+5, Acc 3, Range 260/325, $900, 4#
Arrow (20), $40, 2#
Quarterstaff, Balanced, 1d+3, Attack 14, Parry 12, Reach 1-2, $50, 4#

Leather Gloves, DR 1 (Hands), $5, 0.6#
Leather Footwear, DR 1 (Feet), $17, 2.1#
Clothing, ordinary, freeman $0, 2#

Adventuring Gear
Hip Quiver (cap 20), $15, 1#
Pouch, small, $10, 0.2#
Canteen, $10, 1#
Personal Basics, $5, 1#
Healers' Kit, Hedge, $200, 10#
Pelor Stone

Total Weight: 27.9 lbs (Encumbrance Level: None)

Current Funds: $179 in silver and copper coins


Edited by hakootoko (see edit history)
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