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In the Beginning...



Greetings, Knaves!

No need to be peeping from over there because I'll just show you what you want to see πŸ˜‰

That's right! It's time for your weekly sneak peek at the campaign progress!

I'm starting with character creation because it just makes sense. Once I get that sorted out, everybody can then start deciding and discussing the type of Knave they want to play. At least in more specific detail.

That means I've been focusing on races and classes.

I split races into Common, Uncommon, Rare, or Exotic, so you know which races a typical Brancalonian is most and least likely to encounter (hint: 9 out of 10 times it's a human).

All of the races have been added to the Compendium and can be found in the Table of Contents. Oh yeah, the Compendium is a blog that I'll be using to post all the Rules and Setting Content for Brancalonia.

For classes, there will be 22 of them πŸ˜… Actually, I'mΒ taking the 22 Brancalonia subclasses and fleshing them out into their own classes. I may even add a few more. Not sure about that yet.

Why am I doing this?

The Brancalonia setting has a level cap of 6 (although there will be character advancement after reaching level 6, just not by leveling up) and I don't want a player to create a Knave and feel like it's mainly their subclass that makes them unique from the other Knaves based on the same traditional class. I want each class to feel distinctly different from the others. Every one of those six levels has got to count!

This might also mean that each class will only be allowed to be used for one Knave. I'm still trying to decide if that will be the case and since I don't have all of the classes ready, it seems too early to make that call. Even so, that's still potentially 22 Knaves in one Company.

Anyways, I've got the first one added to the Compendium - the Mountaineer. It's a barbarian-based class, as will be the Pagan, which I'm working on next. Then you'll be able to compare them both and see the many differences.

You may notice some rule terminology that is unclear (brawl, knack die, Fall Back, Grab On, Supply, etc.) but this will all be explained in future Compendium posts.

Please note that I'm not too concerned about the formatting and lack of images at this stage. Those kinds of cosmetic details can be added later.

For the bounty!

Edited by jokomaisu (see edit history)


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