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That's All for 2023!

Greetings, Knaves! I wish you all a Happy Holidays as I wrap up this year's work on the campaign! I've been working on more content since the Playtest ended. Some of it even made it onto the Forum along with some updates. Some things to look forward to soon: details on boons, the unveiling of the Brancalonia map, and two new sections of the Compendium - one will be a sort of encyclopedia/glossary about Brancalonia and the other will be a hex key for the map - both of which will be


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Back and Ready to Rumble!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I've been focused on combat - no surprises there. We're gearing up to run an encounter to test combat on Owlbear Rodeo. Encounter 0-0: The Incident at Warminster Keep I think this VTT has everything we'll need for the campaign. We'll also test some new combat rules: escalating combat rounds and creatures with the minion trait. When this playtest is completed, every player who participat


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Signing Off Until Fall

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! Only a couple of additions to the Compendium this week. Just tied up some loose ends before diving into Adventuring and Combat. Heads up, I'll be taking a few weeks off. Summer vacation is wrapping up and my oldest will be heading back to school soon. I'll be spending more time with the family to make the most of it 😎 That's all for now 👋 Until next time... For the bounty!


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Waiting in Line at the Venue

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I knocked out the Kingdom Justice section of the Compendium early in the week. The only thing I need to add is the rules about Groupies. These will be your knave's die-hard fans who act as loyal companions (once you have a Notoriety rank of at least 1). These rules are not a part of the Brancalonia books, so I've been working on them for a bit now. I've looked at a few different sources for inspiration - the mo


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Come Conquistare Amici e Influenzare le Persone!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I had another busy week with work and family, so I only got around to posting the rules on Notoriety. If you're aware of the original Brancalonia rules, you'll notice that these rules have changed a little and been expanded. It's a neat indicator of how well-known you are in Brancalonia, how likely you can demand immediate help from non-knave folk, how many personal followers your Knave can attract, and when yo


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

The Good, the Bad, and the Unjustly

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I had a busy week with work and family, but I spent some time working on the format for the Compendium. It was getting too long for my liking (my scrolling finger was getting overworked) 🐭 I also started on the Companies and Bounty Brothers section of the Compendium. Only now it is called Knaves and Kingdom Justice. These posts will help explain all the good and bad of being a Knave. I would have gott


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Phase 2 of the Pre-Campaign

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! Several spells were added to the Compendium. I (hopefully) improved the readability of classes by tinkering with the format a bit. I created a new page for keeping track of all knaves. Also, there are three new forums to help keep communication from getting cluttered all in one space. Oh yeah, and a little something called knave creation has started. Pretty sure you're all aware of that by now 😏 I'm g

You'll Need to Wait a Spell

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! Unless I'm wrong, I think I need to add several more spells before knave creation can begin. We're finally almost there 😁 If all goes as planned next week, I should have a lot of free time to not only get those spells posted but some other additions to the Compendium. I think my next area of focus should be Companies and Bounty Brothers. Please note that not everything on the Table of Contents of the

It's Good to be Back!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time to get back to your weekly peek at the campaign progress! Let me tell you that taking a month off was exactly what I needed to recharge my battery for this campaign 💪 Although I spent most of my time away from this forum, I did get a few things added to the Compendium, made some updates, removed a couple of posts, and formatted the Race posts to be easier to read. I'm pleased to say that we are still on track to begin knave creation this month 👍

Signing Off Until July

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! You may have noticed that there hasn't been any new content 🙈 It's been a long week for me that included internet issues and three sick kiddos 😷 I'm still working on things when I get a chance. I just haven't had the time to get it on the forum. Also, this week I got the new Brancalonia sourcebook on PDF, so I've been reading through that to see what else I will add to this campaign. In case

Equipment Almost Fully Stocked

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I had another busy week so not much progress was made here 😔 I've got a clearer roadmap to knave creation though. I need to finish the equipment section (mostly just weapons now), add the three new races, add some new spells, add the brawl rules (essential for Brancalonia campaigns), and outline the knave creation rules. If you're familiar with Brancalonia, then you might be thinking, "What about misd

Failing Forward

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! My goal was to complete the equipment section... and I failed 😔 (I said by June last week, but my personal goal was by the end of this week). Actually, I got a lot accomplished despite a busy work week. Also, I probably would have finished it if I hadn't gotten distracted by combat. More specifically, researching how I'm going to run combat using interactive persistent maps. But that's a conversation for l

Gearing Up!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I focused on equipment this week because it's the last piece needed for character creation (unless I've completely overlooked something). If you're familiar with D&D 5e, you'll see plenty of new stuff added here — both new items and new rules. I would say that I'm almost halfway done with the equipment section, so I hope to have this finished by the beginning of June. Once that's completed, I'll g

90% of Knave Creation Rules Completed

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! It's a busy weekend for me, so I'll make it brief. The 23 feats have been added to the Compendium 🙌 along with all the features for drives! I'm not sure where my focus will be for next week. Maybe equipment. Maybe adventuring. You'll have to just wait and find out 🤷‍♂️ That's all for now 👋 Until next time... For the bounty!

Backgrounds, Check!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! The 17 backgrounds have been added to the Compendium 🙌 You will probably notice that Personality, Ideals, and Bonds are missing. Your Drive replaces all of these. I'm excited for you all to see the Drives because they are the reason why your character is a knave. The Drive is who your knave is at their core. It also describes the circumstances when your knave receives Inspiration. I've started working

First Milestone Reached!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! The final six classes have been added to the Compendium 🙌 At some point, I'll go over them to make minor tweaks to formatting and to add images, but that's not important at this point. My focus next week is Backgrounds, Drives, and Feats. You may have noticed that three new races appeared on the Table of Contents. Actually, I've been adding a lot of stuff so you all have an idea of everything on my pl


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Long Rest Completed!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! I was back from my leave of absence this week and jumped right back into working on this campaign. The last content I post before I left was some of the first magic-user classes, so I focused on spells for this week. I've only posted cantrips and 1st-level spells because that's all we'll need until spell-slinging knaves reach 3rd level. I'll add the 2nd-level and 3rd-level spells once we start playing.


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Magic-Users Have Arrived!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! The druid-based class and the wizard-based class were added to the Compendium. There are also a few other additions about abilities, skills, and spells. Friendly reminder that I'm going to be taking a bit of a leave of absence from April 1 - April 16. Please don't expect to see any new content or updates during this period. Since I'm nearly done with all the classes, I think will post a list of all th

Slow but Steady

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! Progress on the campaign has been slow. New work situation, sick kiddos, my car in the shop, and an emergency trip to the vet (my cat seems to be better now) 😓 Despite all that, I added the two paladin-based classes to the Compendium! That leaves eight more classes based on clerics, druids, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. Also, I added a post to the Compendium on Brancalonian languages. Th


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Forced March

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly peek at the campaign progress! New changes at my job have made this week stressful 😫 I haven't had much time to get things added here, but I have still been working on the campaign offline. Having said that, I got two of our spellcasting classes added to the Compendium. They are the bard-based classes 🎶 I added a Calendar to the Game Forum. It's a real-world calendar (not an in-game one) and you will use it to post about when you w


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

R&R Complete!

Greetings, Knaves! It's time for your weekly sneak peek at the campaign progress! I've had a busy week 😅 but I was able to get the two ranger-based classes and two rogue-based classes added to the Compendium! I also spent some time making some minor adjustments to all of the already posted classes. These changes had to do with rests and how often features can be used. The goal was to balance these classes with the spellcasting classes that are coming. Speaking of adjustments/


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

Barbarians & Fighters & Monks, Oh Mio!

Greetings, Knaves! Once again! It's time for your weekly sneak peek at the campaign progress! I'll keep it short and sweet. The two barbarian-based, fighter-based, and monk-based classes are in the Compendium! What do I plan to do next? A little R&R. That's short for Rangers & Rogues 😁 Until next week... For the bounty!

In the Beginning...

Greetings, Knaves! No need to be peeping from over there because I'll just show you what you want to see 😉 That's right! It's time for your weekly sneak peek at the campaign progress! I'm starting with character creation because it just makes sense. Once I get that sorted out, everybody can then start deciding and discussing the type of Knave they want to play. At least in more specific detail. That means I've been focusing on races and classes. I split races into Common


jokomaisu in Campaign Progress

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