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About This Game

You are a party of hired swords working jobs on the eastern edge of civilization. My first Play-By-Post game, welcoming of PBP novices and veterans alike. We could likely use the oversight, haha.

Game System

D&D 5e



Detailed Description

New PBP GM, looking for mix of new and old PBP players. Perhaps even an experienced GM advisor if someone is willing! The Applications tab has more information about creating characters for this game.

The Borderlands doesn't aim to tell any specific story, but we will tell a story by the end of it (if I've done my job right).

This is a player-driven open-world adventure. My goal is to learn how to work the Play-By-Post system, and provide an enjoyable space to learn!

Using the DnD5e ruleset, I will be building out adventure scenarios for the players to deal with. I prefer to avoid pre-writing tons of plot in favor of building an interesting story collaboratively with the players. I prefer to have the players take agency, and the world with act and react.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. I was gonna stick with this one actually so y’all can keep the character threads and transfer less, but change its title and put everything “borderlands” in its own archive space. We can definitely do 5, six is just a number in used to so I didn’t want to take it off the table.
  3. I think I'll age up Daniel out of game to make the mutations and corruptions more palateable, and keep him immature because he's a sheltered country bumpkin. Still a naive kid at heart to keep his characterization, but old enough to have his jaw (possibly) slough off. There are a few factions we will be courting or condemning. If I play out Dee as a fence-sitting devil's advocate, would that abrade your experience? I want to get ahead of it. I don't want to impose.
  4. I was going to take the broom of flying too, one of the best items in the game. and had similar goals of exploration and wilderness exploration. But I am happy with the new direction and hope that "Uzgath Stonehold - Dwarven Artificer?" (not sure on background waiting on player guide to Drakkenheim)
  5. Yeah, Elrod was really made for the idea of open world player-exploration type of a setup. I like the idea of a warlock on a broom of flying, because I keep thinking of wicked witches, but his background and goals and stuff don't feel right for a dungeon crawl type of game. He was more about wanting to travel all over and explore the world, less about being a professional adventurer. More about trying to become a dragon, less about conquering dungeons. So, I do think that with the new direction, I would probably just make a new character, with probably the warlock on a broom thing being a bit more front and center. Different race and patron, probably, but still going for Pact of the Tome, to be more witchy than wanna-be dragon.
  6. I completely agree with you. But even Favored Enemy, the usefulness is not all that good. Favored Foe has a lot more mechanical impact. In the case of my own character, I can keep it delicious, full of flavor, because she's some kind of monster hunter, and she focus on each enemy she's facing at a time, recollecting information about them and preparing specifically for them. I assume you are going to start a new game of your own, instead of trying to keep using this one. I'm eager to get the invitation. We are already 5 people. Do you really feel like having a sixth person? About my character, I would like to keep the whole backstory, but I would like to check my options regarding class and subclass. I'll keep the monster hunter theme in mind.
  7. thanks , and . I'll look at the books and see about reworking my character. So looking over the information that I have found, I'm going to redo my character. I think a dwarven artificer might be a good idea, do we have some starting cash to make 3rd level characters, or anything else? I'm actually quite excited about this, has Mordenheim vibes
  8. Okay, so it sounds like we're gonna go with Drakkenheim. If we want to do the whole thing, it's gonna be a long commitement which I'm down for. But we can probably do a few of the dungeon areas and cover a few level ups and then part if keeping this going for super long isn't working for anyone. We'll take a few weeks to level up your PC's to L3 or rebuild entirely at L3 if you wish. I'll re-list the game so we can try and fill out six spaces as I feel thats a good number for groups. So far, and are on board (did I get those all correct?) Character recreation guidelines: Sources allowed are Core, Tashas, Xanathars, and the Drakkenheim sourcebook (I'll post a link to a players guide for that) I know it can be a chore to recreate a PC for a different class and shift to a new game after getting started, so I really appreciate you for going with the flow on this one. Y'all are good writers so I hope I can do you justice for the future. Gimme the weekend to rejigger the game layout so it's less complicated. I'll start a new thread for Drakkenheim PC's, and get the advertising listed up on Monday if we want to add a sixth player, or if someone listed above needs to jet. Again, thanks for all your patience as we work through this. still hasn't even logged in since March 12 according to their profile, so I'm hoping everything is alright with them and they just had to cool off of the games or something like that.
  9. As in just the favoured enemy & favoured terrain you mean? Compared to favoured foe and deft explorer? I agree the latter are more generically useful. I still think there's a place for the former options depending on the campaign and story style, but that requires a degree of cooperation with the GM. Especially for the favoured terrain as exploration is often a pillar that gets glossed over, especially with all the features that trivialise surviving the wilds (looking at you Outlander background, and to a lesser extent Goodberry). For it to be a fun feature I think it needs to have up and downtime, anything that's permanently on risks being forgotten rather than being "aha, my character has got this!" In general though, I'd agree putting the usefulness of a feature in the hands of the GM rather than the player is poor design. As for favoured enemy Vs favoured foe, I think the former has way more flavour, but again requires some kind of cooperation with the GM to make sure you're not picking something useless
  10. Things are either very situational or outright useless. I prefer the variants. They are more versatile in order to help the group.
  11. It's preferred to keep the characters, but scoot already said it's fine to either fine tune them or change them completely. I myself would like to tweak or change it. I don't like vanilla ranger.
  12. Looks like the drake thing is most popular. I would be fine trying that. Although a dungeon crawl makes me wonder if my character fits any more.
  13. Thanks for playing! really enjoyed the dynamics between Arden and Tseren, won’t forget em! Maybe we’ll cross paths again in the future
  14. and I are going to drop out. Neither one of us are horror fans, and I've been getting slammed with real life work issues. It's been fun playing with everyone, and we hope everyone has a blast in the new setting.
  15. Sarah Heart Variant Human Hunter Ranger 2 | Coins 99 gp 5 sp 3 cp HP 20/20 | AC 15 | Init +3 | PP 14 | Speed 30 ft | DV 0 ft Hand Crossbow A:+7 D:1d6+3 piercing T:ammunition 36 (30/120 ft.), light, loading Rapier A:+5 D:1d8+3 piercing T:finesse Whip A:+5 D:1d4+3 slashing T:finesse, reach Inspiration 0d6 | Spells 1 ■□ | Cart cart, 2 mules, 2 barrels of water, 6 gallons of ale, 1 bottle of common wine, 10 hunk of cheese, 3 two-person tent, 20 day animal feed. They had finished the three threats. "Nice one, guys! Almost no injury on our side. We are doing great! Let's check the perimeter first, and deal with the corpses. We should also call for their mayor, or whatever they have for it. Looks like Mosswood is but the tip of the iceberg. We should reconvene back at the Eagles HQ and report. There might be more ahead of us ..." To be continued ...
  16. Same Setting & Characters Other Setting & Characters Dropouts Ruins of Grendelroot Arcane Library Where the Machines Wait Dungeons of Drakenheim The Styes Uncaged, Volume 1 Lost Shrine of Tamoachan Whiteplume Mountain So far this is what we get. , you can paste it on your first post, first page, for easy access.
  17. I'm struggling a bit when it comes to time to post, so I think I will back out of the game once we finish up where we are. I've enjoyed playing with everyone, but we're fast approaching a point where it will be easy for people to leave, so that is my plan.
  18. Drakkenheim and Grendelroot interest me the most out of those options.
  19. Bringing everyone here for the discussion: This is everyone who seems to be keeping up with the game at the moment. There are still 10 of us, so we'll have to decide who might want to stick around and who might want to find another game to go with. I'd like to whittle down to 6 players. I would like to stick with as much of what we have as possible, but if you want to change up your character feel free to do so. Everyone is Level 3 for whatever we do next. for the current games on the table. I have the most interest for Drakkenheim right now, a dark fantasy, cosmic horror dungeon crawler. Otherwise, I'm personally leaning more on the Arcane Library and Where the Machines Wait, but don't let me be the end all decide because I'm open to any of the suggestions I made.
  20. Sarah and Tevis decimate the final ghast, leaving nothing more than a foul smelling pile of ash. COMBAT OVER. Thanks for sticking around through this switchover, if you're interested in continuing with any players from this group (characters as well) head over the the general chat. We're trying to figure out where to go and what to do. I'll tag everyone in case they haven't seen it yet.
  21. Both. Arcane Library: L3: Crypts of Azarumme - Undead horror L4: Shadows of Lastwatch Keep - Drow problems L5: Snow Stalkers - Monster/Supernatural horror L6: Fangs of Otali - Pulp jungle adventure Drakkenheim: Described as Dark Fantasy and Cosmic Horror
  22. Yeah Drakenheim looks the most interesting to me
  23. When you say "horror", is it undead-heavy or misery/angst-heavy? Or both?
  24. Love Sly Flourish's work. I am also intrigued by Drakenheim.
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