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A place to find gaming partners for 1-on-1 gaming.

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Looking for gamers

  • Put your looking-for-gm and looking-for-player advertisements (threads) in the Looking for tab.
  • I'll close your ad thread as soon as possible, discussions have their own place. The Looking for tab is a billboard, not a forum.
  • Put the date you last modify your ad at the beginning of the thread title, so that everyone can instantly see each ad's 'age'.
    • for example 2024.04 - rover's ideas
  • You can update your ad any time, just update the date in the thread title as well.
  • It is acceptable to just change the date in the thread title to the current month to show you're still interested, if the content of your ad is good as it is, but the date is quite old.
  • If you want to keep the content of your ad, but it is not active, change its title date to 'inactive'.
    • for example Inactive - rover's ideas)


  • Discuss the pre-game details in the Discussions tab. Or do it in private messages.
  • General-interest topics like techniques, resources, solo game theory also come here.
  1. What's new in this game
  2. Updated to reflect a new posting availability. Alternatively: if you don't mind a newbie DM who's still learning the system of Fate Accelerated, I may be able to run a solo game for someone themed around dragon racing.
  3. Crossposting this from the Gaming Discussion Forum in hopes of casting a wider net to find a GM. It's been a while since I gamed here, but I was looking to get back into a light game that was solo/one-on-one. I'm interested in Pathfinder 1e, D&D 5e, and Fate Accelerated. I'd like to do something in the Warhammer universe, but I'm up to any sort of pitch you may have - creative fantasy and science fantasy settings are especially of interest to me lately! Posting rate-wise, I can do a post about once a week minimum right now. On days I have more writing juice, I can post more frequently. I can be contacted here or through PM, whichever you prefer. Newbie DMs are welcome.
  4. I'm looking to play, gm, or exchange. I can run or play Dnd 3.5, pf 1 without too many frills, D20 Modern, D20 CoC, or 5e. I wouldn't mind playing/learning gurps, MERP/RM, HARM/HARP, WHFRP, LOTR, Farscape, Stargate, Star Wars, Savage Worlds, Gamma World. I would prefer something not too lore heavy. Low level or pre-gen or GM provided character. Not usually real-time, but faster posting frequency if we are both online. Otherwise fairly frequent posting with some stoppages for grading/report card prep periods.
  5. what about some sort of Post-apocalyptic game, AKA Planet of the Apes, Thundarr the Barbarian, or even Mad Maxish, I would be down to play in a Zombie apocalyptic game
  6. So sorry I have been sick with COVID since last Thursday and did not even think about getting on the computer. Please forgive me for not responding.
  7. Current Status: Most recent 1-on-1 fell through; still deciding what to do next I'd like to run and/or play Fate: I have about 5 years of experience; I'd consider myself a veteran I like the way Fate Condensed does Stress, but I can hang with Fate Core, or even FAE if that's your jam Very willing to teach new players the system If you happen to be in the mood to run a game, I'd love to be your player :) I'd like to run or play PbtA: Never played before, but intrigued by the narrative focus similar to Fate Would be willing to give GMing a try Would love to learn the mechanics as a player My Writing Style: Longer posts, often with in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings/lore. I make a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar. Generally at least two paragraphs per post, but usually longer. Posting Speed: 1 post/week Check out my "About Me" on my profile if you'd like to know a little more about me. :) I like Fate and PbtA because they're flexible enough to be used in any setting, and I have new ideas for settings all the time. If a game has action I'll almost definitely be interested in it, but a really good drama can pull me in too. Genres we could explore for a game include but are not limited to: Kung-Fu / Urban Kung-Fu Superheroes Action Hero Medieval Martial Arts Coming of Age Drama Political Intrigue Fantasy If you're interested, go ahead and start a new thread in Discussions, mention me @Rune Knight, and tell me what genre or genres you're interested in. :) I'll present a few ideas based on the genre or genres, and we can build a complete game concept from there.
  8. Haven't gotten a response in almost 2 full days, so I'll assume the answer is no for now. I plan to start my own advertisement on this forum, so if you're still interested you can check that out Excior.
  9. Hello Excior. You have my interest now that the topic isn't Star Wars. I'd love to have the opportunity to help you learn Fate. Just so you know, I have standards when it comes to writing. Nothing unreasonable: just proper grammar, capitalization, the basics. If that sounds fair to you, I'll continue. My games generally run at a pace of 1 post per week. Relatively slow, I know, but it leaves more room for both our busy lives and posts that are a little longer, with a little more detail. What kind of game would you be interested in? I can adapt to many genres, including but not limited to: Kung-Fu / Urban Kung-Fu Superheroes Action Hero Medieval Martial Arts Coming-of-Age Drama Political Intrigue Fantasy
  10. I'm afraid I don't have the time to run a game but I know a bit about Fate that I can help if you have any questions, when I have time to answer. :) If time does change in the future then I'd be willing to run something, though I'm afraid I've fallen too far behind Star Wars to run anything in that.
  11. still looking for a Fate:Core teacher
  12. well after 6 or so views it appears the setting may be the issue. Id like to learn to play the game if somebody is willing to teach me whatever the setting lol
  13. I suddenly find myself in need of somebody willing to help me get a firm grasp of the FATE: Core Rules using Star Wars as the setting my last Teacher had to leave unexpectedly and may not be back. So if any of you fine folks would like to teach me please let me know.
  14. Well, I'm potentially up for some kind of D&D 3.5/PF1e type game (I know M&M too, and an Eclipse Phase solo could be awesome, but that's a lot more niche) but it looks like you're the only one looking for that? And I'm not sure I'm in the mood for a Thief-like game (to play, at least) - though I do see the draw, a stealth-focused game exactly the kind of thing that would likely work a lot better as a solo than as a team game.
  15. 5/10/2024 Hello, I've been wanting to run something like this for a while, but hadn't yet found anyone interested in it. Basically, we will create a country (either to place in the real world in 1974, or to create a world around) and a leader (king, president, general secretary, etc) for that country, whom you will play as. My style of doing this will be influenced somewhat by Suzerain (a phenomenal text-based video game), but you won't need any knowledge of that game, or any other for that matter, in order to do this. The main reason I bring this up is because in Suzerain, going to war is a very big deal. It's something you might only do once, or not at all. You don't just go painting the map like in many 4x strategy games. That isn't to say that war will not play a role in the game, just that the focus is mostly political. You will play not as your country, but as its leader, and you may have to fight tooth and nail to get your own government to do what you want. You'll also have, more or less, a normal life, with friends, family, a home, and emotions. All of this can be another interesting dimension to explore through role-play. All I ask is that you commit one or more posts a day when you can, and let me know when you need a hiatus, even if it's just for a day or two. I will return that courtesy.
  16. Oooh, planning to run/play a few things :) Yeah, you're welcome! PMs or a new thread in here, the Discussions tab.
  17. All of the "looking for" threads are closed; are people after PMs?
  18. Welcome! We'll be looking for your post.
  19. Hello~ I'm in the midst of moving right now, but I wanted to join this game preemptively. When I get settled, I play to run/play a few things 😊 If anyone here is a fan of cozy gaming, keep your eyes peeled! I'll probably have a post up relatively soon ^^
  20. The idea is that people post in the Looking For tab, and then you can look for matches or ideas you like, and start communicating with them.
  21. Yeah, so... how is this working? Have we just not hit a critical mass yet? Should we all just post threads or some anyone want to discuss ideas further?
  22. Welcome, newcomers! I hope that this little forum connects some pairs and inspires some exciting duets.
  23. Just wondering, would anyone be interested in doing a PF2e solo trade?
  24. Bramlin Braveless As a young man, Bramlin (Bram to friends) hails from a family of knights. His father was a knight, as was his father, and his father before him. The latter, Bram’s great-grandfather, was a complete coward of a man, attaining knightly station only but by position of privilege. Thus he was dubbed a surname of dubious distinction for Bram’s forefathers to duly enjoy. Braveless. And, in knightly tradition, it stuck, and now our knightly fellow faces a life of judgment and reckoning. How to overcome his name, and prove to all the realm he is…Bramlin the Brave! An arduous journey surely lies ahead, but Bram is ready to pursue whatever knightly endeavors may arise. For to make a better name for his knightly self, and to entertain the masses with great adventure. After all…what’s in a name? Let’s Play A Game. Interested in playing a largely-lighthearted solo game involving knightly adventures. Sword and sorcery, but also jousting, chivalry and all the antics that can go with it. System-wise, D&D 5e is easy enough for me, but AD&D is also great, and I could happily manage 3.5 or PF 1e as well. Inspired by Don Quixote, A Knight’s Tale, The Princess Bride and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Cue theme song, Everything I Do (I Do It For You), now perhaps as stuck in your head as it is in mine. You’re welcome.
  25. Oh. I saw the Edit menu item, but it didn't occur to me that it's different from the one at the bottom. Thanks.
  26. To edit the thread title, edit the first post, using the "full thread editor" in the three-dots menu at the top right of the original post.
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