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About This Game

Within an alternate universe of Evangelion a group of pilots and an operations director play a game of saving the world from other wordily entities, become spies and try not to have mental break downs. The game will be a split of big mecha fights, some mini dungeon crawls and some social events. This is a game using the Ad Eva 2.5 system (a fan made add on for Dark Heresey). The game will be based in a heavily modified Evangelion universe, using the anime/story as a spine. Many things will be different, do not assume anything. An expected rate of posting will be 2-3 posts a week. Some house rules will be introduced to ensure the flow is maintained in and out of combat.

Game System

Dark Heresy



Detailed Description



What is Evangelion? What is AdEva2.5?

Evangelion is a very popular anime/manga that follows a group of pilots (and their operations director) in fighting against creature of absurd power, known as Angels in the show, but renamed Entities within our game.


AdEva2.5 is a fan made system based off of Dark Hersey 1e, the system captures the spirit of Evangelion very well in my eyes. That is, fighting overly powerful monsters (almost every Entity fight is a boss fight) while also giving a lot of room for role-playing the (very likely) mental degradation of your characters.


What is going on?

I have been running an AdEva 2.5 game here for just under three months with a group of four players, who have just come out of their first fight again an Entity, they might be a little battered and bruised...One more than others.

So far the posting has been great, but for the sake of future proofing we will be recruiting one more pilot. Taking us to a total of five players.

During the combat, we were roughly achieving a full round every 24-48 hours, or just shy of it. Outside of combat we are getting a post from everyone every 2-3 days. This is a posting we would like to maintain, if you don't think you can post once every two-three days then please do not apply.

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Within this game the players act as pilots for NERV, while also being spies for their 'parent agency', attempting to gain information about a NERV project known as ‘Red Kite.’ The players are all working for the same ‘team’, despite being from different nations, their spy work is controlled by an individual simply known as ‘the handler.’


The Setting

We are in what would be called an ‘alternate reality’, this game is loosely based on Evangelion, though is far enough away for expectations to be messed with. For example, there are multiple 'classes' of mech, multiple NERV bases and a variety of different 'code' Entities (not just Blue, as with the anime).

All pilots have recently joined NERV – London, one of the four established NERV bases throughout the world.


Brief setting

Roughly ten years ago the Androsk asteroid tore through the sky and smashed into the north pole, obliterating the ice caps and flooding much of the world. The arrival of this asteroid was not a surprise, months prior news articles were released with people debating its severity. When people finally decided it required urgent action it was already too late to do anything.


Three years after the asteroid (7 years before the game) the entities began to emerge, creatures of size and strength never seen before. When the first one appeared, it lay waste to Berlin, this was when NERV first appeared and quickly became a public name. Along with their units, the Evangelions and AEGIS.


For the last seven years NERV have worked outside of any one country’s control, but funded by almost every remaining country of note. They are the defenders and researchers of these Entities, without NERV life would have ended seven years ago.




Mechanics of the game

For this game you will want access to the Dark Heresy 1e rule book, and then access to the ‘Adeptus Evangelion 2.5 - Operations Manual’ which will cover all the main rules for players. The AdEva2.5 book can be found free online, however do not get the ‘DM guide’ known as ‘Cruel Thesis’. If you have trouble finding the Operations manual let me know and I can help direct you.


Unlike most Eva game we will be revolving around 3 main ‘elements of play’;

1)     Combat Big boss fights against Entities. See this thread for an example of combat.

2)     Intrigue – I (or the players) will develop and put forward missions, normally to find information or uncover something (or perhaps a plot element from your history). The current ‘main’ mission is to discover any information on the ‘Red Kite’ project. This could be social engineering, hacking etc...Players are given freedom, there is information out there try and find it.

3)     "Dungeon delving" – Though not done yet, the characters will be going through person scale combat. You are welcome to picture a 13 year old running around with an AK. Character development is being house ruled to provide characters with ‘adequate’ skills, though this is currently not shared.


Existing team

We currently have a total of four players.


For the most part information about each character is secret, the applications themselves are in private threads. Players, and characters, find out about each other by witnessing it first hand in game. Some mechanics are revealed OOC, if fitting and agreed by me.


Serena Silver (Operations director) - a well decorated veteran with a bit of a temper, but hopefully a heart of gold.


Anya (Pilots RX - 0, Skirmisher) – 13-year-old German girl trained from a young age for this line of work, though never learnt to not be so self-critical.


Zelda (Pilots Unit -17, Skirmisher) – A bit rough around the edges, this 16-year-old British girl never trained like Anya to be a pilot. She was just born skilled at it.


Emiko (Pilots Amaterasu, AT-tactician)– A smart 15 year old girl from Japan, set foot in England and on the same day was nearly cooked alive by an Entity.



For the application process you need to follow these easy steps;

The due date for applications is the 5th of Jan. However if applications slow down, or I see a perfect application, I will end this early.

See details for character creation, here.


1)     Make a private thread in the OOC area.

2)     Write up basic information on your character, name, description, personality etc.

3)     Write up a brief bit of history covering on how they ended up in NERV and being a Spy. Make it clear who are they spying for, can be a country or a made up organization?

4)     Write up some basics on the mechanics, you don’t need to do all mechanics if you don’t want. But I want to know what career/class you are picking, and what sort of ‘build’ you are thinking.

a.      Note – The Skirmisher career is not being accepted.

b.      If you want to do a full build you have 800XP total for character creation.

  1. What's new in this game
  2. After repeatedly stabbing at the air Zelda terminate her exercise, she would rater train at a simulator but the gym keep her fit and within the right measures. She turn off the earphones and go sit on a bench to rest, the pilot cant avoid but think at the upcoming battle, how it will play out, irritated by the lack of information. No point overthinking it, she will improvise. "maybe i should call it a day and take a shower" she speak to herself then look at the clock on the wall.
  3. "Thank you captain, that does seem better." Anya immediately feels less pressure on her knee in her stance. Anya commits the exercises to memory and immediately starts planning where she will slot them into her routine. "I will give that another go. Any advice you would give for dealing with injuries in this line of work? In the moment of battle and long term?" Conscious she is taking up a lot of Serena's time "but please, no rush captain, and thanks again."
  4. Cool that works. A cybernetic replacement sounds good for the long term story. I don't think Anya would have thought about that yet, and I am waiting to see if her Eva gets a leg injury. I think the trauma from the feedback might play out nicely.
  5. A warning, i will be away from Aug 04 to Aug 11, you should still see me online and possibly post in the ooc, but dont expect IC posts from me during that period.
  6. Prestar last post reminded me we have a npc with a cybernetic arm, if at a later time mattheus decide to remove the flaw a cybernetic leg could be a cool option
  7. Silver speaks to Anya. "Well, Anya, given your bum knee, you've got a pretty good Weaver going there. Try these adjustments, some tricks I learned after some physical therapy of mine some time ago, to adjust to shooting with that knee. Let's see if this helps." Silver reaches out and makes some adjustments to Anya's posture. "Now, adjust your feet to here, your hips to here, take pressure off your weak knee, move your upper body here; in addition, you're going to want to start doing the following exercises every other day..." Silver proceeds to become a fount of medical knowledge, advising Anya how to mitigate her injury when shooting, including when shooting a longarm, for the next twenty minutes. "Now, any questions, Anya? And that includes any questions about your bum knee in general?" Silver's Physical Therapy Shooting Knowledge Well, let's see how nice the Dice are and how generous the GM is feeling. This is a Medicae (Intelligence) roll, for Physical Therapy knowledge to see if Serena Silver can see if she can remember something she learned in the course of her military career both living as a soldier and treating soldiers in order to pass it on to Anya. This is solely to see if she has any effective advice; mechanical effects can be determined way later. And that's a 3 on a 60 threshold, 5 Degrees of success; I would argue that Silver manages to pass on some very effective strategies for mitigating shooting with that bum knee. Captain Serena Silver Wounds: 13/13 Ego Barrier: 35/35 Fate Points: 3/3 Fatigue: 0 Insanity Points: 0
  8. Prestar might not have gotten the info on the knee injury as I think we determined the actual injury after I gave him the pilot write ups. However, Serena would know about it for sure.
  9. Anya has a pre-existing knee injury, which was alluded to in the press conference. I am assuming Silver would know about this from the files on Anya. Also I had to look up the shooting stances so apologies if any of it is wrong.
  10. "Yes captain, and thank you." Anya is grateful for any feedback. "Yes, bad habit I am trying to work out...I focus so much on my position and aiming I forget about that part, or I am overthinking." "Default to Weaver or adjust to fighting if needed. Helps keep the weight off my knee."
  11. Silver stops by Anya first, and looks at her targets, talks to the monitoring personnel, then steps up behind Anya. "Anya, you're doing well, although I think you're pulling the trigger instead of squeezing the trigger. Do not anticipate the action and recoil of the weapon, just focus on your sight picture. Now, do you prefer a Weaver Stance, Isosceles Stance, or 'Fighting' Stance to shoot from?" Silver wasn't assuming any proficiency until demonstrated on the part of her Pilots; while she knew some came from Neo-Spartan training programs, those were not necessarily the majority of any Pilot Team, and gods knew she had seen enough bad range days in her time in NERV with Pilots to not assume anything with Pilots (or even non-Section 2, Security, or Tactical personnel) when it came to weapons, especially firearms. Captain Serena Silver Wounds: 13/13 Ego Barrier: 35/35 Fate Points: 3/3 Fatigue: 0 Insanity Points: 0
  12. Come to Zelda if you wish to practice your tank skills😅
  13. Is going to weigh in on everybody's shooting? (Sorry to herd, it just seemed like where this was going and I don't want to mess up the sequence.) Mikhail is definitely more of a melee tank by the way.
  14. Ranged specialist was definitely the way I was thinking of taking Anya!
  15. well, grab a rail gun, add that manipulation 2 power(forgot name) that is personal and double range of gun attacks, look for ways to increase breach, add a spotter =can snipe an ats 10 entity everywhere on the world while sitting at london.
  16. I'd love a big powered melee weapon since i have to be SORT of close to do what i need to do. or maybe a really long range sniper rifle for those times when we want to kite them around
  17. I havent decided yet in which direction Zelda will go, ideally by the time we will fight Hariti we will have tier 2 tech and our characters will be rank 2, since it can fly i'll probably grab the biggest, meanest gun available for that fight, but a pneumatic great weapon would also be an interesting choice.
  18. This is why i'm not too worried about Emiko's shooting. Anya can do that, hell Zelda can do that, she doesn't care lol
  19. She really has low self esteem lol, i think Anya is the second best shooter outside an Eva(Silver has talents we have no access to) and inside an Eva is first(but Zelda will never admit it 🤣) because she has that spartan talent that raise breach. You can turn her into a sniper, heavy gunner, dual wield pistols...she will rule with whatever gun you give her
  20. Anya is beating herself up for not doing better so this would actually make her day 😂
  21. Anya is as good, if not better, than Silver, for ballistic skill, she deserve a pat on the head 😄
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