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Andrew Glyph

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Everything posted by Andrew Glyph

  1. The mods are more likely to see this in the Site Feedback forum than here in general. There was an update to the sheets that sometimes requires clearing your browser's cache. The staff usually suggests clearing out the full cache first. You may also be able to try any combination of these keyboard commands when you get an error. These will ignore your cache and reload an all-new version of just a single page. If they don't work then you'll need to clear the whole cache. Ctrl+R (Command+R) F5 Shift+F5
  2. The Guitar Song by the Dead Milkmen. I started learning to play it on my own guitar as a joke. The first words are, "Hey kitten, whatcha doin'? Wanna play the guitar?" Now my cat yells at me to sing to him whenever he sees the guitar come out. Then, he falls asleep while being serenaded.
  3. This is where I'm typically at, depending on the game. Sometimes it only takes enough worldbuilding to justify a desired scenario. Sometimes worldbuilding comes first in hopes of justifying future adventures. Right now I'm excited about a genre that can ask for a little extra worldbuilding. I'd be happy to discuss the pros and cons of worldbuilding elsewhere in order to keep this thread on-topic. Feel free to tag me in another thread. It would be genuinely fun to have those conversations.
  4. Agreed in many parts. This started with a theme, and everything else has been built around that. I looked at the setting to date and thought, "I could write fiction in this but not run games." So, my current pass is to set up groups, threats, interesting landmarks, and additional conflicts. That's all I'm doing -- trying to set up in media res possibilities, but keep them loose enough to start accepting player characters. "Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding" has been ignored in my Audible library for over a year. That is playing in the background today.
  5. The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers has been coming up often my corner of things. It was being described as a precursor to weird fantasy and a lot of North American horror. So far, I can see how later writers wanted to take inspiration and also take it further. I'm still only half done. My understanding is that I've already read the historically important stories. It still feels like a worthy book to finish.
  6. I'm going add one more. 3. I do not feel comfortable turning world-building into adventures. There's probably a book or a YouTube video regarding this. A lot of new books include this advice, whether they are modern narrative RPGs or new editions of classic games. I'm still chipping away at a setting. This iteration of new ideas is being written to create more seeds for player characters to get involved. This is completely a me problem.
  7. I am not running either game, and I plan to pursue games outside of the fantasy genre. It felt helpful to drop by and say that both The One Ring and Adventures in Middle Earth have been featured at Humble Bundle. If anyone else is like me and hoard cheap PDFs. then they might be in your library over there. The bundles are no longer active, however. "Humble RPG Bundle: The Lord of the Rings by Cubicle 7" included books for The One Ring. "Humble RPG Book Bundle: Lord of the Rings 5e by Cubicle 7" included Adventures in Middle Earth. So, if anyone else collects bargain PDFs for a rainy day then they might already have these books.
  8. I'm watching the black & white re-release of Johnny Mnemonic. I enthusiastically love both versions of this movie.
  9. Thank you Eric. May I also match up in the Discord please? I appreciate the help, too! I've been contemplating this change for probably a year or two now. EDIT: It looks like someone did that while I was typing this up. Thank you again!
  10. I just finished the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy. Interview with the Vampire Season 1 got put onto Shudder, so now I'm finally looking into that.
  11. Please change my username when time and resources permit. Andrew Glyph
  12. Welcome! I saw your post in the Introductions section, too. Right now, it looks like there might not be a big enough pool of players at the moment. That could be just at the moment. I'm going to keep this thread up and keep an ear out. The intent is something that can start as 4 color heroes and either stay there or tilt into a couple of specific philosophical ideas. Those ideas were the starting point of what I'm working on, and they would peek through either way. Something along the lines of cities in DC comics having specific themes, and maybe a hint of their old Vertigo line from time to time.
  13. I am (or maybe was?) an amateur stage magician. I can easily set aside a deck of poker cards for a single Savage Worlds game without needing to buy more.
  14. Is there interest in Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion? The first point is to ask that question. What kind of interest for SWADE + Super Powers Companions exists here? It is too much of a niche within a niche. I've been among the people looking to enjoy the hobby outside of both the most popular game and the fantasy genre. SWADE + SPC has had the bulk of my attention when writing private notes. The two reasons are: It feels like I have finally imagined a setting that has a reason to exist. Making characters has felt like all the best parts of Champions but with much less record keeping. At the very least, I want to ask what kind of fandom this combination of books has.
  15. Kindred: the Embraced. The show keeps coming up in conversation, so I may as well suffer through it once again.
  16. John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars is a real movie. Wikipedia describes it as "a 2001 American space Western action horror film."
  17. My library at DrivethruRPG currently says: "1339 items."
  18. I think the OG wiki is scheduled to stay in read-only mode. That has help guides for running play by post games.
  19. This is still on my mind. "Anxiety" may be helped by taking small steps. I could look at all my notes, and put together what might be a single session worth of game. If it's run in play-by-post format then make that clear. If it's a hybrid situation then say so, too. "This is a one-shot with the possibility of more." Both of those points would benefit from deliberately choosing to be more social. That's on me. The best way to have those friends is to make friends.
  20. , who was quietly ahead of his time. Current news stories are celebrating him for creating the term "Singularity" in regards to artificial intelligence. I became aware of him through his fictional work "True Names," which pre-dated Neuromancer and contained similar themes.
  21. That is actually more than expected out of a Without Numbers system reference document. I've been regretting that I couldn't (yet) buy the full Cities Without Number book, especially as an Shadowrun 2/3 fan who loved having magic mixed in. Thank you for the heads up!
  22. I'm usually the first to laugh when my characters die. Maybe the only one. My only hesitation toward losing characters is that it may negatively impact the rest of the table. It's important that everyone has fun.
  23. The Hobbit was on sale a couple years ago at the Kindle store. I haven't read the full book since I was nine. Re-reading it has been very enjoyable so far.
  24. I did, but only at the dollar level. Mutant Crawl Classics looks like it would be fun, too. And, I'll start reading the book when I get a chance. I also enjoy odd systems more than a lot of players that I meet online. There's a great chance that DCC will be absolutely delightful to read. Thank you, too, for the advice!
  25. It looks like the DCC core book is in the lowest $1 tier. Even though things are a little tough on my end, I'll find the dollar for that.
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