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  1. DM - Holding spot - so sorry I thought I'd posted on this a while back, just been super hectic IRL.
  2. Ok, sorry had RAM go bad on my PC and was without getting on for a few days. Posting tonight.
  3. Right, its meant to be something of a character flaw, Luke Skywalker esque wanting to run off to war but only sort've understanding what it is. Talym is supposed to be a rash young man & he's come to Sildar to be a new mentor type figure to get his life back on track since his whole family is gone.
  4. So the reason for that was he would be a character with a hook tied to Sildar, where his father or older brothers or some combination of the above had worked with Sildar before, and so as part of the "if everyone dies" plan, Talym would seek out Sildar to get his bearings again and figure out the next step.
  5. Talym, Errant Paladin Name: Talym (character sheet) Background: Haunted One Race: Aasimar (Protector) Class: Paladin Ideal(s) "I fight even knowing that tomorrow I will die. In the end, evil always wins." I don’t talk about the thing that torments me. I’d rather not burden others with my curse. Bond(s) "I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons" "I would sacrifice my life and my soul to protect the innocent." Flaw(s) "I am careless with my life because this mortal thread is nothing so important to cling too." Appearance Talym's appearance betrays his celestial heritage. Pale, blonde-white hair with vivid purple eyes with nearly indiscernible pupils. He is tall and muscular, accustomed to the knightly arts. He is often found with a smile on his face - he can be described as happy in his hopelessness. Personality He lives with the assurance that he is going to fall in combat against the never-ending forces of evil that threaten the world from time to time, just as members of his family have for generations. He may seem callous to some - but it is in that he has already lost so much that he's just beyond mourning each and every single loss. So while inwardly he may not find much joy in life, he will wade into combat on good's behalf with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. He is a cynic but generally pretty fun to have around in a bar. Background Born the youngest son to his parents, he grew up learning the knightly arts as his three older brothers and as their time came each of them set off with their father to hunt monsters, slay dragons, save damsels, and otherwise be questing paladins - as his family has done for generations. He had a childhood romance with a local nobleman's daughter, and life seemed like it would be good and continue as it had for his family for generations - that while they did sometimes fall in battle, more often than not they lived into old age, had children, passed on their legacy. This was not to be. His father and brothers slayed the favorite lover of a powerful undead monster, who mustered more forces than the family could have hoped to fight - and in a battle that Talym can close his eyes and still smell the stench of preserved undeath - his father and brothers were slain. He himself was wounded but cast aside, left for dead. He watched, helpless as the monsters mercilessly killed his mother and younger sister and everyone else in their village - his lady love included. So now Talym finds himself on the way to Phandelver to meet up with an old comrade of his fathers - Sildar Hallwinter. The young man needs direction, a cause, monsters to fight, something to still the deep ache inside from so much loss. Growing up with his family engaged in such pursuits, there has always been a list of people to go and find if everything went wrong - which it has. Angelic Guide In his sleep generally, sometimes while awake - Talym is guided as most Aasimar are by an angelic guide. Her name is Ana'til, she is a stern and demanding guide who expects Talym to always put himself in the most dangerous positions and seek out the greatest danger in order to do good.   Crunch Stuff Stats: Point Buy 15(+2 to 17) STR, 10 DEX, 14 CON, 10 INT, 10 WIS, 13(+1 to 14) CHA Starting Gold: 140 Chainmail - 75 = 65 Shield - 10 = 55 Longsword - 15 = 40 Shortbow - 25 = 15 20 Arrows - 1 = 14 Explorer's Pack - 10 = 4      
  6. I just posted, I got behind on life that last few days - only had 2 posts from the 4 players to go off of, so I posted to keep it alive.
  7. Crixus wades - somewhat gingerly- through the creek, as if he doesn't want to get his pants wet, and then he looks down at the two bodies slain in the small grove's clearing. He looks up, and around. I guess that makes sense with the changing faces we saw when they attacked the village. Hmmmm... He looked furtively towards the cave. I wonder if we will even know if we've actually rescued her if we even find the Mayor's niece.
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