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  1. Seeing the data spike coming 404 virtually prepares to evade the spear simultaneously thinking its time to flip the script and go full combat mode. "Alright lets get serious buddy." he thinks before he runs his reconfigure program. 404 had always kept this one in his back pocket for attack situations. He preffered to go in quiet, to provide support behind stealth but this one had pushed him to far. A moment later his deck flips over to his attack mode and he begins his retaliation, an electrical ark icon appearing in cyberspace as he activates his own data spike jamming it straight into the demon icon. Deck settings Attack 6 Firewall 5 Data Processing 5 Sleaze 3 Programs: Hammer, Decryption, Reconfigure
  2. He sat in VR with hit hot sim running, seeing the matrix in its full glory as he saw the image roar. It wasnt the best outcome but it was far from the worst. They knew 404 was there, not precisely where in the matrix, and not in meat space, but they knew someone was there watching and interacting with the commlink. "What to do?" he thinks as he goes over his options. He sends a message to the others "Commlinks location is in the hands of the other decker. Assume trouble is on the way. Turn off that commlink the second you can and get out." "Alright Mr. Decker, lets get down to business." he thought as he prepared for full on matrix combat loading up his programs. Having the element of surprise still he begins to hack on the fly, seeking to put a mark on his opponents deck.
  3. The situation was not great and 404 thought about his options. Not enough marks to reboot the device. He could send the user a message that they were on their way but who knew how they would react or even if they were still able to do anything about it. He had to protect his team and desides the best course of action is to stop the trace. He pulls up a program and sends it through the matrix, targeting the trace as he hopes to crash the program and force the foriegn user to reboot their deck before they can attempt another trace. As he executes the program he speaks over the commlink to the others. "Theyre running a trace. Im gonna try and stop it but this will tell them someone is here. They wont know who or where though...unless I really screw this up."
  4. Ive always wanted to go but I cant get the time off this year. However I fully intend to go next year. Ive always wanted to go but I either dont have the money or time.
  5. 404 sends a text copy of the phone call to everyone and a moment later he speaks over their commlink. "Ive got a first aid kit on me so Puppet and I should probably head over there and try to save the girl. Gotta investigate one more mark though.I want to know who was trailing her and why." Hes already at work in the matrix, taking another look around before he accesses the mark, hoping to know more.
  6. 404 considers for a moment the best way forward and considering the circumstances he decides to do some further hacking, hopefully to get a listen in on whatever was going down. "Alright, lets do this quiet like." he thought before slipping back into the matrix and accessing his mark on the device. Edit: Lol didnt think it would copy the roll, i just wanted to settings so gonna reroll that to access the mark on the commlink
  7. 404 takes a moment to ensure his mark is firmly attatched to the device, keeping the subterfuge up as he considers his next step. After a moment he decides to go with his original plan and find out who the person is talking to. "Alright lets see who you're talking to." he thinks as he begins the search
  8. "Could be bad...could be someone just trying to schedule a hook up." he thinks as he sits back in the van's seat, looking over the matrix area one more time. "Suppose Ill listen in, Ill brick it if I need to." he thinks as he flicks the icon and begins his hack to listen in on the conversation. Hopefully it was something benign but if not he was ready to do whatever he needed to to protect the team.
  9. Collin sits in the van eyeing the camera's, pistol at the ready just in case as he guards Pickle while the others are clearing the area. Yet when his deck comes alive and he see's a new icon in the matrix he finds himself curious about the new addition when before they were in essentially a dark zone of matrix activity. "Some device just turned on, no details yet. Investigating." he says over his commlink as he slips into VR. "Let's start with the easy stuff, what are you...and are you dangerous to us." he thinks as he begins his search, examining the icon and going deeper to find its origin and purpose.
  10. 404 had little to do at the moment. No electricity, no matrix signals, nothing requiring his expertise. At least for now. He was sure things were going to change as this run continued. Leaving the others to their devices he instead returns to Pickles van, knowing he cant do much at the moment he has little choice but to stand guard over their VIP as the others commit to their own jobs.
  11. He stands there for a moment hearing nothing but silence returned to his plea to anyone there. Silence was something he was expecting but he hoped it wouldnt be the return he got for his efforts. "Alright lets head in. We search room by room. Be wary of traps. I think Pickle should wait outside in the truck, at least till we clear the building." he states over the comm unit as he takes his first tentative steps inside, keeping his weapon holstered and at first glance hidden at the small of his back. However his other hand reaches down to his belt, pulling up the flashlight and lighting it as he begins to look around the room paying special attention to entrances and exits.
  12. After a long look through the local matrix 404 exits VR and jumps down from the top of the van, taking a long look around the area before approaching the building right behind the others. "Matrix seems clear for now. No signals besides us but that might change if we get the power back on." He says as he puts a hand on the door, slowly turning the knob and opening it as he keeps his form to the side of the doorway. Collin then looked inside, one way, then the other and called out "Hello? Anyone home? Were not here to hurt you! We just want to take a look around!" he said with his voice raised and looking into the doorway.
  13. "Im taking a look around via the matrix. Standby." he says over the comm. As he stands on the top of the van, slipping the device into a vest pocket he takes a good look around though, not with his cybereyes. Accessing his deck he slips into VR for a moment running a scan of the local matrix as Collin looks for any hidden signals in the nearby area. He flips on a track of the latest album he had gotten, Japanese Punk in theme. A song called "Freedom in the rain" playing at half volume in his ears. No one else could hear it but the smooth electric beat helped him concentrate as he delved into the local area.
  14. Collin took a long look over the device after scraping away some of that sticky goop. He turns it over, and over, and over, looking over the makeshift device till hes sure he's figured out how it was taped together. Only then does he pull back a small panel, an old half taped together battery access panel to pull the battery out and shut the thing down. For a moment he wonders what to do with it and he elects to keep it on him, perhaps it could be of use later as a diversion or a trap
  15. His cybereyes look around as he steps out of the vehicle and he notes the area in his head. Silently he sends messages to everyone "Matrix is dark but theres blood on the windows, keep your heads on a swivel. We might want to take a look inside while I inspect our present. Also shopping carts on the far end, no matrix signs but possible improvised explosive device." With nothing in the matrix showing signs of activating it put 404 on edge. He knew it was possible he might have been a bit paranoid but he was always careful with this kind of work. Leaving the others to their own devices he pulled himself up to the roof of the vehicle, taking a knee to look at the device they had dropped. At first he thought it might be something akin to a grenade but it had plenty of time to detonate if that were the case. The odd thing was the lack of a signal but he wasnt about to trust it. Instead he pulls out his survival knife and begins to scrape away the goop to get a closer look at the device, doing a visual inspection first.
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