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  1. Evlav Evlav stood behind the seat across from Amiri and raised his tankard to the table, "In case any of you didn't know I am The Evlav Inimeg. A pleasure to make your acquaintances as I am sure it is also your pleasure! We, together, are bound to do some great things! Ha ha!" He sat in his chair and drank a hearty gulp. He addresses Amiri, "Ha ha! Well now aren't you a striking figure! You look strong enough to lift an oxen. Have you ever found your self in an fighting arenas?" OOC and Actions Evlav------------------------- HP: 19/19 Fort Save: +6 AC: 16 Ref Save: +4 Perception: +5 Will Save: +5 Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources: Spells: 0 1 (2) Focus (1) Bullhorn Draw Ire Counter Performance Daze Fear Inspire Courage Musical Accompaniment Thicket of Knives Prestidigitation Puff of Poison Shield
  2. Evlav Seeing Fhushi and Vastille sitting quietly, Evlav could not let that stand. "You two! Yes you two, there. Come now, introduce yourselves. Have no fear we are all comrades in these arms! Ha ha!" OOC and Actions Evlav------------------------- HP: 19/19 Fort Save: +6 AC: 16 Ref Save: +4 Perception: +5 Will Save: +5 Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources: Spells: 0 1 (2) Focus (1) Bullhorn Draw Ire Counter Performance Daze Fear Inspire Courage Musical Accompaniment Thicket of Knives Prestidigitation Puff of Poison Shield
  3. Imagine Evlav, the colorful male gnome gladiator, standing at a mere 3' 6" tall but exuding a larger-than-life presence in the arena. His bright, mismatched armor shimmers with hues of gold, emerald green, and deep purple, adorned with feathers and jewels that catch the light with every move. Evlav is not just a fighter; he's a performer. He enters the arena with a flourish, twirling his hooked hammer in one hand and blowing kisses to the roaring crowd with the other. He feeds off their adoration, soaking in every cheer and applause as if it were his lifeblood. In combat, he is agile and flamboyant, using acrobatic flips and spins to dazzle his opponents. His fighting style is as much about showmanship as it is about skill, often taunting foes with witty remarks or playful jests. Off the battlefield, Evlav is the life of the party, regaling others with tales of his victories and weaving elaborate stories about his past exploits. He loves being the center of attention and is always ready to charm and entertain with his quick wit and infectious enthusiasm. Despite his flamboyant exterior, he is fiercely loyal to his friends and comrades, always ready to defend them with unwavering courage. His big heart matches his big personality, making him not just a formidable gladiator but also a beloved figure among those who know him. In summary, Evlav embodies the spirit of a gnome who thrives on adoration, combining his colorful appearance with a larger-than-life persona both in and out of the arena.
  4. Evlav Inimeg (He/Him) Ancestry: Fey-Touched Gnome Background: Gladiator Class: Bard Ability Scores STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 16 INT: 10 WIS: 10 CHA: 16 HP: 19 Saves: Fort T, Ref T, Will E Alignment: Chaotic Good ―Features― Background Impressive Performance Ancestry Gnome Weapon Familiarity Bard Muse: Warrior Feats Martial Performance ―Background― Evlav grew up an odd duck amongst the already odd ducks that are Gnomes. He was always scrapping and making up fantastic stories about his adventures. He was a performer, that was evident early on, but no one expected the fighting ring would be his stage. He became king of the sell, telling a story during a fight and just being the center of attention. This went on for years as he crafted his skills and the time has now come where even the rush of applause has somewhat dimmed. So what is a performer and overall stellar warrior to do? Well, take the show on the road of course. ―Personality― At first meeting (and let's be honest, the second, third and fourth) Evlav can come off quite self centered. As one would begin to sift through those layers, if one can suffer that long, you will find someone who can be quite caring and believes in people. ―Appearance― Flamboyant and eye catching, Evlav rarely keeps his hair color the same for long. This can be said to a lesser degree for his equipment, thinking that to keep people interested you have to be interesting. ―Skills― (unlisted = unranked) Acrobatics T Athletics T Deception T Intimidation T Lore (Gladiatorial) T Occultism T Performance T Stealth T
  5. Evlav To say that Evlav stood out would not be an understatement. Although small in stature, his almost garish appearance coupled with his loud voice certainly captured some attention. As the lightly armored gnome first walked into the castle he can be heard, "Well I say! This is certainly up to snuff in my opinion. And look at all those she gathered here! Now these are some peculiar choices if I do say so. That is okay however, she chose me so you know she has fine taste." It seemed like he was just talking to everyone present, no one in particular. As the others began introducing themselves he readily speaks up, "Ha ha! I am Evlav Inimeg! Betterment of of the nation you say!? Do not worry on that my fine folk for I shall lay waste to our enemies and ensure victory! Ha ha!" OOC and Actions Evlav------------------------- HP: 19/19 Fort Save: +6 AC: 16 Ref Save: +4 Perception: +5 Will Save: +5 Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan ===== Reactions ===== ===== Actions ===== Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things Ongoing Effects: Remaining Resources: Spells: 0 1 (2) Focus (1) Bullhorn Draw Ire Counter Performance Daze Fear Inspire Courage Musical Accompaniment Thicket of Knives Prestidigitation Puff of Poison Shield
  6. Hey all, I will be playing Evlav, Warrior muse Bard. He is a pretty arrogant, self absorbed Gnome that has spent his non adventuring career as a gladiator. I will be doing my best to be in the front bashing things with all sorts of different weapons while my musical accompaniment and bullhorn cantrips make me the center of attention, as it should be.
  7. Evlav Inimeg (He/Him) Ancestry: Fey-Touched Gnome Background: Gladiator Class: Bard Ability Scores STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 16 INT: 10 WIS: 10 CHA: 16 HP: 19 Saves: Fort T, Ref T, Will E Alignment: Chaotic Good ―Features― Background Impressive Performance Ancestry Gnome Weapon Familiarity Bard Muse: Warrior Feats Martial Performance ―Background― Evlav grew up an odd duck amongst the already odd ducks that are Gnomes. He was always scrapping and making up fantastic stories about his adventures. He was a performer, that was evident early on, but no one expected the fighting ring would be his stage. He became king of the sell, telling a story during a fight and just being the center of attention. This went on for years as he crafted his skills and the time has now come where even the rush of applause has somewhat dimmed. So what is a performer and overall stellar warrior to do? Well, take the show on the road of course. ―Personality― At first meeting (and let's be honest, the second, third and fourth) Evlav can come off quite self centered. As one would begin to sift through those layers, if one can suffer that long, you will find someone who can be quite caring and believes in people. ―Appearance― Flamboyant and eye catching, Evlav rarely keeps his hair color the same for long. This can be said to a lesser degree for his equipment, thinking that to keep people interested you have to be interesting. ―Skills― (unlisted = unranked) Acrobatics T Athletics T Deception T Intimidation T Lore (Gladiatorial) T Occultism T Performance T Stealth T
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