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Elysium’s character sheet wip


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No, I get a 404 when I click on it. I didn't mean to actually make a PDF character sheet, though. The example sheet is just to show you all the information your sheet needs.

It's fine to put that information in a post, though. Here's an example of a character post from my other DCC game (credit @Malkavian Grin for the sheet.)

Yours doesn't have to be that fancy. Malkavian is an expert character sheet artist.


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Understood, my bad.


Name: Chard

Occupation: Turnip Farmer

Alignment: Lawful

Speed: 25

Level 3

Class: Warrior

HP Max: 28

AC: 16

Strength: 12 (+0)

Agility: 14 (+1)

Stamina: 10 (+0)

Personality: 7 (-1)

Luck: 17 (+2)

Intelligence: 9 (+0)


Ref Save: 2

Fort Save: 2

Will Save: 0

Languages: Common

Lucky Roll: Pack hunter (Attack/damage rolls for 0-level weapon) (+2)

Initiative: +4

Action Dice: 1d20

Attack: +d5

Crit die: 1d16

Crit Table: IV

——— Equipment ——-

Longsword melee d5 (1d8 + deed)

Spear melee d5 (1d8 + deed)


Hammer - small

Scale Mail + Shield (+5, -5 check penalty, Fumble die d12)

Funds: 49 cp + 1532 gp

———Warrior Abilities——-

Crit Threat Range: (19-20)

Lucky Weapon: N/A

Add class level to initiative, Mighty Deed of Arms



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