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Character questions

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The Urvaeti race looks like it's in the ballpark of 25+ RP build. Is it meant to be a playable character?
I was a little confused on the NPC 2 class levels. Do they apply to all 3 character builds?
Since we are using point buy, I have 16 16 14 10 10 10 I roll 1d4 twice and add them to two of the 10's? For each Character?
So I might end up with 16 16 14 13 12 10. etc.

3 different characters in one application. Other than the races mentioned for each one, is there any other difference between the three? Class wise?
1. Body or The Obitu (Preferably Obitu)
2. Mind or The Merchant Hoards
3. The Soul (Free for all)

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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I am interested. Steel warrior's post covers most of my questions, however, I had another question as well. Since each applicant is making a character for the three campaigns, and those characters were a single powerful being at some point; Should those characters have some theme or connection to one another or their "parent" being?


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20 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

The Urvaeti race looks like it's in the ballpark of 25+ RP build. Is it meant to be a playable character?
I was a little confused on the NPC 2 class levels. Do they apply to all 3 character builds?
Since we are using point buy, I have 16 16 14 10 10 10 I roll 1d4 twice and add them to two of the 10's? For each Character?
So I might end up with 16 16 14 13 12 10. etc.

3 different characters in one application. Other than the races mentioned for each one, is there any other difference between the three? Class wise?
1. Body or The Obitu (Preferably Obitu)
2. Mind or The Merchant Hoards
3. The Soul (Free for all)

The utavaei are meant to be playable, the charging battery thing is a pretty big negative on em, Just I didn't know how much is somewhere in the area of -6 as the effectively need a metaphorical rebreather to function outside their society. If the rebreather dies on em they could fail to fix it or find materials they could just die. They also always draw on lighting spells regardless of the checks by them are failed. Lastly, I didn't add social stigma to them as some places will assume their tech gnomes, but in places where they are simply not recognize

yes for each of your characters roll 2 1d4s and add the one of the d4 results to a stat and the other d4 to another state that are tied for the lowest. These ability scores should put you pretty high up there. I wanted a little randomization, mixed in and I wanted to ensure we had little to no 8s with an average low being 12

The npc class levels apply to each of the three characters. I want you guys beefy. And I hate the idea of a stray 1d10 killing level 1 characters.

I mean I'm allowing bullys to be played and they always have great sword profs.

I ran these campaigns originally with all lvl 5s to start and I'm not making too much of an adjustment, secondly it was a bit easy at level 5, and I wanted every to feel like it's amped up to 11


Power fantasy after all.


Guys this is not as a curated answer as I would have liked I am in middle of a quick small move, and will be answering every 1-2 days for at most a week.


Thank you for your patience and interest.


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19 hours ago, Leonidas1789 said:

Please color me interested.

Is rolling for stats an option? If so, how do we go about rolling for stats?

I'm going to say no as I can't look at it and say it feels fair between dice rolling and 25 point buy. How about I tell you the approx dice rolling method, if you roll then try to create it in the point system, plus my added 1D4s to the lowest stats. If you can't recreate the rolls I'll think about it a bit harder.

The dice simulation approximant: sum is; 4d6, drop the lowest dice, repeat 7 times pick em outta there or 2d6+6, repeat 6 times After you pick the highest outta these guys. Do the 1d4 to lowest stat or tied twice.

Them see if you can make it with the 25 point buy and my little extra 1d4s at the end

23 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

The Urvaeti race looks like it's in the ballpark of 25+ RP build. Is it meant to be a playable character?
I was a little confused on the NPC 2 class levels. Do they apply to all 3 character builds?
Since we are using point buy, I have 16 16 14 10 10 10 I roll 1d4 twice and add them to two of the 10's? For each Character?
So I might end up with 16 16 14 13 12 10. etc.

3 different characters in one application. Other than the races mentioned for each one, is there any other difference between the three? Class wise?
1. Body or The Obitu (Preferably Obitu)
2. Mind or The Merchant Hoards
3. The Soul (Free for all)

No there is no differences. All classes from pathfinder are allowed no problem, vampire hunter vigilante all of them are welcome. 3rd party classes are welcome, all I really ask with those is let me.know.so I can review em, and if I say nothing life is good all around.


I just realized I didn't talk about guns, I'll say it here first: Guns be every where.



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I just realized that Urvaeti were also missing the full issue not being charged can have. So I got it in the Urvaeti race page. Long story short of they can't charge they die. Keel over and all that.

My poor, poor Alternating current dependant ugly, ugly body horror, hive controlled vat grown babies.

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6 hours ago, OgreWattage said:

No there is no differences. All classes from pathfinder are allowed no problem, vampire hunter vigilante all of them are welcome. 3rd party classes are welcome, all I really ask with those is let me.know.so I can review em, and if I say nothing life is good all around.

Since we're talking about third party, how do you feel about the following systems:

  • Path of War
  • Akashic Magic
  • Spheres of Power/Might/Champions/Guile
  • DSP Psionics

I don't have any specific ideas in mind just yet, but those are the most common 3rd party systems I'm familiar with.

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10 hours ago, relekorlagunis said:

Since we're talking about third party, how do you feel about the following systems:

  • Path of War
  • Akashic Magic
  • Spheres of Power/Might/Champions/Guile
  • DSP Psionics

I don't have any specific ideas in mind just yet, but those are the most common 3rd party systems I'm familiar with.

I am not the most familiar with entire systems, I've read over most classes and archetypes myself, but not whole systems.

I like Elephant in the room feat tax rules.

I said I'm do I'llwn for archetypes and classes, but I'm not familiar to where I would like to with the 3rd party stuff system wise to give an educated and knowledgeable answer but I can't .

My impression of each of these; Path of War doesn't really appeal to me, as a warrior or fighter or whatever in real life doesn't go into a battle saying," I can only do this 4 times!" Just dosnt make sense to me.

Akashic magic just sounds like some guy trying to come up with a more magic-e-er magic. I feel like, it takes away from a prestige class that uses devine and arcane. I'll have to read a bit more but I read that it combines all magic types.

The spheres sounds like they might be cool, but I feel like it waters down the roles of the character classes

Again these are all poorly educated opinions. And the reason I'm not using them is multipronged; I'm not familiar with them is a big one, I would need a big chunk of time with them because reading what I did sounds like it night be cool, or I might end up getting a bunch of martial classes with min max players who are wearing their classes over an assortment of matching features and abilities, and techniques with limits on them for like a number of times a warrior can do a special cool slash one 3 times a day, just dosnt appeal to me, when stuff like sunder and other combat maneuvers exist.

DSP psionics , again I just don't know i'm currently waiting for the someone to pick a psionic class that pathfinder already has.

However I might steal a few bits for magic items

I might use those 3rd party alternate rules someday, but nothing for this campaign as I know what to expect from both my players, my tables and the things I'ma send at the party.

Im sorry I feel bad, for aying no. but I have learned my lessons multiple times over if I don't know it, don't allow it, with systems explicitly. If you have ever played GURPS where you gave them ability crafting and self imposed limitations.5 point nukes. anyways,

But thanks for the thought and bringing them up, so I could talk about em a bit, in case some one asks me later.



Edited by OgreWattage (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, OgreWattage said:

Your Pc level is maxed, roll the NPCs

Thank you for your responses.
Since these NPC classes are bonuses. We get the 3/4/5 skills as Class skills in addition to our normal class.
Would they pretty much be Untyped Bonuses.


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