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Welcome all. We can chat about the crunchier aspects of character creation now. Feel free to completely change race/class from recruitment if the whim strikes.

  • Basics are 1st level, 27-pt buy.
  • Spelljammer allows Magic Initiate, Skilled, or Tough for free if you choose a Background that doesn't have a feat already.
  • Custom Backgrounds from the standard rules are fair game.

Any questions don't be shy. I'm likely forgetting something important.

My question to you all, to what extent do you need me to post Spelljammer info? Do you guys need race/background info or is that all findable online? I can copy/paste from DnDBeyond as needed.

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Thought of two questions:

1. Can I trade out Vehicles(Water) for Vehicles(Spelljammer) or whatever the equivalent would be from my Shipwright background?

2. How do you understand the Hadozee Glide ability to work with armor? They seem to have removed reference to armor entirely when they edited to remove the "Supersonic Hadozee" glitch but most similar abilities can't be used with heavy armor. Would this be the same? As a further wrinkle, I believe the artificer's Arcane Armor completely encases them. Would this preclude the use of glide or can it be modified so that the gliding flaps can be deployed?

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Jubal, not sure really. As you have more experience with the site, what do you recommend? I'd like to avoid insanely huge stat blocks in gameplay posts taking up half the post if possible.

Eyeball, yes it would be 'vehicles (space)' and that is fine. I'm fine with Glide working with armor if its been modified for Hadozee. You could start with such an armor, and for found armors in game have such modifications performed (or do it yourself) during downtime for some small cost. On the Arcane Armor covering the flaps, I'd say it would be like a metallic Arch-angel (x-men) sort of thing: X-Men Archangel... Dragon*Con 2012 Marvel Comics Artwork, Comic Art, Comic Book Cover

If its somehow overpowered or ridiculous we can trim it back later, I'd rather just roll forward and see how it plays first before making any changes.

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I can open a 'character sheets' topic where you guys can post your MW sheets if thats what you prefer.

For myself, when DMing I typically just copy a few things I need to a Google Sheet. In other words, your character sheets are mostly just for your reference (after an initial review and another look each level up).

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Checking in, I also have book access.

Since I will probably spring for Magic Initiate that makes me want to ask if I could do a Mark of Storm Half-Elf.

Idea being my half-elf has some Eberron heritage from dad's adventures she didn't know about and only recently started manifesting magic.

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My character is a Noble in the Xaryxian Empire (Astral Elves). My Google-fu found that the adventure encounters a prince and princess of Xaryxian Empire (Astral Elves). How closely related would you want them to be?

I don't need my character to be closely related to enjoy the character or game. And whether he's a prince or a baronet, I will play him the same. How close is completely up to you based on the what's best for your story.

If he's closely related to the emperor, he could carry the title of prince as the son of a king, grand prince, or prince.

If he's far, he could carry the title of lord as the son of a baron or count.


My character sheet is linked and updating as I go.




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Yeah Xaryxian elves are the antagonists of the adventure. Not all astral elves are Xaryxian, its just one empire. I'm totally fine with you playing either relation. However, it would be better if you were a bit distant at least in knowledge so you don't just inherently know plot elements.


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I've posted the first gameplay post if you want to start thinking about/writing your intro. Once I have a chance to review everyone's sheets (and get initiative scores) I'll roll initiative and unlock it. This module starts right in the middle of battle. :)

By the way, I use a blend of group initiative and regular initiative for pbp that may be confusing. I will roll initiative for all. Players act together so post order doesn't matter (and so do enemies), yet I still track initiative order. This is because of all the abilities and gameplay elements (such as death saves) that start/end on individual creature turns. Such abilities do not play right with purely group initiative, in my opinion.

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Chaeek, Celsior, and Nazira...I didn't spot any mistakes with the sheets, consider them approved. Nazira, only thing is maybe listing your default equipment choices from the paladin class.

Please note also everyone starts play with Inspiration.

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For the default equipment, we can sell things we don't want for half price, right? I can't see Lazuli keeping any clothes.


Also, not important, but can I have her druid focus be a club instead of a staff? She will probably be in closer combat mostly, and it just looks silly in my mind to have her carry a staff and shield. Mostly, I want her to be able to cast shillelagh on her focus, so the staff would work, just look cumbersome.

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