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Union - Android Nanocyte Doctor and Space Gangsta


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"We are glad to make your acquaintance."


Android (Laborer +2 Str / +2 Con / -2 Cha) - Union is a singular being composed of numerous AI biosynthetic, hivemind nanobots operating in unison under a unique machine-learning algorithm that makes him particularly adaptable to a multitude of situations.


Nanocyte  (Augmented Archetype) - Union has the ability to incorporate body augmentations more efficiently into his unique construct.


Biotechnicican  - (+1 INT) Union excels in knowledge of bioengineering and its applications in medicine.

Skills and Abilities

Ability Scores

(+2 STR/CON) (+1 INT) (-2CHA)

14 15 18 16 14 10

Key Skills 

Medicine 10
Culture 10
Life Science 7
Physical Science 7
Computers 7
Engineering 7
Perception 6
Stealth 6


Crew Position and Combat Role

Science Officer / Biotechnician / Medic / Librarian   -

Union can provide excellent support for many roles both in and out of the field. He excels as a combat medic and defensive warfare & artillery specialist. His greatest strength is his adaptability.




Union most often appears to be a featureless, opaque human-shaped figure, but his appearance often flutters and fluctuates at a moment's notice. This happens more often when he speaks, sometimes painting generic visual representations of emotions across his face. When deep in thought, nanobot fluctuations will often ripple over his features and when he sleeps, his entire form often discorporates involuntarily, distorting his whole body in bizarre ways. When he speaks, his voice has the eerie quality of sounding like many voices in unison.

Union prefers the most simple and sleek of attire and usually wears light armor unless the situation calls for something otherwise. Union is the epitome of a minimalist. He usually carries only the barest assortment of essential weapons and tools, not already incorporated into his form, preferring instead to rely on his unique construct to produce whatever he needs in a given situation.


Union always refers to himself in the plural "We". Union is only twelve years old. So, needless to say, he hasn't had a lot of life experience. Some might even call him naive for a genius autodidact bio-supercomputer.

Union is a highly logical being with little capacity for emotional intelligence, which lends to a rather dry personality. He realizes this and over-compensates for the character flaw with often ill-timed humor and a constantly fluctuating and exaggerated persona that, more often than not, only serves to confuse people. Mostly though, he is utterly blunt and straightforward in both thought and speech, as androids tend to be, as well as highly efficient in most ways in general.

Union is highly curious and knowledgeable on most intellectual subjects, except for those pertaining to magic and mysticism, on which he finds it utterly confounding to spend any time at all in contemplation. Union can be frustratingly optimistic at times to those around him, partly because he can do remedial tasks for hours on end, thinks 5% probabilities are pretty darned good, considering all things, and that death shouldn't be considered such a major setback.


OLD HAND - 100% of Union's life has been spent under the employment of EJ Corp, which acquired him at birth. Of course, Android ownership is no longer strictly legal, but the lines of ethical employment are often muddled by confounding litigation that more often than not extends beyond the terms of an entity's contract anyway, and so is often overlooked.

Such is the case with Union, who is now twelve years into a twenty-year contract to pay off the debt of his construction. For most people, this type of legal bondage would be hard on one's mind, but not for Union. His awareness of time is different than for most on account of Androids having indefinite lifespans and not aging like purely organic beings.

Union has spent most of his life's non-working hours studying and researching a variety of topics upon which he has an insatiable curiosity. That being said, he owns no books, preferring to check books out from the library. His quarters are impeccably tidy and minimalist.

Union is a being of steely routine. His favorite restaurant is a Brenneri diner not far from his studio that serves mostly fish and, at which, he can be found every evening from 17:00 to 17:50 local time. Union has never been late to work nor ever missed a day. He reads for one hour before bed and falls asleep every night at 22:00 on the nose.

Most of Union's coworkers find his nonchalant attitude about long and tedious working hours to be annoying, except for one Brenneri named Tarika, another long-time employee, for whom Union has a special fondness on account of her predilection for laughing at his jokes and seemingly sincere enjoyment of his company. Union has repaid her many times over for her affection by covering for her at work on numerous occasions and even convincing a foreman not to fire her twice. He doesn't mind if Tarika takes advantage of him for his kindness. He's just glad to have a friend.

Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
Array 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
Array 2
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
Array 3
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
Array 4
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
Array 5
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
Array 6
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,
repeat(4d6,8) 6,4,1,1,1,1,1,2,4,2,2,2,3,1,4,1,6,2,1,4,4,2,6,4,5,2,6,5,5,2,3,2
repeat(4d6,8) 6,2,6,1,2,6,4,1,5,3,1,3,3,6,1,1,6,4,1,4,2,3,4,1,4,2,1,6,1,5,6,2
repeat(4d6,8) 3,3,6,4,2,1,4,4,1,1,6,6,2,1,3,4,4,2,2,6,2,5,5,6,6,1,1,4,2,6,2,4
repeat(4d6,8) 1,3,3,6,6,2,4,6,3,2,5,4,5,4,1,1,2,4,6,5,4,3,5,5,5,1,5,5,3,2,1,1
repeat(4d6,8) 3,1,4,2,1,1,2,1,3,3,2,1,3,2,4,3,3,5,5,3,5,2,6,5,5,5,1,2,2,1,3,4
repeat(4d6,8) 2,2,2,1,4,1,6,2,4,5,1,1,2,6,5,6,3,3,2,1,2,1,5,2,3,4,4,6,1,5,2,1
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8 hours ago, Maester1216 said:

So when rolling the 4d6 you do drop the lowest rolled dice. That in mind, upon inspecting the dice breakdown here’s what Array #4 would look like:


Ohhh... I just reread the instructions. That's different than I thought. Let me look through them. I might have a better option.

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After a little bit of experimentation, I found this dice table formula yields the result you're looking for and might make the process easier for new applicants, if you want to post it in your character creation outline.

After the 8 results it yields they can just drop the two they don't want.

FORMULA = "repeat(drop(4d6,lowest,1)8)"


(don't use the quotes)

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There's a metallic buzz and the door to Tarika's office slides open with the standard rusty swoosh sound that most of the doors at the old EJ Corp facility make when they open.

"Yo Yo YOOO!!!", Union hollers as he comes in, half-strutting / half weirdly dancing to Tarika's office, knees poking out to the sides and fingers pumping comically over his head toward the ceiling, only to find the Brenneri wiping away tears with the backs of her two furry hands.

"Union!!! Hey!" she says, heartily, if perhaps a bit abashed. Tarika wears a sincere smile for her friend and is glad to see him through her tear-glistened eyes.

Union's blank canvas of a face flashes into an almost clownish expression of utter, distraught, sadness for a mere moment before reverting back to its normal blankness. "Oh no! Tarika! Have we arrived at an ill-timed moment? It appears to us that you are experiencing an override malfunction in your amygdala's emotion processing application, likely resulting in a preference for solitude." he says, his voice having reverted back from the playful tenor, to its standard, pluralous monotone.

"No no, it's fine," the Brenneri woman responds, waving away his concern and genuinely pleased to see her long-time Android work husband. Tarika chuckles at the thought of Union being someone's husband. It made her feel good to laugh. Union always had a way of making her laugh, somehow, with his awkward gesticulations. "Come in! I was just, umm....... ohh you know...," Tarika says, waving off the subject again and realizing Union could probably recite back the hours of incoherent, emotional ramblings she'd vented onto him in the past few months, word for word, anyway, so she had no need to reiterate. "What are you doing here? You're not scheduled back to work until tomorrow. I think I have you on a skiff pushing produce out to the mining colonies in cluster 33b and picking up a shipment of their alloys"

"We are aware of this and very excited," Union replies, with near-impossible enthusiasm for so mundane an assignment. He apparently had completely moved past his concern for her emotional state. "We are eager to ask the foreman there twenty-six questions about his company's platinum refinery techniques," Union adds. Tarika was not even about to ask what the twenty-six questions were and suddenly felt sympathy for the unknowing foreman.

"Ummm, OK...? So what brings you in on your day off then?"

"We have brought you a gift of bribery!" Union says producing a magnetic paper clip holder. He hands it over to Tarika proudly.

"Bling Bling!!" he adds, earning him another chuckle. "It's an old artifact, once used for organizing paperclips and we have found it to be highly practical and efficient in its intended function, despite its archaic origin, which makes it a unique and memorable gift," Union says, quite incapable of masking his concern for Tarika's cluttered working environment. An expression of dissenting concern and gritted teeth flashes over his face in a rapid wave of nanites.

"Umm... Thanks..., I think..." Tarika says, setting the paperclip holder on her desk amidst the piles of cluttered papers and holotabs, strewn about there. "Did you say 'gift of bribery'?" she asks.

"Yes, we have received the company notice that a team is being assembled for off-system assignments and are here to strengthen our case for selection," Union immediately continues.

"Oh, I see... You do know you're not supposed to tell the person you're trying to bribe that you're trying to bribe them, right? Tarika says. She just smiles when Union doesn't reply and waves of nanites pass over his face, indicating he's thinking hard about her statement.

"Anyway... so you're interested in the off-system gig huh?" Tarika asks with a slight tinge of concern in her voice. "I mean, I think it's great. It's just... Well... you know.... Well, I'm not who you need to speak to about that assignment?"

Tarika is surprised by Union's interest in the assignment, but also a little concerned too. It's dangerous work, after all, and though Union is, by all measures, highly capable and unusually efficient in most tasks, besides being incredibly knowledgeable, she realizes he's quite inexperienced in the more exotic and dangerous assignments and also somewhat....... childlike in nature. She worries that he might get in over his head. Besides that, she doesn't like the idea of not seeing her favorite coworker around the office on regular occasions, as has been the case for nearly a dozen years. She decides to keep her personal feelings and concerns to herself.

"Correct," Union replies. We submitted our request to the assignments office last Monday at six hundred hours when the application term was announced to commence. We are relaying this information to you now because we are aware you have a healthy professional relationship with the Chief Assignments Officer that is marked by amicable informalities suggesting emotional leverage, and we've determined that this afternoon at thirteen hundred hours would be the optimum time for you to make a candidate recommendation to them on our behalf, thereby strengthening our case for selection."

"Huh! And here I thought you'd just come for my charming company and corny dad jokes,"
Tarika replies sarcastically, but also impressed by Union's resolve. Union struggles to process her intended meaning and stands stoically silent before Tarika finally bursts out laughing at his awkwardness.

"Of course, I'll put in a word for you, Union, as long you're sure it's what you want..."

"We have considered this query one hundred forty-three thousand, sixty-three times and have concluded that it is," Union replies, this time causing Tarika a moment of awkward silence before she bursts into another fit of laughter, and this time joined in by Union's strange pluralous voice as a nanite expression of genuine mirth cycles over his features.

"What would I possibly do around here without you for months at a time though?" Tarika asks, reciprocally. "Oh! Are we still on for for fish sticks and margaritas, Tuesday at Marina's?" she asks. Union takes a moment to process her questions and concludes that it's best not to attempt to answer Tarika's first question. He replies in the affirmative about their plans to meet for dinner at their favorite cafe.

After a few more characteristically awkward exchanges, Union announces suddenly that he is leaving. He turns and exits back out the electronic portal without so much as a goodbye, but then pops his head back in a moment later. "Catch ya later BABE!!" he says, in a weird slow drawl, producing a generic face for the sake of an exaggerated wink, before leaving again, the door buzzing and sliding to a rasping close behind him.

Tarika shakes her head with incredulous amusement as she turns back to her work feeling better and genuinely glad to have had her strange android friend drop in on her unexpectedly.





Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
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