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Moose Hunt Turn 1


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Myriawen Portrait



Ancestry: Arctic Elf | Sex: Female | Ethnicity: Ilverani | Age: 172 | Height: 5' 8" | Weight: 118 lbs.

Like any arctic elf Myriawen is frosty on the surface, yet there is a quality to her that makes it appear like her vains were burning with the fire of barely tamed passion. It is impossible to tell how old she is; her skin is flawless, yet her bright blue eyes reflect memories of ages.

She is always calm and soft; she easily shys away from loud noises, yet her voice has, in its softness, an irresistible quality to it. Sometimes she doesn't even need to use her voice, a faint knowing smile of hers alone can settle a fight between two Broken Tusks.

It is common knowledge that she can commune with other half-elves and elves without using words.


Myriawen Syornmaiden, Bard 1

Arctic Elf

Perception +5; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics -1, Crafting +5, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Lore: Bardic +5, Lore: Genealogy +5, Occultism +5, Performance +7, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4
Items Studded Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Sling Bullets (20), Musical Instrument (Handheld), Clothing (Winter)

AC 18; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 14; Resistances cold 1

Speed 30 feet
Melee Dagger +6 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P
Melee Rapier +6 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged Sling +6 (Propulsive), Damage 1d6 B
Occult Known Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Charm, Soothe, True Strike (2 slots); Cantrips Light, Daze, Prestidigitation, Shield, Haunting Hymn
Occult Innate Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Mindlink; Cantrips
Focus Spells (1 points) Counter Performance action_reaction_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Your performance protects you and your allies. Roll a Performance check for a type you know: an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory, or a visual one for a visual trigger. You and allies in the area can use the better result between your Performance check and the saving throw.
Inspire Courage action_single_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Duration 1 round You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.
Additional Feats Arctic Elf, Bardic Lore, Impressive Performance, Share Thoughts
Additional Specials Muses (Enigma)

Myriawen Syornmaiden, True Good Arctic Elf Enigma Bard

Myriawen moved closer, ready to heal any wounded companion with magic of her elven songs. Luckily, that was unnecessary, because none of them seemed hurt.

She took the sling and a bullet from her belt, but instead of spinning it for a shot, she focused the moose, snarled her fine teeth, and let a furious cry of anger, much more powerful than what she would seem capable of, a call of rage to break the moose's spirit entirely. In truth, Myriawen's own spirit was shaking as she saw the majestic beast suffering, but it had to be done for the good of the tribe.


[one-action] Stride to L5
[one-action] Ready Sling
[one-action] Demoralise on the moose (incl. -4 on the roll for no shared language) NATURAL 20

1d20+3 20
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Golgarath.png.0d33894989c69ed2848d20d79da42ea5.pngGol'garath, Ox House Spear-bearer





Gol'garath almost pitied the majestic bull moose, surrounded and harried by the Broken Tusk hunter's, it gave great braying calls of pain and defiance. He wanted to strike it fast, quick, and deep, to give it a clean death and end it's suffering. As he deftly moved through the advanced crowd of hunter's, he came up behind Pakano, who had, already, struck a telling blow, "Thank you, noble moose, you honor our peoples with your life blood this day." And with that he thurst his spear, timing the attack with his Musk Ox brother, Molgaard, to cuase the moose to turn and twist under his spear's assault, exposing it's flank to the dwarf's long pike.

Out of Character

Free Action:

Reaction:  Aid Another [Success; Q add's an additional +1 to their 1st Attack check]

Action 1: Stride to L7; Behind Pakano Flanking with Q

Action 2: Confident Finisher

Action 3: Ready an Action to Aid Q's Attack on Moose

Edited by Zen Gypsy (see edit history)
Confident Finisher (Flanking & Demoralize added)
1d20+10 16
Confident Finisher [1d6+2] Piercing, [2d6] Precision
3d6+2 5,1,6
Aid Check [Attack bonus +7]
1d20+7 14
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Talyn of Mendevia - Cleric 1 (MW Sheet)image.png.7e5916194bd6265be6c18eeeb689bdda.png

HP 18/18 | AC 17 (+19 with shield raised)

Perception +4 | Fort +7 | Ref +4 |Will +6

Resistances cold 1 | Speed 25 feet


Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +1, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Demon +3, Medicine +4, Religion +4
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items Hide, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Religious Symbol (Silver), Healer's Tools, Crowbar, Alcohol (5), Signal Whistle, Clothing (Winter), Air Bladder, Climbing Kit, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)

Shield Block action_reaction.png
Melee Scimitar +6 (Forceful, Sweep), Damage 1d6+3 S
Reach Spell action_single.png
Divine Prepared Spells DC 14, attack +4; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips
Divine Prepared Spells DC 14, attack +4; 1st Magic Weapon, Bless; Cantrips Guidance, Stabilize, Light, Forbidding Ward, Bullhorn
Additional Feats Pilgrim's Token, Wintertouched Human
Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Warpriest)

"DIistance and a bow blessed by Sister Cinder too safe for you old fool? You know nothing!" Talyn spat out in frustration.

Talyn released her will from preventing the moose from attacking Pakano, raised her shield again and thrust forward with her flame shaped blade when the moose presented openings



Exploration Activity:

Reaction: shield block if attacked

Action 1: raise shield

Action 2: strike moose

Action 3: strike moose

Immune to guidance for an hour: Myriawen 



Scimitar strike
1d20+6 14
S dmg
1d6+3 1
Scimitar strike
1d20+1 4
S dmg
1d6+3 3
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Qingalic Mølgaard

Qingalic MolgaardFighter 1

Strong-Blooded Dwarf

Perception +7; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Lore: Hunting +3, Medicine +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Items Hide, Healer's Tools, Backpack (2), Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)

AC 17 (+19 with shield raised); Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 23
Shield Block action_reaction_black.pngTrigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.
Attack of Opportunity action_reaction_black.pngTrigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Speed 20 feet
Melee Guisarme +9 (Reach, Trip), Damage 1d10+4 S
Melee Clan Dagger +9 (Agile, Dwarf, Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B), Damage 1d4+4 P
Melee Light Hammer +9 (Agile, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6+4 B
Melee Fist +9 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d4+4 B
Ranged Javelin +6 (Thrown), Damage 1d6+4 P
Sudden Charge action_double_black.png (Flourish, Open) With a quick sprint, you dash up to your foe and swing. Stride twice. If you end your movement within melee reach of at least one enemy, you can make a melee Strike against that enemy. You can use Sudden Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
Additional Feats Strong-Blooded Dwarf, Titan Wrestler, Unburdened Iron

House of the Musk Ox (Totem: Bighorn Sheep) image.png.dd97adbbe0fc3dec71d57107d2ce6d3f.png

Strong-Blooded DwarfYou gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.; Megafauna HunterYou have a natural knack for tracking and taking down big game such as moose, saber-toothed tigers, and even wild mammoths.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Athletics skill, and the Hunting Lore skill. You gain the Titan Wrestler skill feat.
; Fighter (1)


HP: 23/23 AC: 17 (19): hide (shield) | Speed: 20' | Darkvision | Lang: Hallit, Dwarven

Perception (E): +7  Initiative: +7 | Fort (E): +8 | Ref (E): +6| Will (T): +5 | Hero Pts: 1

| SkillsTrained:
Acrobatics (+4); Athletics (+7); Lore/hunting (+3); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+4); Survival (+5)

Acrana (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (-1); Diplomacy (-1); Intimidation (-1); Occultism (+0); Performance (-1); Religion (+2); Society (+0); Thievery (+1)
 | AttributesSTR +4
DEX +1
CON +3
INT +0
WIS +2
CHA -1
 | AttacksUnarmed:

Fist +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed


Guisarme +9/+4/-1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d10+4 S, Reach, Trip
Clan Dagger +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 P, Versatile B, Agile, Dwarf, Parry
Light Hammer +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


Javelin +6/+1/-4 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 P, Thrown 30'
Light Hammer +6/+2/-2 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


The dwarf stared in some amazement as his Trip attempt failed. He was thoroughly nonplussed.

Qingalic emerged from his stupor, however, as he saw that Gol'garath was working the animal around towards him.

I'll figure it out later, he muttered to himself, now using the edge of the guisarme to cut, not trip.



Discussion re: Trip in OOC thread.

For this round, I am assuming +2 for flanking and a +1 for the moose being Frightened 1 (if not, we can readjust if needed). So net +3 to +9/+4 standard attack bonus along with MAP

So the 1st attack might well be a critical (i.e. AC+10). I tend to favor rolling the die(dice) again for doubling damage rather than multiply by two: this is what I've done below. So if the 31 is a crit, 22 total damage done.

I won't roll damage for the second attack as that surely missed.



1. Stare stupidly in consternation.

2. Strike at +12 Damage would be 1d10+4

3. Strike at +7 Damage would be 1d10+4





Edited by Vedast (see edit history)
First Attack Roll
1d20+12 19
Normal Damage 1st attack
1d10+4 10
Critical Damage 1st attack
1d10+4 4
Second Attack Roll
1d20+7 3
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Qingalac attacks the moose being herded towards him and quite clearly under the effect of a spell or two from the rest of the party. His quick succession of two attacks opens one of the huge animals' arteries and blood starts spraying out.

Egan, Gol'garath, and Talyn all land blows as the animal falls to the ground. The blood continued to spurt from the animal, but there was no life left in the huge beast.

While the group of hunters caught their breath, Wipa made her way out of the trees and came to stand next to the great moose. She said a quiet prayer to Sister Cinder for the safety of the party and the sacrifice the moose would make for the tribe.

Then she faced Pakano. "That was foolish of you to run out there like that. You know better. With the other hunters all hidden, had you stepped behind the trees and let the animal come to Myriawen, you would all have been in a position to trap the beast along the water or at the very least all be attacking away to the great antler and the hoofs of the Majestic creature that will feed our families "

She then pulled her hunting knife and made a long cut along the belly of the creature. "You new hunters gather round and help me prepare the meat to take home. Pakano, gather water for us, start a fire, and finish making camp. You have done this before and we will need to stay the night given the hour and the size of this beast. "

She then turned to the young hunters, "Does anyone have an issue working together to dress the moose?" She looks at each one and waits for acknowledgment before continuing with the lesson.


Wipa is waiting for your acknowledgment and any questions you may have about what is to happen next. While she is do finished scolding Pakano she will listen to any thoughts or questions about the hunt, Pakano, strategy, or clan protocol regarding the hunt.


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Qingalic Mølgaard

Qingalic MolgaardFighter 1

Strong-Blooded Dwarf

Perception +7; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Lore: Hunting +3, Medicine +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Items Hide, Healer's Tools, Backpack (2), Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)

AC 17 (+19 with shield raised); Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 23
Shield Block action_reaction_black.pngTrigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.
Attack of Opportunity action_reaction_black.pngTrigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Speed 20 feet
Melee Guisarme +9 (Reach, Trip), Damage 1d10+4 S
Melee Clan Dagger +9 (Agile, Dwarf, Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B), Damage 1d4+4 P
Melee Light Hammer +9 (Agile, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6+4 B
Melee Fist +9 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d4+4 B
Ranged Javelin +6 (Thrown), Damage 1d6+4 P
Sudden Charge action_double_black.png (Flourish, Open) With a quick sprint, you dash up to your foe and swing. Stride twice. If you end your movement within melee reach of at least one enemy, you can make a melee Strike against that enemy. You can use Sudden Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
Additional Feats Strong-Blooded Dwarf, Titan Wrestler, Unburdened Iron

House of the Musk Ox (Totem: Bighorn Sheep) image.png.dd97adbbe0fc3dec71d57107d2ce6d3f.png

Strong-Blooded DwarfYou gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.; Megafauna HunterYou have a natural knack for tracking and taking down big game such as moose, saber-toothed tigers, and even wild mammoths.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Athletics skill, and the Hunting Lore skill. You gain the Titan Wrestler skill feat.
; Fighter (1)


HP: 23/23 AC: 17 (19): hide (shield) | Speed: 20' | Darkvision | Lang: Hallit, Dwarven

Perception (E): +7  Initiative: +7 | Fort (E): +8 | Ref (E): +6| Will (T): +5 | Hero Pts: 1

| SkillsTrained:
Acrobatics (+4); Athletics (+7); Lore/hunting (+3); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+4); Survival (+5)

Acrana (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (-1); Diplomacy (-1); Intimidation (-1); Occultism (+0); Performance (-1); Religion (+2); Society (+0); Thievery (+1)
 | AttributesSTR +4
DEX +1
CON +3
INT +0
WIS +2
CHA -1
 | AttacksUnarmed:

Fist +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed


Guisarme +9/+4/-1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d10+4 S, Reach, Trip
Clan Dagger +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 P, Versatile B, Agile, Dwarf, Parry
Light Hammer +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


Javelin +6/+1/-4 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 P, Thrown 30'
Light Hammer +6/+2/-2 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


Qingalic was wiping the blade of his guisarme clean of blood and gore.

I have no objection, of course, to assisting with harvesting the noble animal. Perhaps, however, at least one of us should stand a guard whilst the rest of the party is occupied with securing the meat and the camp?

The dwarf awaited a determination, content to defer to the Head Scout's authority.



Later Add: assuming Wipa concurs or does not object, Qingalic will take station atop the ridge near cover (so that he's not just standing visible against the skyline), say around square O4. He'll use this vantage to watch for any approach; signs of smoke; that sort of thing. And to keep a discrete eye on Pakano.

Later IC (reflective) Add:

Qingalic was introspective as he continued his watch over the party setting camp and gralloching the fine moose. Any dwarf would, of course, feel somewhat isolated in a mostly human Following: and this was not to mention that their small hunting group included the three elves. Still, the bonds of Following and House were quite strong and the mixed party had fought well together considering their short association with one another. Gol'garath, a brother in the House of the Musk Ox, in particular had fought in tandem with him (thinking fondly of the his enthusiastic battle cry!). Each member's skills, strengths and weaknesses would become better known to all with experience.

No, he mused, it is that I guess; fear; suspect Pakano's agency in Weohotan's death. The others seek to conciliate Pakano, perhaps rightly so from their perspective. But, they were not there, as I was, looking into Weohotan's eyes as he gave up the ghost. I have no proof to make a public charge or challenge, yet I cannot trust him. The others may perceive this as aloofness; meanness; malice or envy on my part, he considered unhappily.

The best he could hope for the moment was that his suspicions were misplaced. He would continue to watch and wait. The burden of doubt must be his alone for now.








Edited by Vedast (see edit history)
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Myriawen Portrait



Ancestry: Arctic Elf | Sex: Female | Ethnicity: Ilverani | Age: 172 | Height: 5' 8" | Weight: 118 lbs.

Like any arctic elf Myriawen is frosty on the surface, yet there is a quality to her that makes it appear like her vains were burning with the fire of barely tamed passion. It is impossible to tell how old she is; her skin is flawless, yet her bright blue eyes reflect memories of ages.

She is always calm and soft; she easily shys away from loud noises, yet her voice has, in its softness, an irresistible quality to it. Sometimes she doesn't even need to use her voice, a faint knowing smile of hers alone can settle a fight between two Broken Tusks.

It is common knowledge that she can commune with other half-elves and elves without using words.


Myriawen Syornmaiden, Bard 1

Arctic Elf

Perception +5; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics -1, Crafting +5, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Lore: Bardic +5, Lore: Genealogy +5, Occultism +5, Performance +7, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4
Items Studded Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Sling Bullets (20), Musical Instrument (Handheld), Clothing (Winter)

AC 18; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 14; Resistances cold 1

Speed 30 feet
Melee Dagger +6 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P
Melee Rapier +6 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged Sling +6 (Propulsive), Damage 1d6 B
Occult Known Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Charm, Soothe, True Strike (2 slots); Cantrips Light, Daze, Prestidigitation, Shield, Haunting Hymn
Occult Innate Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Mindlink; Cantrips
Focus Spells (1 points) Counter Performance action_reaction_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Your performance protects you and your allies. Roll a Performance check for a type you know: an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory, or a visual one for a visual trigger. You and allies in the area can use the better result between your Performance check and the saving throw.
Inspire Courage action_single_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Duration 1 round You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.
Additional Feats Arctic Elf, Bardic Lore, Impressive Performance, Share Thoughts
Additional Specials Muses (Enigma)

Myriawen Syornmaiden, True Good Arctic Elf Enigma Bard

Myriawen knelt by the side of the slain moose, touched its fur, and sing a silent, but clear few lines:

We are grateful, Sister Cinder,
For this noble gift of the wild.
Its spirit shall roam Elysian woods,
As its flesh gives life to the tribe.

Myriawen's eyes landed on Wipa's belly when she phrased 'gives life'. Yes, this moose was for the Broken Tusks, and yes Wipa may be tough, but Myriawen would still make sure she got the best pieces, and some of the fur would be used for a cradle for the child under Wipa's heart.

Aloud, she said: "Even though there may be room for improvement, I think we've done pretty well for ourselves. What do we have to do?" It was a barely noticeable touch, but enough to create a connection; as with Gol'garath before, Myriawen was able to share her mind directly with any elf, including half-human like Wipa. Not that Myriawen thought of Wipa as half-anything.

There was a slight concern for Pakano; while he had spoiled Myriawen's plan, Myriawen also thought of it as chivalrous how he put himself in front of the moose (even though that wasn't his intention). Stopping it from charging at all wasn't the worst idea, especially considering that they managed to surround it anyway. Myriawen didn't particularly like Pakano, but she tried to get him in the group, not single him out; she was of the House of the Otter after all. There was also a hint of concern in Myriawen's thoughts, the question of whether Wipa held a grudge against Pakano for what happned to Weohotan.

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Golgarath.png.0d33894989c69ed2848d20d79da42ea5.pngGol'garath, Ox House Spear-bearer





Gol'garath whooped as Molgaard brought the massive bull down, "Uuk-uuk-hai!" He raised his barbed spear into the air, jutting it towards the sky, "Well done Ox-brother! You bring honor our house, Merthig will drink in your honor when we gather at Rockloom, to be certain!"  However, Wipa began to berate Pakano for his actions during the hunt, in Gol'garath's mind, unfairly, for the man had only come to the defense of his kith, Myriawen, who had bravely challenged the bull from the opposite side of the stream. However, as the Huntmaster went on about his choice, it became, almost, uncomfortable, as if Wipa blamed Pakano for being the bearing to her the news of her beloved's death, when he, himself, had suffered the loss of a mentor in Weohotan. Gol'garath hung his head as he remembered the name, for the aged hunter had been the best among them, open and friendly, a mentor to any who would have him, he welcomed the new-comers, like Ailerry and Talyn to the Following with open arms, and his loss had hurt them all, especially his wife, who, even now, bore a child who would never come to know their father.

When offered the honor of cutting their prey, Gol'garath declined, for he wished to speak to Pakano, to make peace with his Broken Tusk kith, he waved of Wipa, "My herding hands would dishonor the noble kill, I will settle for cast offs and let the more skilled hands carve the choicest cuts." He walked past Myriawen, still remembering her touch, as she aided Wipa, he nodded, offering her silent praise for her courage. As he caught up to Pakano, he spoke, "Wipa is our Hunstmaster, but her coming motherhood has her treating grown men as children, stumbling in their first steps. You did your Grandfather proud, your thrusts were will aimed and well timed. Eiwa's blood flows in your veins, for you withstood the bull's charge, like the mighty oak withstands the winter's winds. I am sure Eiwa will see it that way, and you shall earn the mark of the bull's heart's blood. While I am but a clumsy herder, it would be my honor to stand shoulder to shoulder with you against the Following's enemies, they would fall thick, like winter snows, until they blanketed the ground."

Out of Character

Free Action:

Reaction:  Make an Impression (Pakano; Diplomacy vs Will DC)

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

Make an Impression (Pakano; Diplomacy vs Will DC)
1d20+5 13
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Talyn of Mendevia - Cleric 1 (MW Sheet)image.png.7e5916194bd6265be6c18eeeb689bdda.png

HP 18/18 | AC 17 (+19 with shield raised)

Perception +4 | Fort +7 | Ref +4 |Will +6

Resistances cold 1 | Speed 25 feet


Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +1, Athletics +6, Diplomacy +5, Intimidation +5, Lore: Demon +3, Medicine +4, Religion +4
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2
Items Hide, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Religious Symbol (Silver), Healer's Tools, Crowbar, Alcohol (5), Signal Whistle, Clothing (Winter), Air Bladder, Climbing Kit, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)

Shield Block action_reaction.png
Melee Scimitar +6 (Forceful, Sweep), Damage 1d6+3 S
Reach Spell action_single.png
Divine Prepared Spells DC 14, attack +4; 1st Heal, Heal, Heal; Cantrips
Divine Prepared Spells DC 14, attack +4; 1st Magic Weapon, Bless; Cantrips Guidance, Stabilize, Light, Forbidding Ward, Bullhorn
Additional Feats Pilgrim's Token, Wintertouched Human
Additional Specials Anathema, Deity, Divine Font (Healing Font), Divine Spellcasting, Doctrine (Warpriest)

"Sister Cinder bless this creature to the Broken Tusks," Talyn murmured in a lowered voice. Not quite low enough to be reverent. Revernece was not often associated with the young woman despite her passionate faith. Her passion often held her back from the reverence. One thing she was passionate about was berating fools but this time Wipa had beaten her to it.

Talyn met Pakano's eyes and could tell the chastisement did not sit well with the boastful young man. She didn't break contact with his eyes but held her tongue.

When Pakano looked away, the young woman turned her gaze back to the moose. It wasn't exactly a clean kill and blood stained the earth. Talyn felt her heart rate, which had been falling, risk again. Her chest tightened. Memories of slaughtered innocents at the hands of demons crept into her mind. Surreptiously she turned to survey the broader surroundings and slipped a nip from her hip flask. The potent liquor burnt her throat in a soothing heat and she clenched her eyes tight and started to murmur, "Absalom. Magnimar. Cassomir. Almas.." Her voice softly faded as she composed herself and turned back to the others.

Focussing herself, perhaps a little too sharply, she spoke in a terse voice and addressed Wipa, "Teach me. You will soon have other responsibilties and we will need to do this."



Exploration Activity:


Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

Immune to guidance for an hour: Myriawen 



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Egan Ailerry - Half-Elf Rogue 1

HP: 18/18 | AC: 18 | Speed: 25ft | Hero: 1/3 

Perception: +7 | Fort: +5 | Ref: +9 | Will: +7

Consumables | Spells | Skills | Conditions: 

Bonuses and Abilities

-Surprise Attack
-Sneak Attack 1d6
-Assurance (Athletics)
-Thief Racket

-Twin Feint
-Battle Medicine (DC15 2d8)

Egan breathes deeply after the fight, the quavering of his hands barely noticeable. Looks like he wasn't quite ready to walk out on that ice floe. Maybe those old bones had another season or too in them yet. As long as he could still be useful, he'd be able to stay with these Broken Tusks. He sheathes his blades and gathers his bow off the ground, the last traces of magic still tingling through it, showing him just how brief the fight had been.
He looks to Wipa and nods, "Aye I can help. Not my first time gutting a kill." It seems pretty obvious that 'not my first time' is a common refrain for the greybeard. He takes the long slender skinning knife from his belt and moves in to help, though he's rather sloppy and inept. One could say he really butchers his attempt to dress the moose.


Other: Roll survival for field dressing


Action 1: 

Action 2: 

Action 3: 


Reaction: (None)

Exploration Activity: Scout



-Leather Armor: +1 AC/4 Dex
-Winter Clothes: Negate Damage from Severe Cold, Reduce Extreme Cold Damage
-Backpack: Ignore first 2 bulk of items in pack
-Belt Pouch
-Theives' Tools
-Quiver: 24x Arrows


-Dagger: +7 | 1d4+4P/S | Agile | Finesse | 10'
-Rapier: +7 | 1d6+4P | Deadly D8 | Finesse
-Shortsword: +7 | 1d6+4P/S | Agile | Finesse
-Shortbow: +7 | 1d6P | 60' | Deadly D10


-2x Rations (1 week)
-Rope (50')-5x Sacks
-Climbing Kit: 50' Rope, 12x Pitons, Hammer, Grappling Hook, Crampons, Pulleys
-Basic Crafter's Book
-5x Torches

Belt Pouch
-Flint and Steel
-10z Chalk
-0gp, 2sp, 2cp

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1d20+5 6
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On 11/24/2023 at 5:30 PM, Feuerrabe said:
Myriawen Portrait



Ancestry: Arctic Elf | Sex: Female | Ethnicity: Ilverani | Age: 172 | Height: 5' 8" | Weight: 118 lbs.

Like any arctic elf Myriawen is frosty on the surface, yet there is a quality to her that makes it appear like her vains were burning with the fire of barely tamed passion. It is impossible to tell how old she is; her skin is flawless, yet her bright blue eyes reflect memories of ages.

She is always calm and soft; she easily shys away from loud noises, yet her voice has, in its softness, an irresistible quality to it. Sometimes she doesn't even need to use her voice, a faint knowing smile of hers alone can settle a fight between two Broken Tusks.

It is common knowledge that she can commune with other half-elves and elves without using words.


Myriawen Syornmaiden, Bard 1

Arctic Elf

Perception +5; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics -1, Crafting +5, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Lore: Bardic +5, Lore: Genealogy +5, Occultism +5, Performance +7, Stealth +5, Survival +3
Str +0, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +0, Cha +4
Items Studded Leather, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Sling Bullets (20), Musical Instrument (Handheld), Clothing (Winter)

AC 18; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 14; Resistances cold 1

Speed 30 feet
Melee Dagger +6 (Agile, Finesse, Thrown 10 ft., Versatile S), Damage 1d4 P
Melee Rapier +6 (Deadly d8, Disarm, Finesse), Damage 1d6 P
Ranged Sling +6 (Propulsive), Damage 1d6 B
Occult Known Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Charm, Soothe, True Strike (2 slots); Cantrips Light, Daze, Prestidigitation, Shield, Haunting Hymn
Occult Innate Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st Mindlink; Cantrips
Focus Spells (1 points) Counter Performance action_reaction_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Your performance protects you and your allies. Roll a Performance check for a type you know: an auditory performance if the trigger was auditory, or a visual one for a visual trigger. You and allies in the area can use the better result between your Performance check and the saving throw.
Inspire Courage action_single_black.pngArea 60-foot emanation Duration 1 round You inspire your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves against fear effects.
Additional Feats Arctic Elf, Bardic Lore, Impressive Performance, Share Thoughts
Additional Specials Muses (Enigma)

Myriawen Syornmaiden, True Good Arctic Elf Enigma Bard

Myriawen knelt by the side of the slain moose, touched its fur, and sing a silent, but clear few lines:

We are grateful, Sister Cinder,
For this noble gift of the wild.
Its spirit shall roam Elysian woods,
As its flesh gives life to the tribe.

Myriawen's eyes landed on Wipa's belly when she phrased 'gives life'. Yes, this moose was for the Broken Tusks, and yes Wipa may be tough, but Myriawen would still make sure she got the best pieces, and some of the fur would be used for a cradle for the child under Wipa's heart.

Aloud, she said: "Even though there may be room for improvement, I think we've done pretty well for ourselves. What do we have to do?" It was a barely noticeable touch, but enough to create a connection; as with Gol'garath before, Myriawen was able to share her mind directly with any elf, including half-human like Wipa. Not that Myriawen thought of Wipa as half-anything.

There was a slight concern for Pakano; while he had spoiled Myriawen's plan, Myriawen also thought of it as chivalrous how he put himself in front of the moose (even though that wasn't his intention). Stopping it from charging at all wasn't the worst idea, especially considering that they managed to surround it anyway. Myriawen didn't particularly like Pakano, but she tried to get him in the group, not single him out; she was of the House of the Otter after all. There was also a hint of concern in Myriawen's thoughts, the question of whether Wipa held a grudge against Pakano for what happned to Weohotan.

Are you going to partipate in the dressing of the moose?

Just clarifiing.


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The next few hours are filled with making sure every last bit of the moose that is usable is separated and packed for the trip back to the tribe. Wipa, Talyn, Egan and Talyn. The training was not just in the art of carving up the animal, but also in the preservation of the bones, saving of the sinew and so many other aspects of the butchering for the tribe. All the parts were needed and used. The tribe respected the land and the animals.

Wipa kept mentioning what Pakano had done and how he should have paid attention to the rest of the group. Hints that he was spoiled and thought he was better than those around him.

While the others began the lessons Wipa had for them Gol'garath caught up with Pakano and attempted to talk with him about what Wipa had said. However, Pakano would hear none of it. He knew she didn't like him and was jealous of him. He was going to be the leader of the tribe soon and then everyone, including Wipa would listen to him and do everything he said, Then she and her kid would pay. It was like he didn't even know Go'garath was there.

Qingalac spends the time watching the area for any problems and sees nothing more than a few small creatures during the time.

Finally, everyone had finished the tasks in front of them and they started back to the tribe. The trip back was uneventful. Wipa and Pakano do not talk and seem to make sure they are as far away as possible.

The sun is almost gone by the time they return and settle into the camp. The group is informed to meet Grandfather Eiwa on the outskirts of the camp the next morning.


All those that participated with Wipa in the dressing of the Moose gain the Skill Feat - All of the Animal

You know how to make the best and most efficient use of
a hunted animal’s carcass. Choose a Large or larger corpse
of an animal that died within the past day. While using
Survival to Subsist near the carcass, you always receive
enough food for yourself and one additional Medium
creature, using up the meat from the carcass to do so. Since
you’re using all of the animal, others can’t use the carcass’s
meat for any other purpose, including their own use of All
of the Animal.


Moving to Next ThreadWe will be starting a new thread with the breaking of down. Is there anything anyone would like to specifiacally do or questions to ask? Then please post them here. I will write up the next section tonight.


Not sure if the OOC above actually worked so here it goes.


We will be starting a new thread with the breaking of down.  Is there anything anyone would like to specifiacally do or questions to ask?  Then please post them here.  I  will write up the next section tonight.  


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Qingalic Mølgaard

Qingalic MolgaardFighter 1

Strong-Blooded Dwarf

Perception +7; Darkvision
Languages None selected
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +7, Lore: Hunting +3, Medicine +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Items Hide, Healer's Tools, Backpack (2), Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Grappling Hook, Wooden Shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6)

AC 17 (+19 with shield raised); Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +5
HP 23
Shield Block action_reaction_black.pngTrigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack. You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.
Attack of Opportunity action_reaction_black.pngTrigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it’s using. You lash out at a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.

Speed 20 feet
Melee Guisarme +9 (Reach, Trip), Damage 1d10+4 S
Melee Clan Dagger +9 (Agile, Dwarf, Parry, Uncommon, Versatile B), Damage 1d4+4 P
Melee Light Hammer +9 (Agile, Thrown 20 ft.), Damage 1d6+4 B
Melee Fist +9 (Agile, Finesse, Nonlethal, Unarmed), Damage 1d4+4 B
Ranged Javelin +6 (Thrown), Damage 1d6+4 P
Sudden Charge action_double_black.png (Flourish, Open) With a quick sprint, you dash up to your foe and swing. Stride twice. If you end your movement within melee reach of at least one enemy, you can make a melee Strike against that enemy. You can use Sudden Charge while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.
Additional Feats Strong-Blooded Dwarf, Titan Wrestler, Unburdened Iron

House of the Musk Ox (Totem: Bighorn Sheep) image.png.dd97adbbe0fc3dec71d57107d2ce6d3f.png

Strong-Blooded DwarfYou gain poison resistance equal to half your level (minimum 1), and each of your successful saving throws against a poison affliction reduces its stage by 2, or by 1 for a virulent poison. Each critical success against an ongoing poison reduces its stage by 3, or by 2 for a virulent poison.; Megafauna HunterYou have a natural knack for tracking and taking down big game such as moose, saber-toothed tigers, and even wild mammoths.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Athletics skill, and the Hunting Lore skill. You gain the Titan Wrestler skill feat.
; Fighter (1)


HP: 23/23 AC: 17 (19): hide (shield) | Speed: 20' | Darkvision | Lang: Hallit, Dwarven

Perception (E): +7  Initiative: +7 | Fort (E): +8 | Ref (E): +6| Will (T): +5 | Hero Pts: 1

| SkillsTrained:
Acrobatics (+4); Athletics (+7); Lore/hunting (+3); Medicine (+5); Stealth (+4); Survival (+5)

Acrana (+0); Crafting (+0); Deception (-1); Diplomacy (-1); Intimidation (-1); Occultism (+0); Performance (-1); Religion (+2); Society (+0); Thievery (+1)
 | AttributesSTR +4
DEX +1
CON +3
INT +0
WIS +2
CHA -1
 | AttacksUnarmed:

Fist +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • Str +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 B • Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed


Guisarme +9/+4/-1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d10+4 S, Reach, Trip
Clan Dagger +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d4+4 P, Versatile B, Agile, Dwarf, Parry
Light Hammer +9/+5/+1 • Expert +5 • STR +4 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


Javelin +6/+1/-4 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 P, Thrown 30'
Light Hammer +6/+2/-2 • Expert +5 • DEX +1 • Item 0 • Damage 1d6+4 B, Agile, Thrown 20'


Qingalic was not by nature or experience gregarious, but he made an effort during the return to the Following's base camp to exchange ideas regarding the gralloching of wild game, comparing what some of the party had just learned from Hunt Mistress Wipa to the techniques he had been taught by his Holtaksen (mountain dwarf) hunting masters. Drop or clip point or specialty skinning knives; sharpening techniques and so forth.












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Golgarath.png.0d33894989c69ed2848d20d79da42ea5.pngGol'garath, Ox House Spear-bearer





Gol'garath eyes hardened as Pakano began to seethe about Wipa, how he would inherit leadership of the Following from Grandfather Eiwa and take his revenge on the Huntmaster. A weathered, tanned hand shot out to grasp Pakano's shoulder, to shake him from his childish delusions. "Listen to yourself Pakano! You sound like a mewling child, angry because he was chastised by his elders! Grandfather Eiwa leads the Broken Tusks because he is both loved and respected, by his peers, and those he leads!" The elven herdsman was yelling now, "You have skill, and prowess, you could be a great leader, but you are not. Respect, love, is earned not inherited! If you wish to be named successor at Rockloom you need to earn the Following's respect, not demand it! And you do not do that by threatening a grieving mother and her unborn child." He spat at Pakano's feet and stalked from the young huntsman, seething with anger, he felt betrayed, Pakano had been judged overharsh by Wipa, Gol'garath wished to resolve that dispute before the rift between tribesmate's became a chasm. He had come to the arrogant young man as an ally, to console him, to ease him back to the Following, but instead was rebuffed with a childish delusion of petty revenge and jealousy.

For the rest of the night, and the following day as they returned to the main bulk of the Broken Tusks, Gol'garath was uncharacteristically sullen, his eyes often flitting between the group of hunters and Pakano. He listened to Molgaard's discussion of the stripping and preserving of bull moose's body, however, most of the lesson was lost on him as he chastised himself for not, successfully, making a bridge with Pakano, and drawing him back towards the Following.

Out of Character

Free Action:


Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

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