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Chapter 2: Where evil lurks


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"That's quite an... unpleasant sensation," Molgrug complains of the sceptre's magical blast. "Hmm... perhaps the necromantic energies contained within this device are indeed better-suited to some dead fellow than we planar travellers. It might be that such a trade is in our best interests, after all."

He eyes Shillereese's arm with interest - and perhaps a little amusement - as he considers her condition.

"Well, amputation is not the worst outcome," he posits, thoughtfully. "After all, you still have another arm! Why, most of my yagnoloth henchmen only had one good arm and it didn't stop them being entirely adequate goons. I don't think we should be so hasty to rush back to the old dead fellow just because your perfect complexion is under threat."



[URL=/sheets/?id=2794812][B]Molgrug[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, [B]Init:[/B] +2 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16 [B]AC:[/B] 17, [B]Touch:[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 14 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison) [B]Soulmelds:[/B] Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0) [B]Spells:[/B] Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water [B]Special:[/B] None
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, Init: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison)
Soulmelds: Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0)
Spells: Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water
Special: None
Spellcraft to assess magical blast
1d20+15 6
Knowledge (Arcana) to ponder the nature of curses
1d20+9 2
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image.png.6569c8b539de245a476281976ea8cfa6.pngHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)

"Well this is bad on so many levels." Shillareese observes, more or less agreeing with Molgrug.

"What the Expletive Deleted did you get us into now?"Carmine

"Me?" Carmine asserts. "I'm not the one who lost her temper. No, I do not think it was so."

As he speaks, he shakes his arm and tries to release the device.

"Don't give me that Expletive Deleted ! You picked up the Expletive Deleted -Expletive Deleted wand."

"And I had everything under control."

"You Expletive Deleted call this control?"

r8J7J0b.jpg?1"Both of you can just cease this at once." Shillereese takes on a new form.

Half elf, dressed in the scarlet sorceress robes worn by Shillereese, she is a bit shorter than the succubus form. Slender and willowy, rather than buxom and curvy, like Shillereese, but the dress snuggles up to her nicely. Blue eyes review the room of fiends while similarly trying to let go of the scepter.

"Synner." She says, by way of introduction.




Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.

Lost in the weeds most of this morning trying to find a thing. Polymorph and Alternate Form, paraphrased, prevent baleful polymorph under the guideline of if you can change your shape naturally, then you can just revert back to your same shape. I would swear there was a similar guideline about turned to stone.

It is very likely I am either remembering a First Edition Rule, or something from Tunnels and Trolls or Runequest, or one of the many other games I used to play before getting married and no longer having the time or money to play every game as it was published.

But, in the grasping at straws because the RNG hates me state of mind; am hoping to release the thing by reverting to other forms and force the turning to stone affect into reversal -or at least cessation. Maybe get a second chance to save.

Are we using Action Points? Can I use that to make a second save? Momentarily access the Spell Resistance she used to have and throw off the Curse?

Fully admit this is a bit of a reach. But I needed to chose a Special Polymorph form before too much longer anyways. Half of the delay this morning was hunting for a picture I wanted to use.





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As the succubus flips through some of her alter egos, she notes, perhaps with some rising panic, that her claw does not shift with her, at least not grey part wrapped around the sceptre. As such her various mortal forms all look a bit chimeric. Obviously it could be hidden under a robe or blanket but it is a bit of a style cramper. Clearly a polymorph flip book doers not faze the curse.


We are not using action points. The curse is not a polymorph effect, baleful or otherwise. Meanwhile I continue to resist the temptation to have the hand go all evil dead.

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SynnerHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)

"It will grow back, eventually." Synner admits with a pout. "I would prefer to find alternate solutions." 

Crinkling her nose, Synner looks down and examines herself. "This... this one feels different. I don't know what this is, but with my currently limited ability to change myself." She gives her cursed hand a scathing glare. "Maybe it is something from my current situation which is causing this feeling."

"Lah. Road to Hell. Paving. One would rather be discorporated than made part of the décor. I suppose I shall have to speak with the Frozen Throne if I want to sort this out."

"Nizell, you've been naughty." Synner scolds as she moves towards the doorway on her way back to Dash'ken. "Did you understand his conversation in orkish before? Or did you find an alternate means of communicating with Lord Dash'ken?"

As there seems to be little in the way of choices, Synner will return to Dash'ken.



Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.

If everything worked, it wouldn't be called investigating. I needed the excuse/push to choose a third alternate form anyways.

Supposed to do it by Third Level. And, supposing she survives this, one hopes that is coming up soonish.


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"Well, actually," Molgrug begins, that dreaded word and his lecturing tone suggesting he's about to launch into another monologue, "I am quite familiar with a large variety of curses - and in fact not only curses, but all manner of enchantments, hexes, jinxes, afflictions, dweomers, scourges, and maledictions. Why, we yugoloths invented most of them! Now, this particular curse, I'll admit, seems a little unusual, and calls for further study, though my preliminary analysis indicates a transformative nature - evident, to all of you, I am sure, by the discolouration of the flesh and the inability to transform the afflicted limb. Of course, these effects did not begin until after interfering with the sceptre, and are no doubt an unintentional side-effect of the release of necrotic energy which I estimate to have been at around... oh, six or seven Schodoffs in magnitude?

"At any rate, the reversal of such magical curiosities is, in fact, quite a straightforward manner. Why, I have a spell in my spellbook that will do just that, and whilst it may perhaps be challenging for the inept mortals of this world it is hardly taxing for a practiced arcanist - such as, hmm, myself, obviously."


[URL=/sheets/?id=2794812][B]Molgrug[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, [B]Init:[/B] +2 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16 [B]AC:[/B] 17, [B]Touch:[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 14 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison) [B]Soulmelds:[/B] Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0) [B]Spells:[/B] Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water [B]Special:[/B] None
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, Init: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison)
Soulmelds: Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0)
Spells: Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water
Special: None
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Nizell joins Synner on her way back to Dash'ken.

"Apparently he speaks a more languages that he let on originally"

She chuckles again at the hand/arm/claw, tapping it gently with one of her swords.

"And you don't even have any limbs to spare!"

As they enter the room she speaks to Dash'ken and Synner telepathically in Abyssal.

"So Dash'ken your precious sceptre survived the millennia as my friends seem to have almost survived unscathed"

Edited by Grand Poobah (see edit history)
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Shillereese (Synner)

SynnerHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)

Gathering her skirts, Synner returns to the prison of Dash'ken, the Lich and former King.

"One bauble in return for the other." She admits, lifting the cursed arm. "Though it appears the curses upon this thing will require removal before it may be properly handed over."

This, of course, in orkish and projected telepathically to everyone. With the addition of.. "And if we have found a common language,, it would only be polite to continue our discourse for all to enter into conversation."




Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.

What is the language Nizell has been using to speak with Dash'ken?


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The Lich gives a telepathic grunt equivalent perhaps to the shrug his frozen form is incapable of.

Wise not to show all the cards in your hand, especially at the outset

He responds telepathically in Abyssal, continuing:

Step forward, touch the sceptre to the back of my hand gripping the armrest.



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Shillereese (Synner)

SynnerHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)

Having few options at the moment, Synner will sigh with a dramatic heave of décolletage and comply.






Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.

Linger/Dawdle long enough for anyone who wants to be in the room/leave the room have time to do so.


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"Oh, Dasher, you dark horse, you!" Molgrug chuckles. "Looks like you outwitted us there! Not so decrepit as you look, eh? Good to know that even at your age, you can still pull a fast one on a bunch of foolish fiends! Oh, um... not that I'm calling you old or anything... um, you should consider moisturising, though - it does wonders for the skin!"





[URL=/sheets/?id=2794812][B]Molgrug[/B][/URL] [B]Senses:[/B] Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, [B]Init:[/B] +2 [B]HP:[/B] 16/16 [B]AC:[/B] 17, [B]Touch:[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 14 [B]Saves:[/B] Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison) [B]Soulmelds:[/B] Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0) [B]Spells:[/B] Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water [B]Special:[/B] None
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Spot/Listen +7, Init: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17, Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 vs mind-affecting spells, +4 vs poison)
Soulmelds: Mage's Spectacles (1), Lightning Gauntlets (0)
Spells: Command, Resurgence, Obscuring Mist, Sandblast, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Create Water
Special: None
Edited by TheFred (see edit history)
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Power flows from the sceptre into the undead, the touch of the sceptre causing frozen flesh to thaw and be made supple again. After a short time the lich is able to lift its arm up and grasp the sceptre fully, which in turn allows the succubus to release it. A short time after that and the creature is stranding, probably for the first time in millennia.

Sadly Synner notes that while she has her hand back, so to speak, it retains the same grey pallor it had when attached to the sceptre. What ever the lich did does not seem to have fixed the problem completely.

The lich speaks, rather than using telepathy, breath rasping through long unused mouth and lungs.

So you have fulfilled your end of the bargain, I will do mine. You can have all the rooms west of this throne room to the portal at the end, and use this room to contact me in future should you have the need. I can key the portal to your own signatures, or to some inanimate key, your choice. I can also join it to two other locations apart from its current position. However, so much time has passed since I knew the lands above I have no idea what those other locations currently look like.

I shall be spending my time reclaiming the rest of this complex, as the first step of my path.

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Shillereese (Synner)

SynnerHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)

"There is the matter of the bauble of which we previously discussed." Synner interjects. "And perhaps you could undo what has been done to my hand. If it is beyond your power, an explanation of the effect would be most appreciated."






Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.




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Yes, of course

Rasps the lich.

He holds out the shard for one of you to take.

As to what happened to your hand, that is your problem, not mine. The results of rash attempts at utilising my artefacts is your issue. It is a curse, if that helps, one which someone skilled in curse lifting should be able to cure..which is not me, even if I were so inclined.

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Shillereese (Synner)

SynnerHP 19/19  | AC 14 |  Fort 5 - Reflex 6 - Will 11  |  Claw +3 (1d3+1) | Eldritch Blast +5 (1d6)


Synner accepts the shard. "Then I suppose we should let you recover and begin forming your plans of revenge."

She will spend a moment, testing the ability of the cursed hand to move.






Detect Magic is Active

Dark One's Own Luck = +2 Bonus to a single save. Changeable as Standard Action. Currently on Will.


Is the hand usable?

Does anyone else want to say something?


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'The humans that were in search of the shard are still under trial as to their usefulness. Could you elaborate on the power of this shard they deem critical to their plans. We should know this before we even consider giving it to them"


"This gate is already linked to a location are you offering to link to an additional 2 places. All gates return here but from here we choose which of the three locations we go to? "







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