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The illusion of solace as the orange sun fades in the West [GURPS Lite/4e, Old West]


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In short


A grounded but not grim adventure in a fictionalized version of the Old West. The Old West is a land of brigands, outlaws, grifters, entrepreneurs, prospectors, homesteaders, and more - in other words, the folks who through blood and sweat forged Civilization and all that the capital letter entails from the essence primordial. The strings of fate that bind the wanderers of this world have drawn tight. Perhaps a few of you met in a crowded stage crossing the dusty plains, exhaustion and terror of bandits crowding every step of your journey in equal measure. Perhaps it was in the saloon or later in the "drunk tank" in the sheriffs office, or perhaps something different still. But there is work to be done, and you are men and women to do it.

Game status

Currently running. It's been a learning experience for me as a new pbp GM and new-ish to GURPS with several players that are also new to the system. Fun though.


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